Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Orange Rose ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey there all you people. This is just a story I did about the scouts and generals because I think they are just so cute together ^.^. Anyways I'm going to use the Japanese names, and English names in this story. The Japanese names will be used as the more formal names, and the English as nicknames. Except for Raye her Japanese name is her nickname, and her formal name is Raelina okay. Also this fic will mostly focus of Minako and Kunzite.
“ ”- talking
` '- thinking
- change of place
( )- author comment
Italics- flashback
Italics- dream
There is your guide to what symbols mean what. I might use some Japanese in this story, but I'm not sure yet.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot and my OC.
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Once a very long time ago there was an alliance called the silver alliance. The silver alliance consists of every planet except Earth. Once every month every king and queen of the planets Mercury, Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto would come to the moon to discuss planetary matter. The moon wasn't a planet, because it orbited the only planet which wasn't in the alliance Earth. However the moon was elected as the leader of the silver alliance, because its ruler Queen Serenity was the founder, and responsible for the peace that now exists.
You see earlier all the planets were at war, and everything was in chaos. Until one day Queen Serenity created the silver crystal, a crystal with unmatched power, and brought all the planets together. Eventually Queen Serenity had a child, which was a girl, who she named Serenity. Soon every planet had a prince, or princess, and so our story begins.
In a room sat nineteen people around a large white square table. Two people were arguing. One was a tall man with short brown hair, and brown eyes. The other was a man of average height with short red hair and equally red eyes. “We can't allow the earth in the alliance. They had their chance long ago, but refused. So why must we let them in now?” said the man with red hair. “Aries you're not thinking clear. Last time they were asked they refused, but the fact that they are asking now shows that they changed.” Said the man with brown hair. “Zeus give me one good reason as to why we should let them join us. Besides the fact that the alliance is nice, or its our job.” Said Aries.
Everyone was quiet until a woman with ice blue hair, and sky blue eyes spoke. “What about the fact that she came from there.” “You're right Athena. I almost forgot. I guess we can allow them into the alliance.”
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A girl was running through a palace. Here white dress flowing behind her. She ran until she saw a door with the symbol of the planet Mars on top of it. She opened the door, and found four girls sitting inside the room. The room was different shades of red. It had light red curtains, dark red carpets, the bed had a blood red top cover sheet, and the dresser, chair, and all furniture was maroon. Her hair was starting to come out of its odangos, and her cerulean blue eyes expressing her apology to her friends. “I'm so sorry that I was late, but I sort of lost track of time and…” “Enough excuses Serenity. Just say you were late.” Said a girl with long raven hair, and purplish-blue eyes to the girl who was just running a few seconds ago.
“Oh come on Raye don't be so hard on her.” Said a girl with ocean blue hair, who had her sapphire eyes glued to the book in front of her. “Thank you Amy.” Said Serenity.
“So why did you call this meeting Mina.” Said Amy to a girl with long golden hair held together with an orange bow as Serenity took a seat. “Well my mom called me today, and she said that in two days something will happen, but she didn't say what. So I called us hear to see if any of you might know what she was talking about?” Mina said her cornflower blue eyes shinning with curiosity. “No sorry, but I haven't hear anything.” Said Amy “Neither have I.” Said Raye and Serenity.
“Well I got a strange call to from my parents, but they didn't say anything as to what is going to happen. Hey Mina was your mom and dad happy or sad when they talked to you?” Asked a girl who was at least a head taller than all the rest.
She had shoulder length brown hair tied in a ponytail, and emerald eyes. “ No they weren't happy in fact they were sad though they tried to hide it.” Replied Mina to Lita's question. “Well maybe were going to get married or something.” “Oh yeah right Raye like that would happen.” Said Serenity.
“ But if we were getting married who do you think to?” Said Lita. “I don't know, but they better be hot beyond belief.” Replied Mina playing along with Lita. “Hey Amy what kind of guy do you want to marry?” Asked Serenity. Everyone immediately quieted and stared at her waiting for her to reply. “I don't have time for romance.” Said Amy. “Yes you do.” They all replied. “Well how about you serenity. What kind of guy do you like?” Said Amy desperate to get attention away from her. Turns out it worked all the girls waited for her to reply.
“Well he got to be hot, kind, have a great personality, and totally in love with me.” “Yeah don't we all want that?” Said Raye. The girls continued to talk and didn't even notice the shadow of a person out side the door. `You don't know how right you are princess's'
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Five men walk down a long hallway, and enter a study room. It had two bookcases on opposite walls filled with books. (duh) The room had a wooden desk, and a chair with red cushions. The men stepped onto the marble floor and bowed to two figures that were standing in front of the desk. One was a man with short ebony hair and midnight blue eyes. The other was a woman with shoulder length light red hair, and ruby eyes. (I did this cause it's the only way I can think of for Renee to have pink hair and red eyes, because black and blond don't make pink.) The two figures were the king and queen of earth.
“You called for us father.” One of the men said. He looked exactly like the king only younger. “Yes I have something important to tell you. As you may or may not know earth has been accepted into the silver alliance.” Said the king. “Yes father I have heard that, but forgive me for asking what doses that have to do with me?” “Endymion you will be going to visit the moon tomorrow, and will be staying there for a week. You will go to the moon, and meet the moon princess. She is to become your bride.” Endymion was speech less for a minute until he could no longer hold in his anger. “What no way. I never agreed to this. Why do I have to marry some snobby princess who I never meet?” “How could you possibly know she snobby dear, you haven't even meet her.” Said the queen who was quiet until now.
“Who came up with this crazy idea?” Yelled Endymion. “I did, and it's not a crazy idea. Its true the alliance let us in, but I still don't fully trust them. That's why this marriage is necessary. So if they ever attack we have a hostage I guess you could say.” “There is no way I'm going to the moon.” “You are going to the moon even if I have to drag you there myself.” Said the king mad that his son didn't agree with him. “Excuse me for asking this your majesties, but why did you also summon us hear?” Asked another man. This man had long silver hair, and emotionless silver eyes. “Kunzite you and the other generals will be accompanying my son. You will also be meeting your future brides there as well.” All the generals were shocked. “You may leave now.”
The five men bowed, and quickly left the room. “I can't believe were engaged to.” Said a man with short blond hair and Persian blue eyes. “I know what you mean Jadeite.” Said a man with long wavy dark brown hair and cobalt blue eyes called Nephrite. “Well I hope they are beyond belief beautiful, or else we got the short end of the stick I guess you could say.” Said a man with long blond hair a shade darker than Jadeites. He had leaf green eyes. “This is no time to be joking Zoisite.” Said Endymion as he stopped in front of a door. “Well we all better go pack.” Said Jadeite. All the men parted to go to there rooms.
As Endymion opened his door he saw a girl sitting on the edge of his bed. She had long silver hair like Kunzites only hers was tied in a bun. “Who are you and what are you doing in my room?” Endymion asked. The girl stood up and curtsied. “Hello prince Endymion my name is Estrella.” She replied. Endymion looked at her and he realized that her eyes were maroon. He stood quiet and tried to read her, but quickly found out he couldn't. “I just wanted to see the man who would marry my princess that's the only reason why I'm hear. I'll see you tomorrow prince.” With that said the girl disappeared. “What was that all about?” asked Endymion as he stared at the spot the girl stood moments before.
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“You majesty are you sure you should tell them. I mean they will properly be against it you know.” “Yes I know Estrella, but we have to do what's best for the alliance.” Said a women with silver hair done in two odangos, and had blue eyes. “But Queen Serenity I don't think..” “I can't stop this Estrella my daughter will marry the prince of earth.” Just then a knock is hear on the door. “Come in.” Said Queen Serenity. Mina walks in followed by the others. They all curtsey to the queen, and Princess Serenity steps up to speak to her mom. “You called for us mother.” “Yes dear I did. Now would you all please sit down?” They all did as they were told and waited patiently for Queen Serenity to continue. “Queen Serenity there is somewhere else I need to be so if you'll excuse me.” Estrella curtseys and leaves the room.
Silence fills the room for a few minutes until Queen Serenity finally speaks. “I've call you hear to day to tell you of some news that will change your lives.” Everyone listens closely as the queen speaks. “As you know the earth is now a part of the alliance, but the earth doesn't full trust us as we don't fully trust them. So to solve this problem the alliance has arranged a marriage between the moon princess, and the earth prince.” Everyone was silent, and Princess Serenity eyes started to water. “Why did the alliance decide this? It just isn't fair. I wanted to marry out of love not someone I never meet.” Yelled Serenity.
“Serenity give the boy a chance who knows you might fall in love with him at first sight. Now there is still more Princess Ami, Princess Makoto. Princess Raelina, and Princess Minako you all are to be married to the prince of earth generals. You parents have all ready agreed to this marriage. They will be coming hear tomorrow I expect you to be on your best behavior. You all are dismissed.” Said Queen Serenity. After a few minutes everyone got up and left the room. They all headed to Princess Serenity's room. “I can't believe it. I'm engaged to a complete stranger.” Wailed Serenity. “Hey Sere its all right. We are all in the same boat.” “Raye's right, and at least I know what my parents were talking about now.” Stated Mina.
Everyone parted and went to there separate rooms. Minako walks in her room drained of all her energy. `Who knew finding out information like this would make someone so tired.' Thought Minako. “Well I guess I should give him a chance. I just hope he likes me.” Whispered Minako as she went to sleep.
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Well there you have it the first chapter. I know it's a little short and I'll try to make chapter 2 longer, but I'm not making any promises. Until next time.
P.S.: R&R