Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ Protector ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5 - Protector
Rei and Usagi ran in the direction everyone else was running from. They reached the end of the block and could hear the screaming getting louder, there were also fewer people running toward them. They were getting closer. When they turned the corner they were met by a horrifying sight. There were at least a dozen abandoned cars in the street, a couple of which were over-turned and in flames, but that wasn't what sickened the two girls who just arrived. There were several bloodied and mangled bodies lying on the ground. Among the dead lay a young boy who couldn't have been more than five, but still the monsters responsible for this massacre didn't differentiate man, woman, or child.
Usagi felt her stomach retch at the sight before her; she had to will herself not to lose her lunch, a battle that she barely won. The disgusted look on Rei's face gave way to anger as she tried figure out who was responsible for this needless killing. Her amethyst eyes hardened as they found themselves fixated on a group of six youma a short distance down the street. The path they took was clear, as they left nothing but destruction in their wake. Rei quickly pulled out her henshin stick and shouted her transformation phrase.
“Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!”
Usagi quickly swung her head around to look at the girl beside her, but only saw a streak of red zoom by her.
“Rei!” She called, but either she didn't hear her name being called or pretended not to, because she didn't react at all.
Usagi quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out a round device. She pressed a couple buttons before speaking, “We've got trouble on…” Usagi looked around quickly for a street sign, “19th Street, near New Matsuya Pachinko Slots. There are several youma destroying the area! I need everyone here ASAP!” She yelled and put her communicator into her pocket, before grabbing her Crisis Compact and shouting…
“Crisis, Make Up!”
Once fully transformed, she ran after Mars.
`Geez…you could have at least waited for me…' Moon thought as she ran down her girlfriend.
“Fire Soul!”
Mars pointed her hand and the first youma she reached. The fire ball left her hand and flew straight into the back of its target. As soon as the attack connected the creature fell to the ground, drawing the attention of the four others walking near it. The four youma stopped and turned around to see what caused the other among them to end up face first on the ground. Once they'd all turned around their eyes locked with the Senshi of Fire. They stared at each other for a short time before Mars' gaze was drawn to the youma she'd hit with her attack. He was now in the process of getting up. When he stood up fully, he shook his head and patted his back a few times where the fire ball hit, before staring at the Senshi of Flame with a smile on his face. With her attention on one particular youma, another knelt down and slammed its fingers into the concrete, easily piercing the hard ground.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed another youma was doing something, though it looked as though he was simply kneeling, Mars readied herself. “I guess you need something stronger.” She said and held out her right arm. Just as she was preparing to pull back the nearly invisible bow string, she felt the ground beneath her shake and lowered her arm. As soon as she changed from an offensive position, she could hear the kneeling youma say something…
“Foolish girl…”
Mars' eyes widened as she saw the pavement between her feet crack. She immediately performed a back flip to get herself away from her present position. As soon as she was in the air, she saw something shoot out of the ground. When she landed safely back on her feet, she again felt the ground shake, but this time she didn't waste anytime moving. She quickly flipped backwards once more and the same thing happened as it did before, something shot out of the ground. Once more when she touched back down, she could feel the ground moving beneath her. So, again she repeated as she'd done twice before three more times before she was able to land on steady ground.
Finally, given the opportunity to see exactly what was trying to strike at her from the ground, she saw five spear-like objects protruding from the concrete. After a moment, the sharp spikes sunk back into the ground, in reverse of how they appeared, but from where they had come from. Mars watched the youma carefully, but focused on the one kneeling on one knee.
The creature pulled its fingers out of the ground, “That was some good reflexes.”
Mars opened her mouth to say something back, but was cut off by another voice before she could…
“Why did you run off before I could even transform?” Moon asked, finally catching up to her girlfriend.
Mars turned around partially and addressed the Moon Princess, “I knew you'd catch me and I wanted to see what kinds of monsters were responsible to that meaningless slaughter.”
Moon put her hand on Mars' shoulder, “I'm angry too, but we do this together. I already called the others for help and they should be here soon.”
Mars nodded and looked at Moon, “I'm sorry.” She apologized as she stared into the other girl's eyes. After just a few moments though her attention was focused on the group of creatures before them, “It's good you called the others…these guys don't seem to be pushovers.”
Minako sat up quickly and grabbed her communicator from the top of her desk. She listened intently to Usagi's call. When she said her location, she quickly mentally thought out the quickest route to her. Even as she thought about how reach Usagi, and surely Rei as well, she listened to everything else the Moon Princess said, though there wasn't much after her location, aside from her telling everyone to get down there. Once the transmission ended, Minako turned off her communicator and leapt off her bed.
“Looks like I will get to see some action today after all!” Minako announced cheerfully. She looked at Artemis to see his reaction, she frowned when she saw him looked at her warily. “I was just joking.” She explained to the white cat.
“I knew you were…” He replied.
Minako shook her head, knowing differently. “I guess it doesn't matter one way or another, Usagi needs help and I'm not going to keep her waiting.” She said and held her henshin stick above her head…
“Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!”
Fully transformed, Venus looked down at the white cat sitting on her bed, “I'll be going now.” The blond haired warrior said and without another word was out her window.
Artemis watched her leave before sighing, “Some guardian I am.” He said to himself sarcastically.
Both Ami and Makoto stood up together from the love seat they sat on. Makoto quickly turned off the television and grabbed her keys from the coffee table in front of them. Ami took out her mini super computer and quickly typed something into the device, before hurrying after Makoto.
“Where's New Matsuya Pachinko Slots?” Makoto asked Ami as they headed for the front door.
“It's not too far here. It's actually near Mamoru's apartment.” Ami stated.
Makoto quickly opened the door. Both girls exited the apartment and Makoto locked the door afterwards.
“Can your computer zero in on what we might be dealing with? Like how many enemies?” Makoto asked as they reached the side walk.
“Let me give it a shot…” Ami said and quickly typed a number of more buttons on the machine. She paused for a moment and waited for a response. After only a second or two, she got her answer, “It looks like there are five evil energy signatures near Usagi and Rei. A couple of them appear to be quite strong…” She added worriedly.
Makoto cursed silently, “We need to find some place out of the open to transform. It's five on two and if they are working together, it could be trouble for Rei and Usagi if none of us get there in time.”
Ami nodded and quickly scanned the area for a good place from them to transform. “How about behind that building?” Ami asked pointing. She pointed to a nearby bar, “I don't believe they are open yet, so there shouldn't be anyone there to see us.”
“Alright, let's go.” Makoto said and quickly darted toward their destination. Once they arrived behind the building they took a quick look around the area and after finding no one in sight, they took out their henshin sticks.
“Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!”
“Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!”
Jupiter looked at Mercury for a second before saying, “Let's head there full speed, okay?”
Mercury nodded in agreement and in seconds both girls sped off to aid Rei and Usagi.
Haruka and Michiru both stood and took hold of their henshin sticks in their hands. Simultaneously they held the objects above their heads and called out their respective henshin phrases…
“Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!”
“Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!”
“Drive or run?” Uranus asked quickly.
“It's not far from here; we can get there quicker if we run.”
Uranus nodded her head and sprinted out the door, with Neptune following closely behind. They were blocks away from the home in a matter of seconds. After a couple more blocks whizzed by Neptune spoke aloud a question that was on her mind since hearing Usagi's communication. “Do you think this has anything to do with…?” Neptune asked trailing off at the end, fully knowing that her lover would understand what she was talking about.
Uranus shook her head, “I'm not sure, but I'll be damned if I let anything happen to them.”
Hotaru stared at her communicator for a second before looking at the girl sitting beside her, “I've got to go, Rei and Usagi are in trouble.” The dark haired girl leapt down from the futon and before her feet even touched the ground Chibi-Usa called out to her.
“I'm coming with you!”
She had a feeling that was coming, but she was ready to counter the other girl quickly, “No you aren't. I'm not going to take you to a fight.”
Chibi-Usa stood up now and stepped in front of Hotaru, “I thought Mama told you to stay with me. And if you leave without me, I'll follow you.”
“Don't kid around…” Hotaru started to say, but was cut off before finishing.
“I'm not kidding around, I will follow you. So, it would be better to just take me along with you. Besides, I thought you said you could protect me from harm.” The young pink haired girl countered.
“Of course, I'd protect you, but this isn't the same. I'd be taking you to a battlefield, things would be too chaotic and Usagi-san and Rei-san would kill me if I knowingly brought you to a fight especially since you can't transform.” The dark haired girl said and lowered her head.
There was a silence between them for a short time before either girl spoke. Chibi-Usa lowered her head now, as she said, “I need to make sure they're safe.”
Hotaru put her hand on Chibi-Usa's shoulder, causing her to look her in the eyes, “I'll make sure of that. I won't let them get hurt, I promise.” She said and smiled at the end, causing the other girl do the same in return. However, Chibi-Usa's smile lasted a few short seconds before it faded…
“I know you will do your best, but I just…I just…” The pink haired princess bit her lower lip to control her emotions better. She didn't like how she felt about this fight; as soon as she heard her mother's frantic communication she didn't feel good about their fight. She just didn't know how to explain that easily to her new friend. She could feel her eyes fill with unwanted tears, more out of frustration than anything. She lowered her gaze; she didn't want the dark haired girl in front of her to see her like that.
“Fine…” Hotaru whispered quietly, almost so quietly the other girl in the room wasn't entirely sure she'd heard.
Hotaru sighed, `I hope I don't regret this…' she thought to herself before speaking aloud, “I'll take you with me, but there are some conditions you must follow…”
“Of course.” Chibi-Usa said and nodded her head. She quickly wiped her eyes of any lingering wetness and focused on the girl's instructions.
“You have to listen to what I say and you have to promise me you'll stay out of sight.” Hotaru said and looked at pink haired girl seriously.
“I will.”
Hotaru nodded, “Let's get out of here then.” She said and opened the door. “I'll tell Rei-san's grandfather something, so he's aware that we left.”
“Be careful of the green one in the middle, he can do something with his fingers. He seems to be able to extend them a great length, plus they seemed to be quite sharp when he does it.” Mars explained softly. “I'm not sure about the other four, because he was the only to attack me.”
Moon nodded, “The numbers are on their side until the other girls arrive.”
“We don't know how strong any of them are either.” Mars remarked. She paused for a moment before whispering to her girlfriend, “I'm going to see if I can get some information out of them, like what they are doing here and if someone sent them here.”
Mars took a step towards the group of youma, “What are you doing here?” She asked loudly, but was only met with laughter from a couple of the creatures. `How about this?' The raven haired girl thought to herself. “Did someone send you here or are…?” Before she could finish her question she saw one of the youma raising his hand. After a second and ball of blue energy flew towards her and Moon.
“Fire Soul!”
Mars pointed her fingers at the oncoming attack and in a second a ball of fire left her fingers. Mars' attack sped at the youma's attack and in the blink of an eye; the two attacks collided loudly with each other, halfway between the two senshi and the youma. “I guess you guys aren't the talkative types.”
“We have no reason to answer you.” One of the youma said, Mars recognized him being the one to attack a few seconds ago.
“Surround them!” Another youma yelled as Mars had her attention on the bluish colored youma.
As soon as the orders left the youma's mouth, the other four ran to different positions and formed a circle around the two senshi. Mars and Moon stood back to back and observed the youma around them. Both girls watched as each of the youma seemed to be readying an attack.
“Do you have any ideas?” Mars asked Moon quietly.
Sailor Moon smiled momentarily, “One.” She said and took a hold of Mars' hand, “Close your eyes.” She instructed and with her other hand she took hold of her tiara.
“Moon Twilight Flash!”
In seconds the entire area was covered in a bright white light. Moon held Mars' hand tighter and suddenly pulled her as she ran away from their current position. After a couple seconds they stopped and Mars looked over to her girlfriend, with her eyes still closed and said, “Cool, let's try to take out at least one of them before they recover their senses.”
“Who should we attack?” Moon asked.
“Let me see…” Mars said and focused on trying to read youma's aura. `There has to be one that's weaker, even if it's only slightly…' She thought to herself. After a few moments she focused in on one of the creatures, she point at him, “That's the one.”
Moon looked at the youma being pointed at and nodded, “All right.”
“Don't hold back. We need to even these numbers a little.” Mars whispered and quickly prepared her flaming bow in her hands. Sailor Moon summoned her kaleidoscope to her hand and readied her attack as well. “Okay…one…two…three.”
“Mars Flame Sniper!”
“Moon Gorgeous Meditation!”
The two attacks combined as the sailed toward the unsuspecting youma. It only took seconds for the attack to reach to youma and obliterate him almost immediately. At the same time, the light that covered the area began to dissipate. With their wits about them again, the youma looked around for the two senshi.
Mars looked as well to see their combined attack destroyed that youma without a problem. She looked over the shoulder to her girlfriend, “This might be easier than I thought…”
“Mars watch out!” Moon shouted.
Mars turned around and quickly put up her arms defensively in front of herself. She was surprised to feel a strong wind blow past her, yet not feel any attack. She lowered her arms and saw the back of someone in a dark blue senshi fuku.
“You owe me one for that, Mars.” Uranus said and rested her talisman on her shoulder. A dark liquid was dripping off the blade she held. After a couple seconds, she turned around and faced Mars.
The senshi of fire smiled, “Thanks.”
“It looks like we arrived just in time.” Neptune said calmly as she stepped up next to Sailor Moon.
“Thank you for coming so quickly.” The Moon Princess said and looked at the girl now standing beside her.
“There's still three more left and now there's four of us…” Mars started to say, when she was cut off.
“Make that five of us.” A new voice said from behind the quartet of senshi.
Moon turned around and greeted the new arrival, “Venus!”
The senshi of love smiled walked up beside Neptune. “So those are the youma.” She said and focused on the three creatures a short distance from them.
Mars nodded her head slightly, “Yeah, let's take these jerks out!”
“Hey, you weren't going to wait for us?” Asked another new arrival.
Mars smiled and took a quick glance at the brunette and blue haired girl who just arrived, “The more the merrier, Jupiter.” She looked forward again and noticed the three youma becoming impatient, “It looks like these guys are itching to get going again.”
“So, how are we going to do this? Split up into groups?” Venus asked.
“I want the one in the middle.” Mars stated calmly.
“Then Rei and I will fight him. We haven't seen any of the other one's abilities; expect the one in the middle. Does your computer give you any information, Mercury?” Sailor Moon asked and looked to the blue haired girl in their group.
After a couple seconds Mercury shook her head, “Not really, it seems to read all three of them as being very strong, but that's it.”
“Michiru and I can take the one on the left. I don't like the way he's been looking at me.” Uranus said and glared back at the youma.
“I guess that leaves the one on the right to us.” Venus said and looked at Jupiter and Mercury.
“Alright let's do this then…” Mars said and charged at the youma at the center of the group, followed closely by Sailor Moon. In moments, the other senshi ran at the youma that were determined to be their opponents.
Saturn stopped abruptly. Chibi-Usa was so focused as she ran that she barely had enough time to stop. She almost collided with the dark haired girl, but stopped herself just in time.
“This is no good. I'm not getting there fast enough.” The young senshi muttered quietly. Keeping her pace slow enough for the future princess to keep up with was severely hampering her ability to reach Usagi and Rei in a quick fashion. `I need to quicken my pace, but I can't if Chibi-Usa is to keep up with me as well.' She thought about it for a second, before coming up with only one solution. She turned around and looked at her companion.
“I need to go faster.” Saturn stated simply.
As soon as Chibi-Usa heard those words she was about to offer up an argument about why she shouldn't send her back. Before she could say anything she was caught off guard by the request from the senshi before her.
Saturn turned her eyes to the ground as she spoke, “W-Would it be alright if I carry you?” She looked at the other girl for her approval. She immediately noticed the surprised look on the other girl's face, so she quickly explained her reasoning. “I need to speed up, but I can't do that and expect you to keep up with me. I could take you back to the jinja, but that would be counter productive and I already told you I'd take you so…”
“It's alright…you can carry me. This is the fast way you can get to my parents with me, right?” The pink haired girl asked. After a second, Saturn nodded in response. “Then let's do it.”
Saturn nodded once more and stepped closer to the other girl before crouching down in front of her. In one swift movement she picked the future princess up effortlessly and held her firmly against herself `bridal style'.
Chibi-Usa could feel her cheeks warm at the way she was being held. She was also surprised how strong, yet gentle the other girl was. She wasn't much taller than herself and while she didn't look that muscular, she clearly was stronger than she looked. She felt surprisingly comfortable in Saturn arms. She didn't know what to make of that, so she simply chalked it up how protectively the other girl held her.
“Ready?” Saturn asked and looked the girl in her arms. Despite the low light as dusk was settling in, she could clearly see the light pink that adorned her cheeks had become clear shade of red. She didn't give a verbal confirmation, but shook her head affirmatively. “I'm going to go full speed, so prepare yourself…” Saturn cautioned and upon receiving another nod from the girl in her arms, she announced her intention of to begin her full sprint. “Off we go.” Saturn kicked off the ground and in a moment they were zooming past everything around them. Cars seemed to be standing still as they didn't even come close to matching the Sailor Senshi's speed.
At first the movement was jarring to Chibi-Usa's senses. She couldn't remember ever moving this fast in her life. She'd been carried by her mother before in her transformed stated, but she was never running a full speed. It was a rush but also a little frightening. She unconsciously felt herself grab Saturn's arm tightly.
“I'm not going to let you go.”
The pink haired girl took a deep breath when she heard the other girl's reassuring words. As she released her long breath she felt more at ease. She closed her eyes and relaxed into the Senshi of death and rebirth.
Both Uranus and Neptune stopped short of reaching their target and held their hands above their heads.
“World Shaking!”
“Deep Submerge!”
They watched as their attacks both flew toward the youma, but still he didn't make much of an effort to move. Just before he was hit he raised his hand up. Instead of destroying him, the attacks just disappeared. He had his hands closed and looked a little strained for a minute, before a smile crossed his lips. He opened his hands and in that instant, two blast of energy left his hands, one yellow and one blue. The two senshi quickly split up and leapt away from the oncoming attack.
“That felt like our attacks.” Neptune said as she looked over to her lover.
Uranus nodded, “I felt that too.” She said and paused for a moment, “Let's do this another way then. If he's going to return our attacks, we'll just need to beat him into submission.” Neptune nodded in return and the two senshi again charged the youma with the intention of fighting him in hand to hand combat.
Moon and Mars stopped in front of their opponent. Mars looked at her girlfriend for a second, “Don't forget to beware of his hands.”
The Moon Princess nodded at the warning. “So what's our plan?”
“I'm going to distract him from the front, while you get behind him and attack him from there.” Mars explained.
Sailor Moon looked at the raven haired girl hesitantly, clearly not entirely liking the `plan'. “That would mean you'd draw all of his attention.”
Mars smiled and took the other girl's hand in her own, “Don't worry, I've fought tougher guys than him. This'll be cinch.” The raven haired girl assured her girlfriend. She squeezed her hand gently before releasing it and charging the youma.
The blond haired senshi shook her head slightly as she ran to flank the youma, `I don't doubt your confidence…' she thought to herself as she watched Mars out of the corner of her eye as she continue to head to a position behind the youma. She just landed a clean blow to the side of the creature's head, sending him staggering a little. She tried to kick him in the chest, but the youma blocked her attack with his arm. Moon came to a stop and grabbed a hold of her tiara. She saw the youma rear back his fist, it was then she took the golden object off her head.
“Moon Tiara Magic!”
Moon called out her attack and threw the glowing disk like a frisbee. The disk flew true to her aim and sliced across the back of the youma. The injury was by no means a mortal blow, but it certainly appeared to be painful, as the youma quickly dropped to his knees and grabbed his back.
The youma looked over his shoulder to the senshi responsible for the wound on his back, “Why you little…”
“Keep your eyes on me.” Mars said and quickly pointed her fingers at the youma's face.
“Fire Soul!”
The ball of fire left her fingertips in seconds and struck the creature in the face before he could even offer up a defense. Mars jumped back a little to avoid any friendly fire from her own attack. She could feel Moon step up next to her, “Is he finished?”
“I doubt it…” Mars began saying when she saw a ball of red energy sailing toward them. She put up her hand to fire her own attack to counter the other, when someone yelled something behind her.
“Silence Wall!”
The two senshi looked behind them to see, the youngest senshi holding her glaive above her head, creating a dome of black energy. The youma in front of them looked confused by the barrier stopping his attack. He lowered his hand and kicked the barrier, but that didn't accomplish anything as he felt his foot being pushed back.
“Saturn, I thought you were going to stay at the shrine.” Mars asked.
“I thought I might be needed here.” Saturn said quietly.
“That didn't come out how I wanted it to…” The senshi of fire said and sighed.
Moon stepped up to her girlfriend and put her hand on her shoulder, “I think Rei was trying to say that she's glad you're here, but what about Chibi-Usa.”
“Well, she's…”
“That dome is annoying…” The youma said and couched down.
Mars' eyes widened, she'd seen that stance before. “Lower your shield! I won't let this bastard have his way again.”
Saturn lowered her Silence Glaive and lowered the barrier around them at the same time. The senshi of death and rebirth watched Mars charge the youma, with Moon following closely. `It doesn't appear they need my help.' She thought and looked at the other fights going on. After a moment, she ran over to join her foster parents in their fight.
Atop one of the taller buildings lining the street above the battle stood a tall figure, whose appearance was that of a very shady individual. The figure was hidden almost completely beneath a cloak, though his face wasn't covered. He leaned over the edge of the building and focused his attention on the newest arrival.
“I don't believe I'm familiar with that one.” He remarked to himself quietly.
He'd done surveillance of palace from time to time and had seen all present except for the girl that just showed up. He doubted it before, but was now sure after watching them since the fight began, the blond with pig tails who Mars referred to as Sailor Moon, was indeed Queen Serenity. This perplexed him, but that accounted for everyone expect for the brat's guardians, but he didn't expect to see them. He stared intently at the dark haired girl, but shook his head a short time latter. “I'll have to ask Heliodor about her…”
“Let's see what this thing can take…” Venus said and pointed two fingers at him.
“Crescent Beam!”
He didn't make any attempt to dodge and the three senshi didn't know if that meant he was crazy or he was planning something. They got their answer within a couple seconds as he held up his hand, his palm wide open, and took the concentrated energy beam in his hand. However, something strange happened then, because instead of the attack burning a hole through his hand, the beam changed direction and harmlessly struck the ground to his right.
“Mercury, what the heck was that?” The blond haired warrior asked her friend over her shoulder.
The blue haired genius quickly began typing on her computer, “I don't know….it appears that he emitted some kind of repulsive energy from his hand.”
“How about this then?” Jupiter asked and ran up to the youma and threw a right hook at his face. He ducked the attempted strike, but Jupiter followed her first attack with a quick open palm uppercut to the monster chin. He wasn't able to dodge this blow and took it full force. He staggered back and nearly lost his balance until he grabbed the senshi's arm in front of him. As soon as he regained his stability, he pulled the brunette's arm and brought her closer, before quickly clothes-lining her to the ground.
“Jupiter!” Mercury yelled and ran over to aid her girlfriend.
“Shabon Spray!”
A cold mist surrounded the youma, as well as left him in near zero visibility. Both Venus and Mercury to this opening to help Jupiter to safety, they ran over and grabbed the senshi of nature. They helped her get a short distance away before Jupiter spoke.
The brunette, “I'm fine.” She said and wiped her mouth with her hand, she looked her glove for moment and saw a streak of on the normally white glove, “He's not too shabby at close combat either…”
“There's no way he can repel all three of our attacks at once. He only has two hands.” Venus stated and looked at her friends, who nodded in agreement.
“Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
“Mercury Aqua Mirage!”
The three attacks sailed at the creature, each on target. As expected, the youma held out his hands and was able to direct both Venus' and Mercury's attack away from himself, but was struck by Jupiter's attack. The electrified leafs pierced him in several areas, though nowhere looked to be fatal. He remained standing initially, but soon he dropped to a knee. Mercury's attack was directed a short distance away, though out of harms way. Venus' attack however, sailed into a nearby building, hitting it near the roof line. Several pieces of brick and concrete fell from the building as Venus' attack struck it. As the bricks made their way the ground a scream could be heard near the building, followed by a pink haired girl jumping away from the debris, on to the street. She got everyone's attention as soon as she stood up and revealed who she was.
“Chibi-Usa!” Saturn yelled as she saw the girl barely escape the dangerous rain of rocks. She tried to move to the girl, but youma that she and her fellow outer soldiers were fighting held out his arm stopping her. “Get out of my way!” She yelled and spun her Silence Glaive in her hand for a second before slashing at the youma's arm. He quickly with drew his arm before it could be sliced off, but he didn't come away unscathed. While he didn't lose his arm, he did receive a vicious cut to his bicep which seemed to render that arm useless anyway.
“What are you…?” Moon started to ask, but before she finished her question, the youma she and Mars were fighting suddenly disappeared. Both girls looked around to see where he went. In what seemed like just a few seconds, the youma appeared near Chibi-Usa. The future princess stared wide-eyed at the youma looming over her. The bulky creature grabbed her arm before she had a chance to run.
He bent down and whispered, “I think I recognize you…”
Chibi-Usa's eyes widened and she tried to free her arm, “Let me go!”
“Get away from her!” Sailor Moon yelled at youma, drawing the attention of the other senshi. Mars ran at the youma, but she was far from the closest senshi to Chibi-Usa at the moment.
Saturn saw the youma grab the Chibi-Usa and glared at the creature. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran to the girl's defense, leaving Uranus and Neptune. She could see out of corner of her eye that Mars was on her way too, but she was closer and she'd be damned if she let anything happen to her after she was the one that brought her to this battle despite her misgivings. She charged ahead harder and in moments she reached them. She jumped into the air and held her Silence Glaive above her head, having every intention of slicing off the youma arm.
The youma heard movement to his left and one of warriors coming at him with their weapon. He quickly let go of the pink haired girl's arm before his arm could be severed. “Get out of my way, girl!”
Saturn pulled her glaive out of the ground and stood protectively in of the future princess. Even with her standing there, she could see the youma extending its hand toward the pink haired girl again. She held her weapon defensively in front of herself, blocking the youma's hand with the pole of her Silence Glaive. “Who do you think you're going after?!” Saturn yelled and held the pole more firmly as she felt the creature trying to push her back.
Mars' eyes widened at the position the youma had the younger senshi in without her even knowing it, “Saturn, watch out for his…!” Before Mars could finish her warning, her fears were realized.
Everyone looked on horror as the youma's fingers suddenly extended and pierced the young senshi in the chest.
“Saturn!” The group of senshi yelled together.
Mars quickly manifested her flaming bow in her hands and let loose her strongest attack…
“Mars Flame Sniper!”
As soon as Mars called out her attack another was called out moments later…
“Space Sword Blaster!”
Mars' attack tore threw the youma's hand that were still imbedded in Saturn's, separating her from the creature. While Uranus attack shredded what was left of the youma's arm. The youma fell to the ground holding what was left of its arm. The tall blond haired senshi looked back at Neptune and saw her holding her talisman and the youma they had been battling, fall to the ground. “Sailor Moon, finish off this creep!” Uranus called.
Moon stepped even with Mars and nodded before summoning her kaleidoscope to her hand again. She thrust the object forward, toward the youma, and called out her attack.
“Moon Gorgeous Meditation!”
Moon's attacked left her kaleidoscope and hit the youma almost instantly. Seconds after taking her strongest attack, the youma was reduced to nothing more than dust.
“Damn it, we can't be stuck fighting this guy while there's real trouble over there…” Venus said and held her hand above her head.
“Venus Wink Chain Sword!”
Venus gripped the blade's handle tightly and sped at the youma they were engaged with. Youma smiled at her as she charged and she could hear Jupiter and Mercury questioning her actions, but she knew what she was doing. “I know you can deflect energy attacks, but you won't be able to deflect this!” She said and raised her sword above her head.
“Foolish girl, just try it!” The youma said proudly and held his hand above his head, readying to block her attack.
Venus continued to charge with her sword above her head. When she was just a little more than an arm's length away, she quickly changed the position of her sword and in the same motion slashed the blade across the youma's exposed midsection. He immediately hunched over and held his stomach, trying to steam the blood flow.
“Jupiter! Mercury! Finish this thing off!”
Both girls looked a little surprised at first, but quickly came to their senses and called out their attacks.
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
The two attacks struck the youma simultaneously. Without being able to use his hands to deflect their attacks, they consumed him, leaving nothing but dust behind.
“H-Hotaru…?” Chibi-Usa asked the other girl's name cautiously.
Saturn dropped to her knees and dropped her Silence Glaive on the ground. She hunched forward and braced herself with her left arm. She attempted to reach up to remove the monster's hand with her free hand, but felt a tingling sensation in her arm. She stared at her limb and almost laughed at her misfortunes, “Poison…in its fingers…” She grimaced as she forced her arm to reach up. She shut her eyes and grabbed what was left of the youma's hand before quickly removing it and tossing it to the side. As soon as she threw the hand away she slumped forward towards the ground.
Chibi-Usa ran up behind the dark haired and grabbed her, preventing her from hitting the ground. As soon as her hands touched Saturn's chest, she felt a slick and warm liquid. She pulled one of her hand away, but continued to support her with the other. She looked at her free hand and gasped horror…blood. She quickly laid the girl on her back and looked around from help, “Mama, where are you?!” She looked back at new friend and saw she was no longer transformed and was now breathing heavily. It was moments later when she found them to be surrounded by all the senshi.
Chibi-Usa could see Mercury furiously typing on her computer, “She said there was poison in the youma's hand before she…”
After a few seconds Mercury spoke, confirming what was just said, “She's right. There's a very potent poison attacking her body right now.”
“Heal her Mama! You have to heal her!” Chibi-Usa called over her shoulder to Sailor Moon.
Moon looked surprised by the younger girl's request. She'd never healed anyone before, but what choice did she have? Saturn was always the one to heal everyone's injuries, but now she was in need of healing. Moon nodded, “I'll try, but I don't really know what to do.” She admitted.
“The Ginzuishou.” Chibi-Usa said quickly drawing everyone's attention. “I don't really know how…I've seen you do it once…but I know you can do it!”
`The Ginzuishou…' Moon thought and placed her left hand over her compact. She tried to hold it firmly, but her hand still shook against her will. She paused for a moment when she felt a hand covering her free one. She looked to her left and saw Mars smiling back at her.
“You can do this.” Mars told her confidently and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Remember, I told you your mother did something similar for me before.”
Moon smiled back, until she heard Hotaru moan. She took a deep breath and opened the compact on her chest, undoing her transformation. `Please Ginzuishou give me a little help here…' She said in her mind to the crystal. The crystal shone bright after her silent request and she held her hands over her injured friend. She stayed like that for a short time, before the light faded and Usagi dropped her arms tiredly. Mars, who remained next to her the entire time, put her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders and supported her.
“You did good.” Mars whispered and smiled at her love. No sooner had the words left her mouth then signs of life returned to Hotaru.
Cough Cough
“Hotaru!” Chibi-Usa called to the young teen.
She coughed a couple more times, before slowly opening her eyes. Hotaru slowly reached up and touched her chest carefully. As soon as she touched herself, she could tell that she'd somehow been healed. Her wounds were closed, though she still felt like hell.
“We should take her to a hospital to make sure…” Michiru began to say but was interrupted by a hand on her arm.
“It's alright…I'm fine. I can heal myself…” Hotaru said quietly as she tried to sit up, but felt a hand gently, but firmly holding her down.
“Don't move yet.” Haruka said quietly.
Ami closed her mini computer and looked at the injured girl, “While I don't doubt you can probably heal yourself, I think it'd be a better idea to relax and not stress your body further.” She said seriously.
“Yeah, Usagi wore herself out just healing you this far.” Makoto said and gestured over to the blonde leaning heavily on Rei.
Hotaru's eyes focused on Usagi, “Usagi-san…did…”
The Moon Princess smiled warmly as she met the younger girl's eyes, “I'm glad…I was able to…help you, Hotaru-chan.”
Rei tightened her hold on her girlfriend slightly before saying, “You gave all of us quite a scary.”
The avatar of Saturn closed eyes for a second, “I'm sorry.”
“I think we're all just relieved that you're okay.” Minako said, speaking for the group.
“Is Chibi-Usa…?” Hotaru asked softly.
“I'm fine.” The pink haired girl said to her left quietly. Hotaru looked over to the other girl and inspected her for herself before nodding ever so slightly. Chibi-Usa lowered her head, “Thank you for saving me.” She whispered to the other girl.
“Let's get you looked at by a doctor.” Haruka said and quickly crouched down and lifted up the smaller girl easily. Everyone began to follow after the tall blond as soon as she started walking away from the scene.
“Minatoku Hospital isn't very far and my mother's on working tonight, so we should be able to get in fast.” Ami said, pointing the direction of the hospital.
Rei was about to pick up Usagi, when she shook her head, “I should be okay to walk. I don't want them to think they have two patients to attend to.”
Rei nodded and looked to her left to see Chibi-Usa, still sitting on the ground, “We'll get left behind if we don't get a move on.” The raven haired priestess sighed when the only reply she got was a slow nod of her head. “It's not your fault.” Those words made the other girl look at her, “I know that sounds hollow, but it's true. I would have done the same thing. As would Usagi.” Rei laughed a little as she said, “I think it's hardwired into our brains to protect those we care about, even if that means we end up hurt in the process.”
“If could transform…”
“There's no good that will come of thinking of what-ifs. Believe me.” Usagi said and looked down for moment before adding, “I know from experience how you are feeling right now, but Rei is right. What happened to Hotaru isn't your fault.”
“But if I didn't insist on coming here…”
Usagi cut off her daughter before she could finish, “If you weren't here, Hotaru could have been hurt protecting me or Rei or Haruka or Michiru or anyone else here. What you should focus on is because you were here; you told me how to help her. If you wouldn't have been here something far worse could have happened.” Usagi stood up with the help of Rei and walked over to pink haired `teen' and offered her hand, “Come on, I'm sure Hotaru is wondering why you aren't with everyone else and I'm sure she wouldn't want you blaming yourself.”
Chibi-Usa smiled a little and took her mother's hand. Once she was standing all three girls began to slowly catch up the rest of their group.
End Ch. 5
Well, that's it for this chapter. There wasn't a great deal of story progression, but that is usually the case in chapters with fighting. I didn't write anywhere near as much fighting as I originally intended. When I reread everything, the fights did seemed a bit weird because of that, I think. I didn't want to drag the fights on, but I don't know. If anyone has any comment with regard to this, I'd really like to hear other people's thoughts. Did the fights seem too rushed? Should I have added more detail? Sigh This is how they'll be for now at least, that much I do know.
As usually leave a review if you have the time and something to say or ask, I'll do my best to reply to them as soon as I can. So until chapter six : )