Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ Misunderstandings and Confusion ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just a forewarning, this is kind of a talky chapter (though not as long as usual)…

Chapter 7 - Misunderstandings and Confusion

Chibi-Usa whimpered quietly as she shifted on the less than comfortable hospital recliner. She curled herself up tighter, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position, but wasn't having any luck. A realization hit the `young' girl; she wasn't likely to get any more restful shut eye in her current situation. `I may as well get up.' She thought to herself and stretched her arms and legs as best she could. Cracking her eyes open, she found herself facing the window. It was still fairly early because the sun hadn't risen, though it didn't look like it was that far off.

“Good morning.”

The pink haired girl turned over and looked at the hospital bed with a smile, “How are you doing?”

“Good. I'm only a little sore, but nothing too bad.” Hotaru said and wore a smile of her own.

Chibi-Usa lowered her head somewhat as she said, “I'm glad.”

Hotaru frowned as she observed the other girl. “What's wrong?” She asked and paused to wait for a response but when she didn't receive one after a few moments, she spoke up again. “I'm not lying, if you're thinking that. I really am fine, I promise…”

Chibi-Usa sat up quickly and looked at the senshi, “That's not it!” She said interrupting the other girl.

Hotaru blinked several times before staring intently at the girl across from her. As their eyes met the future Princess found herself flustered. Her companion's regalia eyes seemed to look straight into her…they reminded her of her mother's eyes. She didn't know if the other girl had any abilities like her mother, since she never asked, but she did know her eyes staring at her like they were, made her feel exposed. Once again she found her gaze lowered, but for a different reason than before.

The dark haired girl sighed to herself, she didn't know what was wrong, but she knew something was bothering the other girl. `If she isn't going to say anything…' She thought and threw the blanket off of herself. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, wincing slightly as she accidently pulled on the IV drip. The sharp intake of breath didn't go unnoticed, because it drew Chibi-Usa's attention back to her.

The pink haired girl got up from her recliner and hurriedly stood in front of Hotaru, “What are you doing?!”

The youngest senshi looked up, “Well, I was going to get up and make you look at me. Make you talk to me.” She said causing the other girl to take a step back. Hotaru watched her carefully; she bit her lower lip slightly and seemed to be debating with herself about what to do. `She just needs another little push.' Hotaru thought before saying, “Please. I know something is bothering you, so please just talk to me.” Hotaru reached out to the other girl before she was out of her reach and grabbed her hand, “Please.”

Chibi-Usa looked at her new friend with wide eyes but didn't try to pull away from the dark haired girl's hold. She did find herself lowering her gaze once again though before saying, “I'm sorry for getting you hurt.”

Hotaru shook her head, “What are you apologizing for? Getting injuries is par for the course when it comes to being a Sailor Senshi.”

The future Princess looked up quickly, “I'm the reason you got hurt though. I insisted on going and you were hurt protecting me.”

“Nonsense, I could have been hurt whether I took you or not. Besides, it was still my choice to take you along.” Hotaru pointed out.

“I didn't really give you much choice though…”

Hotaru smiled slightly, “That's true, but my previous point still stands and even if you try to discount that somehow, I made a promise to protect you and I take my promises very seriously.” She said the last part somewhat jokingly, though they were words she honestly meant.

Chibi-Usa nodded her head, “Ok. I just wanted you to know that I was sorry.”

The girl sitting on the hospital bed shook head, “There's nothing you need to apologize for, okay?” She said causing her companion to nod in response. The room grew silent for a time before Hotaru realized she was still holding on to the pink haired girl's hand. She quickly let it go and mumbled an apology. “Sorry…”

Chibi-Usa smiled, “It's fine, I didn't mind.” She said and sat down on the hospital bed a short distance away from Hotaru.

Youngest senshi could feel her cheeks warm at the other girl's comment. She turned away from the pink haired girl and looked the saline solution drip into the IV line, hoping to avoid any embarrassment. Thankfully her actions didn't seem to raise suspicion because she wasn't questioned.

“Where are Haruka-san and Michiru-san?”

“Oh, they went to get some coffee, they shouldn't be gone too much longer.” Hotaru said and looked back to the other girl, happy for the change of topic.

Chibi-Usa leaned forward and placed her hand over Hotaru's forehead, “Are you running a fever? You look a little flushed.”

Hotaru silently cursed her pale skin for betraying her. She took her friend's hand in her own again and brought it away from her face, “Maybe a small one, but it's no problem.” She lied without skipping a beat. The future Princess looked like she was going to say something when her attention was drawn to the door. The door slowly opened and in walked Haruka and Michiru. Chibi-Usa slipped off the hospital bed and greeted the two women.

The avatar of Saturn watched the three women, but despite her best efforts she found her eyes drawn to the pink haired girl. She'd resolved to learning about this girl and she had every intention of doing just that. `If I can get her to open up to me a little bit at a time, maybe eventually she'll trust me enough to tell me everything…'


Rei sat up and yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. She pulled her covers off and got up from her futon. The raven haired girl padded over to her closet and pulled out her school uniform. She looked over the familiar outfit and sighed, `I wish I could go to Usagi's school…' she thought and walked over her dresser to grab a set of bra and panties. Once she had the desired garments, she left her room to take a shower. She entered the bathroom and put her clothes aside to get undressed. `I wonder if I talked to Jii-chan he'd speak with father about transferring for high school…' She shook her head at the thought. `Like father would give a damn about what I want…'

Rei finished her shower and got dressed before applying her makeup. She headed back to her room and collected her backpack. She made her way to her door again and looked back in her room to make sure she didn't forget anything. After a moment she turned and left her room, making her way over the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before going to school. The young miko entered the kitchen and saw Yuuichirou with his head inside the refrigerator. She placed her backpack down near the table without a sound before heading over to the cabinet near the fridge. As soon as she opened the door and grabbed a bowl, she saw out of the corner of her eye the man in to fridge jump back and close the fridge hastily. The raven haired girl held her bowl as she watched her grandfather's assistant nearly jumped out of his skin.

“Is there something wrong, Yuuichirou?” Rei asked as she continued to stare at him with a confused expression.

He shook his head, “N-Nothing's wrong.”

“Okay…so why are you so jumpy then?”

“You just surprised me, that's all.” The scruffy looking man said and opened the bottle of water in his hand, taking a healthy gulp afterwards.

Rei still looked at him strangely, but continued what she was doing before their interaction. She opened another cabinet and pulled out a box of cereal. She poured its contents into her bowl and put the box back. She turned to the fridge and noticed Yuuichirou was surprising still there, so against her better judgment she continued their strange conversion, “Umm…well I do this most days I attend school and I usually grab something to eat before going, so it's not that unusual that I'd be in the kitchen right now.”

The young man nodded his head slowly, “Yeah, of course.”

Rei opened the fridge and poured some milk in to the bowl, “You're sure there's nothing wrong?” She asked and looked back to her companion as she put the milk back and shut the fridge.

He nodded his head, but paused for a second before asking, “Actually, I do have a question. Why did Usagi's cousin stay the night the other day?”

Rei was walking over to another drawer to grab a spoon when Yuuichirou asked his question, causing her to pause for a moment, not entirely expecting that question. She quickly recovered and resumed what she was doing initially, grabbing a spoon as she questioned back, “Why are you asking?”

“I-I just thought it was strange that she didn't stay with U-Usagi.” He said, faltering somewhat as he spoke.

Rei took a seat at the table in the room and eyed the man across the room. “I don't know what it really matters, but she came in late and didn't want to impose on Usagi's family on such short notice.”

Yuuichirou opened his mouth as though he was going to say something more, but closed it before uttering a word. He simply shook his head and started to walk out of the room. As he reached to the room's exit he paused for a moment, “I hope it was worth it.”

Rei stared at the man as though he'd grown two heads, but before she could say anything he was gone. When her brain finally began functioning normally, her mouth finally communicated her thoughts, “What??”



A few moments after the polite knocking on the hospital door, Dr. Mizuno stepped into Hotaru's room. The doctor approached Hotaru and smiled, “I see you're awake. How do you feel?”

Haruka and Michiru stepped around to the other side of the bed and motioned for Chibi-Usa to follow, which she did.

Hotaru smiled as she spoke, “I'm doing fine.” She eyed the older woman as she stepped up to the bed with a chart in her hands.

Mizuno-san nodded her and glanced at the clipboard she held, “Well your bp and temperature are normal, so I don't see any reason why I shouldn't discharge you.”

Hotaru smiled at hearing that news, “Thank you for taking care of me, Mizuno-san.”

The doctor shook her head, “It was nothing. Just do me a favor and don't make it habit of coming here.”

“I'll do my best.”

Ami mother nodded and looked over to Haruka and Michiru, “I'll need someone to sign a few papers to release her.”

Michiru stepped forward, “I can do that.”

Mizuno-san nodded once more and motioned for the blue haired woman to follow her, “Right this way then please.”

The avatar of Neptune followed the doctor as she made her way to the room's exit. Haruka looked at the other two girls, “I'll join Michiru. I'll be back in a few moments.” Both girls nodded and in a few moments they were alone again.

Hotaru glanced at the girl in front of her; she looked to be lost in her own thoughts. `I wish I knew what she was thinking…' she thought to herself. Of course she could always just ask, but she didn't want to be too direct and beside even if she asked her, there was no telling whether or not she would be truthful and she didn't know the girl before her well enough to accurately gauge her sincerity. Then again she had to start somewhere and she knew Haruka's real reason for leaving the two of them alone was to give her more time with Chibi-Usa. `I really do want to know everything I can about her…for more reasons than I let on to Haruka and Michiru.' She thought when the pink haired girl's voice brought her back to reality.

“I'm sure you're glad that you are being released.”

“Oh…I am. I didn't think she'd have any reason to keep me here any longer anyway.” Hotaru said, recovering quickly. The other girl smiled when she heard her response. After a few more seconds of silence, she decided to see how the other girl would respond to a question that was one her mind since she arrived. “Can I ask you about something?”

Chibi-Usa nodded and stepped in front the dark haired girl, “Of course you can.”

Hotaru took a deep breath, “You said you've never come to past before, right?”

Chibi-Usa stared at the other girl, unsure as to how to respond. `I already told her that, so why would she bring it up again?'

“I'm sorry; I don't mean to ask you anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Hotaru backtracked when she saw her companion's reaction.

She bit her lip softly, “No, it's just…I already told you, do you not believe me?” she asked, sounding a little hurt.

“No, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I do believe you. I just wanted to find out more about how you traveled here.” Hotaru said quickly.

“Oh…sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I just…I'm sorry.” Chibi-Usa said and quickly lowered her head in embarrassment.

Hotaru reached forward and touched her friend's arm, drawing her attention back to her, “No, it's my fault for starting the way I did.” She said and dropped her hand onto her lap. She shook her head slightly before continuing, “I just didn't want to just blurt out the question and have you take it the wrong way, but I guess that didn't really work out how I was hoping either…” The dark haired girl sighed. “I'm sorry if this is something you'd rather not…” Hotaru was surprised to feel a pair of hands covering her own, prompting her to look at her companion with widened eyes.

“I'm sorry. It really is my fault, not yours. Rei-mama has told me for the longest time to not just use my ears when someone is talking, but to also feel their intent. Or rather their aura, it tells you much more than their words do. I'm not as adapt as my mother, but can I feel only your curiosity.” Chibi-Usa smiled her reassurance to her new found friend. She didn't think the other girl could read her aura, but if she could, she knew that she'd feel the same thing she could feel from the other girl. She released Hotaru's hands and stepped back until her feet touched the recliner. She sat down and grew more serious as she said, “But as for your question, I don't really understand how I came here. I remember passing through a large set of double doors and the next thing I knew, I was here.”

“A large gate….” Hotaru said quietly, causing the future Princess to nod her head. `She used the same path as Pluto then. Does that mean she's alive in the future? But if she is, why hasn't she returned to us?'

Chibi-Usa watched as the other girl became absorbed in her own thoughts, but that caused her to wonder as well. “Do you know something about time travel?”

This time Hotaru nodded, “Yes. There is a system of gates to the past, the present, and the future. You passed through the gate to the past. My understanding is that each primary gate has a network of gates that link to critical points in that time…”

“Only one gate appeared before me. There were no others.” Chibi-Usa said interrupting the other girl.

“Hmm..there's really only one person that would be able to completely explain that, the senshi who governs over time, Sailor Pluto.” Hotaru said and paused for a moment before adding, “The only problem is, she lost her life in a battle shortly before you arrived.”

“Was her star seed destroyed?” Chibi-Usa asked as soon as the words left her friends mouth.

Hotaru stared at her curiously, “What do you mean?”

“Her star seed…her essence…her soul. Mama said all of us with eternal star seeds cannot die unless our star seed is destroyed. We will always be revived again either through reincarnation or through the Ginzuishou.” The pink haired girl explained.

Hotaru nodded, “I see. Then I guess it's only a matter of time before she returns.”

Chibi-Usa smiled, happy that she could ease her friend's worries. Their current conversation brought an idea to her mind, “Since I answered your question, I want you to answer one of mine.”

The avatar of Saturn looked taken aback by the question, but she did her best to not let it show. “Sure, it's only fair.”

She nodded, “The girl you remember, did she act very different than me?”

Again Hotaru found herself taken by surprise. “W-Well I'd hate to say this but I'm at a bit of a disadvantage because I haven't spent nearly as much time with you as I did with her.”

Chibi-Usa nodded slowly, “Then if I asked, do I act different than her?”

Hotaru took a deep breath, she didn't want throw a wedge into the friendship they were forming, but it wouldn't be right to not be honest either. After another deep breath she said, “Yes.”

She hoped she wouldn't regret continuing this line of questioning, but she couldn't help herself, “How? How do I act differently?”

“You aren't as impulsive, though you do have your impulsive moments, so I guess that may not be true. You're quieter, more introspective than the girl I remember. In many respects you are more mature, at least from what I've seen. Even though you can't transform, you have the ability read other's auras, but I think all of that is really more of Rei's influence showing through than…” Hotaru was stopped short when she heard the door open, followed by her guardians entering with a nurse.

“I'll be removing your IV. Afterwards you can get dressed and you'll be free to go.” The young nurse, whose id read `Kana', said with a smile.

“Thank you. I'm more than ready to leave.” Hotaru said and held out her arm that IV drip was connected to.

Idle chatter continued between Hotaru and the nurse as well as her two guardians, but Chibi-Usa remained silent. The pink haired girl was too focused on how Hotaru was going to finish that sentence. She'd have to continue their talk again sometime soon.


School was the usually tedium at Azabu JÅ«ban Junior High. There was a `surprise' test in English; though Ami said they were told about it earlier in the week. All Usagi knew was the test was a surprise to her and she was sure she performed horribly on it as well. Usagi smiled when the bell toned to indicate the end to another period, this time however it meant the start of her favorite part of the school day, lunch.

Usagi's ears caught two of her friends discussing a grocery list and her smile widened. `I guess it's tonight for the formal introductions.' She thought when her thoughts traveled over to her own relationship. While Rei and her hadn't spent much time around her parents since they got together, they had spent a lot around Rei's grandfather. She knew the longer time went on, the harder it would be to keep their feelings from showing through to their loved ones. It was hard enough already to keep herself in check around Rei's grandfather.

She found herself comparing the differences in her feelings for Mamoru and Rei, even though she didn't really intend for that to happen. She loved Mamoru, there was no doubt in her mind about that, but the intensity doesn't compare. There's a `pull' that she feels with Rei that she didn't feel with Mamoru, though that seems to make the time they don't spend together more difficult…

“It's a nice day out, let's have lunch outside.” Makoto announced over her shoulder to her two blond friends.

“Okay.” Usagi replied cheerfully. She turned her gaze to the girl in the desk beside her and frowned. Minako didn't appear to be paying attention; she was off in her own world. Usagi looked forward, “You two go on ahead, we'll catch up with you.” She said and flashed Ami and Makoto another smile.

“Alright…we'll see you a few then.” Ami said and took her girlfriend's hand and lead her out of the classroom.

Usagi glanced around the room for a moment and upon seeing it was virtually empty she put her hand on Minako's shoulder, causing the other girl to jump slightly. Usagi was a little surprised because she thought her friend could sense her, but she disregarded that for the time being. She was a little concerned when she saw how tired the other girl looked though, “Is something wrong? You look tired Minako.”

Minako looked confused for moment before answering, “What? I'm fine.”

The Moon Princess sighed at her friend's poor attempt to convince her, “Minako….I know you remember, you are not fine.”

Minako lowered her head, “I'm just tired. That's it really.”

“If that was all it was, you would have said so initially. So, please just be honest with me. You know you can say anything to me.” Usagi said and placed her hand over her friend's that was lying on the desk.

The senshi of love frowned as she continued to look down. Had it been anyone else, expect for maybe Rei, she could have talked her out of her current predicament, but it was Usagi. She shook her head slightly and looked over to girl she charged with protecting, “Okay…” She paused for moment, “I guess I'm just feeling a little left out being surrounded by couples…”

“You could have just told me. I'm sorry we made you feel that way; I'll make sure no one forgets about you Minako when we make plans. You aren't just a soldier, you're a friend.” Usagi said sincerely. “Actually, Rei and I are planning on going to a movie tomorrow and you are more than welcome to join us.” Usagi offered with one of her trademark smiles.

The avatar of Venus smiled somewhat at the other girl's offer before saying, “That's kind of you, but I wouldn't want to be a third wheel…”

“Minako! You could never be a third wheel! Why would you even think that?” Usagi said and stood up abruptly before taking a deep breath and kneeling in front of Minako, “You're my friend and I love you like a sister, so if I ever gave you the impression…”

Minako looked up and grabbed Usagi's shoulders, silencing the girl. “Usagi, you are not at fault for how I feel. And I truly thank you for the offer, but I would feel like I'm intruding.”

“You wouldn't be, trust me. It's not like we had any plans to make-out in the theater.” The Moon Princess said, laughing a little at the end. She saw the other girl was going to say something else, so she cut her off before she could, “Just so you know I'm not taking no for an answer. If you try to give me another excuse, I'll make it an order.” She said with a smile. “You can only overrule me if my order puts my safety is in danger, remember.”

The blond sighed, “Of course I remember. It's not fair to use something I told you about against me.”

“I know, but that's why I know it'll work.” Usagi said and stuck her tongue out.

“Fine, but it's under protest.”

“Duly noted.” Usagi said and grabbed Minako's hands and pulled her to her feet. “Now, let's go eat! I now only have twelve minutes to finish my bento.”

Minako couldn't help but laugh at her friend, “Okay, let's go.” She said and let Usagi drag her out of the classroom.


Rei walked up the steps to the shrine at a slower pace than she usually traveled up them. As she got closer to her home she found herself thinking about the man the lived there with her grandfather and her. Their conversation earlier had left her utterly perplexed and she had every intention of confronting him. She could tell he was acting strangely since she returned home, but she had no idea what his problem was. Initially she had thought he was still upset with her over she'd treated him before she was kidnapped, but she wasn't so sure anymore. `Whatever his issue is, he's going to talk to me and I'm going to set him straight.' She thought as she reached to top of the steps and entered the shrine.

She saw her grandfather sweeping the courtyard, so she approached him. “Good afternoon, Jii-chan.”

The older man looked up and smiled, “Is it that late already? You're already out of school?”

The raven haired girl nodded, “Yep.” She said and paused for a second before asking, “Do you know where Yuuichirou is?”

Her grandfather looked towards the sky in thought, “I believe he's tending to the garden in the back.”

Rei nodded, “Okay, thanks.” She began to walk toward the main shrine, only to hear her grandfather speak again.

“Oh Rei, a Kaioh Michiru called a short time ago and said Hotaru was discharged. She also said they'd be at their house if you needed anything,”

The miko stopped for a second, “Thanks Jii-chan.” She said and continued on to her bedroom. Once she slid the door to her room shut she pulled out her communicator. She took a quick glance at the clock in her room, `Usagi should be out of school…' She thought and pressed a couple buttons. After a couple seconds Usagi's face appeared on the small screen.

“I was just thinking about you.” Usagi said with a smile.

“You're making my heart flutter.” Rei said and returned her girlfriend's smile, until she heard laughing in the background, causing her to turn a light shade of red. “Shut it, Minako.” She muttered under her breath.

The Moon Princess laughed a little as she asked, “So, what's up?”

“They released Hotaru and all four of them are at Haruka and Michiru's place.” Rei said speaking into her communicator.

“Well that's good news. We should probably pay them a visit then.”

“That's what I was thinking as well. Do any of the other girls want to come?” Rei asked and watched as her girlfriend looked at her other friends. She could hear Ami and Makoto say they would like to but have other plans.

“I'm afraid I have to decline as well.”

“Are you sure Minako?” Usagi questioned, still looking away from the circular devices screen and towards her friend.

“Yeah, but thanks for the invite.”

Usagi sighed, “Well okay then.” She turned back to the communicator, “Do you want to meet at my house then?”

“How far from your house are you?” Rei asked.

“About ten minutes away.”

“Okay, I'll meet you there.” Rei said and disconnected. She thought about what she intended to do when she got home, but shook her head. `Yuuichirou will have to wait.' She thought and walked over to her dresser to grab a new set of clothes to change into.


Usagi shook her head, the only way Rei could make it to her house about the same time as her would be if she transformed and ran. Usagi looked over to her blue haired friend and her taller girlfriend, “So, tonight's the introduction then?”

Ami nodded, “Yeah. I made sure that she would be home tonight.”

“Actually, we should probably get going. We still need to go to the grocery store.” Makoto said and took Ami's hand in her own.

“Yeah, if we want everything to be ready when my mom gets home, we should head there now.” Ami said with a nod her head.

Minako smiled at her two happy friends, “Good luck, guys! Though I don't really think you need it.”

“Yeah, good luck!” Usagi called to the two girls as they started to walk away.

“Thanks.” The couple said together.

The two blondes continued walking to their respective homes. They both lived in the same direction, until they reached a street a couple blocks down. Usagi looked at her friend, she didn't like a quiet Minako, it only increased her concern for the girl. She hoped that she wouldn't regret bringing up this topic again but, “So, why don't you want to go with Rei and I to the outer's house?”

“It's not that I didn't want to go with you guys, I just have plans.” Minako explained, but received a disbelieving look from her Princess. “It's true, I promise.”

“Okay, what plans do you have?”

“It's nothing exciting or anything, I was just going to spend some time with Artemis.”

“Oh, well I hope you two have fun.” Usagi said with bright smile.

“I'm sure we will.” Minako said and stopped. “I'll see you later.” She said and turned down the street she needed to take.

“Minako!” Usagi called to the retreating girl, causing her to turn around. “I'm calling you tomorrow morning to tell you when we'll meet up, okay?”

The avatar of Venus smiled and shook her head slightly, “Okay, Usagi!” She called and waved good-bye.


Usagi dropped her backpack on the ground in her room, waking the small black cat that was sleeping on her bed. “Hey Luna.” Usagi said and proceeded to remove her school uniform.

“How was school today, Usagi?” The black cat asked after she stretched.

“It stunk.” The blonde said with a laugh. “We had a test in English and I don't think I did too hot on it. Ami said our teacher told us about it on Monday, but I didn't remember.” She said with a pout. She was down to her bra and panties when she opened her dresser and pull out a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans.

“Your studies are important you know.” Luna said in motherly tone.

“I know Luna, I know. But I've had a lot on my mind recently, I mean we only just got Rei back and now Chibi-Usa is here…” Usagi said as she zipped up her jeans.

“How is she? Chibi-Usa I mean. I haven't seen her since she arrived.” Luna said, stumbling over her words a little.

“Luna, you can ask me about Rei too. You've hardly even mentioned her since I told you about our relationship.” The Moon Princess said and slipped on her tank top.

The small cat sighed and leapt down from the bed and jumped on to the dresser, so she would be more equal in height to her charge, “I know. It's just different thinking of you two together...”

“Luna, I love her and that's not going to change. She's my future and it just feels so right being with her…” Usagi paused for a moment before adding, “I don't think words can do justice to my feelings…all I know is that my feelings for her are the strongest thing I've ever felt.”

The black cat sighed once again, “Usagi, I know better to question you or your feelings. I'm just saying that I'm adjusting to this change, that's all.”

Usagi reached out and petted the cat in front of her, “I understand Luna.”

The room grew silent, until the Moon Princess' actions drew Luna's attention. Usagi pulled out a third set of clothes and sent them to her sub-space pocket, as she had done with the previous two. “Why are you putting some many clothes in your sub-space pocket?” The feline asked curiously.

“If all goes well with mom and dad, I'll be spending the weekend over at the shrine.” Usagi said with a smile as she picked out one more outfit.

“I understand that you're in love, but aren't you moving a little quick though?” Luna questioned and eyed the teen for her answer.

Usagi rolled her eyes at her guardian's assumption, “I do anticipate that I'll still be a virgin after this weekend, if that's what you're thinking.”

The feline made an effort to cover her ears, but her cat hearing was too good despite her efforts. “Usagi, I wasn't…okay maybe I was, but you don't have to give me details. Unless you have…questions…”

Usagi cut off the black cat before she could put her foot in her mouth again, “Luna I can understand your worries, but I promise we are not moving too fast. We're moving at a speed we are both comfortable with.” She said when the doorbell rang, “That's Rei. I'll see you later, Luna.” Afterwards, she hurried to her door and headed downstairs to greet her girlfriend.

End ch.7
