Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Our Future ❯ Nightmare ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9 - Nightmare

Everyone had taken a seat at the dining room table, Usagi, Rei, and Chibi-Usa on one side with Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru sitting opposite them.

“Thanks for allowing us to join you for dinner.” Rei said after taking a drink of her water.

“It's our pleasure. We would be poor friends if we didn't since we were just getting dinner started.” Michiru said with a smile.

The group silently ate for a few minutes, until Haruka decided to strike up a new conversation. “So how are things going?” Haruka asked and looked at Rei and Usagi expectantly.

Rei looked over to the older woman, “Fine.” She said simply and continued to eat. She took another gulp from her glass and noticed the blonde's eyes were still on her, “Was there something else you wanted to ask?” Haruka smiled at the question, a little mischievously if Rei were to describe it. “What?” The raven haired girl asked again.

“Just fine, that's it?” Haruka questioned, almost complained really.

“Yes, unless you wanted to ask something else.” Rei stated again and took another swig of her drink.

“So nothing juicy to share?” The blonde asked impishly.

Both Rei and Usagi found themselves nearly choking on their drinks. The darker haired girl was the first to recover and glared the blonde across from her, “I don't think that's really any of your business.” She said and turned her attention to her girlfriend, who was still coughing a little. She slowly rubbed the other girl's back comfortingly.

Michiru noticed her lover was going tease the girls further, so she decided to step in, “Ruka, I don't really think that's an appropriate topic to discuss at the dinner table, especially in front of our younger guests.”

Haruka frowned before glancing at Hotaru and the future Princess, who both appeared to be differing shades of red before she relented, “Well that's just not any fun.”

The room grew silent for a short time before Michiru broke the in with a new question, “So, did the two of you have any plans for this weekend?”

Usagi smiled happily at the older woman, “Yes, I'm going to spend the weekend at the Jinja with Rei and we have plans to go see a movie tomorrow and after that, I'm not sure, but we'll just have to see.”

Michiru smiled at the younger girl's enthusiasm, “That all sounds very fun.”

“Thank you Michiru, it will be I'm sure!” Usagi exclaimed.

“So what have you done today, Chibi-Usa.” Rei asked curiously

The pink haired girl smiled as she began to explain, “Hotaru showed me all around their home. It's been fun hanging out here and Hotaru has been really helpful.” She said and glanced at the previously mentioned girl. She could see the pale girl's cheeks were a bright red, though she tried to hid behind the glass in her hand.

“I'm glad.” Rei said sincerely.

The room fell silent for a few second, save for the sound of utensils on plates, until Chibi-Usa spoke again, “Mama, Mother there is something I'd to ask.”

“Of course, what is it?” Usagi asked curiously, giving the girl her full attention.

“Would it be okay if I stayed here?” Chibi-Usa asked cautiously. “I mean, only if it's okay with Haruka and Michiru, of course.” She added quickly, not wanted to assume anything.

Rei and Usagi looked at each other for a few seconds, “I thought you liked the shrine?” Rei asked.

“I do love your home Mama, I do. It's just that I can't help feeling that I will end up causing trouble for you in the end. I don't want to say anything that will cause problems with Hii Jii-chan.” She said and looked away from her Mama's past self. She didn't want to hurt her with her request; she just thought it would be easier for her, though admittedly she did have another reason. “I'm sorry Mama, I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't want to stay at the shrine with you.”

While it would be less complicated and probably easier for Chibi-Usa to stay with the outers even if for a short time, she didn't expect to hear the request from the girl. She sighed and looked at the distressed girl across from her, “I guess you just caught me…” She said and glanced at the blonde next to her, “…Well both of us off guard actually.” She said and took a deep breath. “I appreciate that you are trying to prevent anything trouble for me, but you don't need to worry about that. I can deal with whatever may come.” Chibi-Usa nodded slowly in response. “That being said, if you want to stay here a little longer, I don't have problem with it.”

“Neither do I, as long as Haruka and Michiru are fine with it.” Usagi said and looked at the two older women.

The two outer guard looked at each other for a moment, “We would be honored to have the future Princess stay with us.” Haruka stated.

Chibi-Usa got up and ran around the table until she reached her parents. She hugged and thanked Usagi before doing the same with Rei. “The Jinja will be always be open anytime you want to come by and I expect to see you often.”

The pink haired girl nodded her head, “Of course, I will.” She said and released the other girl. She then proceeded to hug and thank Michiru and Haruka similarly.

Rei leaned over to her girlfriend and whispered, “We probably should be heading to the Jinja.” She received a slight nod in reply.

“It's about time we headed out.” Usagi announced to the rest of the room.

“It seems like you just barely got here though.” The youngest senshi stated.

“I'm sorry, Hotaru, but it's getting late and Jii-chan is expecting me back shortly.” Rei said as she stood up.

“Thank you for the lovely dinner.” Usagi said as she stood as well.

“I'll see you out then.” Haruka called and stood up quickly and met the two teens in the entryway to the hallway that led to the front door. She opened the door for the girls and held the screen from them.

“Thank you, Haruka. Please take care of Chibi-Usa, we'll see you soon, I promise.” Usagi said and stepped outside.

“We will, Princess.” The blonde said with a smile.

Rei stepped outside, “Can you at least try to behave yourself and leave your crude comments to yourself, around Chibi-Usa?”

Crude? I take offense to that, Rei.” Haruka said, holding her hand over her heart.

The raven haired girl rolled her eyes, “Whatever. I would have thought I'd have to this to Chibi-Usa, but I'm going to say to you instead. Behave yourself.” Haruka simply laughed at the girl's request, so Rei shook her head and took Usagi's hand and began walking away from the large estate.

“Of course, I wouldn't act any other way.” She said and waved to the duo as they got further away.


“H-How did you know?” Ami asked looking surprised.

The elder Mizuno stood up and walked over to the couple, “I'm your mother, Ami. I could hear it in how you talked about Makoto. I could tell you were happier recently, but I just didn't know what had changed and now it's obvious what it was. I'm happy that you are happy, dear.”

Ami smiled as she felt her eyes begin to fill with tears. She let go of Makoto's hand and closed the distance between to her mother, “Thank you, mother.” She whispered.

Mizuno-san smiled as she held her daughter tightly, “You don't need to thank me, I love you, Ami.”

Ami nodded her head into the older woman's shoulder, “Mmhm.” After a couple minutes, Ami pulled away from her mother, “I'm glad, I was a little worried.”

The teen's mother looked at her curiously, “Worried? About what?”

The blue haired girl looked down briefly before focusing on the older woman, “That you would be against…”

The older woman immediately pulled her daughter close again, “Oh honey, I would love you whether you were homosexual, bisexual, asexual, or heterosexual. The fact that you love another woman doesn't influence my love for you, I'm just happy you are so deeply in love.” She smiled as she leaned down and kissed the top of her daughter's head, Ami just nodded and held her mother a little tighter.

Makoto watched the exchange with a wide smile. There was a ting of sadness that she'd never get that with her own mother, but her smile didn't wane in the slightest. She was so happy that her love had such an incredible mother that loved her no matter what.

“I thought I heard we were having dinner here? I'm starving.” Mizuno-san said as she pulled back slightly and looked at Makoto, giving her a smile.

“Oh yes, absolutely!” Ami exclaimed and jump up to her feet. She hurried into the kitchen, grabbing a surprise Makoto by the arm and bringing her with. As soon as they were inside and door had shut, Ami leapt into the taller girl's arms and kissed her. “I'm so happy, Mako. Thank you for not letting me get too worked up, I love you so much.” She said and kissed her girlfriend again.

Makoto put the smaller girl down gently, “I love you too babe, but maybe we should get your mother dinner before we get too carried away.” She said with a smiled and kissed the other girl once more.

“Oh…right.” Ami mumble sheepishly went over to the pans still on the stove.

“I'll get the rice steamer if you can bring out the pot with the curry.” Makoto said and picked up the appliance.

Ami nodded and grabbed the pan with the curry, “I'll get the door.” She said and stepped in front of her girlfriend, opening and holding the door open for her.

“Thank you.” Makoto said as she walked through the doorway and back to the table Ami's mother sat. She placed the streamer down on the table and looked at the older woman, “I hope you enjoy the meal Ami and I prepared for you.”

The doctor smiled and looked at her daughter, “You cooked Ami?”

The blue haired girl looked down, trying to hide her warming cheeks, as she put the pan on the bamboo trivet that was already sitting on the table. “It was really Mako-chan. I didn't really do much.”

Makoto laughed lightly at her girlfriend, “She's just being modest, she was a great help in preparing dinner.” She said with a smile and spooned the curry into the bowl in front of Ami's mother.

Mizuno-san smiled, “I'm glad to hear that.” The doctor looked at the bowl of curry for a moment before turning to Makoto, “This smells wonderful Kino-san. After how my daughter has raved about your cooking, I must admit that I am eager to try what the two of you have prepared here.”

“Please feel free to begin.” Makoto said as she filled Ami's bowl as well. “I'm sure you must be hungry after your shift at the hospital.” She said and went about filling her bowl as well.

Still the older woman waited until everyone was seated before taking her spoon in her hand. Once she had the utensil in hand she said, “Itadakimasu.”

The group began to dig into dinner, when after a few minutes, Ami's mother spoke, “This is simply excellent.” She wore a smile as she spoke.

Makoto smiled as well as she said, “I'm glad you like it, Ami suggested this be our dinner.” She said and reached over to her girlfriend's hand, giving it a light squeeze.

Looking at both teens she said happily, “Thank you for creating this wonderful dinner girls.”

Both teens smiled at the older woman's comment before continuing to eat their dinner. The trio ate in relative silence, simply enjoying the delicious meal. Once everyone was nearly finished the brunette at the table asked, “Would you like anymore, Mizuno-san?”

The older woman place her fork down on her virtually cleared plate, “Oh I couldn't, no matter how tempting it is.”

“Would you like me to take your plate then?” Makoto asked, glancing down at the plate in question.

Mizuno-san smiled at the offer, “Thank you.”

Looking at her blue haired girlfriend Makoto asked, “Are you finished as well, Ami?”

She smiled at the other girl, “I am, thank you.” She said and the taller girl grabbed her plate as well.

“I'll just take care of these dishes.” Makoto said as she was already moving back to the kitchen.

“Do you need any help?” Ami asked before the other girl could disappear into the adjacent room.

As soon as the other teen had left the room, mother and daughter looked at one another and the younger girl knew her mother had something to say. She didn't waste any more time before asking, “So, when did the two of you start dating?”

Ami blushed warmly at the question, “Only a couple weeks ago.” She said happily and added, “I love her so much though Mother and I know she's the one I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.”

“I know you do dear. You've already told her life story so I don't think I need to ask you much about her.” Mizuno-san said, causing her daughter's blush to only deepen. “I am incredibly happy that she makes you happy.”

Ami smiled at her words, “Thank you mother.”

The tall brunette made her way back into dining area, “It's been a pleasure officially meeting you, Mizuno-san.” Makoto said as she bowed her head respectfully to the older woman. “But I should be heading back home.”

“I hope you don't become a stranger around here, I'd like if you came over every so often, since you are going to be in my daughter's life for the foreseeable future.” Mizuno-san walked over to the teen and gave her a light hug.

`You have no idea.' She thought to herself and returned the older woman's gesture. “Thank you, I'll make it a point to hang out here, instead of always being at my apartment.”

Ami stood up and quickly made her way over to her girlfriend as she said, “I'll walk you out.”

Makoto took the shorter girl's hand, “I would like that.”

As they began to walk toward the door Mizuno-san spoke once again, “I mean it Kino-san, come by here whenever you want.”

A wide smile crossed her features as she looked back to the older woman, “I will.” She could feel her girlfriend tug on her hand slightly, so she allowed herself to be lead out of the apartment. Ami stepped outside with her and closed the door, “So how did I do?” Makoto asked quietly.

“Magnificently!” Ami said quickly and stood on her toes, placing a kiss on the taller girl's lips.


Rei and Usagi walked the relatively short distance to the shrine, arm in arm and simply enjoying their closeness. Usagi took Rei's hand and interlaced their fingers together, bringing a smile to her girlfriend's face. “I had a talk with Minako earlier today at school.” Usagi started.

Rei nodded, “Oh yeah, what about?” She asked curiously.

“Well she told me that she was feeling a little left out, so I hope it's alright with you but I asked her to join us tomorrow.” Usagi said with a hint of nervousness.

Rei smiled broadly, “Usa, that was really sweet of you.” She said and kissed the side of the blonde's head, near her temple. “And of course it's fine, I don't want Minako feeling left out.”

Usagi smiled brightly and tightened her hold on the dark haired girl's arm, “I'm glad.” She said cheerfully and paused for couple moments before speaking again, “I worry about her, Rei. She's usually cheerful, but sometimes I catch her looking so sad and I want us to do something to cheer her up.”

“What did you have in mind?”

The Moon Princess bit her bottom lip lightly and thought for a moment, “I'm not sure, but we'll think of something I'm sure.” She said with a smile and rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder as they continued toward Hikawa Jinja.

“Of course we will, my Princess. Minako is our precious friend and we can't have her feeling sad.” Rei said and rubbed her thumb over the top of Usagi's hand she was holding. Her thoughts drifted to her blonde friend, she had an idea what was bringing down the other girl, but it wasn't her place to speak on her feelings that would have felt like a betrayal of her. She sighed quietly, but it still drew Usagi's attention.

“What is it?”

The miko smiled as she looked at the other girl, “Just thinking why Minako has been feeling left out.” She said and paused for a moment, “I'm glad you noticed and reached out to her.” She leaned down slightly and placed a kissed on Usagi's cheek. She looked up when she pulled away and saw the large red torii at the base of the steps to her home. “We probably should let Jii-chan know that you are going to stay the weekend when we see him.”

“Ok, you don't think he'll have a problem with you not asking, will he?” Usagi asked

“No, he loves you. He'll be happy to have you here.” She said reassuringly, before beginning to ascend the many steps up to the jinja. It only took them a couple minutes to reach the top and make their way into the shrine itself, knowing that it was too late for her grandfather to still be outside.

“Jii-chan!” Rei called as soon as they entered the shrine and looked around for any sign of her grandfather.

“In the kitchen Rei.” The older man replied.

The two girls headed to the kitchen to meet the elderly man. They entered the kitchen, still holding hands when Rei saw her grandfather was turned the opposite direction, so she called out to him, “Good evening, Jii-chan.”

He turned around fully expecting to see his granddaughter, but was a little surprised to see Usagi with her. He did little to hide his reaction as he addressed the duo, “Well good evening girls. I must admit that I wasn't expecting company.”

“I know it's short notice and I didn't really ask, but is it alright that Usagi spends the weekend. Before you ask, she already asked her parents and they gave their permission.” Rei explained quickly.

“It's fine Rei. I'm happy that you will be spending the weekend here.” He said addressing the blonde with his second statement.

Usagi released Rei's hand and walked over the short old man and gave him a hug, “Thank you for always being so willing to open your home.” She said happily.

“It's my pleasure.” He said, smiling at the teen.

“Would you like to come to my room, Usagi?” The raven haired girl asked.

Usagi smiled and stepped closer to her girlfriend as she said, “Sure, I am a little tired.”

Rei nodded and took the blonde's hand and focused on her grandfather, “Good night, Jii-chan” She said and started to lead Usagi to her toward her room.

“Have a good night you two.” The older man called after the teens.

“We will Ojji-chan.” Usagi called back just as they were about to round the corner to the hallway.

They were in front of their destination in a few seconds. Rei released the hand she was holding and opened the door for her girlfriend. She waited for her to enter before heading inside as well, closing the door afterwards. Looking over to Usagi, who was already sitting on her futon, and said “I guess we may as well get changed into our sleep clothes, I want to get an early start tomorrow.” Rei walked over to her dresser to grab something to wear for the night. “I have some things I need to do around the Jinja before we can go out.” She added as she retrieved her clothing of choice, a pair of sleep shorts and tee shirt.

Usagi smiled slightly, “I guess putting on something more comfortable doesn't sound like a bad idea.” She said and produced her own set of clothes seemingly out of thin air. She stood up and began to undress, causing Rei to turn away quickly and Usagi to laugh, “You aren't acting shy are you?”

She shook her head, but remained facing the other way, “Of course not. I just don't want to spoil myself.” She said and started for her bathroom before adding, “Besides, I don't think just seeing would be enough.” She quickly entered the adjacent room, leaving the blushing blonde to herself for time being.


When Rei stepped back inside her room she saw Usagi was already laying comfortably on the futon in the middle of the room. “I'm glad you've made yourself at home.” Rei said, announcing herself.

Usagi turned her head and looked at the dark haired girl, “I see this my second home already anyway.” She said with a smile and patted the empty side of the mattress, “I even made sure to leave you enough room.”

Rei shook her head slightly, but the smile on her face only grew. She walked over to the futon and sat the edge for a moment before lying down beside her girlfriend. “So did you want to watch something…?” She started to asked, when Usagi surprised her by quickly repositioning herself on top of her.

Usagi straddled the raven haired girl around her waist and smiled triumphantly down at the brunette beneath her, “I have you all to myself now.”

Rei giggled, “That's something you never have to worry about; I'll forever be all yours.” She said and reached her hand up to her girlfriend's face, cupping her cheek with her hand. Her smile only widened as she saw Usagi's eye sparkle with affection. She gently stroked her love's cheek and was going to speak again, when Usagi leaned down and captured her lips.

Usagi pulled back slight and stared into a pair of amethyst eyes, “If seeing isn't enough, how about using your other senses?” She quickly closed the distance again, crashing their lips together, not giving the other girl a chance to verbally respond. With each kiss the girls found themselves deepening their embrace, as well as scarcely coming up to breath.

Rei wrapped her arms around Usagi and swiftly turned them over, so she was now on top, but still not breaking their kiss. She freed her arms from underneath the other girl and tangled her fingers in the long blonde tresses. She could feel Usagi's fingers playing with the bottom of her shirt, almost tickling her as they occasionally teased her abdomen, but after a few seconds her actions become more brazen.

Slowly Usagi slipped a hand under the clothing she had previously been playing with. She lightly grazed her nails over Rei's toned stomach, enjoying the way her muscles react to her touch. After teasing her stomach a few seconds longer, Usagi's hand continued its trek upward until she reached her love's breast. After only a moment's hesitation she took the round mound in her hand, drawing a sharp breath from the girl above, but no protest, in fact she decided to follow Usagi's lead, untangling one of her hands from her hair before seeking out Usagi's chest as well.

She slowly felt her way down Usagi's throat until she could cup the other girl's breast in her hand and was amazed by how perfectly it fit in her hand. She gently squeezed and kneaded her breast causing Usagi to moan into her mouth. She was only touching her through her shirt, yet her response was so delightful it only spurred her to continue on. She finally pulled herself away from Usagi's lips and proceeded to shower kisses onto her neck, while continuing to massage her breast. She kissed every inch of flesh until she reached the sensitive point, just above her collarbone, her pulse point. She ran her tongue over the point before cover it with her mouth and lightly nibbled on the sensitive flesh, drawing a whimper of pleasure from the girl beneath her. Rei smiled for a moment before sucking on her skin softly so as not to leave a mark, at least she hoped. She could hear Usagi moan, which caused her to smile again as she continued not leave an inch of flesh untouched by her lips.

Usagi's hand that had been on Rei's hip slowly began to feel around until her fingers started to tug at the waistband of Rei's sleep shorts. Rei continued to kiss Usagi's neck until she felt her love's fingers slip into her shorts. Her breath hiked in surprise, she hadn't expected their make out session to escalade so quickly. A part of her wanted this to continue. She'd dreamed of making love to the Moon Princess again since she was forced to end their relationship all those years ago. The growing heat between her legs, not to mention how wet she felt, were enough of an indicator of how aroused she already was and truly she wanted nothing more than to feel Usagi's fingers inside of her, `Heaven knows I'm more than ready.' She thought closing her eyes momentarily, `…But….'

With great effort, Rei released Usagi's breast and reached down to her love's hand in her shorts. Usagi immediately stopped when she felt Rei's hand on her arm. She slowly guided her hand out of her shorts, “We should…stop…” Rei said softly between heavy breathes and brought the Moon Princess' hand to her lips and kissed the back of her hand. She turned back to Usagi and gave her a smile, seeing the confusion on her face. She leaned down and kissed Usagi's lips tenderly once more, “I don't think I'll be able to stop if we go much further. I love you Usagi and I want our first time to be something special, not something done in the heat of the moment. I promise when the time is right, I will make sure that it's the most amazing night of your life.”

Usagi found herself smiling as listened to her girlfriend, “I love you too Rei.” She said and sat up slightly, getting in at least one more kiss. Rei finally got off of Usagi and relaxed beside her. Rei wrapped her arms around Usagi, holding her as they both simply relished the feeling of each other so close.

`There was no need to rush into sex.' Rei told herself as she rested her chin on Usagi's shoulder. She tilted her head slightly and placed a soft kiss on to the blonde's collar bone, causing her to sigh contently. “I want this to be how I fall asleep every night, with you in my arms Usa.”

Usagi smiled even though her girlfriend couldn't see as she said, “That is something I can definitely look forward to.” Usagi hugged Rei's arms tightly around her midsection and relaxed contently into the brunette spooning her.

The two girls simply lay in silence after they became comfortable, each girl just enjoying their closeness. After a short time pasted, Usagi suddenly burst into laughter, causing Rei to loosen her hold on the blonde and look at her curiously, “What's so funny?”

It took the blonde a couple seconds to regain her composure, “It's nothing. I'm just thinking about a conversation Luna and I had earlier.”

Her curiosity peaked; Rei couldn't help but ask, “Now I have to ask, what exactly was this conversation about?”

Usagi bit her lower lip lightly, but it did little to suppress the giggles that continued to shake her body. “It's just…I told her that she didn't have to worry about my virginity.” She said followed by another fit of laughter. Rei hugged her girlfriend a little tighter as she added, “I guess I completely underestimated my ability to control myself when I finally found myself alone with you.”

Rei leaned up slightly and kissed her girlfriend's cheek, “You are just as irresistible, my Princess. I didn't stop because I wanted to…”

Usagi shifted quickly so she could look her girlfriend in her eyes as she spoke, “I know, I understand.” A smile spread across her lips as she reached up and placed her hand on Rei cheek, “I can't explain it, except to say that I know. There's no need to worry.”

The dark hair miko placed her hand over the other girl's, “I love you so much, you know that don't you?”

“I do, but I still love hearing you say it.”

Smiling, Rei took Usagi's hand away from her cheek and brought it to her lips, kissing it lightly as she had done earlier. “We really should get some sleep now though. We have a full day ahead of us.”

Nodding slightly and lowered her head on to Rei's shoulder when she added, “You're right, we wouldn't want to oversleep or anything.”

Letting go of the Moon Princess' hand, instead choosing to run her fingers through her long golden tresses, “Good night, my Princess.” She said quietly and rested her cheek on the top of Usagi's head.

A soft sigh escaped Usagi's lips as she wrapped an arm around the other girl's waist, “Good night my fiery Princess.” She whispered sleepily.

Even as another smiled formed, Rei could feel sleep calling out to her, so with what she was sure to final moments of lucidity, she snuggled closer to Usagi before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.


“I guess we are going to have to figure out where you are going to sleep.” Michiru thought aloud.

“She can sleep with me.” Hotaru said, only to turn beet red and look away from the group when she realized how that came out.

Chibi-Usa smiled and put her hand on the other girl's shoulder, “Thank you for the offer, but I don't want you to put yourself out, I saw there are plenty of rooms free.”

“It wouldn't be any trouble and my bed is more than big enough for two people.” Hotaru stated.

Haruka watched the two girls for moment, each silently making their case to each other, “I guess, we'll leave the two of you to decide. If you need help with another room, you know where we'll be Hotaru.” She said and put her arm around her lover's shoulders and led her upstairs.

The pink haired girl sighed as she watched the two outer soldiers leave them alone. The taller woman may have said she was going to let them decide between the two of them, but she was really playing her hand, she was almost positive of that. She turned back to the dark haired girl and shook her head, “Fine, but if I think it's too troublesome to you trying to accommodate me, I'm going sleep somewhere else.”

Hotaru smiled, “It won't be any trouble, I promise she said and began heading upstairs toward her room. The other girl followed behind her until they both stopped at her bedroom door. “Well, here we are again.” Hotaru said and opened the door from the other girl to enter.

Chibi-Usa entered the dark room and look around it again. She was in here, just a few short hours ago, so she remembered it quite well. After a moment the lamp on the nightstand was turned on and her eyes looked over the bed. `It certainly looked more than large enough for two people.' She admitted to herself.

“Do you have to wear to sleep?”

The future Princess looked over to Hotaru and shook her head slightly, “No, I don't.”

Hotaru looked over the shorter girl for a few seconds when she nodded her head, “Ok, I should have something you can borrow then.” She said and walked across the room to a dresser against the wall. After a short time of riffling through one of the drawers, she pulled out two sets of clothes and walked back over to the other girl and handed her some clothes to wear. “We look like we are close to the size, so these should fit just fine.”

“T-Thank you.” Chibi-Usa said quietly.

Another smile crossed the dark haired girl's lips as she said, “It's my pleasure.” She held her clothes to her chest and looked at the door, “I'll change in the bathroom down the hall. You can just change in here, I'll be back in a few minutes.” She said and was out the door before Chibi-Usa could say anything.

The pink haired Princess looked at the clothes in her hand for a moment before laying them out on the bed. `They look comfortable, but I'm sure that's what Hotaru was trying to find, something comfortable.' She thought to herself. The top was a simply white tank that was paired with a pair of black sleep pants. With the clothes laid out, she went about changing into the borrowed outfit. It didn't take her long to become fully changed, so now she only had to wait until the other girl returned. She took a seat on the bed and could stop a thought that she may have been too hasty in asking to stay here. `I let my wish to learn more about Hotaru become my focus. I think we've gotten to know each quite a bit already, but I feel like I'm missing a large part of her, that she is holding back.' She thought when she heard a knock on the door, causing her to smile slightly. `Hotaru is a good person.' She told herself before speaking, “I'm fully dressed.”

After a moment the door opened and Hotaru came back inside. She was wearing a similar outfit, except she was in purple and black. “Do you have a preference on which side you sleep on?” Hotaru asked.

Shaking her head, “No, either will be fine.”

“Okay, if you say so.” The dark haired girl said and walked over to the left side, where the lamp was currently lit. “I'll just take this side then.” She said and proceeded to sit on that side, on the edge. Chibi-Usa nodded and walked over to where she would be sleeping, taking a seat before lying down. After a few moments she noticed the other girl doing the same. They both lay in silence for a short time until Hotaru's voice filled the quiet room, “You aren't uncomfortable sleeping in here are you?”

Chibi-Usa rolled on to her side to look at the other girl, “No, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. I really just didn't want to be any trouble. All of you were kind enough to let me stay here. And…” She trailed off, looking down, away from the other girl's eyes that reminded her so much of her mother's.


She bit her lower lip lightly as she looked back up, “And…I don't mean to do it, but I sometimes…sometimes I find that I cuddle up with anyone that sleeps in the same bed with me. Please let me apologize in advance if I do that to you, I don't know why I do it, I just do. So if I do, I'm sorry.” The pink haired girl rambled, feeling her cheeks get warmer the more she rambled on, but only seemed to make things worse. She closed her eyes and sighed as she waited for the other girl to respond. Her eyes shot open when she heard laughter coming from her direction.

“You were worried about that?” She asked and continued to try to stop herself from laugher further.

“It's not funny.” The future Princess pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

“It kind of is.” Hotaru said with a smile as she observed the pouting girl. Taking pity on her, she reached over and touched her lightly on her forearm, drawing her attention, “I'm sorry. I promise, I won't laugh anymore.” She said sincerely and added, “You don't need to worry, Princess. I'm your protector remember and if that means I need to be your cuddle pillow, I'll be that.”

Again Chibi-Usa could feel her cheeks becoming warmer, so she promptly turned over again and faced the wall, “Umm, thanks.” She muttered quietly.

Hotaru smile again and rolled on to her back, “Good night, Princess.”

“Good night, Hotaru-chan.” Chibi-Usa replied back and closed her eyes, hoping for a peaceful slumber.

…&# 8230;…………

“Small Lady!”

The pink haired girl lay on a white marble bench, which was surrounded by a beautiful garden of flowers. The young girl is wearing a white dress with moons outlined in gold around the bust. She was curled up comfortably and sleeping peacefully, using her hands as pillows.

“Small Lady!”

The young girl stirred slightly, but didn't wake, clearly content to remain in her own world, oblivious to everything else.

“Small Lady!”

She was finally startled out of her slumber by someone shaking her. She's looks around quickly, almost worriedly, until her eyes fall on a familiar face and she lets out a sigh of relief, “CereCere?”

“You fell asleep in the garden again, my lady. Your mothers sent us out to find you.” The pink haired girl said with a smile, before standing up fully and bringing her wrist to her lips. “I've found her, we are in the garden.” She lowered her arm and looked back to the Princess, “Please don't go off without one of us to protect you, we are your guard and your safety is our responsibility.”

Small Lady sat up and flattened out her dress, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep out here, I just wanted be somewhere quiet and I just love how peaceful the garden is.”

Sailor Ceres nodded, “I know, but one of us can always be at your side. We need to ensure…”

“She's fine, so don't worry about it.”

The pink haired Sailor Senshi frowned when she was interrupted. She quickly turned around and addressed the other girl, “I'm aware that she is fine, JunJun. I just want to make sure nothing happens in the future.”

“CereCere is just a worrywart. Palla.”

“And you take things too easy, PallaPalla. Or would you like to answer to Mars if anything were to happen to the Princess.” Sailor Vesta said, announcing herself.

Small Lady got off the white bench and stepped over the group of soldiers, “Mama isn't that scary.” She said with laugh.

“Not with you, but Mars is really scary sometimes.” Sailor Juno said and shuttered as she remembered something.

“Who's scary?” A voice said from behind the quartet.

Small Lady ran forward quickly and hugged the person who just appeared. “Mama! You're not scary, at all.” She said and looked up at the dark haired woman.

Diana dropped to one knee and looked into her daughter's eyes, “Thank you, love.” She said and kissed the top of the young girl's head. “I'm glad you're safe.” She whispered as she pulled back. She stood up fully again. “Let's head back inside the palace, Serenity wants to see you as well.” She said and offered her hand.

Small Lady smiled happily and reached to take her mother's hand, but grabbed nothing. She looked at her mother to see why she took away her hand, but when she did, she saw the image of her mother break apart as though she were brittle. She backed away, stumbling to the ground as she did. “Mama…” She whispered brokenly as her eyes swam with unshed tears. She watched helplessly as her mother became dust. She looked around frantically, “Sailor Quartet!” She called, but saw they were in the same state as her mother. She scrambled to her feet and ran to her mother, reaching out a hand cautiously, “D-Don't leave me mama. I-I promise not to scare you again. I promise!” She yelled, openly weeping now as she finally touched her mother's arm. She could only watch in horror as she crumbled completely as soon as she touched her. Small Lady froze as she felt her whole body go numb. She dropped to her knees and collapsed to the ground in tears.

…&# 8230;…………

“Wake up. Chibi-Usa, wake up.”

The pink haired girl tried to push away the hand on her shoulder, but the hand persisted in its effort to shake her. Begrudgingly, Chibi-Usa squinted her eyes slightly, only to shut them a moment later as an unwelcomed light caught her vision. She blinked a few times trying to adjust to the light from the lamp beside the bed, not really remembering where she was, until her eyes fell on the girl standing over her. “Wh-What?”

Hotaru looked noticeably worried, “You were having a nightmare. I've been trying to wake you for a few minutes now. I was just about to get Haruka-san or Michiru-san.”

Chibi-Usa sat up and rubbed her eyes with her hands, “I'm sorry…” She said quietly.

The dark haired girl sat down beside the other girl and placed her hand over Chibi-Usa's that lay on the mattress between them, “You don't need apologize. I was just worried.” She said and paused for a moment before adding, “Do…Do you want to talk about it?” She looked at the girl beside her to see her reaction, though sadly she couldn't completely see her face due to the shadows created by the lamp. She could see her shake her head slightly though, causing a frown to fall on to her lips. `If she wasn't going to talk about it directly, maybe I can find out what's bothering her, by ruling some things out…' She thought before asking, “Was it a bad memory?” Another shake of her head indicated that it wasn't a memory, so Hotaru asked again, “A premonition?”

At that question Chibi-Usa turned her attention completely to the dark haired. With her eyes swimming with unshed tears she finally spoke again, “I pray to the Gods it is not.”

Hotaru let go of the hand she was holding and put that arm across the pink haired girl's shoulders, “You don't have to be scared here, we wouldn't let anything happened to you.”

Again the Princess shook her head, “Not me…everyone else.”

She felt the shorter girl rest her head on her shoulder and Hotaru held her a little tighter. She didn't say anything for a few minutes as she held the other girl comfortingly, but she knew she couldn't just let their conversation end there, “When you say everyone else you mean…?” She asked, leaving the end of her question open for the other girl to finish.

Chibi-Usa was silent following the question for a few a couple seconds, but eventually she found her voice, “Mama…Mother…the Quartet…everyone. They'll all put themselves in danger because I'm not there.” She raised her head and looked at Hotaru, “And now I've put everyone in danger here too.”

Hotaru's eyes widened and she shifted quickly to look at the other girl fully, “What do you mean?”

She shook her head slightly as she said, “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The other night when that monster hurt you…he knew me, Hotaru. He recognized me.” She took a deep breath before pleading, “Please Hotaru…please don't tell anyone. I don't want to worry everyone.”

The dark haired girl looked at her sadly and shook her head slowly, “Princess…I can't do that. Yours as well as Usagi-san and Rei-san's protection is our top priority. If I have knowledge of danger to them and you, it is my responsibility to tell everyone.”

She looked at the dark haired girl with desperation in her voice she said, “Please Hotaru. I'm still not a hundred certain that they are who I think, it's just a feeling.”

Hotaru placed her hands on the pink haired girl's shoulders as she said, “If your feelings are as accurate as Rei-san's usually are, I trust them.”

Chibi-Usa shook her head, “What if I'm wrong and this is something else? I just want to be sure first. Please just wait until I'm sure.”

Hotaru stared into the girl's eyes in front on her; she could see that she was still silently begging her, `She is stubborn. She's not going to back down, but I can't either. There's only one way to end this stalemate.' She lowered her head after a few more seconds, “I will not say anything…” She began to say, but cut off when someone slammed into her, not expecting the contact at all she hastily grabbed on the girl. The momentum caused them to both still fell back onto her bed; Chibi-Usa sprawled on top of Hotaru.

“Thank you.” Chibi-Usa whispered into the other girl's shoulder.

Hotaru sighed quietly and loosened her hold as she added, “For the time being, only for the time being.”

The future Princess quickly began to untangle herself from the girl beneath her. She moved her hands to either side of Hotaru and propped herself up to look the other girl in her eyes, “That's all I ask.” She said with a smile. Hotaru smiled in return, though with less enthusiasm. She didn't completely trust her voice, so she simply nodded. They stayed in that same position for a few moments, until Chibi-Usa suddenly turned beet red realizing the awkwardly intimate position they were in. She quickly pulled away and repositioned herself on the edge of the bed again. “I'm sorry.”

After a couple seconds, Hotaru was sitting beside her again, “It's still late, we should get a little more sleep.”

Chibi-Usa nodded, “Yes, you are right. I don't feel as though I've gotten much sleep.” She said and stood up before walking around the bed, to when she'd initially fallen asleep earlier. The darker haired did the same and went back to where she was sleeping. As soon as her head hit her pillow, Chibi-Usa spoke once again, “Good night. And thank you again, Hotaru.”

“Good night and you don't need to thank me.” Hotaru said and reached for the lamp beside the bed, shutting it off. Hotaru lay on her back silently staring up towards the ceiling, but not really looking at anything. She'd just lied to the girl was trying to become friends with and she couldn't help but feeling guilty. She could hear the girl's breathing beside her even out, meaning she'd likely fallen asleep, but only just, so she continued to lay silently. `I'll make sure she's asleep for a little while, before getting up.' She told herself as she allowed her breathing to even out as well, just in case.


Rei yawned and stretched one arm above her head, finally waking up from a peaceful sleep. A smile spread across her lips as she felt the arm across her chest, tighten its hold. She groggily opened her eyes and turned her head to her left. Her smile only grew wider as her eyes focused on the Goddess beside her. The mess of blonde hair that lay on her shoulder as well as the weight she felt there told her where Usagi's head was. She reached over and gently moved her hair away from her face, not wanting to wake the peaceful girl. Once her face was no longer obscured, Rei's eyes took in the beauty sleeping so serenely, “You are truly a goddess gracing us mortals with your presence.” She whispered.

As if responding to Rei speaking to her, Usagi moaned groggily and reached her hand up to her face and wiped her eyes sleepily. When she pulled her hand away, she opened her a little and took in her surroundings a little bit at a time, but her eyes soon found themselves focused on the amethyst orbs already staring at her, “Good morning.”

Rei smiled, “It is a good morning with you here.” She said and leaned forward slightly, giving her girlfriend a quick kiss. She pulled away and laid her head back on to her pillow, “I must confess that I'm disappointed I didn't even get to wake you with a kiss. That is the proper way to wake a Princess isn't it?”

Usagi closed her eyes for moment and sighed as she inched herself closer to the darker haired girl, nuzzling into the crook of Rei's neck, “Give me a couple minutes and I can grant your wish.”

Rei laughed lightly, “As much as I would love to cuddle in bed all day, I do have some chores to attend to before we can go out.”

Usagi pulled away from her girlfriend enough to look her in her eyes, “You have to get up now?” She asked, sporting a small pout.

The miko smiled at the other girl knowing that under nearly all circumstances she would have given to her with that look alone, but putting off her duties wasn't really an option. So, with no warning she quickly moved forward, closing the small gap between them crushing their lips together. A muffled groan escaped Usagi's lips at the unexpected contact, which Rei took full advantage of and slipped her tongue into her Princess's mouth. At the same time Rei reached a hand up and brought it to the back of Usagi's head, holding the other girl in place gently as she continued to explore her mouth, until she heard a soft moan from the blonde. She pulled away with a smile on her face that only mirrored by Usagi. “I do.” Rei said quietly before untangling herself from her girlfriend and getting up.

Usagi's brow creased in confusion as she watched the dark haired girl stand up and walk away from the futon. After a few moments, her mind finally caught up to what Rei said and why she left her in bed alone. “You're still mean to me.” Usagi whined, now wearing a full pout, she flopped on to her back and sighed.

Rei already had her hand on the door to her closet when she looked back at her girlfriend and saw how dejected she looked. She shook her head slightly as she walked back to her futon. When she reached the head of mattress, she knelt on the ground and leaned down and cupped the blonde teen's cheeks in her hands. “The sooner I get my chores done, the sooner I'll be all yours. I promise.” She said and gently stroked her cheeks with her thumbs.

Usagi stared up into amethyst eyes and allowed a smiled smile to spread across her lips, “I know you have your duties to attend to at the Jinja. I don't want you to neglect your chores; I was just hoping you could stay with me a little longer. And I didn't expect you to be such a tease.” She said, unconsciously looking at Rei's lips.

“Then it had my desired effect.” She said with a smile.

“And what was that?”

“To distract you, my Princess.” She said and quickly leaned down, capturing the other the girl's lips in a quick kiss before pulling away just as quickly. “Now, I really do need to get dressed so I can finish everything quickly.”

Usagi nodded her head slowly, which prompted Rei to stand once more and walked back to her closet. Usagi rolled on to her stomach and propped herself up slightly on her elbows so she could better watch the other girl select her red and white kimono she wore while working at the Jinja, when a thought struck her. “Do you have a kimono I can wear?”

Rei turned around as she asked, “Did you want to work too?”

Sitting up she said, “I can help you finish even faster.”

The miko smiled at the thought of Usagi as a shrine maiden, “I'm sure you could, but you don't need to. I won't take long, just relax in the meantime. Or maybe take a shower.”

With a content sigh Usagi said, “A shower does sound nice. And I can use your shower?”

“Of course.” Rei confirmed.

Usagi looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “Ok, I guess I can do that, but I'll be expecting follow through with your promise.” She stood and walked over and stopped in front of Rei.

One eye brow raised at the other girl's statement, “Promise?”

Usagi shook her head, “Yes. That you would be all mine afterwards.” As soon as the words left her mouth she step forward, closing the small gap between them and placing a quick kiss on the other girl's lips before pulling back and walking out of the room without another word.

Rei stared at the door for a few moments before shaking her head slightly and whispering, “Of course, it was a promise, Usa.”

End Ch.9
