Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Rainbow ❯ I Got The Blues ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Over The Rainbow 5

I Got The Blues

I do now own Sailor Moon, except for my own character, Lydia.

The weatherman said it was going to be a crystal-clear sunny day. Was he ever wrong! What everyone expected to be a sun shiny day, turned out to be a downpour.

"Rain, rain," sang Lydia bitterly, "go away. Come again another day…"

"Don't be like that, Lydia," said Lucky, "there will be a rainbow afterwards."

"Still, I hate rainy days!" she growled, "You can't do anything on a rainy day."

"You can do your homework," said Madam Indigo.

"Grr, homework," Lydia said. "Oh, all right. I hate the rain!"


"Oh great!" muttered Lita, running through the rain, holding her hands over her head. "This is just great! I'm gonna get soaked! That stupid weatherman never gets it right!"

She didn't notice where she was headed and bumped into someone.

"Aaah! DOPSTER!" she shouted, "Why don't you watch where you're going?"

But the thing was, it was Lita who hadn't been paying attention to where she was going and she fell down.

"Sorry, Lita," mumbled a voice.

"Sorry isn't good enough, buddy," she hissed. Then she realized who it is. "That sounds like Andrew," she whispered. "I'm so sorry, Andrew."

"Here, let me help you," Andrew said, reaching down and helping her up. "Don't be sorry, Lita. It was my fault. I missed you, Lita. I haven't seen you at the arcade for a while. I'm on my way there right now if you'd like to come with me. I'd really like it if you would."

'What beautiful eyes he has,' Lita thought.

"I could give you free tokens too," Andrew added.

'Oh wow, he really likes me.' She began to daydream and space out.

"Earth to Lita," Andrew said. "You okay? Here, let me help you."

"Okay," she said. They start walking under Andrew's umbrella.

"You know, Serena's been telling me what a terrific cook you are," Andrew told her.


"Come on," he said, "don't be so darn modest."

"Well," she admitted, "I do love to cook and someday I'll have my own restaurant."

"I can't cook toast," he mumbled.

Lita took a pen and pad out. "Here give me your address and I'll come over a-and give you a lesson."

"Oh," he wrote it down.


"You sure?" he asked, "I don't want to impose or anything."

"You kidding? I think it'll be fun."

Andre handed her the notebook back. She looks at it.

"Hey, your place isn't that far from mine," she commented.

The rain slowed down and eventually ceased.

"Well, the rain's stopped," Andrew said, "Guess we can go on our way."

"Who needs sunshine anyway?" Lita asked.

"What?" Andrew asked, confused.

She laughed.

"Can I call you," he began, "you know, to set up a time for that cooking?"

"Sure you can call," she said. "Oh, but you know what? I don't have any plans later this afternoon."

"I'll come over later, okay?" she asked.

"Wait." He said but too late. She was off.

"But I've got a date tonight," he muttered.

"There you are."

"Rita!" he exclaimed, "I was just thinking about you."

"You're too good to me, you know?" she teased. "A girl could get really spoiled around you."

"Then you got the flowers I sent you?" he asked.

"They're beautiful."

"Guess what," he said. "I got us reservations at that Italian place you like."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Andrew," she muttered, "but I won't be able to go."

"Why not?" he asked, hiding his hurt. "They're not making you work overtime, are you?"

"No, I got promoted."

"You have?" he asked, "Rita, that's terrific! You're gonna go to Africa with Dr. Bennet, like you've always wanted."

"He's the best," she said, as a tear forms in her eye. "Unlucky, but its two years."

"Hey, lovebirds," Darien spoke up as he passed them. The guy seemed to have a knack with popping up just about everywhere. He had a black eye, a memento from his encounter with Sailor Rainbow.

"Darien," Rita said, "you've gotta stop sneaking up like that. Ha-ha-ha."

Her watch beeped.

"Oh, look at the time," she added hurriedly. "I gotta go. I'll call you when I get home, all right, Andrew? Bye Darien." and she ran off.

Darien and Andrew exchanged glances and go to a café to talk.

"So what you so down about, Andrew?" Darien questioned.

"Rita's gonna leave…for Africa," he replied, "that bug research progress with Dr. Bennet came through today."

"Bummer," Darien said. "I guess you two will have to break up."

But that wasn't something Andrew wanted to hear. "We can have a long-distance relationship, or maybe go to Africa and study entomology too."

"But you hate bugs," Darien muttered with a disgusted look.

Everyone seems to want some romance, Andrew. Darien, however, isn't the guy who cares for romance. He's against lasting relationships. Just what is his problem? Obviously, Darien isn't the person Andrew should be confiding in right now. Or is he?

"I think I can learn to like them for her," Andrew said hopefully.

"I thought you wanted to be a surgeon," Darien said.

"Well, not if it means giving up Rita," Andrew said. "I haven't known anyone like her. She's great."

"Won't work long-distance," Darien muttered coolly.

"Come on, Darien," Andrew urged, "Haven't you been totally gone on someone?"

"Me? Come on." Darien said nervously, "Get real."

"Yeah. Well, you meet this person who's just totally special and everything clicks, and you know it's forever."

"Forever?" Darien questioned. "You've got to be kidding me. I can barely stay interested for five minutes. No way."

"Yeah, well what about Serena's friend, Raye?"

"We're just pals," he insisted. "She just has some silly school-girl crush on me."

"She told me you've been going to karate together," Andrew said. "But you're right about the age thing. I just think of Serena and all her friends like sisters."

'Wait until he finds out,' Darien thought, trying to hide his amusement, 'Serena and Lita have the most humongous crushes on him.'

"Oh, Darien, I've been meaning to ask you something," Andrew said.


Andrew smiled and leaned forward, "where'd you get that black eye? Did someone try to take Raye from you?"

"N-no," he gasped, covering his black eye as he remembered himself as Tuxedo Mask being thrashed around by the unknown sailor scout he encountered days earlier. "Nothing like that…um…I just, uh, tripped ya know and--"

"Uh-huh," Andrew said, "whatever."


Andrew heard a knock at his door. "Who is it?"

Lita took in a deep breath, "HI ANDREW! IT'S LITA! READY TO COOK UP A STORM!"

"Hold on," he answered, "I'll be right there." He opened the door a bit. "I was just on my way to the market."

"Not so fast," she said, "let's just see what you need." She swung the door wide open. She stepped inside and the door closed behind her.

"Sorry, the place is sort of a mess," he said uncomfortably.

Lita entered with her eyes closed, "People always say that when company comes over and it's never true…"

Then she opened them.

"'cept in this case."

Lita prepared to get down and dirty by putting on a headband. "Got dish soap?"

"Yeah." He replied. "I think there's some left."

"Good. You get busy cleaning that mountain of dishes."


"I just can't make anything good with a mess." She explained. "Now let's go." She tided up his apartment and came across a picture of Andrew and Rita.

"Hey, Andrew, who's this?"

"That's Rita and me at a picnic."

"Oh, is she your sister."

"No, my girlfriend."

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU TWO BEEN GOING OUT?!" she demanded with a scream.

"Oh, a year," he mumbled, taken back.

'Aaah!' she thought, 'Sometimes, reality, really stinks.'


Then at school the next day, Lita told Serena about Andrew.

"Noooo!" she wailed.

"He's been with her for a whole year," Lita said.

"Then how come he's never told us so we could stop moping over him! It's not fair! Whaaa!"

"Hey, I thought you were over him." Lita said.

"He was my first crush."

"But I thought you were madly in love with Tuxedo Mask."

"I am," she wailed, going to a higher pitch, "but he's not interested in me!"


"You can't blame her," said Luna, "The only guy who has the hots for her is the school dweebmeister, 'Melvin the Cerebellum.'"

"Now you, traitor?"

"Don't scare me like that."

"If there's one thing being a sailor scout taught me," Serena said, "it's that you never give up, no matter what, no matter how bad things are going. I'll get what I want. Oh yeah."

Lita looked curious. "Huh?"

"Yes I will."

"Who exactly did you have in mind?" Lita asked.

"Andrew." She replied. "I'm not really over him."

"We've still got a chance," Lita said, trying to be positive. "His girlfriend's going away so we might still be able to get him."

"Can't you worry about boys later," Luna demanded. "We have the rainbow crystals to find!"

"Hey, if that other sailor scout finds them, that's fine with me!" Serena said. "I want Andrew!"

"Yeah, she can have those crystals!" Lita added. She and Serena got hearts in their eyes as they grasped each other's hands and giggled. "Romance will be ours! We're love scouts!"

"Somebody tell me this a bad dream," Luna groaned, "I mean BAD."


They reached the arcade. "Wanna go first?" Serena asked.

"Well, I thought we could see him together."

"Okay, but don't get mad when I sweep him off his feet," she bragged.

That didn't make Lita feel confident. "Uh…I think I'll see him alone."

"Hey, Meatball Head," Darien said.

"I thought I smelled a rat," Serena scowled.

"Andrew's not working today, guys." He told them. "He's busy helping his girlfriend pack for Africa. Give it up, you two. Face it. He just isn't interested."

"Ooh, go fall in a sewer someplace, okay?" Serena demanded.

"Yeah, before I get mad," Lita added. "And give you a black eye to add to the one you already have!"

"I wonder who gave you that black eye, Darien," said Serena. "Was it from Raye?"

"I'm only trying to save you two from complete and total humiliation." Darien warned, holding his eye. "Believe me. It's not a pretty sight. And this black eye wasn't Raye's doing, okay? I was just arranging stuff in my close and something fell down on my face, okay?"

"Yeah, nice story, Darien." Lita groaned, looking to Serena and making a circle with her finger next to her head and they both giggled.

"Meatball Head, he and Rita are pretty tight." Darien said as-it-is-fully, "So you both should leave 'em alone."

"How many times do I have to tell you?" growled Serena. "My name is Serena, not Meatball Head! Or is your brain too small to grasp that…oooh!"

"I know your name," he said, "Meatball Head."

"OOOH!" Serena grunted. She walked out of Darien's sight and inside the arcade.

"Hello, Andrew.

"Whoa, Andrew's not here," said one of the workers. "He's over at his girlfriend's I think."

"Oh…I hate it when Darien's right."


"I know the blue crystal is close," Lydia said as she walked down the street, "but where is it? I have to find it before Zoicite does!" She looked at her locket. "Come on, you stupid locket, start flashing! I want to see blue!"

She passed the school of biology and saw Lita. She seemed to be in deep thought.

"Okay, Lita," she told herself, "You'd better think up a good excuse, so Andrew's girlfriend doesn't' think we're out to spy on her."

"Hey Lita!" Lydia called, running up behind her.

"Aaah!" Lita cried. She turned around. "Lydia, you startled me!"

"Sorry, what're you doing out here?" Lydia asked.

"I'm here to meet someone," Lita replied.


"Goodnight, Dr. Bennet," said Rita as she stepped out of the school.

"Goodnight, Rita."



Rita approached them and Lita stepped forward. Lydia felt a cool-warmth in her chest. She looked down at her locket. It began to glow blue. "Yes, it's nearby!" she whispered.

"Excuse me, Rita?" Lita said.

"Oh! Goodness," Rita gasped, "you really startled me."


The three of them went to the park. They sat down on a bench.

"I really appreciate your taking the time to talk to me." Lita said. "It's very nice of you."

"Oh sure, but what made you want to become a biologist, Lita?" Rita asked.

Lydia raised her eyebrow and leaned toward Lita. "Lita, I thought you wanted to own a restaurant," she whispered.

"Be quiet!" she muttered, surprising Lydia.

"Come again?" Rita said.

"Oh, Andrew was telling me all about your trip to Africa," Lita said, "and it sounded neat."

"Africa?" gasped Lydia, "really?"

"Lydia," Lita grumbled.

"What?" Lydia demanded, "I'm interested. That sounds like fun! Congratulations!"

Lita looked at Lydia in anger as she went on, excited.

"You study insects, right?"

Rita nodded.

"You know that it's bad luck to kill a cricket?" Lydia questioned.

She shook her head. "No. They're good luck?"

"Absolutely! I bet they're the only bugs that bring good luck, trust me. I know these things! I collect--"

"Lydia!" Lita shouted.


Rita sighed, "It would neat, if I decide to go."

"What do you mean?" Lydia questioned. "Isn't this like your dream?"

"I'm not sure it's worth losing Andrew over it." Rita explained. "I know it's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but…I don't want him to meet anyone else."

"You can't miss out on an opportunity like this! No way!" Lita shouted. "I'd go to Africa in a minute, especially if it meant fulfilling my greatest dream, and who knows? Maybe you and Andrew will just pick up where you left off."

"Yeah, she's right," Lydia put in. "If you two really love each other, then you're meant to be together no matter what happens. Like the old saying goes: 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Rita, I understand that you don't want to leave Andrew behind but he's happy for you, isn't he?"

"Well, yes," she admitted.

"Andrew just wants you to be happy," Lydia said.

"Thank you," Rita said. "I should be going now. Goodnight."

'I'm not so good at this relationship sabotage stuff,' Lita thought.

As if Lydia could see what she was thinking, Lydia said, "You didn't want to talk to her to know a bit more biology, did you?"

"Huh?" Lita gasped.

"Come on, Lita," Lydia urged, "what's the real reason you wanted to talk to Rita? And don't tell me you're interested in bugs 'cause I know you're not. You want to be a four-star-chef, not a bug collector."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lita mumbled, getting off the bench.

"You were only talking her into going to Africa so Andrew would be available for you!" Lydia blurted.

"Whoa, lucky guess!" Lita said sarcastically.

"Listen to me, Lita," Lydia commanded, "I know you have the hots for this Andrew laddie, so does Serena. Heck, I'm sure there are a lot of girls crushing on him; but his heart belongs to Rita. And her going to Africa isn't going to change that."

"She's right," Lita muttered as Lydia left her alone.


Lita and Serena went to Andrew's apartment for a cooking lesson. "This is going to be so much fun!" Serena shrieked.

"That's his place," Lita said, pointing to the apartment.

"Oh no. I'm getting really wigged out." Serena said. The reached his apartment and Andrew opened the door.

"Hey you guys," he greeted, "you're right on time. Come on in."

They walked in and it's spotless, only because Lita had cleaned it the last time she came over.

"Whoa! It's clean in here!" Serena gasped. "Lita told me it was worse than a toxic waste dump."

Lita laughed nervously as Serena noticed something. "Hey, that's the cup I gave you for Christmas!" she cried as she picked it up. In a whisper, she said to herself, "I wonder if he thinks of me when he uses it."

"Serena, put it down," Lita ordered.

"That's my favorite," Andrew said, making Serena blushed.

"Oh, I hope you don't me coming," she said, "I need to cook too."

"No, as a matter of fact," he told her, "I'm really glad you came this way. You both can meet my girlfriend."

"Let's get started," Lita said.


They began to get to work in the kitchen and already Serena was complaining.

"I'm starved. Is there anything in here to snack on?"

"We'll be eating soon," Lita told her.

"What will I do until then?" Serena asked whiningly.

"Grab a knife and start peeling potatoes," Lita answered casually.

"I can't." Serena said, "I'll feel like I'm in the army."

Lita crushed a carrot in her anger. "Fine, then chop onions."

"Okay, but they make my cry."

"Serena, you'll never make it as a cook."

"Then I'll just eat."

Andrew's phone started to ring and he goes to answer it. "'Scuze me. Hello? Rita!"

Rita and Serena frown. Not what they wanted to hear.

"I'm not going to be able to come for dinner." Rita said. "I'm really sorry. I don't feel well."

"What is it? Have you got the flu?"

"I don't know what it is," she said, "I think it could be...heartbreak."

"Don't move," he ordered, "I'll come and pick you up." He hung up the phone and turned to Serena and Lita. "Can you hold down the fort for me?"

They pretend not to me.

"Sure!" Serena said. "Go and get your girlfriend."

"Will it be ruined?"

"It'll keep," Lita replied.

"Thanks, you guys are the greatest. Bye." He left the apartment and Serena turned to Lita.

"Let's eat without him," she said.


Time went by and still to sign of Andrew.

"I don't think he's coming back," Lita said, "what's taking him?"

Serena, however, was napping.


"Ha-Ha!" laughed Zoicite, "out of the way, wimp!" She encircled them with fire. Andrew shielded Rita.

"It's not you I'm after, boy," Zoicite said, "It's the girl."

Andrew charged Zoicite and she attacked him with bolt of energy. "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Andrew screamed in pain as Rita shouted in fear.


"Now where were we?" demanded Zoicite.

"MONSTER!" Rita shouted. "What do you want?"

"Rita, we're on the same side," Zoicite said, "you just don't remember."

"That's because she wasn't on your side to begin with, ya loser!" Super Sailor Rainbow shouted. "Rita, get out of here!"

"How do you know my name?" Rita questioned.

"Nevermind that, just go!"

"Not so fast!" Zoicite growled, "ZOI!" she used the shard of the black crystal to extract the blue crystal.

"Rita!" Super Sailor Rainbow cried.

The fifth shadow warrior, Techniclon came alive in Rita's body.

"Get her!" Zoicite demanded.

"Oh, this will be fun!" Techniclon jumped to Super Sailor Rainbow, throwing a bomb.

"Rainbow Red Streak!" her attack penetrated the bomb before it blew up at her and in Techiclon's face.


"That's why you shouldn't be playing with bombs!" Super Sailor Rainbow laughed. She charged Zoicite and hit her with a quick blow to the stomach, making her drop the blue crystal. "You don't have the blue crystal, anymore, lassie! Instead you just got the blues and a bad tummy ache!"

Zoicite groaned, hunching over with her arms around her stomach. "I'll…get you yet…aaah…" Zoicite disappeared, leaving Super Sailor Rainbow to deal with the monster.

"Ready, eh?" Super Sailor Rainbow demanded. "Let's turn things up a bit. Rainbow Blue Crystal…give me your power!"

Super Sailor Rainbow was then lifted up in the air as she is surrounded in a blue aura. Blue is added to her boots and sword-scepter and her choker was changed to blue. The aura is now ranged red to blue as she was set back down. "Now, you've got the blues! RAINBOW BLUE BLASTER"

Techiclon pulled out a bottle and her power went into it.



The blue blaster made a U turn and headed for Super Sailor Rainbow! "Uh oh!" she jumped to dodge it. "Lucky, what do I do?"

"Throw something at her that she can't put in that bottle!" he commanded. "Target her with your new powers!"

"Oh, yes, of course! All right, bug-brain! See if you can suck this in! RAINBOW PRIMARY TARGET!" The red, yellow and blue crystals glow on her golden belt and a red dot inside a yellow circle, which was inside a bigger blue one, appeared right in front of Techiclon's chest.

"Ha, you can't get me!" Techiclon growled and moved away. Though she moved around, she was still targeted.


"What? No!" The blaster went through the target and sent blue beams through her body, breaking her up. "Aaaaah!" She fell down and Rita was released from her.

"Whew," Super Sailor Rainbow sighed, looking over to Lucky, "good thing she wasn't turned to a cricket and then I'd feel really bad!"

"Super Sailor Rainbow," he said, "I don't think you can ever be unlucky."

Rita groaned as she came back to consciousness. "What happened?"

"You'll be all right," Super Sailor Rainbow said.

She focused on Andrew, who was getting up from his blow from Zoicite.



She ran to his arms.

"Ah, so romantic," Super Sailor Rainbow sniffed. "I think I'm going to cry!" she rubbed her eyes on her glove.

"Let's go now," Lucky said.


"Hey, wait!" Rita shouted.


"Thank you for saving my life," Rita said, "both of our lives."

"Yes, thank you," Andrew said. "You have no idea how much she means to me."

Super Sailor Rainbow grinned. "Y'might be surprised. You're very lucky. Take care of each other." With that, she left the two lovebirds alone.


"This is the last call for boarding on Flight 402 to Nairobi, Africa."

"Well, I guess you'd better go." Andrew said. "It's last call."

"I know." Rita sighed. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too."

"I'll write each day."

"Me too."

"All passengers on Flight 402 should now be at the gate." The public announcer said. "This is the final boarding call."

"You'll be in my heart, Andrew," Rita said.

"You in mine."

Serena and Lita were watching from a distance. Serena was crying.

"So romantic!" Serena fumed.

"Well, I hope you girls learned your lesson," Lydia said, sneaking up behind them.

"Aaah!" they both screamed.

"Lydia, what're you doing here?" Serena demanded.

"Just wanted to make sure you didn't attack Andrew right after Rita left," she replied. "They're really lucky."

"Your friend's right, ya know," Darien said, popping up from nowhere, just like Lydia just did.

"We know; we know," Lita grumbled.

"Hey, what happened to your eye, Darien?" Lydia demanded with a grin.

For some reason, Darien winced. He felt like he saw Lydia from somewhere and it made his black eye feel worse.

"It was an accident," he lied, covering his eye.

"I wish I was so lucky," Serena groaned. She looked down at the ground. "I've got a bad case of the blues." She spotted a bug on the floor. "Eww! A bug!" she stomped on it.

"Serena!" Lydia cried, pushing her back. "What's the matter with you?"

"It's a bug!" Serena cried.

Lydia got down on her hands and knees and inspected the smashed insect. "You just squished a cricket!" she yelled.


"It's bad luck to kill crickets!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know?" Serena demanded. "Only you know that--"

"I know it's bad luck, Serena," Lita said.

"Well, you could've told me!"

Lita and Lydia broke out laughing. "And you wonder why you have such bad luck!"

After Rita boarded the plane, Andrew walked passed them, looking very sad.

"Hey, Andrew," Lydia called out, running to his side and sliding her arm around him. "Are you all right? I know you'll miss her but don't worry. Just she's away doesn't mean she'll forget about you. You're closer than you think!"


"Yeah, let's go and grab a milkshake," Lydia said, walking away with him, "and if you need a friend--"

"That traitor!" Serena shouted.

"Lydia, I'd wish you'd practice what you preach!" Lita scowled.

"Hey," Lydia said, looking over her shoulder, "Do what I say; not what I do! And besides, everyone can use a friend, right?"

Serena and Lita ran up to them. "Can we tag a long? Don't worry, Andrew, you still got us!"

Darien watched on, shaking his head. "I'd better put some ice on this eye."

Next Chapter: A Song For You