Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Rainbow ❯ The New Sailor ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Over The Rainbow 8

The New Sailor

I just own Lydia, Madam Indigo, Lucky and whatever nameless characters I make up for this story!

"Are you any better?" Malachite asked Zoicite, dabbing her face with a cloth.

"We underestimated her," Zoicite winced. "But we can't give up now. We're so close. Besides, this nothing compared to what the queen will do to me if I fail."

"Don't talk like that," he muttered.

"We've upset her enough already," Zoicite said. "I have an idea. We'll set a trap for Sailor Rainbow and the other scouts."

"You haven't got your strength back," he said.

"I'm fine," she insisted, sitting up. "Now listen carefully, Malachite. I know a way to trick the sailor scouts, including Rainbow."


"You mean, the last crystal has been found?" Amy questioned, "in the cat?"

"Explains why the girl didn't," Lita said.

"Who got it?" Serena asked. "That mysterious sailor scout?"

"Yes," Luna replied, "the rainbow crystals are in good hands, for now."

"What do you mean by that?" Serena demanded, "Did you meet her?"

"Well," Luna looked over at Artemis and whispered, "Help me out!"

"We cannot tell you that now," Artemis said. "But we will all see the new sailor eventually. We just have to be patient. But the important thing is, she is on our side."


"The nerve of the Negaverse," Lydia grumbled, "asking me to serve them and just because I have the crystals. Argh! I'll make sure they're sorry for this. Why didn't the yellow crystal warn me?" She clenched her hand into a tight fist. "There is no way I'll let them make me become one of them. No way."

"Lydia, what's wrong?" Lucky asked. "What did Zoicite want with you?"

"To join the Negaverse."

He gasped.

"Don't worry, I told her to forget it!" she shouted. "It's personal now, Lucky. I'm going to make them very sorry they even thought of asking me to join the likes of them.."


Two workers window workers at the university began washing windows. They didn't notice the crystals appearing and cutting at the cables. When they disappear, a gaping hole was left. The cable then broke and the two workers hung on for dear life. Serena, Lita, Darien and Lydia, with the crowd, watched in horror.

"They need help." Darien whispered and looked up at the cable, "this was no accident."

"You're right," Lydia said next to him.

Darien turned, "what?"

"I think someone cut the rope," Lydia said, "It wasn't an accident or just bad luck."

"We gotta help them," Darien said.

"Hey, wait," she said. "Look!" she pointed at rope that was laid out, followed by--no, Sailor Moon? The fake heroine swooped down to catch them.

"Don't sweat it, folks," Sailor Moon, or the fake one said anyway. "You're safe as long as I'm around."

'Something funny about that Sailor Moon,' Lydia thought.

'That's not the Sailor Moon I know,' Darien pondered, 'I'd better go see what's up.'

"What's the deal," Serena mumbled, "She can't be Sailor Moon. That's MY job! She can't. She caaaa--"

"Serena, please stop your wailing!" Lita shouted in a hushed whisper, so no one heard them, "you've got your communicator right? We should call the others!"


The fake sailor moon hopped rooftop to rooftop to the docks. There was someone there. Malachite, who watched the pretend sailor moon.

"We'll get those crystals soon enough," he said, "and Rainbow for sure."


Darien tried following the fake sailor moon's trail. "Where'd she go?" he asked himself aloud, "she's disappeared."

He wasn't the only one who went looking for her; the real scouts and Lydia were reaching the docks too.

"I think she came this way, Lucky," Lydia said. "If I'm right, that no good Sailor Moon is working for the Negaverse."

"Lydia, watch your tongue!" he snarled.

"No, not the real Sailor Moon," she said. "Why would she join her worst enemy? I think the Sailor Moon I saw earlier today was one of Beryl's generals in a disguise."


"I dunno," she said. "But I intend to find out."

"You mean, she just came down and saved the guy?" Amy asked, surprised.

"Yeah, she's the real thing," Raye teased. "The Sailor Moon I know could barely swing a hammock."

"She'd probably get tangled up like a poor bug in a spider web," Lita added.

"Oooh, traitor!" Serena hissed.

"Is this girl our friend our enemy?" Amy asked suddenly.

"Or maybe she's just a fan," Lita shrugged.

"Could she be the scout that got all the rainbow crystals?" Mina asked.

"No way," Serena said, shaking her head. "There is only one sailor moon and that's me. The other scout is a real scout. She's on our side, I know it."

"But how, Serena?" Mina asked, "We don't know her."

"Artemis said that the crystals were in good hands," Amy reminded.

"I just do," Serena said firmly, "she saved us while we tried to help Greg, remember? She didn't come out and greet us but I heard her voice and the funny thing is…" she stopped suddenly.

"What, Serena, what?" Raye asked.

They heard screaming. "Someone's in trouble!" Serena shouted, "let's move!" They ran to the noise and found the fake sailor moon being hoisted up by a crane.

"It won't be long now," Malachite said, laughing.

"The Negaverse is capturing Sailor Moon," Lita said.

"Let's get her down from there," Serena said.

"No! Wait!" Lita shouted.

"She's right," Luna said. "It could be a trick."

"I don't care," Serena said, "we've got ourselves outta jams before and I must know who that girl thinks she is, stealing my name!"

"She's right," Raye said and they all nod. They start to transform.






"Very soon," Malachite sniggered, "the universe will belong to the Negaverse. Come out now, Sailor Rainbow."

"Hey, you on the roof!" Sailor Moon shouted. "Let that bogus Sailor Moon go."

"Most impressive, sailor scouts," Malachite said, "it's a pleasure to meet you finally and for the last time at that."

"Huh?" the all gasp. What exactly did Malachite mean by that? They had no idea that he was the strongest of Beryl's generals.

"DARK ENERGY ELECTRIFY!" He enclosed the five scouts in an indestructible black dome.

"Oh no!" Sailor Mercury gasped.

Everyone tried to break the dome. Mars went first.


But her Mars Fire did not work.


"It's going to take more than that, Sailor Brat," Malachite said.

"Let me bust this place apart," Jupiter said.

"Give it a try," Malachite prompted.


Thunder didn't work on it either.

"Not even a dent," Sailor Mercury said, "we're in real trouble."

"Slow learners, aren't you?" Malachite mocked. "Your powers are no match to the Negaverse. DARK ENERGY, SHRINK TO BIT!"

The dome began to shrink. Now they were in for it.

'I sure hope Tuxedo Mask will come soon,' Sailor Moon thought, 'or if the mystery scout decides to show up, now would be a great time!'


It seemed that Sailor Moon was in luck for Tuxedo Mask and Eternal Sailor Rainbow were in her trail. Tuxedo Mask got there first.

"I've got to find Sailor Moon," Tuxedo Mask told himself, "she's in trouble, I can feel it!"

He looked up and found the fake Sailor Moon up on the crane. "Someone got her up there, but I've got to get her down."

Sailor Rainbow saw the fake sailor moon on the crane too, but didn't move to help her.

"Eternal Sailor Rainbow, why don't you help her?" Lucky questioned.

"That's the fake Sailor Moon I told you about," Eternal Sailor Rainbow replied.

"You're sure?"

"Very sure," she hissed. "Tuxedo Mask is being set up. The real scouts are around here somewhere."

"We should help him then!" Lucky said.

"Why should I?" she snapped, "He should know that's not really her! He deserves whatever he gets!" and she stood there and watched him cut the cable and bring her down just as he dove into a warehouse when lightning hit the crane. 'Tuxedo Mask,' she thought, 'you fool, get out of there!'

"It's all right now," Tuxedo Mask said, "We're safe. You'll be okay."

"Can't say the same for you," the fake sailor moon said.


She laughed as she created a crystal and drove it into his shoulder. She jumped away and the crystal vanished, a huge gash in his shoulder.

"Sailor Moon? Why?" he gasped.

"Doesn't he realize that's not really her?" Eternal Sailor Rainbow said, peaking around the window. "How unlucky can you get?"

The fake revealed the truth. It was Zoicite.

"Zoicite!" Eternal Sailor Rainbow gasped, "I thought she was rainbow dust!"

"She must've survived somehow," Lucky said.

Sailor Rainbow turned away from the window and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Lucky asked.

She stood at the wall. "I'm waiting," she said.

"Aren't you going to help him?"

"No. He got his self into this."

"You're so gullible, Tuxedo Mask," Zoicite laughed, "I didn't expect you to be my hero, but let me give you my thanks anyway." She threw her cherry blossoms at him but he quickly ran and hid behind some crates. "You can run, Tuxedo Mask, but you can't hide." She produced another ice crystal, one very much like a sword. "I'm going to get you, cape boy. Ha-ha-ha!"

"How could I have been so stupid?" Tuxedo Mask asked himself. 'And who was she expecting anyway? Oh now, Sailor Rainbow. She's after Sailor Rainbow and the rainbow crystals!'


The situation was getting worse for Sailor Moon and the others.

"Yo!" Sailor Moon shouted, "It's getting smaller!"

"Let's just keep trying!" Venus yelled. "VENUS CRECENT BEAM SMASH!"

It didn't work either. It was going to crush them any moment.

"I think it can only be destroyed on the outside," Sailor Mercury said. Everyone pouted how they did not want it to end like this. However, Sailor Moon got a brilliant, yet crazy idea.

"I know!" Sailor Moon shouted quickly, "let's dig our way out!"

"Idiot!" Sailor Mars growled.

"What?" she snarled, "I didn't hear you think of anything!"

"Where is your other sailor friend?" Malachite shouted.

"What are you getting at?" Mars demanded.

"Don't play dumb with me," he growled, "tell me where Sailor Rainbow is!"

"We don't know any Sailor Rainbow!" Moon shouted.

"You lie!"

"We don't! And even if we did, we wouldn't tell you!"

"Rainbow," Mercury whispered, "That must be the sailor who has the crystals!"


Zoicite is slicing through crates and whatever was in her path to find Tuxedo Mask. "Come out, come out, come out wherever you are!" She got close to him and he had to run to keep from being crushed by falling debris. "There you are!" She jumped at him and readied a powerful attack.

Tuxedo Mask protected himself with his cane. "Go away!"

She threw her cherry blossoms at him and the wind of the attack forced his eye mask away.


Inside her castle, Beryl saw what happened.

"I know that face!" she cried. "Now we know who Tuxedo Mask is. Hmm, maybe I do not need that Sailor Rainbow anymore after all."


"Come on," Zoicite said, as if she was getting bored of fighting Tuxedo Mask. "Just surrender."

Sailor Rainbow walked by the window and back again, as if contemplating to help him or not.

"Go ahead and help him," Lucky said.

"No! I'm here to save the others, not cape boy!"

"Then hurry up and do so," Lucky said.

"Yes but--"

"Or you can save Tuxedo Mask since he's right here," Lucky told her, "and he can really use some help."

"Oh, why should I?" she demanded. "He did nothing for me!"

"As I recall," he said, "he came through for you more than once."

"Oh, rubbish!" she hissed, "He was just after the crystals!"

"You do know what might happen if you don't help him," Lucky said, "do you?"

"Well," she groaned, "oh, why did the yellow crystal have the power to see into the future? Why couldn't it just bring good luck?"

"You're going to help him then?" Lucky asked.

"Yes, yes," she muttered, "but just this once! And I'm only doing this because I hate Zoicite! He got lucky--but it's his fault for falling for their trick in the first place."

"I'll never surrender," Tuxedo Mask muttered.

"Fine. Have it your way!" She moved to attack him and then--suddenly--

"RAINBOW POT'O'GOLD DROP!" The huge empty pot crashed down on Zoicite's head and knocked her out.

'Sailor Rainbow, no, go.' Tuxedo Mask got out of the warehouse an in an alleyway.

"Go see if he's hurt," Lucky said.

"I'm not his nursemaid!" Sailor Rainbow muttered.

He cocked his head, "Sailor Rainbow, he really is your ally."

"If the scouts become mincemeat, it's on your paws!" she growled and jumped off to find Tuxedo Mask. She found him in an ally way, his back to her. "Tuxedo Mask, are you, damaged?"

"I'll be fine, get out of here, Sailor Rainbow," he grunted. "They're after you!"

"After me?" she flew to his side, hovering around him, "what do you mean?" She saw the side of his face. "Hey what happened to your--"

"Don't look at me!" he said, pulling his arm to his face.

But she didn't let him off that easy. She hovered in front of him and pulled his arm away. "Zoicite was expecting me to save her, wasn't she?"

"Yes," he replied.

"She tried to get me to join the Negaverse," she said. She recognized him, "wait, Darien?"

He tried to back away but she grabbed his face. "How do you know my name?" he muttered.

"Darien, it's me. Lydia."

"Lydia?" he mumbled, looking into her familiar indigo eyes. "Licorice Head?"

"Yes, it's me," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you know my secret," he said, trying to chuckle.

"Yeah," she slapped him on his shoulder, the bad one and he hunched forward, groaning. "Oh no, I'm sorry!" she supported him with her arms. "She hurt you?"

"It's nothing," he insisted.

"Nothing?" she demanded. "Darien, your shoulder looks bad! You're lucky you're in one piece!"

"No, you are," he said.

"Ya saved me again, Tuxedo Mask," she said, blushing. "Oh, I wished one of these crystals could heal wounds."

"I'll be fine," he winced.

"They're after you, Sailor Rainbow," he said, "You need to leave here before they find you. Forget the other scouts, I'll save them."

"No, are you nuts?" she said. "I'm why they're here. And you're in bad shape."

He nearly fell on her, feeling suddenly weak. She did her best to support him and somehow, didn't seem to mind it. He didn't either. "The crystals are safe with you," he said. "They don't belong to me. If they get you they get the crystals."

"Don't worry, they won't."

"You can't be sure about that."

"I've been lucky so far."

"You can't just rely on your luck," he urged.

"Oh, so I should rely on you instead?" she joked.

He smiled and touched her glittery face. "Why do I have the feeling we've known each other for ages?"

"Maybe we just knew each other in another life," she suggested with a shrug.

"Must be." He sighed. "Strange how things turned out, hasn't it?"

She nodded, "Yes, I know."

"I don't care if the moon princess is ever found," he admitted.

"But she's the only one that can stop Beryl!" Sailor Rainbow cried.

"I don't think so. You are more powerful than the other scouts," he said, "and you can take her."


They stared into each other's eyes for a while, a strange feeling burning inside each of them. They hadn't felt this way before about each other or anyone else. And for some reason or another, all they could think about was each other.


"Lydia, I--"

Their lips moved in to meet but just as they touched, a scream broke out.

"Oh no," Eternal Sailor Rainbow backed up and looked in the direction of the scream. "I have to go to them. Darien, I'm sorry. But I must."

"I understand," he said with a nod. "Be careful and good luck."

"Thanks, but as the Sailor Scout of Luck," she said, "I might not need it. You stay here, all right? Don't move. I'll come back for you."


"Where's Sailor Rainbow?" Malachite muttered. "She should be here any moment?"

"It is no use," Moon groaned, "This is it."

Zoicite appeared, "Malachite, I--"

He noticed that she looked as if was in a fight. "Zoicite what happened to you?"

"She's here," she responded. "And not very happy…"


Eternal Sailor Rainbow flew in the sky over the dome. "You've been waiting for me? Well here I am and I'm ready to kick some ahrss!"

"Finally you have showed yourself, coward!" Zoicite shouted.

"I'm the coward, eh?"

"Guys look, it's her!" Sailor Mercury said. "The mystery scout."

"Wow, she looks beautiful!" Sailor Moon sighed.

"Sailor Rainbow," Mars mumbled, "so that's who they were after."

"How dare you cage my sailor friends up like animals!" Eternal Sailor Rainbow snarled. "You're the real beasts!"

"Oh, we're in luck!" Jupiter praised.

"Right you are!" Eternal Sailor Rainbow cried. "I'll get you out in a jiffy! RAINBOW FULL SPECTRUM!"

"Ooh, look a rainbow!" Sailor Moon shouted.

"Cover your eyes everyone!" Sailor Mercury warned.

But Sailor Moon kept staring at the pretty colors.

"Sailor Moon!" Mars put her hand over her eyes. "It'll blind us!"

A wave of rainbow colors swarmed down to the dome. It hit it in the top and spread down, destroying the dome. The sailors stepped out to get a better look at Eternal Sailor Rainbow.

"Why does she look different than us?" Mars asked.

"Who cares?" Moon demanded, "The point is that she saved us!"

"Now, Eternal Sailor Rainbow," Zoicite said, "we ask you again to join us!"

"Never!" Eternal Sailor Rainbow snarled.

"Then say goodbye to your new friends!" She turned to Malachite, "finish them off!"

The scouts cringed and as he threw a dark blast at them, draining their energy.

Eternal Sailor Rainbow decided to play along with is rules. She flew toward Zoicite, caught her by the collar and lifted her up in the over the ocean. "Let them go, Malachite, or yer girl here goes for a swim!"

The girls continued to scream, as he didn't let up. He did though, seemed to be unnerved.

"Forget about me, Malachite," Zoicite whispered, as Eternal Sailor Rainbow began to let go.

He couldn't go through with it. He pulled down his hand. "Let her go."

"I guess the Negaverse is soft too, eh?" Eternal Sailor Rainbow demanded, throwing her into him.

"Aah!" Zoicite grunted when she hit the ground.

"I am not going to join you or let you get your filthy hands on the crystals," Eternal Sailor Rainbow muttered. "I am keeping them safe for the Moon Princess. So you tell your queen that if she wants a new slave, her own sailor scout, then she'll have to make a scout herself! Here's a name for her, she could call her 'Sailor Shadow!'"

"How dare you mock us!" Malachite growled.

"RAINBOW SECONDARY SWIRL!" she blasted him with the colors of orange, green and violet.

"Malachite!" Zoicite gasped.

"Wow, she's good!" Sailor Moon exclaimed.

"Malachite! Zoicite!" Queen Beryl shouted. "Return at once."

"But your majesty, we can win!" Zoicite argued.

"Do not question me, Zoicite," Queen Beryl ordered.

"You've gotten lucky, scouts," Malachite said, "but everyone's luck runs out sometime!" The two disappeared.

"Not for the scout of luck," Eternal Sailor Rainbow muttered. She remembered about Tuxedo Mask and turned to look for him. 'He didn't leave, did he?'

"Hey, wait, don't go!" Sailor Moon called after her. "You're one of us now! I've been waiting to finally meet you!" She and the other scouts ran after her. She grabbed her shoulder and turned her back. "Thank you for saving us! Sailor Rainbow, right?"

She nodded, "Eternal Sailor Rainbow."

"You're an eternal sailor scout?" Mercury gasped, "They're the most powerful ones!"

"It was the crystals," she explained.

"Well I'm Sailor Moon," Sailor Moon said, pointing to herself and to her scouts. "And these are my sailor scouts."

"Sailor Mercury."

"Sailor Mars."

"Sailor Jupiter."

"Sailor Venus. You've must heard of me before. As Sailor V."

"Actually, no," Rainbow said.

"No?" Venus gasped.

"Hello again," Luna said to Lucky.

"She's got a guardian cat too!" Moon cried.

"You met them before?" Venus demanded Artemis. Artemis meowed.

"I'm Lucky," Lucky replied.

"Well, I'm glad that we've finally got to meet you," Jupiter said. "We could use all the help we can get against the Negaverse."

"Aye, aye," Sailor Rainbow said, nodding.

"Oh," Sailor Moon mumbled, "are you the moon princess we've been looking for?"

Sailor Rainbow smiled, nearly close to laughter. "Oh no. Absolutely not. I'm looking for her too. Maybe we'll find her together."

Sailor Moon had another question. She stepped closer, an eyebrow raised. "Have we met before?"

Sailor Rainbow didn't hesitate and shrugged. "It's possible."

Next Chapter: Clear as Crystal