Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Rainbow ❯ Snow Sculptures ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Over The Rainbow 13

Snow Sculptures

Whatever characters you wouldn't see on Sailor Moon that is in this fic, I made them up.

Serena and the girls were hanging around Cherry Hill Temple. She showed them a flyer about a contess. Lydia looked over her shoulder and read it as she explained it. "Hey, you guys gotta check this out. The Miss Moon Princess contest at the Pinecone Ski Resort. I gotta enter this for sure, don't you think?"

Lydia grinned, "a Miss Moon Princess contest at a Ski Resort?" She asked. "Shouldn't it be a snow princess contest?" She laughed, "So, if someone wants to be a ski princess they'd have to enter a contest to go to the moon? Ha-ha! Ya guys kill me!"

Lita cocked her head and giggled, "must be a typo."


"You want to enter some ski bunny contest?" Mina asked Serena.

"I was hoping you'd wanna make a ski weekend out of it with me."

"Let me see that," Raye said and grabbed the flyer from her hands. "Hey! Winner gets two weeks free. Sounds like a blast."

"I don't think Luna, Lucky and Artemis will be very happy knowing we're off to play," Lita groaned.

"Hey, Lucky wouldn't mind," Lydia said. "I mean, he sleeps 16 hours a day and he makes us do all the dirty work."

"Yeah," Mina nodded, "so does Artemis."

"We're supposed to be fighting the Negaverse," Amy said, "Besides, we'll never get a room at the last minute."

"Maybe we should just wait," Serena insisted, "People always cancel."

"You guys can stay at my place," Chad said.

"Oh, you have a place there?" Raye asked.

"Well, it's my parents'," he said. "I go up there all the time."

"Cool!" Serena gasped. "Oh, you're going to come with us, right?"

"Yeah." He said, "I always go up there at this time of year to practice my drums, bang up some new songs…"

"Ah, there's a good lad," Lydia said, hugging Chad. He went red with embarrassment and so did Raye with jealousy. "Thank you!"

"No prob," he mumbled.

"Hmm, I can't believe our luck." Lydia added, releasing Chad.


Malachite laughed in excitement. "This contest's an excellent idea. Those silly scouts will be lured into the trap for sure."

"They're not idiots, Malachite," Darien muttered.


"It'd behoove you to quit underestimating their powers," Darien said, "Zoicite did and look where it got her. Sailor Moon may be a clumsy crybaby, but when push comes to shove, she can be tougher than any she-lion. And Sailor Rainbow can be worse."

Malachite grinned, "oh, are you speaking from experience when she almost pummeled you into oblivion when you first joined us?

Prince Darien looked a little awkward. "I told you I was playing with their minds."

"Hmph, really. I will get the crystal and the only way I tolerate you because of Beryl's orders." Malachite said. "The sailor scouts will be no more after this contest."

"Right," Darien muttered sarcastically.

"I'm warning you, Darien, don't get in my way," Malachite threatened. "I'll get the crystal." He turned and looked at a picture of him and Zoicite. "I'll do it for you, Zoicite, promise."

Darien groaned and shook his head as he walked away. He'd never been much for love and if he ever was, he couldn't remember it now.


The girls reached the resort. "Wow, it's gorgeous!" Serena exclaimed.

"This weekend's gonna be so fun," Lita said.

"You sure the cats won't mind, Mina?" Amy asked.

"Oh no." She replied. "They need a chance to catch up on their work."

"And Lucky said I could go as long as I brought him a souvenir," Lydia said.

"In that case I should get Artemis one too," Mina said. "Serena would probably be too busy trying to stand on her feet so we'll get something for Luna too."

"Yeah," Lydia nodded. "Hmm, I wonder what they're up to."


"So Artemis, what do you think would be a good way to stop Beryl?" Luna asked.

He didn't hear her. He was sleeping.

"Artemis? That cat. Such a lazybones," she groaned. "What do you think, Lucky?"

Lucky was also asleep.

"Gentlemen, how are we supposed to get anything done when you are sleeping?" she demanded. "Oh, well, I might as well take a nap too." She yawned and settled in between Lucky and Artemis.


Chad's parents' house was big and classy. Chad was roasting a marshmallow over the fireplace. "Make yourselves at home, we've got the place to ourselves."

"I thought you were just a slacker," Raye said nervously. "I mean, I never knew you were loaded. So why you work at the temple if you got all this, I mean?"

"What?" Chad asked, "are you going to kick me out now, Raye?"

"Not as long as you don't sing," she giggled. "Ha-ha-ha."

"So, you guys ready?" Lita demanded, standing next to Lydia in snowsuits and goggles. "I really want to hit those slopes."

"Yeah, me too," Lydia chirped, holding a snowboard. "I've never done this before!"

"With all the luck you've got," Lita said, "I'm sure you'll look like a pro."

"Yeah, let's go!" The girls cried.

They got out and begin skiing. Most of them take it easy first.

"Hey, guys! WO-HOAH!" Serena shouted, "I'm skiing you guys! Look at me! I'm skiing!"

"Wasn't our instructor a hunkster?" Lita asked.

"Yeah, I'll say," Mina said.

Amy had a book in her right hand, the pole hanging off her wrist. "Informative too. I think I can face the Bunny slope alone."

They noticed Chad and Raye taking on the tougher slopes. "Here, there's Chad and Raye." Lita said.

"Whoa, they're fast," Mina said.

"I hope I can ski like that some day," Amy said.

They came to a stop to them. Raye pulled off her goggles. "Hey, you guys gotta check it out up there. The powder's totally wicked."

"Uh unn," Lita groaned, "Powder's not my thing."

"Yeah, I might end up on my face instead of my feet," Mina joked.

"I'll just stick to the easy slopes, thanks," Amy said.

"Where's the Bunny hill?" Serena asked.

"You know, Serena," Raye said, "if you want to win the contest you'll have to take on the toughest slopes of all: the Double Black Diamond." She pointed at the slope and it was very high and steep. Serena almost fell backward just looking at it.

"You can only qualify for the contest if you finish the run," Chad instructed, "That's how they narrow down the field every year."

"Way up there?" Serena asked.

"You don't have to force yourself Serena," Raye said, "I mean, it'd be cool for you all to be rooting for me."

"What?" Serena gasped and her face turned red with anger.

"Hey, where's Lydia?" Amy asked suddenly. "Has anyone seen her?"

"Yeah, that's funny," Mina said. "She was with us when we were with our instructor, right?"

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" screamed a very high, thrilled voice.

"Huh?" The five girls and Chad gasped.

Serena craned her neck up to the sound and found Lydia heading straight down a steep slope with four boys also on snowboards behind her. "It's Lydia!"

"Who are those cute guys with her?" Lita wondered.

"Out of the way!" Lydia warned. "MAKE WAY FOR LYDIA!"

"Ahh, she's heading right for us! Move, move!" Amy insisted and they all scattered, except for Raye.

"Huh?" Raye turned and Lydia hit a bump and soared just an inch over her head. She stood stunned, as each guy soared over her head. Chad stood watching in amazement.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Chad gasped.

Lydia landed and spun in a full circle. The boys circled around her. "This chick is awesome!" One of them said, lifting up his goggles.

"I still can't believe she's never went skiing or snowboarding," said another.

"Thanks, laddies," Lydia said modestly, lifting up her goggles. "Raye, are ya all right lassie? Ya not hurt, are ya?"

Raye just stood with a bit of snow on her face that fell off Lydia and the boys' snowboards. She slowly nodded her head. "F-fine."

"Good, sorry about that."

"No problem."

"Wow, she's totally out of it!" Serena giggled.

"So, Lydia, who are your friends?" Mina asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lydia said and introduced the boys with her, "This is Zack, Chris, Mark and Tony. Laddies, these are my friends, Lita, Mina, Amy, Serena, Raye and the lad with her is Chad."

"Hi," they all said.

"Well, laddies, I don't know about you," Lydia said, "but I'm a little worn out from skiing. What do ya say we go in for some drinks, eh?"

"Sounds good," they said as she took Zack and Chris' arms.

"Yah lassies wanna join us?" Lydia asked over her shoulder.

"Raye and I were going to take the Double Black Diamond," Chad said.

"Ooh, good luck man," Zack said, "I knew a guy who broke his back going down that mountain."

Chad blanched and his eyes went big.

"I was just going to ski a little bit more," Serena said. In her right mind, she would've joined her best friend but she was determined to show Raye off and her heart still, she believed, belonged to Tuxedo Mask, even if he was turned against her.

"Me too," Amy said.

"And I wanted to talk to our instructor," Lita said. "He's--"

"Cute, yes," Lydia said, "but ya know he's married, right?"

"Married?" she gasped and looked terrible disappointed.

"But these fine laddies are unattached, for now," Lydia grinned as she walked away with the four hunky boys into the lodge.

"Lydia, wait for us!" Lita said, "Wait! Wait up!"

"Yeah, me too! I'm sick of skiing!" Mina grabbed Amy's hand, "come on, Amy, you can't ski and read at the same time!"

"But, I'm so shy around boys!" Amy gasped.

"Well, we'll take care of that! Lydia, wait! Wait!"


A young woman stood on the top of a mountain, obviously waiting for someone. Malachite appeared.

"So, is everything ready?"

"Yes, master," she replied.

"Excellent. Once you trap Sailor Moon, she has to reveal herself. I'm not leaving without the crystal in my hands."

"I understand perfectly."


Zack and Chris made a bet on who can drink their sodas the fastest. Zack turned out to be the winner. "Five seconds, can you beat that?"

"That was good, laddie," Lydia said.

"Thanks babe," Zack said. He had lustrous black hair and shiny brown eyes and a mighty fine tan.

"But I can beat that," Lydia said.

"No way!" he gasped.

"Way," Lydia said. "I can chug down anything. Remember, I'm from Ireland. I've tried just about everything."

"Wow, she's so rebellious," Zack said impressed.

"You girls want to try?" Tony asked. "Mina, why don't you give it a try?"

"Huh, who me?" Mina asked, blushing. She had been staring at his beautiful blue eyes.

"I will," Lita volunteered.

"Ooh, a brave one, ya are," Lydia said. "Bartender, two Shirley Temples please."

"Shirley what? There's no alcohol in there, is there?"

"No, Lita," Amy said, "it's lemon-lime soda with cherry juice and a cherry."

"But we can put alcohol in there if ya want," Lydia said, winking

"No, that's okay," Lita said, chuckling.

The bartender put two Shirley Temples in eighth ounce glasses. "Enjoy, girls."

"Thanks," Lydia and Lita picked up their glasses.

"Cheers," Lydia and Lita clicked their glasses.

"Ready?" Zack said, "Go!"


Lydia had bottomed her drink in just one huge gulp and caught the cherry between her teeth when Lita had just gotten to the middle of her glass.

"Whoa, Lydia won!" Amy gasped, "one and a half seconds!"

"She couldn't have just gotten lucky," Lita said, biting into her cherry, "You've had practice, right?"

"Sure I've had practice, lassie, I'm from Ireland." Lydia said. "You can finish yer drink, ya know."

"Your turn, Mina," Lita said, gasping.

"Huh, me?" Mina asked.

"Name your poison, Mina," Lydia asked.

"How about…strawberry shakes?" Mina asked.

The bartender quickly made two fancy, strawberry shakes.

"Ha, done," Lydia said. "This will be fun." She looked down at the 16 ounce glasses with straws, "I've never chugged something down with a li'l straw."

"Well, maybe you won't get so lucky," Mina said and she took her sipping position.


Mina tried to keep her eye on her own drinking, but she kept glancing at how fast Lydia was slurping. It was like she wasn't even swallowing!

This began to draw a crowd. People stopped talking and looked over at Lydia competing with Mina.

"Whoa, look at that!"

"That girl in the pigtails can drink fast!"

Lydia reached the bottom, skewered her strawberry with her straw and said proudly, "dun."

"Whew!" Mina groaned, leaning back. "I think I have a ice cream headache!"

"Whassat?" Lydia asked, chewing on her strawberry.

"Oh, you get one when you eat ice cream too fast," she replied. "I'm going to take some time on the rest now. Your turn, Amy."

"Hey, don't be crazy!" Amy gasped, "I can't!"

"Come on, Amy," Chris said, pushing her over to Amy, "you can pick anything you want." Chris had sandy brown hair and gray eyes with eyeglasses. "I'll hold your book for you."

"Um, okay," she whispered.

"What'll be?" the Bartender asked.

"An apple juice please," Amy said then looked over to Lydia, "is that okay with you?"

"Are ya kiddin' me, Amy?" Lydia demanded with a chortle, "I'm from Ireland, I've tried stuff stronger than apple juice."

The bartender put down the apple juices. "Ready, go!"

Amy made what she tried to be a game face and chugged down her drink. The apple juice spilled through the corners of both their glasses, down their chins.

"Whoa, look at Amy go!" Mina cried.

"Raye and Serena don't know what they're missing!" Lita said.

When Lydia finished chugging, Amy wasn't that far behind. She just had one more swallow left.

"Not bad, lassie," Lydia said, wiping her mouth. "Tried to prove yourself, eh?"

"Um, actually, I was just thirstier than I thought," Amy corrected. She belched softly and her face turned red with embarrassment. "Oh!" she gasped, covering her mouth. "Pardon me!"

Lydia laughed. "Anyone else want to try to beat Lydia MacGreggor?"

A crowd came to them, offering their bets to finish a drink before Lydia.

"I can't believe we came here to ski and here we are having a chugging contest!" Mina cried. "This so awesome!"

"Beats falling face down in the snow," Lita said. "Raye and Serena are so missing so much fun!"

Though they were all having a blast, they were being watched. Darien was there and he saw Lydia and some girl he once knew, but couldn't remember, competing in the drinking match. "Huh?" As fast as lightning, an image flashed in his head.


A girl with red braided pigtails was in a bar with a disguised Prince Darien seated next to her. He wore a dirty cloak around him, to make him look like a commoner. He was looking very nervous.

"I should not be here!" he whispered to her.

"Relax, Darien," she whispered back. "Have a drink."

"Lydia! I cannot drink!" he gasped. "Think of what my parents would do to me!"

Two men were having a chugging contest. Lydia smiled and looked at Darien.

"Lydia, please do not make me drink," he begged.

"No, I will," she said. "You'll spit right when the ale gets to your lips."

"Ale?" he gasped. "I change my mind. I want to go home."

"Laddies," Lydia said, standing up from her table. "I'd like to try."

"A wee lass like you?" one fat man asked, "stick to water."

"I can drink anything, any time, anywhere and any speed," Lydia said firmly.

"Lydia," Darien prompted.


"Let me try a glass," Lydia said.

He smiled, "she has guts, the wee lass." He whispered to the bartender and then he reached her table with two small shot glasses. He put one in front of her.

"He could've put poison in it," Darien whispered.

"No," Lydia said, sniffing it. "It is only ale."

"Drink," said the fat man's companion. Lydia and the fat man picked up their glasses and chugged. Darien stared at her face, crinkled as though it needed to be ironed and her eyes were shut so tight that it looked painful. She set her glass down and let out a breath.

"You all right?" Darien asked.

"Y-yes," she whispered, with no voice.

Lydia had a few more drinks and she won a match, plus the money betted on her. Darien found himself grinning. He knew that he, a prince, shouldn't be in a bar with commoners and drunken men, but he was having fun. It made him realize that without Lydia, he would be a lonely prince for the rest of his life.

"Well done, Lydia," Darien said and without thinking, picked up a glass of ale and drank it, but just as it reached his mouth, he spat it out. Everyone was staring at him.

"Let's get out of here!" Lydia shouted in a whisper, grabbed her money and Darien's arm and they ran out of the tavern before anything else happened.

"Careful, Lydia, you're drunk!" Darien said.

"What are ya--" she hiccupped, "I'm n-nuut d-dru-unk." She groaned and leaned next to Darien. "Mmm, you smell goood…."

Darien cleared his throat and lifted up his one and only friend before she fell and hurt herself. "I like you better when you're not drunk." He said, carrying her through the dark.

"I'm not drunk," she grunted, trying to slap him but her arm failed her. "Y'know, I never noticed how blue your eyes are until now."

"Have you ever drunken like that before?" he asked.

"N-no." Her face turned green and she fell out of his arms. "Uh oh, no."


She crawled away, hid behind some bushes and vomited. Darien, though it was nasty to watch, he found it funny.

"I told you not to drink anything!" he laughed.

"Quiet!" she hissed.

But Darien was so kind-hearted he didn't bring too much into it. "I just hope you learned your lesson." He walked up behind her and held her pigtails back as she threw up.

"Y-yes, I did," she groaned.

"Now please don't drink anymore," he pleaded, his voice serious, "what if you get drunk and I'm not around? You're my only friend Lydia and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"A'ight, a'ight. I won't drink….too much."


"I'll just drink a little," she said. "No more than two glasses at a time."

He sighed, "Just don't get yourself drunk again. Please?"

"I promise," she said, "I won't drink any more than I should."

"And I will remind you of that."

"What makes you think I'll forget?" she demanded, trying to throw a punch at him but missed.

"Because you're drunk right now," he replied.

"Oh. My head. I need to go home now."

Darien wrapped his arms around her and carried her away to her home. "But I shall never forget the looks on those men's faces when you finished before they did and--"

Lydia didn't hear him. She was fast asleep. Darien smiled and kissed her forehead. He got a whiff of her breath and made a disgusted face as he quickly turned his head away.

"Lydia, what an amazing girl you are." He said. "But I like it better when you're not drunk, in more ways than one."


Darien shook his head at the memory. Did that really happen? It seemed so long ago. He looked back into the window and watched Lydia win all the matches. She wasn't drinking anything alcoholic, thank goodness. She had kept his promise. Darien smiled, as if he was cheering for her to win.


Serena went with Raye and Chad up the mountain on the lift. "It's so high," she said, "Uh, are you sure we're supposed to ski down this way?"

"No. It's on the other side," Chad replied, "where it is steeper."


They got to the mountain where the girls were getting ready for the race. 'They're all so professional,' Serena thought. 'It's not fair.'

"Hello, ladies," the announcer said, "Nice to see you all out here. Now I hope you've all had a chance to look over the racecourse we've designed for you. By popular demand, we've added more jumps and turns this year. And now, to remind you of the rules is last year's princess, Miss Stormy Kincaid.

Stormy Kincaid took the microphone. Unbends to Serena and Raye, she was the woman who had been talking to Malachite earlier on the mountain! "First, I'd like to wish you all good luck."

Hearing that, Serena wished she had her best friend and good luck charm, Lydia with her.

"Now remember, you must finish the entire course to qualify for the rest of the contest, but speed's important too so I hope you're all ready to boogie down that hill. The first place winner gets fifty extra points added to her score.

The lights came on. Everyone took their positions.

"Skiers, are you ready?"

In more ways than one, Serena was getting cold feet. "Ohhh…."

"On your mark, get set, GO!"

All skiers, except Serena, took off down the slope. Raye took an early lead and Serena was left behind, crying at the staring line. "Whaaaa! No one waited for me!"

"Serena, don't cry," Chad said, "Just remember what your instructor told you." He pushed her down and she screamed. "Serena, just use your snow plow! Remember, it will snow you down.

"Aaaah! Help me!"

Stormy, also went down the slope. Chad noticed. "Stormy, where are you going?"


"Well, that was fun," Lydia said. "Now if ya all excuse me, I must go to the bathroom!" she hurried to the bathroom, with a few girls that drank with her.

"I wonder how that girl can chug so fast," Zack said. "It's almost as if she was born for it."

"Or at least did it in another life," Tony added.

After a few moments, Lydia came back. "Whew…now how about we make some snow sculptures?"

"That sounds great, Lydia," Amy said.

"Yeah, care to join us boys?" Mina asked.

"Sorry," Zack said. "But we really should go."

"Oh, bummer," Lita said.

"But give us your numbers and we'll give ya a call," Tony said.

"Oh, sure!" Mina said and scribbled her name and number on a napkin and handed over to Tony. "Call me anytime, really, anytime!"

"It was nice meeting you all."

Lydia, Lita, Mina and Amy went outside to start making snow sculptures. "What should we make?" Amy asked.

How about us?" Lita suggested, "as the sailor scouts?"

"Oh, that's a great idea!" Mina said. "Raye and Serena will be so mad that we made sailor soldier sculptures without them!"

"They can make themselves when they come back," Lydia said. They got to work and made almost perfect snow models of them selves. They didn't know that their work would have to be cut out for them.

"Darien," Queen Beryl told him, "I sense the scouts are nearby. I want you to stop them. Sailor Moon is about to meet a friend of ours and I don't want her friends running up to the mountain to save her."

"Yes, Queen Beryl." He said and hid behind a dumpster to transform into Tuxedo Mask.

"There, almost finished--wha-hey?" Lita cried.

"Lita, what's wrong?" Mina asked.

She pointed to the snow sailor Jupiter. A rose was planted right between her eyes. "Tuxedo Mask must be nearby."

"You're right," Tuxedo Mask said behind them. "I know you cannot be just fans of the sailor scouts to make those sculptures so real."

"Thanks for the compliment," Amy muttered.

"I challenge you girls to transform," he ordered, "or all the innocent people in the lodge are mincemeat."

"Oh no, could he mean those guys we just met?" Lita asked.

"And it's so hard to meet good guys nowadays!" Mina growled.

"Come on, if it's a fight he wants, let's give him one!" Lydia said and they turned around their snow selves to transform.





"Be careful with him," Mercury warned, "he may be under the influence of the Negaverse but he's still our ally."

"Oh, you're just saying that to keep from making Sailor Moon mad," Sailor Jupiter said. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"


Meanwhile, Raye was skiing down the slopes and Stormy wasn't that far behind. "Time to narrow the field of competition a little." With a Negaverse touch, she created moguls midway.

"Huh? Moguls?" Raye asked, "Where did those come from?" She maneuvered them, luckily. 'Weird. Those weren't there before. That's probably what they meant by new jumps.' She kept her lead, until Serena zoomed past her at a fast, dangerous speed.


"AAAHHHHH!" Serena screamed. "Raye, help, I can't stop!"

'Too late now, Serena," Raye thought, 'You're the one who had to come here.'

"AAAAAHHHHHHH! Someone help me! I can't stop these things!"

'There are only 2 skiers left,' Stormy Kincaid thought. 'One of them must have the Silver Imperium Crystal.'

"Raye, you gotta help me! Ahh!"

"Use your snowplow!" Raye ordered, "Like your instructor said."

"Right. If only I had listened to him instead of admiring his blue eyes."

Stormy was behind them and set up another trap. She threw a snowball down a ledge. It increased in size and speed. Raye looked behind her.

"You've gotta get control! THERE'S AN AVALANCH COMING!"

"Like I've had any control.'


Tuxedo Mask dodged Sailor Jupiter's lightning. Sailor Rainbow gave it a try. "RAINBOW SHAMROCK SHOWER!" Tuxedo Mask blocked the attack and then Sailor Rainbow went up to give him some physical harm. Tuxedo Mask, some how, did not want to harm her but he did not want to anger Queen Beryl either. When Sailor Rainbow reached him, he picked her up over his shoulder and began to spin around.

"Huh? Hey, let me go!" she cried.

"Rainbow!" the other scouts cried.

"Put her down, Tuxedo Mask!" Jupiter ordered.

This act brought a new memory to Tuxedo Mask's mind. It seemed almost as if he had done it before. How many memories in his past life did he have with Lydia?


Everything was blanketed in white. Darien was in deep melancholy because of the weather and the pressure of being royalty. Lydia, however, as always, was in high spirits.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked.

Darien groaned. "Cold. I wish I wasn't a prince. I--"

Lydia heard enough. She picked up some snow, made a snowball and chucked it at the back of his head.

"Ow! Why did you do that for?"

"Lighten up, lad!" she hissed, "it innit the end of the world, ya know! So your parents want you to be a good prince. People have had it worse than you know. I've been a peasant girl all my life. Just once, I'd like to know what it's like to be royalty."

"You didn't have to throw a snowball at me," he groaned, rubbing the back of his head.

"Come on, Darien," she urged, prancing around him, her hands in fists. "Let's have some fun. You've been down a lot of the time. Relax. Be happy." She threw some snow at his chest and ran at him.

He picked her up over his shoulder and twirled around. "Aaaah! Darien, put me down!"

Darien was laughing. "Why, are you not having any fun?"

"Put me down this instant or you'll be sorry!" she hissed, preparing to knee him in the chest.

"As you wish." He plopped her down onto the fresh powder and bent down. "You sounded like a princess right there."

She grabbed him by the collar, a low snarl in her throat. He knew he was in trouble.

"Oh no."

She pulled him down and then they were rolling down the hill, but eventually found it all fun as they were rolling around and tossing snow around.


Predicting she would knee him in the chest, Tuxedo Mask tossed her into the four snow sailor scout sculptures.

"He ruined them!" Sailor Jupiter growled.

"And we were so closed to finishing them too," Sailor Venus groaned.

"That was nut funny," Sailor Rainbow grunted, shaking the snow out of her hair. She picked up a hand full of snow and tossed it at Tuxedo Mask. This, besides the snowball in his fresh memory, brought on a bunch of quick, flashing memories. The first being a memory of which she threw an apple at the back of his head to get his attention while she was hanging from an apple tree.


"Lydia? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Sorry, Darien," she said, still hanging by her knees and handing out a fresh apple, "Just wanted to share these fresh apples with you and I had to get your attention somehow!"

Darien smiled. True, his friend and playmate was a little rough but that was something he liked about her. He knew, after all the little fights they got into, they were nothing serious and they always ended up laughing afterwards.

"I'd love an apple," he said, walking up to the tree and taking the apple. He grabbed a hold of her, making her laugh as he pulled her off the branch.


He had another one when she threw a wet cloth at him.


Lydia, as a young girl, was scourging to clean her floor. Darien was watching her. She believed it was spotless and it really was. She went over each spot several times and just as she was about to wring out her rag and call it quits; Darien decided to play with her.

"Oh, Lydia, you missed a pot," he said. "I am glad you don't clean our floors back at the castle. You can't even clean your own."

Lydia scowled as she looked up at him. Then she grinned playfully and tossed the wet rag at him. He yelped and shielded himself as she chased him with the water bucket.

"Come back, Darien!" she ordered. "Maybe you would like a bath too?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he cried. "I didn't mean it!"


He remembered her throwing him a gold coin. This memory was extra special.


One time when she was twelve, Lydia was at the market place selling produce and food with her mother. Darien happened to be in the market place.

"Hello," Darien said.

"Hello, your highness," she whispered. "What would you like today?"

"Hmm," he hummed, looking over the good-looking fruits and vegetables. "How much for the plums?"

"Five gold pieces." She replied. "Care for one?"

"Yes, please," he said.

Lydia picked out the biggest, purplest, juiciest looking plum and handed it to him. "There you are, your highness."

He took the plum and dropped six gold pieces into her hand. "Thank you."

She double checked the money, "oh, sir. You gave me one gold coin too many." She took out an extra coin and tossed it to him.

He caught it. "It wasn't by mistake. That was for being my best friend. Please keep it." He placed it in her hand again.

Lydia smiled, kissed the coin as she dropped the rest in the coin box. "Oh, bless you, dear Prince Darien! I shall treasure it always." She said. "It will bring me luck." She put it in her pocket. "Good day, sir."

"Good day, Lydia."


With all the memories of Lydia coming back, Tuxedo Mask could not handle it. He backed up and grabbed his head.

"Is he all right?" Mercury asked.

"I wonder what they feed him over there," Jupiter said.

"This over Sailor Scouts," he muttered, tossing another rose at them before disappearing.


Raye and Serena had a run-in with Blizzard, who was AKA, Stormy Kincaid. They had to transform before she forced her to give up the crystal.

"MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!" Sailor Moon shouted.

"Huh, what gives?" Stormy asked, "Where am I?"

"I wonder what Lydia and the others are up to," Raye said.

"Yeah, let's go find them."

They came down the hill and found them re-making the sailor scout sculptures.

"Hey, what are you making?" Raye asked.

"The sailor scouts," Amy replied.

"Wow, cool!" Serena said.

"Neato," Raye agreed and Serena and Raye began on Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon. The finished project was in more ways than one, very cool.

"Hmm-hmm," Serena said, "this should've been a snow sculpture contest, huh?"

"Yeah." Lydia agreed.

"Look at that!" some skiers said. "Wow!"

People started taking pictures of their masterpiece. Serena smiled and whispered to Lydia.

"The Negaverse was here," she said, "these people had no idea how close they were to getting snowed in--literally!"

Next Chapter--Dancing on The Ice