Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Rainbow ❯ Stroke of Luck ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Over The Rainbow 16

Stroke Of Luck

I just own Sailor Rainbow/Lydia, Lucky and Madam Indigo

Rita, Andrew's girlfriend was on an expedition in Africa. It was a very warm day. She shielded her eyes.

"Sure is hot today," she said.

Then Prince Darien appeared. "Hello, Rita."

She was taken by surprise, "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"I am Prince Darien of the Negaverse," he explained, quite coolly. "And now, I'm going to take you back to Queen Beryl, you and the other rainbow crystal carriers too."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll find out as soon as you're in the Negaverse."

"Negaverse? Huh? What are you going to do to me? HEELLLP!"

He pulled out a dark crystal and it pulled Rita in it. "Four down, three to go." Besides Rita, Game Machine Joe, the Priest and Hercules the cat were inside the crystal.


"I haven't seen Joe at the arcade in a while," Lydia said. "I hope he isn't sick or anything." She had a sudden feeling she should go see Peggy. She walked up to her apartment and knocked on the door. "Hey, Peggy, this is Lydia. How are--" the door opened and she found that paintings were on the floor and a window was broken. "PEGGY!" She looked all around for her but she was gone, "where could she be?" Then it didn't take long for her to figure it out, the Negaverse was after the rainbow crystal holders again. "What would they want with them when the rainbow crystals are all found?"


"Hello? Anderson Residence."

"Hey, Amy. This is Greg."

"Greg? Where are you? You sound so close."

"I'm just here for the weekend."

"Why don't you come over?" she asked.

"I can't, Amy. But turn on your TV okay."

She turned on the TV and there was a picture of Peggy Jones.

"If you have only information," said the reporter, "contact the police immediately."

"That's Peggy Jones, the artist. She's one of the rainbow crystal carriers and she's missing, Amy."

"Missing. You mean, like, kidnapped?"

"Uh-huh," he said. "I've had a vision about it and they're after me too. The Negaverse is trying to round up the rainbow carriers."

"Where are you?" she asked. "I'll get my friends and we'll help you."

"Thanks, Ame. But it's fate. I just have to keep outrunning them or something. Bye."

"No Greg, don't hang up."

But he hung up anyway. He knew the Negaverse was watching him and they'd get him sooner or later. But perhaps he'd luck out.


What does the Negaverse want with the crystal carriers? Malachite would like to find out too.

"My queen, why would we need the rainbow carriers if they don't have the crystals anymore?" he asked. "They are of no need to us now."

"But that's not true, Malachite," Queen Beryl told him. "They'll be very useful, perhaps. Even more useful than you. Once we have them trapped in the crystal we'll have one more chance to bring back their powers."

"But Sailor Rainbow defeated the Shadow Warriors," he reminded.

"Oh, of course she did," Queen Beryl muttered, "we can still harness their powers and they can become can become one warrior, known as the Invincible Shadow. The sailor scouts will not be able to stand up to them."

"I see, why did you let Prince Darien do such an important task?" he asked.

"Instead of you, you men? You question me, Malachite?" she demanded, "like Zoicite?"

He gulped. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut lately, for he had promptings to over-think Beryl's wishes.


Darien was walking downtown, in search of the sixth shadow. He wasn't far off, "I sense it." He said. "The sixth shadow is nearby." He saw Greg crossing the street. "Right on time."

Greg knew the Negaverse was getting close too. He was very nervous.

"Hello, Greg," Darien said.

"I'm sorry," Greg said, "you've must mistaken me for someone else."

"Oh come on." Darien muttered. "Don't play innocent, it's pointless."

"I really don't know what you're talking about," Greg insisted.

"I thought you were supposed to be real smart," Darien said. "Some kind of fortune teller with visions of the future? Now come on, Greg. What reason will I have to talk to you?"

Greg knew, "You wanna…wanna take me back to the Negaverse."

"You got it," Darien said. "So you see there's no point in fighting me."

"I don't need to fight you, you Negaverse-lackey," Greg said, "I can get out of here without exchanging a blow."

"Don't insult me, boy."

"Your shades are blinding you, geek."


Greg did what first came to his mind. He clutched his bag, squinted his eyes shut and screamed. "SOMEONE HELP ME! STOP THIS GUY! HELP!

People turned around to close in on Darien. Greg heard a familiar Irish girl's voice and when Darien heard it too, he knew he was in trouble.

"Oh no…" Darien moaned.

"Help's on the way, laddie!" Lydia shouted. She came from behind him, pushed him back and stepped up to punch Darien in the stomach.

Greg made a hurtful face, even if he wasn't he one in pain. "Lydia? Didn't see that coming."

Darien groaned and held his stomach as he lurched forward, bringing his face right in her reach. She took in a deep breath and socked Darien in the jaw. People stared in surprise and delight.

"Whoa, did you see that?"

"For a short girl, she can sure hit hard!"

Darien got dizzy as he whirled around and fell down on the ground. Greg stared at Darien for a second. "See, told you."

People circled around Darien's out-cold body. "Bet he's gonna have a headache when he gets up."

"That was wicked cool! I want an instant replay!"

"Greg, come on," Lydia said, grabbing him by the wrist. She pulled him away from the street and ran away, people cheering for her as they fled. They stopped to catch their breath behind a building.

"Lydia, how did you know he was after me?" Greg asked.

"Same way ya did," she whispered.


She pointed at his chest, "ya carried that yellow crystal inside of ya for your whole life and even without it you can still see the future. I carried it with me for a while too and I was also able to get some glimpses of the future. I don't have the crystal anymore. But just now, I was able to tell that something bad was going to happen. When Peggy was missing. I went to her apartment and she was gone. Then I saw the other rainbow crystal carriers in some sort of danger. I knew you were next so I went out to find ya. Didn't take long for me to figure out where yeh were at."

"Wait, you're a sailor scout?"

"Shh, keep it down," Lydia said. "Yes, I am. Sailor Rainbow. Well, now that we know the Negaverse are after you again, we got to make sure yeh and Raye's grandfather are safe."

"No use fighting it," he muttered.


"They'll catch us in time," he replied. "It's fate."

This seemed to tick Lydia off. "Fate! Ha!" She walked up to him. "Look here, laddie, there's no such thing as fate! It's just rotten luck! A stroke of luck is not the same as a twist of fate."

"Is too," he argued. "Luck is fate. Stuff you can't control."

"Sure ya can," Lydia insisted, "people always have the right to make their choices. Their lives are not planned out before they are born. Oh no, we choose our own path to follow. What do ya want to do, Greg? Save yer skin or just wait until the Negaverse gits yeh?"

"I'd like to keep away from the Negaverse as much as I can but sooner or later they're going to get me," he said.

"Yeh didn't know I was going to save yeh," Lydia asked, "did yeh?"

"Well, no," he said.

"See. I could've just let Darien get yeh," she told him, "and have yeh face yer fate. But I didn't. It's my mission to keep the rainbow victims safe and I will, laddie, do everything I can and the Negaverse will soon fall to its knees. I'll make damn sure of that." She grabbed his hand and proceeded to walk on. "Come on, let's keep moving."


"Hold on, Lita," Amy said, "we've been all over the city and no sign of him. Maybe we should head back."

"I don't believe this," Lita said, "I mean, the boy's practically your boyfriend, right Ames?"

"Where did you get that nutzoid idea?" Amy asked. "Greg and I are just good friends."

"Ever heard of that river in Egypt? D-NILE."

"No way, Lita," Amy muttered, "Besides, I don't have time for a boyfriend with my schoolwork and computer classes and being a sailor scout."

"Oh, Amy, sailor scouts can have some fun too," Lita insisted.

The streetlamps came on as the sun went down.

"Anyway, I just think you're looking for an excuse," Lita said. "You're just scared 'cause you like him so much. You-you keep him at a distance. You never let him know that you really go for him. This is your chance to let him know how you really feel."

"I'd never get the nerve," Amy mumbled.

A person put up a missing cat sign. News of Hercules' disappearance was spreading fast. Amy spotted Greg in the crowd with Lydia.

"No way."

"Well then," Lita said, "we'll just find another way to get you guys together."

Amy didn't hear her. She started to head to Greg.

"Hey, Amy, where are you going?"

"I saw Greg!"

"Huh, where was he?" Lita ran after her.

She pointed in the crowd, "there. He's with Lydia."

"Lydia? Looks like you've got some competition then."

"Oh come on," Amy muttered. "She's not interested in Greg."

"He must've went this way, come on."


Greg and Lydia headed for an alley. "I think he's following us." Greg said. "Can't let him catch me."

"That's why I'm here, laddie. Well, since yeh know who I am," Lydia said, "It's safe for me to transform in front of yeh. Just don't go blabbering to everyone who I am or yer in for a whallopin'."

"I promise," he said. "I know Amy's Sailor Mercury and I haven't' told a soul."

"Wha? Amy's Sailor Mercury?"

Greg looked uncomfortable and Lydia playfully slapped his shoulder. "I'm only playin' yeh, laddie. Now, to business RAINBOW PRISM POWER!"

"Whoa," Greg mumbled, "I don't believe it."

"Believe it, laddie."

Two people step from around the corner at the end of the alley.

"Who's there?" Greg demanded. Sailor Rainbow moved to defend him. It was Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter.

"Hey, dere ya lassies are," Sailor Rainbow laughed.

"Thanks for finding Greg for us, Rainbow," Sailor Mercury said. "We were looking for him."

"Yeah, she was jealous you were going to take him away from her. Ha-ha." Sailor Jupiter joked, making Mercury and Greg blush.

"Ah, I wouldn't do a thing like that," Sailor Rainbow insisted.

"We were worried about you," Jupiter said. "Especially Sailor Mercury."

"That's enough, Jupiter," Sailor Mercury muttered.

"Let's make sure he's all right," Sailor Rainbow said.

Prince Darien entered the alley. He had a cut lip and a bruise on his jaw from when Lydia punched him. "Oh, are these your bodyguards? This should be fun."

"He can't stay down long enough, can he?" Sailor Rainbow muttered.

"Darien!" Sailor Mercury and Jupiter gasped.

"Correction, that's Prince Darien, Champion of the Negaverse," Prince Darien said, "Now out of my way if you want to stay healthy. It's not you I'm after, girls, but your friend."

"Hah, funny ya say that word when ya don't even know what it means!" Sailor Rainbow hissed.

"Mercury, get Greg out of here," Jupiter said.

"Huh?" Mercury mumbled.

"I want to teach this guy a lesson," Jupiter said.

"Aye, she's right, lassie," Rainbow added, "let us take care of Prince Darien."

"No, I'll fight him." Mercury said.

"Don't be silly, girl," Rainbow said. "Ya won't have a chance, it's better this way."

"It's better if YOU go 'cause of what we talked about," Jupiter said.


"Go, lassie!" Rainbow urged. "It's where yeh need to be."

"Okay, be careful," Mercury said. "I'll call for help." She left with Greg, leaving Rainbow and Jupiter to fend off Prince Darien alone.

"All right traitor, you ready to rumble?" Sailor Jupiter demanded. "Now way are we going to let you get Greg. We know what you're up to, pal. It's the end of the line."

"Aye, yer luck has run out," Sailor Rainbow agreed. "Now we end this charade."

"Oh, you think you two can stop me?" Darien asked.

"We'll see about that," Sailor Jupiter shouted. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"

He easily dodged the lightning. "Is that he best you got?"

"Dodge this!" Sailor Rainbow hissed. "RAINBOW SHAMROCK ENSNARE!" she made a rope linked with shamrock and it wrapped around his neck. She tugged on the rope to keep him from moving.

"Way to go, Sailor Rainbow!" Jupiter cheered.


"This is Sailor Mercury, some one come in."

Mina answered with Artemis and Luna, "we hear you Mercury. You in trouble?"

"Greg and I are safe but Sailor Jupiter and Rainbow are duking it out with Prince Darien."

"Huh?" Raye said. "Don't you mean, Tuxedo Mask?"

"No, Prince Darien. And get this. He says he's champion of the Negaverse. Some brainwashing, huh?"

"Did you hear that?" Luna asked.

"Uh-huh," Serena mumbled, "wish I hadn't though."

"Hurry. I don't think Rainbow and Jupiter can hold him off for long."

"And even if he does remember Rainbow," Raye said, "Darien is still dangerous."


"Now try it, Jupiter," Rainbow cried, "while I have him caught!"

"All right. You can't get away, pal!" Jupiter shouted. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"

The lighting traveled up the rope and gave him quite a shock. He flew back and got up again. "Hmm, impressive. But not impressive enough."

"Let's try a new approach," Rainbow said. "Try throwing me to him so I can get enough aide to kick him."

"Hey, sounds like a plan," Jupiter nodded. She made a step for her foot with her hands. "Ready? Alley Oop!"

Sailor Rainbow put her foot on Jupiter's hands and Jupiter heaved her up in the air. Sailor Rainbow held her foot out in a direct kick. "Eat this!"

The heel of her foot made contact with his chest and knocked him into some trashcans.

"Ready to give up," Sailor Rainbow demanded, "'cause we're not!"

"We're winning!" Sailor Jupiter said.

"I don't think so," he said. He grabbed Sailor Jupiter and prepared to make a punch, just as his fist was an inch away from her face, Sailor Rainbow jumped on his back, with her arms tight around his neck.

"Leave her alone," Sailor Rainbow growled.

Prince Darien could not breath. She was choking him. He backed up and slammed her up against a wall, a bit too hard than he intended to. He just wanted to hit her hard enough to get her off of him, not to hurt her. He heard her head hit the wall and her make a painful groan.

"Rainbow!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.

Darien looked down at Sailor Rainbow slide down the wall. "No…"

"Look what you did! We all knew that you could remember Sailor Rainbow and now you hurt her!" Sailor Jupiter growled. "Now you're in for it!"

"You have guts, but guts won't beat the Negaverse." He disappeared.

"Traitor," Sailor Jupiter muttered and looked at the unconscious Rainbow. She knelt down at her. "Rainbow, are you all right? Come on, come on."

"Eh? I think so." She mumbled and opened her eyes. "Maybe he doesn't remember me after all."

"Maybe," she said, "he's gone now. I think didn't' mean it."

"He's after Mercury," Sailor Rainbow said, reaching her hand to the back of her head. She felt a cut there and pulled her hand to her eyes. There was blood on them. The back of her uniform was scratched up. She cursed her situation. "This innit running smoothly. Hurry, we can't let him get to Greg."

"Well, we can't let you get hurt either," Jupiter said, "let's get you out of here."

"I'm fine, Jupiter," Rainbow insisted. "I'm almost as tough as you. Now come on, we're on a mission."

"All right, but don't say I didn't warn you." Jupiter told her as she helped her to her feet.


Downtown, Greg stopped Sailor Mercury. "Sailor Mercury…"


"Hold on a sec," he looked around and went another direction. "Let's hide in that amusement park."


"It's cold out here," Serena complained, "I want to go home to bed!"

"We have to find Rainbow and Jupiter,' Luna said.

"Hey, there ya are," Sailor Jupiter said.

"Rainbow, what happened to you?" Serena demanded.

"Well, let's just say our fight with Darien didn't go so well," Jupiter explained. "Right after Rainbow got hurt, he high-tailed it out of there. I'm sure he's after Greg and Mercury."

"We almost had 'im," Sailor Rainbow mumbled.

"Oh, Darien is so in for it!" Serena growled. "No one injures my best friend and gets away with it, not even Darien!"

Sailor Rainbow gasped and exchanged glances with Jupiter. "Did yeh hear that, lassie?"

"Finally you got it in your head, Serena," Jupiter said.

"Where did he go?" Luna asked.

"Don't know," Jupiter said, "someplace safe, probably."

Then, Rainbow blurted, "the amusement park! That's where they are!"

Jupiter looked at her funny, "You must've hit your head harder than we thought."

"No, Jupiter, even after having the yellow crystal gone I still get glimpses of the future," Rainbow explained. "It was the crystal's power. Trust me on this."


Sailor Mercury and Greg were at the closed amusement park. It gave Mercury the heeby jeebies.

"Greg, I don't like it here," she said. "It's too deserted."

"Yeah," he said, "but I've always wanted to take you here…on a date."

"Really?" she asked.

"But I was too scared that you'd turn me down, Amy," he explained, "and I was afraid it'd ruin our friendship."

"This is so weird, Greg," Sailor Mercury said, "because I've felt the same way for ages."

"We've really got lousy timing, Amy. You've got to go. I've put you in too much danger already. I'll make some kind o' deal with these Negaverse guys. I won't let them take me until they promise not to hurt you."

"That's really sweet of you, but I can't let you do that for me." Sailor Mercury said. "I'd miss you way too much, more than I do now. Anyhow, sacrifice is very noble, but it isn't always the best answer. You've got to think it through."

"You…think so?"

"For sure. I mean, it's almost like giving up or running away because you're too scared to face the consequences if you DO stick it out. That's why I always ran away from you. I was scared of getting hurt, so I just pretended I was more interested in everything else I had to do, but I don't want to give this up. We've got to fight, Greg."

"Yoo Hoo," said Prince Darien. The lights of the Ferris wheel came on. "That's good, Mercury. 'Cause a fight is exactly what you're gonna get."

"That's Prince Darien," Sailor Mercury said. "How did he find us here?"


Sailor Rainbow and the others weren't far from the amusement park. "See, I told ya!" Sailor Rainbow said. "Pay up, Jupiter!"

"What?" she asked. "We didn't make a bet!"


"The lights are on," Serena said, "but it's supposed to be closed."

"Let's check it out," Luna said.



"You traitor!" Sailor Mercury shouted. "I can't believe you let the Negaverse turn you against us. YOU'RE the enemy."

"So glad we got that straight, Mercury." Darien said. "Now, please, back off. I really have no desire to hurt you, okay? It's your boyfriend I'm after, not you."


But Darien can see through the fog. "Hah! You think you can stop me with these silly bubbles?" He activated the dark crystal and began to pull Greg in.


"Aaah! Stay back, Mercury!"

Greg was then trapped in the crystal. "Let him go, Darien!"

"Not a chance." Prince Darien said "So long, Mercury."

"Why do you want him?" Mercury demanded. "Let him go. You can't turn those people against us anymore. They don't have any crystals for you. I'm warning you, Darien. Let Greg and the rest of them go."

"HAH! Idle threats. Both you and I know it." Darien sneered. "Now, there's only one left: that grandfather, but if you really wanna go for it, that's fine with me, Mercury. You'll lose, of course."

Sailor Mercury stood defiant. He took it as a challenge and changed into Tuxedo Mask. "Hey, I'd thought you'd like to see your old friend, Tuxedo Mask, again."

"You don't fool me!" she shouted. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!"

He deflected the bubbles with his cane. "Ha. Same tired old tricks."

But while he was busy, she snatched the dark crystal.


"Dangerous to underestimate your enemy." Sailor Mercury told him. "Beryl's a lousy teacher. Now time to set these people free." She dropped the crystal to the ground and it shattered. Sailor Moon, Rainbow and Jupiter showed up on the scene. "They're free!"

"So I see." Jupiter said.

"Hey, lassie," Sailor Rainbow said, impressed. "Well done."

"How'd you get the crystal?" Jupiter asked. "Did you do that all by yourself?"

"Excellent work."

Sailor Moon saw the six carriers on the ground. "Hey, these are the crystal carriers, are they all right?"

"I think so," Sailor Mercury said. "Prince Darien, er, Tuxedo Mask was trying to capture them all again."

"I still will," Tuxedo Mask said, "but first of all, I'm getting rid of you scouts."

"I dun't think so," Sailor Rainbow muttered.

"Yeah," Sailor Moon said, "I will punish you! You are in big trouble for hurting Rainbow, jerk!"

"To business, scouts!" Rainbow cried. "RAINBOW SHAMROCK SHOWER!"



The triple-attack paralyzed Tuxedo Mask.

"Now, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Rainbow ordered. "Do yer thing!"

"Let's hope this works…MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"

The new power of the wand had an effect. It was working.

'What's going on?' Tuxedo Mask thought. 'I feel so strange.'

"Its' working, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Rainbow shouted. "It's working!'

'Where are all these images coming from?' he wondered.

"Let's give it some more power," Rainbow said.

"I'm trying…" Moon mumbled.

Rainbow decided to give it a touch. She placed her hands over Moon's. "Come on, Darien, you remember me, right? Of course you do…remember Sailor Moon…remember all of us!"


"WE WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!" Sailor Rainbow shouted. Many images of their past flash in his head. He fell to the ground as Darien. "Yes, he's back!"

Sailor Moon felt faint. She fell to her knees and Sailor Rainbow hurried to him.

"Darien, look at me, look at me," she said, slapping his face as if he was a drunkard that had fallen asleep. "Come on, wake up."

Darien opened his eyes, "Sailor Rainbow?"

"Yes, it's me. Why the hell did you let Queen Beryl turn you against us?" she demanded. "You have any idea what it did to me, what it did to Sailor Moon?"

"I'm sorry," he said, "but I was trying to protect you."

"Huh, protect me?"

"They were after you," he said, "so I let them take me instead."

"Darien, why would you do such a thing?" She asked.

"Because…you're my friend." He said. "And I know you'd do the same for me."

"Oh, stop it, this is too sweet," Jupiter muttered sarcastically. Sailor Mercury was speechless.

"Oh, Darien," Sailor Moon sniffed. "I knew you weren't always such a jerk."

Sailor Rainbow almost came to tears. "Darien…"

"Sorry I hurt you," he said.

"I'll be okay," she insisted. "Yeh didn't hurt me too hard."

"DARIEN, YOU FOOL!" Beryl roared.

"It's Beryl!" Rainbow gasped. A dark force surrounded Rainbow and Darien. She hugged him close. "Yeh can't have him!" Rainbow shouted.

"And how do you plan to stop me?" Beryl demanded.

A force threw Sailor Rainbow back. Sailor Jupiter ran to catch her before she got hurt even worse.

"Darien!" Rainbow and Moon cried. But before they could do anything, Darien was gone.

"No, not again." Moon groaned.


Queen Beryl marched back and forth as Darien lay in the memory eraser capsule again. "That Sailor Rainbow, Sailor Moon. Darien remembered her. It had to be that four-leaf clover he dropped."

"Don't be upset, my queen," Malachite said, pretending to be supportive, though he was glad Darien got all his memories back and maybe she'd let Malachite finish the mission himself and drop Darien back on Earth. "We underestimated Sailor Rainbow. But we have many followers here for you in the Negaverse. There is no need to erase his memories again."

"Oh?" she muttered. "I am going to erase his memories again, of BOTH princesses. For good this time! Her wand will not be able to change him back, I'll make sure of that! But it will take some time. Malachite, I want you to round up a new servant for me."

"Yes, I'll go get the--"

"Sailor Rainbow," Beryl said. "She's the cause of all this."

"Er, Rainbow? Why? WE can't control her," he said. "She's too, reluctant and resistant. We don't have enough energy to take her memories too."

"I know that it wouldn't work to make Sailor Rainbow work for us. She's too much to handle and it must be her impeccable luck. Even if we had caught her we couldn't play with her mind."

"So why would we need her?"

"Oh, Malachite, we don't necessarily need Sailor Rainbow," Beryl said. "A piece of her will do fine."

"A piece?" he mumbled. 'Does she expect me to chop her into pieces and bring them back to the Negaverse?'

"As in, her shadow." Queen Beryl said.


"Yes. Queen Serenity and Queen Azure had princesses of their own who became sailor scouts but I didn't." She said sadly.

Malachite groaned. He didn't want to hear some sob story. But it didn't turn out that way, more like one of revenge. It should've sounded sweet to Malachite, but he thought it was a waste.

"I'll just create one," Queen Beryl said. "All you have to do is get her shadow, a drop of her blood and piece of her sailor uniform and I'll do the rest."

For some reason, Malachite felt he should fight Queen Beryl on this. "My queen, you have many faithful servants right here. This will take too long and it is not necessary."

"Don't say such things to me!" she screamed. "Remember what happened to the others! You bring me what I need or face the consequences!"

"Yes…my queen," Malachite said, kneeling and bowing his head so low, so that Beryl could not see his face, for that his eyes was brimming with tears. 'How will I do this task, after the way Sailor Rainbow has shined a new light for me?'


Greg and Amy were riding on the Ferris wheel for perhaps the millionth time. "They keep riding that thing." Serena said, "When will they stop?"

"Oh, Serena, don't be jealous." Lita said. "We should be happy for Amy."

"I am." Serena said, "I just wanna ride it too!"

"Hey, lassies," Lydia said, walking up with a hand in her pocket and in her other hand a drink in a plastic cup she had just purchased from the concession stand. She wore a white t-shirt tucked in loosely with blue jeans. Her T-shirt said "Kiss Me I'm Irish!" on it with green letters, with shamrocks being the dots of the "i's" and dot of the exclamation point. Lydia also wore a black Irish-like hat with a green stripe.

"Hey, it's not St. Patrick's Day," Mina scowled.

"I know," Lydia said, slurping her drink.

"How's your head?" Lita asked.

"Feelin' fine."

"Nice hat," Raye complimented.

"Thanks, Raye."

"I love that shirt!" Serena cried, "Can I borrow it?"

Lydia choked on her drink and sprayed it over the grass. She was lucky she didn't get any on her clean white shirt. "What? Serena, YOU'RE not Irish!" Mina, Raye and Lita howled with laughter. Amy probably would have blushed if she was with them but lucky for her she was with a boy she liked and vice versa.

"I know," Serena said. "But, maybe I'll get kissed."

"But the Negaverse got a hold of Darien again," Raye said.

"Who said it had to be Darien?" Serena muttered. "I just want a kiss. One kiss!"

"Oh, Serena," Lydia sighed, "yeh'll get your kiss sooner or later. And besides, these shirts never work anyway." She took another slurp of her drink. "They're just for fun."


"Of course really."

And right after she said that, boys noticed Lydia and her T-shirt.

"Hey, it's that hot foreign exchange student from Ireland!" shouted a boy from the school to his twin.

"Yeah, Lydia MacGreggor! She's the cutest redhead!"

"It's those cute twins from school," Serena said.

"It's that short girl who beat tar out of that tall guy who was bothering that little guy!"

"I know her! She gave me a good luck charm one time! She's very nice!"

"I love that hat! I love her hair! She's so awesome!"

"Huh?" Serena and the others mumbled.

"Oh, my!" Lydia exclaimed as a crowd of boys ran up to her. She dropped her drink to the ground. They all wrapped their arms around her and her hat flew off. They smothered her with hugs and kisses and praises.

The four other girls stood in shock and sweat-dropped. The boys walked away, leaving Lydia a little dizzy with all the attention.

"Well, goodbye, laddies." Lydia said and picked up her hat. Her friends were staring her down. "What?"


"Hey, what can I say, Serena?" Lydia mumbled sheepishly, "I got lucky!"

"If worked for you," Serena said, "It'd work for me!"

"Forget it, Serena," Lita growled, "I need a boyfriend more than you do! Come on, Lydia, be a pal!"

"I don't care about the shirt," Raye said, "but I'd like to borrow your hat! Just for a day!"

"Yeah, come on!" Mina chided. "Why do you have to always get so lucky?"

"Oh, lassies, now let's not get hasty," Lydia mumbled, backing away.

"After her!" Lita yelled and Lydia turned around and ran away from them as fast as she could. She headed for the Ferris wheel and tried to get Amy's attention.


Next Chapter: Twist of Fate