Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Forget-Me-Not ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

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_____________Part 2_____________
"Mamo-chan! She just disappeared! Like a- a- shadow. Like fairy dust!"
"But she was fine this morning. She was at class and late as ever, ChibiUsa. Now lets work on your division some more." ChibiUsa glared at him from where she knelt on the other side of the coffee table. Her math homework littered the wooden surface and had for an hour and a half now but she couldn't remember past the first problem.
"Mamo-chan, I know you hate her but something's seriously wrong! Luna doesn't believe me and the girls don't believe me! Why did I think you would. You'd care less than any of them if she got sick and died." She crossed her arms curtly and turned away from him. She'd hoped since he used to like Usagi and he liked her, maybe then he would believe her. But he was just like the girls. None of them were true friends.
"ChibiUsa! How can you say that? I do care if something happens to her- to any of the girls. I just don't think you understand what her real problem is."
"And I don't think you care WHAT happens to her. She got over you weeks ago! Girls just don't fade away to nothing after being sick for days." ChibiUsa heard him suck in a breath then let it out carefully, angrily? She knew she was pushing her limits, he might hate her after this but if it got his attention on the real issue at hand . . .
"Fine. What do you mean by 'sick for days?' I know she's been sad for a few weeks . . ."
"I know. That's what everyone else said but only the past couple of days she's been sleeping way too much and she's always tired and never eats anymore. She's so pale and so's her hair and she has strange marks on her body, not bruises but like that only pink and white, maybe silver. I know that sounds stupid but last night she had a mark on her forehead too-" She was very tempted to reveal that she knew that mark, she had the same on her forehead.
Mamoru looked about to interrupt her, seemingly to suddenly understand what the problem was- until she mentioned the silver bruises and- "Her forehead? A gold crescent?" He sounded like he'd seen the same thing.
ChibiUsa frowned then nodded. "Hai. I know what it means but that's impossible."
"What do you mean, ChibiUsa? You know . . ?"
"A crescent moon is the sign of Serenity, the royalty of the moon." ChibiUsa shifted her weight, her feet were falling asleep and she was getting the feeling she might have to get up and run here soon.
"But how did you . . ?"
"I am Serenity." ChibiUsa closed her eyes and imagined her birthmark radiating and was rewarded with a gasp and a warm blushing spot on her brow. "But don't tell anyone! I have to find Daddy first so no one can know I'm Usa-onee-chan's daughter. Please don't say anything Mamo-chan!"
"Hai, hai, I believe you now, Chibi-Serenity." He spoke slowly, taking it all in but she could see his concern for the two girls building. "But if you're a princess of the moon and so is Usagi, why is it impossible that you saw her as the princess?"
"I think I know what's wrong with her, Mamo-chan. Why she's so tired and weak all of a sudden and it's not good." ChibiUsa shook her head slowly. If Mamo-chan knew she was a princess then they had been much closer than Usa-onee-chan should have been with a mortal. She had to marry the prince of earth, her daddy. But Usagi had loved him enough to tell her secret. But she couldn't have survived the whole month since their break up as the princess, only these past few days- Something terrible must have changed her mind, and ChibiUsa didn't think Usagi understood the consequences. She surely wouldn't commit suicide! "If Usa-onee-chan became the Princess- for good- then . . ."
"What happens, ChibiUsa? Why is that bad? She's become the princess before to fight the evil that threatens my planet."
"Iie, I mean the Princess, Serenity, FOREVER! Lunari cannot survive on earth without a grounding life force. I didn't know how I lasted my first week without Mommy and Daddy until I realized Usagi was my mother and she was enough power along with my being half Terran to survive indefinitely but once she's gone and my Daddy isn't found I'll fade away with her. And I'm not going home till I have the Ginzuishou and both my parents."
"You mean you'll die? You'll both die?"
"Usa-onee-chan is dying now. And only the blood of the earth can save her. But Daddy's not here. No one else believed me and soon it'll be too late. She's been the princess for nearly three days. Tomorrow she might not wake up . . ."
Mamoru's hands shook. His skin was dry and cold but his head swam in a wave of suffocating fire. His Usako? Dying? And ChibiUsa-chan, her daughter! He would lose them both! He almost couldn't breathe, he didn't want to speak, he couldn't get his mind to focus on creating the words but the danger to Usako was greater still. Mamoru swallowed hard and forced his mouth to move. "Th- then who is your father?" His heart stopped. "We've got to find him or get Usagi to change back . . ." Mamoru stared at the floor, he couldn't bare to look up and confront the eyes of Usagi's daughter. Eyes so like her own, wide and innocent, sprinkled with tears, so sorrowful- just like hers . . . But the thought suddenly occurred to him and his eyes shot up. "But I thought that was what Usagi's been trying to do since you got her-"
ChibiUsa dropped her head. "Hai, but I'm not making it easy for her. All I know is that Daddy loves Mommy more than life and that's how they created their kingdom, uniting earth and moon. We won't find him, Mamo-chan, and we can't get her to change back to Usa-onee-chan, not if she made the wish to remain Serenity. I wish I were wrong. I hope Usa-onee-chan didn't do that and she's okay . . ."
"Don't worry, ChibiUsa-chan. I'll take care of her. I want to speak with her and clear up this whole mess." Mamoru stood, a little shakily, ChibUsa noticed, and he held her hand as they left the apartment.
Usagi had disappeared from her room, from the very earth itself, twice between last night and this afternoon for hours at a time. It was the only reason she was still standing. If she didn't understand what exactly she'd gotten herself into before she did now with her queen mother's help. And with everything else that had happened and had been hoped for, Usagi couldn't wait to be reunited with her mother and her lost kingdom, the world she had belonged to.
With her visits to the moon, and prayers to Selene at the long forgotten pillar of prayer in the fallen Crystal Tower, she was able to go on. Her renewed strength was bought in hours only. Usagi soon realized her time on earth without Mamoru could be counted on her fingers. So she went about her life as normally as possible, praying particularly that there would be no battle to steal her time with her friends.
She visited her friends and searched for ChibiUsa's parents, greatly suspecting something about the child since yesterday when she'd first involuntarily abandoned the earth for her lunar home. She was positive ChibiUsa had seen her as the Princess and watched her disappear. But she wasn't certain the child thought it all a dream or not. Likely not the way she was never around her any more and when she was she was always on guard, as if waiting for her to fade away again and leave her forever. And she thought she'd seen a strange reflection of her royal birthmark on the girl's forehead.
'That girl's father will be strong and proud, tall, dark-haired . . . handsome. Chiseled features, the essence of the immovable earth surrounds him, the very ground he walks on moves to support his journey. He would be perfect in all ways . . . He would be Mamo-chan . . .'
"Thanks for coming with me, Usagi-chan! I've had so much fun, we've got to do this again!"
"No problem, Minako-chan! I really think Motoki-onii-chan likes you! I told you nobody could miss you in that skirt!" Minako and Usagi walked down the sidewalk, Minako practically floating on air.
"It wasn't just the skirt, I saw it in his eyes- being the guardian of the goddess of love has its advantages!" Minako threw her hands into the air, her excitement bursting out of her. Then they fell. "I'm just sorry he had to break up with his girlfriend, I know it happened before he ever even met me but it feels like it's my fault."
"That's your ego talking, isn't it? You're allowed to date others before you meet your soul mate. It's FATE that broke him up in time to meet you! Not you."
Minako shot her a glare. "Gee, thanks. That makes me feel better."
Usagi nodded, all-knowingly. "Uh-huh. I knew it would." The girls smiled as they continued home, Usagi visibly slouching as the short walk tired her. "Remember, Minako-chan, he'll love you for who you are, not that British, Sailor V, every-child's-idol, hero image you've made. Just you. Don't ever forget that."
"You know ChibiUsa and Shingo love your cookies, Mako-chan. You wanna come over later when these are done? Have dinner with us? You did feed me lunch . . ."
Makoto smiled as she carried tray two to the oven. "Yeah, sure! If your okaa-san doesn't mind."
"You know you're part of the family, Mako-chan!" Makoto paused at her cheerful promise.
"Really?" She asked quietly. She couldn't quite meet Usa's gaze. She'd been an orphan for so long, she'd forgotten what a real family could be like. That's why she was so happy and protective of the other Senshi and Usagi-chan. They were all she had. Ever. "A part of a family?"
Usagi grabbed her tall friend's mitted hands, shaking them enthusiastically and squeezing them gently so the green-eyed girl would look at her. "Of course! You're all ready like my onee-chan; you have been forever. You will always have a place in my home. Always."
"Good afternoon, Usagi-chan. I haven't seen you for a few days . . ." Ami opened the door to see her blonde friend standing quietly there. Admittedly, she was slightly surprised to see her.
"Yeah, nothing' going on, no evil droids to destroy, no money to shop or play with. I've been bored to death!" Usagi said breezily as she side-stepped Ami, headed for the huge living room. "Ohayo, Mizuno-san!" Usagi waved enthusiastically. Ami's mom smiled and waved from the kitchen where she was making tea for herself and Ami. Usagi grinned ingratiatingly and Ami's mom took another cup from the cupboard.
"Did ChibiUsa-chan ever speak to you?" Usagi frowned and stopped, startled and a little worried that Ami would bring the little kid up so suddenly.
"No, not that I remember- why? About what?" She asked as her short, blue-haired friend came up beside her.
"She came over earlier and she seemed very disturbed and distraught- about something concerning you." Usagi let a wry grin slip at her friend's accusingly raised eyebrow.
"That spore worried about me?" She smiled even wider at Ami's don't-play-with-me-I-can-see-right-through-you look. "That's sweet, but I haven't seen her at all today." She shrugged and the two continued to the dark turquoise couch. “I think she's avoiding me.”
Ami frowned, her forehead creasing as she looked away, considering the little girl's words before she'd left. She shook it off and returned her attention to Usagi. "Well, she left in quite a hurry- By the way, Usagi-chan, have you done something to your hair?"
Usagi's eyes widened with a guilty, 'I'm caught' look and sat down quickly, tossing her twin ponytails over her shoulder and brushing her bangs and curls behind her ears. "It looks- lighter, almost white. I think it's gotten longer too, you may want to get it trimmed." Ami shook her as she sat down in the armchair. "I'll never understand how you can manage to shampoo and take proper care of all that hair and still can't study for English and Algebra tests!"
Usagi laughed nervously, putting on an insulted look as she pouted. "Ami-chan! That's just mean! Half the time I'm late for school and never have time to study is 'cause I'm taking care of my hair!"
"Well maybe you should cut it all off, Usagi-chan."
Ami laughed and Usagi giggled with her but muttered under her breath, "Trust me, it wouldn't help . . . But then I'd look like YOU!"
"And that's a bad thing?" Ami inquired, raising her eyebrow again. She took a sip from the tea her mother brought out for the two girls but Mizuno-san's beeper went off and she had to leave quickly afterwards.
"Anyway, you know how my hair gets lighter in the summer. Too much time in the sun- Hey! They should have a sun block for hair! Wouldn't that be wicked cool? And you could come up with it, Mako-chan'll make it, and me and Minako-chan can design and market it!"
Ami began to laugh again at Usagi's crazy ideas, the back of her mind nagging her about strange details that were somehow different about her friend. But Usagi didn't act like something was wrong and she seemed to think nothing of it- they were tiny changes anyhow- so Ami chose to drop the subject. Ami grinned again as Usagi rattled on about not having gone to the beach at all this summer and that it would be the perfect place to test their new Sailor Solar Protection Lotion.
"Ah . . ." Usagi sighed after her spiel. She tasted her extra-sugary tea , content to sip forever- Her mom had the awesomest tea! She added different things to it like orange peels, cloves, a little wine, and sometimes sour green apples pieces. 'She's the best!' Usagi glanced over her cup to her first Sailor Scout. They had hung out the longest even though they seemed the most unlikely pair. "Ami-chan, I'm so glad you can relax now. Remember the day we met? You were such a study-holic and had NO life! No offense, but without us, you'd still be trapped in some school book and cram school!" Ami rolled her eyes at Usagi's proud accomplishment, which she was quick to shoot down, no qualms about it.
"I'm still in cram school. In fact, we have quiz next week I should be studying for." She pointed out matter-of-factly.
Usagi met her dark sea blue eyes with a rare seriousness. "But aren't you happier now, even with us keeping you from your studies?"
Ami answered just as easily as Usagi was somber. "Of course! And for you guys alone, I'd skip that quiz."
Usagi instantly jumped up out of her seat, incredibly not spilling a drop of her sweet tea, and hugged Ami tightly. "I'm so glad to hear you say that, Ami-chan! You may be the smartest one but when it comes to just being a friend, you're just the same as Rei-chan and Minako-chan and Makoto-chan! You totally excel in that category! And it's the only one that really matters."
Ami smiled slowly, still stunned by the bunny's sudden movement. She hugged her back, silent a moment while she searched for a proper thank you-
Usagi let go and fell back on the couch. "Now, I heard your dad sent you a picture. Can I see it? Do you think you know where it's from yet?" It was Ami's turn to quickly hop up, her eyes gleaming with childish excitement that always found it's way into her heart whenever she thought of her father. He'd been gone so long on his worldly explorations . . .
"Actually, this sketch looks like the lake we used to visit at the foot of Mt. Fuji when I was little- I think it means he's coming home!" Usagi grinned ecstatically, overjoyed to think that Ami's dad might finally be coming home. Few things got Ami as worked up and thrilled as she was now, all smiles and bouncing off the walls. Just because her father sent her a picture. 'I wonder if I'll be around to meet him . . .'
"Rei-chan, I've got something to tell you."
The dark-haired priestess looked up from where she tended the fire. She wasn't surprised to see Usagi, she'd heard her coming, silent though she was, the aura of unearthliness drifted around her, lightening the burden of her mind. Even without her natural psychic gift, she would have sensed her coming. "Yes, Serenity-hime?"
Usagi stopped dead in her tracks. For a half a second she panicked, her eyes widened, mouth agape, but she swallowed slowly and recovered gracefully and walked up to face her friend. "Rei-chan, I know Venus is the leader of the Scouts, but I want to ask you to take care of ChibiUsa for me. When the time is right, please give her my locket. She needs the Ginzuishou to revive her mother in the future. Watch over Mamo-chan too."
"I promise." As if they had merely exchanged comic books, Rei turned away from her and continued to sweep away the ash from around the fireplace. "It doesn't have to be like this. You can still change back- can't you?"
"It's not worth it. Why bother? Mother gave me my second chance and I blew it. Honestly, I- I can't wait to go back to her. To live in peace for all time, with my parents and those souls not reborn here or have all ready passed. I'll see Jadeite and the others as they were. I'll live in my kingdom, frozen in tranquility, before it's destruction."
"You've see it." It was a statement, not an inquiry. Usagi had all ready seen heaven- Rei still refused to turn and face her friend again.
"Hai, and it was beautiful, just as I remember it." Usagi smiled contently but Rei could see her regret in the decision.
"So Minako-chan, Ami-chan, Makoto-chan, they aren't worth staying here for? ChibiUsa-chan, Mamoru-kun, your otou-san, okaa-san? None of them are worth living for?" Her voice hardened, accusing the blonde. "Who was it you fought for if not for them? All those battles? Our deaths to protect you from Metallia? Our being reborn for the sole purpose of protecting you and you commit suicide!" Rei swung around, spinning on her heel to glare at Usagi's teary blue eyes. Rei didn't care, she was furious! She could feel the heat of an angry flush all over her skin, her eyes snapped with a fire that echoed the sacred flames behind her. "All that was for nothing! All that pain we've endured by your order to protect this little planet. We gave up our normal lives to be with you, to be your guardians again. We DIED for you and now you're letting yourself die because your Prince is so confused with emotions he's never understood in this lifetime and he doesn't even know what he wants most; you or you safe!"
Tears slipped down Usagi's cheeks- Rei always knew where to hit her the hardest. "No, Rei-chan! You are worth it, you all are, I've lived for you guys all ready this long- I appreciate all you've done for me, but- but I-"
"I don't care, Odango Atama. Go, go back to your little room, cry your eyes out over your Mamoru-baka. We'll take care of this world and that Chibi youma of yours. My new imouto-chan . . . Now get out of here! I don't want quitters and whiners anywhere near me! Coward!"
"I just wanted you to know how much I love you guys, that you all have a family now- you are a family!" Usagi nearly tripped herself as she whirled and ran away, crying. "And I can't change back! I tried, I can't-"
Rei glanced up, praying she didn't hear what she thought she heard. Usagi was all ready gone. "She- She can't change back?"
Usagi ran all the way home, tears streaming down her face. She could feel her crescent glowing in response to her emotions but she just let it shine until she reached her front door. Sniffling quickly and wiping away her tears, she mentally commanded the gold mark to disappear before she walked in and headed to her room.
No one was home. Not even Luna. It was early evening, maybe her family had gone out to pick up dinner or go to a movie, it didn't matter anyway, she was just glad for the solitude and silence. She was so tired . . . All she wanted was to go to her room, collapse on her bed and sleep till the next millennium.
Her cold room waited for her, empty and as harsh as the space between the moon and earth. She stared at her bed for the longest time, her legs going tingly and numb from standing so long, her head tipping and swaying with faint, black dizziness. There was no way she could ever sleep. Thoughts, regrets, dashed hopes, complaints, laughter, they all raced through her mind.
Usagi shut the door behind her and crossed to the window where the rising moon was waxing from a thin slice of silver.
"I'll be coming home soon, wait for me . . ." Usagi glanced back and, using the Ginzuishou, called a piece of pink stationary and pencil to her. She knelt before the window and wrote a few words, using the window seat as a desk. The note drifted back to rest on her vanity, her locket flashed once and placed itself atop the letter.
Usagi blinked slowly at the two then returned her gaze out the window to the eastern moon.
ChibiUsa and Mamoru walked through the empty house, ChibiUsa searching nervously around for Usagi's family, Mamoru instantly headed for the stairs where he knew Usagi was. "ChibiUsa . . ."
ChibiUsa glanced back at him then hopped away from the kitchen door to return to his side. They practically tiptoed up the stairs- the quiet that lay on the entire house seemed like a Sleeping Beauty spell, hushing and lulling one to sleep. ChibiUsa raced up to Usagi's room but waited just long enough for Mamoru to knock on the door. It wasn't too hard to miss the fact that no one answered. ChibiUsa slowly opened the door and peeked inside-
Usagi stood by the window, her back to them. In the moonlight, her blonde hair was completely silver, her skin white as the ivory moon. Moon beams glittered on her blouse and long skirt, making them appear translucent. She stood frozen like a delicate, sparkling snowflake in the glowing silver pool, as if the faintest breeze could disintegrate her.
Mamoru pushed the door further open and inhaled sharply at the sight- his dream princess-
As if just hearing them come in, Usagi slowly looked over her shoulder to them, her crescent moon flashing gold. Usagi turned to face them, moving as if she were a mile under water and every motion took three times the normal effort in this slow motion world around her.
Mamoru regained his voice a few moments later. "Usako, what's wrong?"
"Oh, Mamo-chan . . ." She paused wearily, surprised to see him but too tired and resigned to react. "I'm dying."
"What?!" He quickly whirled on ChibiUsa. "ChibiUsa-chan, go get the girls. Now!"
ChibiUsa was rooted to the floor- seeing Usagi like that, her expression, her liquid movements, her sad eyes reminded her of her mother. "Mama. . ." She whispered then turned and ran down the hall as fast as she could.
Mamoru returned his focus to the girl in front of him. "Usagi, please tell me- what's going on here? What's wrong with you!?"
Usagi's eyes glazed over, focusing on something in the distant past. "I . . . I made a wish, not too long ago . . . I just wanted to be the leader the Scouts needed. And the friend ChibiUsa-chan lacked. And to be the girl you wanted. But I didn't have enough time. Gomen nasai, I'm so sorry . . ."
"Usako, what are you talking about? Not enough time? You- you look fine, you'll be all right once the girls get here- they were your court, they'll know what to do to help you if this is something to do with the Ginzushou."
"Oh, Mamo-chan . . . You never understood- that, without you- I'd die anyway . . ." She whispered wistfully, with an omnipotence that was hers alone, as if she completely comprehended all that had happened to him in these past weeks. All that he had hid from her, each lie he told, every stolen glance- she knew. Usagi turned to face him, trembling with exhaustion though she hid it well. "I did it to take care of everyone I love. Each person needed something Usagi wasn't able to give them, especially you. So I wished to be the Princess again so I could make their lives as wonderful as they were a thousand years ago. I tried to make things right, as they should have been if I hadn't screwed them up . . . But I'd forgotten, or like now, I just didn't care, that there was a price for such a wish."
"What price?" Mamoru seemed completely off-guard, he was so confused- maybe ChibiUsa was right- Usagi gave him a blank look, almost surprised he did not see it himself.
"My life."
ChibiUsa raced as fast as she could down the road to Rei's shrine. She had to get there quickly- Usagi didn't have much time left, maybe only minutes! Her feet and her legs ached all ready, she'd been all over town today, visiting the each of the girls- she shouldn't have wasted her time and energy!
ChibiUsa huffed and gasped, sniffling as cold tears sliced her cheeks with ice. She tried to swipe them away, her eyes off the sidewalk for half a second-
ChibiUsa shrieked as she tripped over a raised crack in the cement and landed face first on the ground. Crying even harder now, she brushed off her scraped hands and knees and took off again, ignoring the red scratches tickling her shins. She had to get to Rei's so they could help Usa-onee-chan!
In her desperation, ChibiUsa's birthmark began to glow as her terror and guilt grew, then it flared, and completely erupted into a beam of iridescent moonlight. __________________________
Mamoru stood in the middle of Usagi's room staring at her, not believing the words she had stated so calmly. His heart trembled, missing several beats as his hands dropped numbly to his sides, cold as stone. Usagi was known for exaggeration- but-
Something to the side of him beeped shrilly. Usagi's sad eyes fell towards the object only to shed a tear and turn away. Mamoru looked over at Usagi's dresser. He heard the girl let out a deep, soft breath as he took her communicator from the wooden surface and opened it.
Rei's grim face greeted him. Before she could open her mouth, Mamoru was shouting at her- "Rei-chan, where are you? We need you here- Usako needs you!"
Rei shook her head, panting, trying not to show how sorry she was, trying to cover up those weaker feelings with an urgency of business not to be put off. "Mamoru-kun, there's been an attack. We need Sailor Moon now!" Even as he watched, Rei transformed- she'd been running somewhere the whole time.
"You'll have to finish it off, you've done it before. She- she can't help." Usagi subtly bit her lip, still not looking at him but not out the window either, and sadly nodded in affirmation. When his gaze dropped back to the comm she allowed herself to return her eyes to the crescent moon in her black blanket.
Sailor Mars' next words ran a stake of ice through both their souls. "They've got ChibiUsa-chan."
A pale Mamoru shot a glance to Usagi but her gaze had fixed on her dresser. She stared steadily at her locket lying there, suddenly now only her first year compact. Tears spilled over her cheeks but she swung away to hide them, her movements still so slow that her body seemed only to drift through the space around her.
At a loss, his heart tearing in two, and confused beyond sanity by the situation and this decision. Mamoru shook his head, his face ashen with regret. Tuxedo Kamen bowed his head to her, a silent apology and promise to return, then left to save the little girl. Usagi refused to watch him go as she returned to her window, watching the streets as if she could see the battle through the trees and city and night. Her eyes closed and her body shone with a light that wanted to explode from within her. As she'd done before, she tried to fade away from her room to where the battle was. She wouldn't let them fight alone- she wouldn't let the Dark Moon touch one little pink hair on ChibiUsa's head!
Gasping, Usagi reappeared in the dwindling sunburst and fell to her knees, too weak to stand. Sobbing in earnest, on her hands and knees on the carpet, she tried to get to her feet but lacked the strength. “No! No, ChibiUsa! Mamo-chan! Please, no! I want to help you, I wish I'd never changed- then I could protect you now . . . Please, Ginzushou, I don't want to leave them . . .” Usagi managed to haul herself to her feet using the window seat, her weak arms shaky against the drag of the earth's gravity. She could only barely see the moon anymore- Her eyes closed once more as she prayed, her white palm pressed against the cold window.
"Watch over her, Mamo-chan, she's our daughter."
The battle was not easily won. The girls each took hits, ChibiUsa still hadn't stopped crying from the ordeal though she had quieted down in Tuxedo Kamen's arms. They made their way as quickly as they could back to Usagi's house but they were weary and injured.
"This would have been over sooner if that baka had been there!" Rei fumed heatedly with a wince from her bruised side.
Ami whispered, clutching her arm close to her chest. "Rei-chan, please don't . . . Usagi-chan must have a reason-"
"She would never purposely let us be hurt, she loves us too much." Minako defended, dragging her feet with exhaustion and favoring her right ankle.
"Mamoru-kun, what's the emergency anyway?" Makoto demanded. She ignored her dizziness and tipsy feelings as she marched on beside Mamoru.
Mamoru ground his teeth, still holding ChibiUsa tightly as he slowed to let the girls keep up- he had to admit they were too hurt to hurry any more. "I don't know." He sighed. "Something about her being the princess and ChibiUsa says it's killing her. ChibiUsa will die too if Usako does- ChibiUsa's her future daughter."
"We've got to hurry- I've got a very bad feeling- like my heart's being shattered . . ." He grimaced, emphasizing his point. They made it there without further urging within minutes. Mamoru was through her bedroom door first but it was Minako who screamed, and Ami and Makoto gasped in horror.
"Oh God, we're too late . . ." Princess Serenity lay where she had fallen to the floor, under the window where he had left her. The moonlight spilled around her like a pond of silver, her white silk dress flared around her pale legs, her hand outstretched, eyes closed . . . Mamoru rushed to her side, ChibiUsa-chan slid out of his arms, sobbing and looking away, burying herself in Usagi's bed. He lifted her head, fingers searching for a breath, a pulse but he was met with only stillness, silence . . .
"Usako . . . No, Usako, please, wake up-" 'You can't leave me now!'
Rei nearly broke down at the sight of her best friend, her face crumbled as her strength melted. She couldn't bear to see- She sat down quickly at Usagi's vanity, choking on her sobs as she threw her arms to her face to smother her tears. Blurry eyes caught the flash of something glittering on the desk top. She reached a shaky, white hand to grasp the round case and slid it away to the pink letter underneath.
At first, all she could make out was 'Forget me not' but as her eyes cleared and focused through the grievous chaos around her, she began to unsteadily read the letter aloud.
"'To ChibiUsa, dearest child of mine . . .
Your mother's Ginzushou is now yours. Your Scouts will help you save her-" Rei choked- this was her last will- She wanted them to- to guard ChibiUsa from now on! Everyone in the room froze, holding their trembling gasps inside.
"'Friends, I'm sorry I couldn't help you more. I tried. If I'd had more time . . . I would have made your lives beautiful once again. Mako-chan, Rei-chan, you will always have a family with mine. Minako-chan, I have seen love for you in the future, do not fear it. Ami-chan, your family will be whole again, I promise, and we will always be proud of who you are inside, not just the things you accomplish in school.
Endymion-sama, I wish my last moments could have been with you. I will love you always from heaven and the moon, just as I had a thousand years ago. Protect your daughter, ChibiUsa, Princess of the Earth-'" Rei tried to make out what had been erased immediately after that- one word looked like 'moon'.
"'Forget me not,
Love always, Serenity.'"
Mamoru lifted Serenity into his arms and placed her reverently on the bed, ChibiUsa scuttling out of the way. "Sh- She's not completely gone . . . I can feel her in my heart, a warm glow in my chest . . . Her love is still with me-"
"I feel it too, Mamo-chan." ChibiUsa murmured. She crawled up onto the bed beside Serenity, Mamoru kneeling opposite her, holding Serenity's icy hand.
"ChibiUsa . . . If you are truly her daughter . . . Help me."
"I love her too, Mamo-chan- it's just . . . Papa said only the blood of earth can keep a Lunari alive on earth. Mama said it was a curse that kept them apart in their first life, until she was reborn human here . . ." ChibiUsa's fisted hands rubbed her wet eyes as she cried. "But now, she has brought it upon herself again!" ChibiUsa screamed. "Papa! Where are you!"
"ChibiUsa, Chibi-Serenity- calm down, everything will be all right, it has to be- you're still here."
ChibiUsa sniffled, tears running unchecked down her flushed red cheeks. "That's cause Mama's not dead yet . . ."
"If all she needs is the royal blood of earth then she's fine, she will be fine. She has you . . . and me." Mamoru reached out a hand to ChibiUsa, still holding his princess'. ChibiUsa tried to catch her breath and stay her uncontrollable tears. She reached a small, shaking hand to meet his. Strength, like magical green river, flooded her body, washing through her like wind through a sheet. She knew this feeling, it was the touch of the earth itself, a being made completely of the living earth's power-
It was her Papa!
"Take her hand, ChibiUsa-chan, and pray. Tell her- you love her." ChibiUsa nodded mutely, her lips still parted in shock.
"I do." She slowly took her mother's wilted hand, and at the same moment, Mamoru whispered something to Serenity. "I love you . . . Aishiteru," No one else heard his murmur but the effects were immediately obvious. Like a tiny flame spreading across a piece of paper, a warm pink glow grew to imbue Serenity's features, chasing away the ash white of her skin. A breath stirred in her chest, the silver glint under her skin reddened, her hair darkened to gold, a few streaks of silver remained to tease the eye. Her translucent gown glittered before falling to moon dust, returning her to the clothes she wore earlier. Finally, her crescent mark flashed and flared, Mamoru leaned over and softly kissed it, and it meekly faded away. "Usako."
ChibiUsa's eyes were still closed but when she felt warmth and a heartbeat beneath her fingers her eyes shot up. Mamoru's eyes were closed, a pale teal energy glowed about him and flowed delicately, like snowflakes, up her arm and all around Usagi. 'I miss you Usa-onee-chan, I want you back; you're my okaa-san, my okaa-sama. I love you . . .' "Onegai, don't leave me. I've just completed my mission, you have to congratulate me, Usagi-mama. Onegai, wake up . . ."
Usagi sighed, feeling warmer and, incredibly, less tired than she had in days. Her hand flew up to touch her forehead- or at least it would have had it not been attached to another, stronger hand. 'Wow, reaction time is back, who turned off the slow-mo?' As if to answer her question, Mamoru's face suddenly appeared before her eyes. She opened her mouth to yell or cry or something but shock held her tongue and what came out was more of a dry moan. "Mamo-chan . . ." She didn't feel bad or tired- what was with her voice? And why were Mamoru and the girls looking at her with those faces- like she just died and come back from heaven?
"Usagi-chan, daijoubo-ka?" Ami asked quickly.
"Hai." Usagi tried to lift herself up on her other hand but quickly found she was being weighed down by a Chibi-pinku cling-on. She laughed softly, easing herself up more carefully- and that's when she realized how exhausted and stiff she really felt. She groaned again but with Mamoru still clasping her hand, all those aches, even as she recognized them, began to disappear. "Mamo-chan. . . What happened? I remember . . . You saying something . . . And ChibiUsa calling ME her okaa-sama- But I never told her, not about us."
"She knew about you, a long time ago. It was me that she didn't believe. I don't believe she thought she could be so lucky as to find us both together so quickly. She was searching for a real prince after she found her okaa-san, she found me instead only a few minutes ago." He whispered, gaze shifting between his beautiful love and his equally lovely daughter. She was peacefully sleeping next to Usagi, hanging on to her sleeve in a death grip.
"Then you understand she is ours, our own daughter?"
"I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen her as Princess Serenity and knew she shared my psychic gift- that's how I felt her feelings, saw her nightmares when I touched her. She draws the world behind her like a veil, she had to be my daughter as well. And she lives in the future, I think she came back, not just for her mission, but to show me what our future could be if we stayed together. If . . . you'll take me back . . ." His eyes were downcast, voice lilting from light and joyful to somber and resigned. Usagi smiled brightly at her prince.
"You should never have to ask, Mamo-chan, I will never love another and I would never give up my faith in you." She leaned over face to face with him, her breath caressing his face.
"Then, my little bunny," He leaned closer, pushing her gently back without touching her. "You should have known that I love you and only you. Endymion loved the princess, a king will love his queen, but this man loves this woman." He kissed the tip of her nose then her lips. She melted completely into him, both lovers ignoring the stares and coos of the girls.
Usagi's eyes fell, she could sense that he was only glad to have her back, safe and sound, but she felt his heart rip at her betrayal. She'd changed herself from the one he loved. "Gomen nasai, Mamo-chan. I did it to help everyone- I needed her strength and power and her love . . ."
Mamoru gently grasped her chin and made her look at him. "Usako, just promise me you'll never do that again. I could never live without you, I need Usagi Serenity Tsukino, no one else."