Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Random Adventures ❯ Day 1.. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Sailor Moon or any other anime, manga, web comic or anything of that nature. I only lay claim to my writing, and my computer equipment.

A/N: This is my first fic in about 7 months, so I may be a little rusty. This is also my first fic using Linux, so it's really more of a test of my computer, than anything. This fic was written in OpenOffice 1.1.1 in SuSE Linux 9.1 Professional.

There are very few, truly cute things in this world. One of the cutest, would probably be the sight of little Hotaru-chan playing with Chibi-Usa in the park, with the rest of the Senshi watching protectively. In fact, if you named the cutest thing you could think of, it'd probably be peanuts compared to Chibi-Usa or Hotaru.

Of course, life isn't that simple, or is it?

Random Adventures
A comedy featuring the Sailor Senshi in humorous situations which are, as the title suggests, random.

Written by
Caleb S. Cupples

Day 1

Now, where was I? Ah, yes, I was discussing how cute Chibi-Usa and Hotaru are. They are really cute. In fact, they are so cute that they would probably give you cavities, if you were around them long enough. Well, anyway, Chibi-Usa and Hotaru were playing in the park, Haruka was flirting with the Inners, Michiru was unloading her mallet collection from Haruka's car, to be used on said Senshi of Wind, Rei was yelling at Usagi. In other words, it was a normal day for the Senshi. Well, as normal as can be expected, that is.

Suddenly, the relative calm was shattered with a cry of “HARUKA NO BAKA!!!” coming from our favourite Senshi of the Sea. Then again, she's the only one, as well as being only one of only two water Senshi, so... Well, as I was going to say, before I went off on a tangent was that Haruka suddenly found herself a few feet closer to the ground. In fact, her head was, at that point, three metres underground and still going down. It's a really good thing that Haruka-chan has a really hard head. For Haruka, that is.

As you can tell, Michiru was pissed. Really pissed, to be more exact. Then again, if you knew the whole story, you would understand. It started the night before, when Haruka came home late, because of issues with her racing team. Of course, the traditional argument occurred, and Michi got the couch. Yes, it was Michiru, beautiful, sweet, calm Michiru who got to sleep on the couch, last night. It would be an understatement to say that it didn't go well.

“Michi-ko, I don't think that hitting 'Ruka-baka was a wise thing to do.” Setsuna whispered.

“But, Setsuna, she was being unfaithful by flirting with Usagi,” Michiru replied, in a tone similar to that of Usagi when being yelled at by Rei.

“Michiru-mama, can you stop hitting Haruka-papa, before she gets really hurt? I don't want to ride with Rei-san,” Hotaru begged, hoping that logic would get through to the now rampaging young woman. It didn't work, to say the least.

Michiru then proceeded to knock the rest of the Senshi out with her mallet. Of course, Tuxedo boy tried to protect Usagi, which only got him a few more hits with the mallet. However, mallets are only effective against people, while giant red fish, with hammer and sickle markings are effective against most lifeforms, including water senshi. Actually, they are even more effective against water senshi, by some twist of fate.

Also, for some reason, the fish was able to eat all the senshi, including Haruka, who was well on her way to the centre of the Earth. However, improbability factors, similar to those created by the Infinite Improbability Drive are extremely hard to calculate. Some would say that it's improbable that anyone would be able to calculate the improbability of the aforementioned event ever taking place. That's a fancy way of saying that the chances of something of this nature happening is about the same as the probability of the Senshi moving to Leeds, or England beating Australia in the cricket tourney. That's one way of saying “Not bloody likely.” Of course, with our numbers being knocked out the realm of calculation, the fact that said Senshi just appeared in a Vogon warship, in the middle of the captain's poetry recital isn't all that surprising. For those who don't know what a Vogon is, let's just say that a Vogon is really ugly and that Vogon poetry is considered torture by most standards, except the Vogon standard, that is.

“The ships blow up,
The stars are destroyed,
Oh, how romantic this destruction is...” the Vogon captain recites, causing the senshi to puke simultaneously. Of course, this sets off a chain reaction, which involves the senshi being teraported back to their original location. After that, they all packed up and went home.

Hope you enjoyed it. I'm already working on Ch.2, so it'll probably be up by next week. Also remember the key phrase to dealing with life, “Don't Panic.”
I hope you really enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
For questions and comments, email me at
