Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Reenie Says Yes a.k.a. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy ❯ Fumbling Towards Ecstasy ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: I did not create Reenie from SailorMoon, and I did not create Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, its sung by Sarah McLachlan, and legally belongs to her. I know I wish I did though!

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

By kay

Reenie waited in her house. A year ago a new guy moved a couple streets away from her. He asked her out not long after he moved there. Tonight was their anniversy! She couldn't believe it! Tonight, they will have been together for a full year! She was so excited. Her boyfriend, Josh called her two days ago and said they were going someplace special, he didn't tell her where though.

Reenie was a bit nervous, she didn't know what to expect. This guy was unlike any guy she had ever met, he cared about her, he was always making sure she okay when trouble happened, and Reenie truely believed he loved her. Reenie loved him too. They had had a few fights like any relasionship, but soon got over them and managed to stay together.

She heard a noise outside her house and looked out the window, there he was. He came out in a suit that made him look very handsome. He knocked on the door and handed her flowers.

"Hi Josh" Reenie said with a twinkle in her eye

"Hi Reenie!" He said back to her, dumbfounded by how beautiful she looked wearing her long red, sleeveless dress with earings that matched her beautiful pink eyes. She wore her hair down, and it fell to her waist. All in all, he thought she was as wonderful as an angel.

They left the house and got in the car to go to that special place that Josh had mentioned.

All the fear has left me now,
I'm not frightened anymore.
It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh.

They finally arrived at that special place, which turned out to be the ice cream shop where they had first met. Reenie was suprised at this, but then the memory of when they first met came to her mind.


Reenie walked along to the ice cream shop, she felt so depressed. Her boyfriend had dumped her! He was such a jerk! He dumped her for her bestfriend!

"How will I forgive them?" she thought to herself.

She finally got to the ice cream shop where a handsome man was getting ice cream. The thought that he was handsome hadn't even crossed her mind when she got in line, she was too depressed to notice.

After they both had gotten ice cream Reenie accidently bumped into him.

"I'm sorry!" she whispered in an embarressed voice, she didn't even bother to look up at him.

"Don't worry about it. Hey! Don't I know you?" he asked slightly lifting her chin to who she was.

Reenie looked up at him.

She recognized him, he had just moved in a couple streets away. She had seen him around every now and then, not that often though.

"I'm Reenie" she introduced herself.

"I'm Josh" he said with stars in his eyes that shone far brighter then any Reenie had seen in her entire life.They started walking and soon they began a long conversation about nothing really in paticular. They had lots of laughs. Josh walked Reenie home, and asked if he could see her again. Reenie didn't know what to say, but she must've said yes to the effect that a few weeks later they had gotten to know eachother enough that they went out on their first date.

*end flashback*

It's my mouth that pushes out this breath
And if I shed a tear I won't cage it.
I won't fear love
And if I feel a rage
I won't deny it,
I won't fear love.

Reenie slowly smiled at the memory. They got out of the car and got some ice cream. As they ate it they walked around a nearby park, the moonlight glistening on a small pond adding a romantic quality that made it seem almost unreal to Reenie. They walked over to a small spot near a few people who had come to gaze at the stars. They started to talk about everything they had done since they first went out, laughing and smiling. And at some moments just looking at eachother, it was like silent poetry. It seemed the whole universe stopped as they just gazed at eachother, smiling.

Companions to our demons
They will dance and we will play.
With Chairs,
Candles and clothes
Making darkness in the day.
It will be easy to look in or out
Upstream or down
Without a thought
And if I shed a tear I won't cage it.
I won't fear love
And if I feel a rage
I won't deny it.
I won't fear love.

As the evening was about to end, Josh asked if they could stay for a few more minutes.
"Yes, I guess." Reenie asnwered, begining to feel very nervous.

Josh slowly got down on his knee and took Reenie's hand in his. He sighed, blushed a little, and began a small speech.

"Reenie, I know it's only been a year since we met, and we've had a few problems in the past. And I know we're probably not going to always do things right, no one does.
"But when I first met you, for the first time in my entire life, I felt like I could do anything, like nothing in the world could stop me. And I- I hope you feel the same way. Reenie, will you marry me?"
His breath caught in his chest as he looked her shocked face.

Peace in the struggle to find peace.
Comfort on the way to comfort
And if I shed a tear
I won't cage it.
I won't fear love
And if I feel a rage
I won't deny it,
I won't fear love.
I won't fear love.
I won't fear love...

Reenie slowly smiled, didn't even hesitate before nodding her head and saying yes. Josh looked at her and smiled. They hugged eachother, and slowly, their lips came closer and closer, until finally they kissed.