Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ Other Worlds ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Ok Anthy! Here is the second part of the story! ^_^
"I refuse to go!" shouted a 7 year old girl, as she threw her pale blue dress into a corner of her room.
Her mother threw her hands up in disgust and walked down the stairs and into the throne room where her husband was sitting.
"I give up Alex!" she sighed, as she sat down on her blue marble throne.
Her husband got up, "I will have a talk with her Michelle."
Ranting and raving could be as he walked down the hall towards his daughters bedroom.
"What in the name of Neptune is going on!?" Alex shouted as he entered the room.
The maids all curtsied, as he waved a hand and dismissed them.
"Wendy what is going on? You are 7 years old! Your a little too old for temper tantrums, my little sky dancer." he said as he sat on the bed by his daughter.
"Mommy wants me to go with her to another concert. They are soo boring!" she replied, as she pulled her long, sea green hair into a pony tail.
"Well I guess you think cloud racing is boring too." Alex sighed.
"Oh no of course not! I wish I was visiting grandma and grandpa now on Uranus so I could GO cloud racing." she replied.
"I have a race tomorrow." Alex said getting up from the bed.
Wendy's head snapped up and her blue eyes sparkled, "Really daddy?!"
He simply nodded his head,"But you cannot come with me tomorrow unless you go with your mother tonight."
"Oh alright, she sighed, but do I have to wear a dress?"
"No I guess not." replied Michelle coming into the room.
He father looked at her,"You are the Princess of Neptune though, try to dress like it." he said as he and Michelle left the room so she could dress.
"Who does she remind you of, huh?" laughed Michelle.
"Huh?" asked Alex.
"Getting you into a dress before Queen Serenity changed you into a man for good, was like trying to pull Serena away from ice cream! Michelle laughed.
"Oh really?" he replied, as he pulled Michelle into his arms and kissed her.
"Do you two really have to do that?" asked a voice coming from behind them.
They both turned to see their daughter Wendy wearing a sky blue jumper.
"I guess that will do." said Michelle.
"Hey daddy? Why are you not coming with us?" Wendy asked.
This took both parents by surprise, and Michelle smiled.
"Remind me to thank you later, little sky dancer." Alex whispered as the curtain rose at the theater.
"Hey have you ever heard of that old saying? The family that rules the planet together suffers together? Well, maybe with one little exception, mommy." she whispered back.
Michelle turned to Alex, "Do you think we should tell her tonight?"
"No we should wait. I will ask Pluto first thing in the morning." he replied.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
"Aphrodite! Wake up!" yelled a purple haired woman standing over the young girl.
"Huh? What?" she answered, sitting up from the amber colored desk.
"Aphrodite, as the Princess of Venus you must get your schooling!" said the woman.
The girl looked at the woman, "I am sorry Miss Diana, but Lord Artemis kept me up late again to practice with my fighting skills." she yawned, brushing her long silver hair from her icy blue eyes.
Diana's eyes went wide with anger,"What?! That's the second time this week! 6 year old princesses need their sleep! she cried.
She looked back at the desk and shook her head as she watched the sleeping princess.
"Catsy, Purdy? Please take the young princess to bed." Diana told the two maids.
"Yes Miss Diana." they replied as they curtsied and vanished with the young princess.
Diana gathered her skirts and walked towards the door, 'I must speak to the Queen about this.' she thought to herself as she walked down the hall.
All the while she was talking to herself she never noticed the man walking down the hall towards her. They collided with each other and Diana fell into a heap of purple and white ruffles to the floor.
"Why don't you watch where you are going?" she snapped, as she tried to get out of the mess of ruffles and stand.
"I am sorry Miss Diana." said a gentle voice.
Diana knew that voice. She finally got the last ruffle out of her eyes and came face to face with a man with long silver hair and icy blue eyes.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she said, "I am so sorry my king, I had no idea it was you!"
She bowed her head and then looked up to see a hand in front of her.
"Let me help you Miss." Malachite said she took his hand and he helped her to her feet.
"Thank you sir." she replied, letting go of his hand and tried to straighten her dress.
"Were you looking for something?" he asked.
"Well someone actually, your highness. Have you seen the Queen?" she replied.
"I believe she is in the communications room with your mother. Diana you know that in private you are to call me Malachite and the Queen is too be called Mina." he replied smiling.
"I know that sir, I mean Malachite. It's just that I forget sometimes." she said smiling back.
"Well I must go and speak with her. Thank you Malachite." said Diana as she curtsied.
"Your welcome Diana." he replied as she walked back down the hall.
Diana walked into the communications room where the Queen was just turning off the screen.
"Diana?" asked Luna, her mother.
"What is it Diana?" asked Mina.
Diana curtsied and said," The princess has fallen asleep in class twice this week, my Queen, I mean Mina."
"Your father has been receiving calls from Queen Rei of Mars about a possible threat approaching." said Luna.
"Mother! Aphrodite is only 6 years old!" Diana exclaimed.
"I am aware of how old she is." replied Artemis entering the room and bowing.
"My Queen, as you may know, what my wife says is true, but we have no idea when the danger will approach. As head of the guards she must be ready!" he finished.
The queen thought about that for a moment and then her face got a determined look,"I understand that Lord Artemis, but my daughter cannot keep falling asleep during her studies. She will not go past 10 o'clock. Do I make myself clear?" she asked.
"Yes my Queen." Artemis replied bowing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /i>
"I know your there." said the little black haired girl facing the fire.
The two adults stepped into the room, the girl turned around.
"Mother? Father? I know I am only 6, but I am starting to see a vision in the Sacred Fire. It's coming to me slowly though."
"We understand completely Raven." her mother replied.
Her husband turned towards her,"Rei, why is she seeing this now, isn't she a little young?"
"No, Jadeite not really. We both have these powers, that's what makes it so strong in her." she replied.
Rei turned back to raven who was now deep in thought facing the fire,"Keep up your studies young Raven." she said as she and her husband walked out of the room.
"Do you think she knows yet?" asked Jadeite.
"I really can't tell. With her powers coming early she might. I will speak with Pluto and find out." she replied as they walked into the throne room.
That's all for now! It is now 1 in the morning! I am going to bed! Enjoy guys ^_^ @--->-----