Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here is the next part!! Chapter 9!!! Yeah!!! *does a chibi dance on the computer desk* Why you ask? Well this is a new part and I LOVE to Write!!! ok i am fine now *gets off the computer desk and sits in computer chair*! Enjoy!!! Oh before I forget, there is some Tenchi Muyo stuff in this one! I don't own him either, oh well!



Re-cap: The girls just found out that their moms are actually the Sailor Scouts! How will they react! One of them is a father?!! Can ya guess which one? Sailor Moon says: Read the story and find out! (he he!)


All of the adults stood up from the table and smiled.

"What? No way!" cried Storm.

"My mother is Sailor Mercury?" asked Wynter.

"I think it's pretty cool! even if my mommy isn't one!" I exclaimed.

Daddy looked at me,"Oh I wouldn't say that little one." he smiled.

"Let's ALL transform!" shouted Lita just like always.

"Let's do it!" shouted Mina as she had always done so long ago as she threw her hand into the air.

(AN: i changed some of the transformation sayings!)

"Ring of Heart! Transform!"

"Stone of Amber! Transform!"

Aphrodite gasped, "Daddy!?"

"Ring of Ice! Transform!"

"Stone of Sapphire! Transform!"

Wynter stared at her father.

"Ring of Thunder! Transform!"

"Stone of Emerald! Transform!"

Storm looked at her father, "I can't believe it!"

"Ring of Fire! Transform!"

"Stone of Ruby! Transform!"

Raven smiled, "I knew there was something going on." she laughed.

"Ring of the Oceans! Transform!"

"Stone of the skies!" Alex began, but he hesitated on the last word as he looked at Wendy. Her mother just nodded her head.

"Transform!" he shouted as he was engulfed in a yellow light and there he stood in a skirt and boots?!

Wendy's eyes went wide,"Daddy?" she whispered as she fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"Oh my! I knew it wouldn't go well." Uranus said picking her daughter off the floor.

"She will be alright, we need to continue." said Pluto.

I looked at Pluto, "What do you mean continue, they are all here but the other three." i said.

"There is one more Scout in this room." she replied.

I looked at daddy, "Golden Crystal Power! Transform" he shouted.

"Moon Eternal Power! Transform!" my mother said as she closed her eyes.

"Mommy, is Sailor Moon?!" I gasped as Wendy sat back down beside me.

I turned to Wendy,"Are you alright?"

She nodded her head,"Yeah, it's just that it's not every day you find out out that you dad is a woman and a Sailor Scout!" she laughed.

"Uranus is special, she has the character traits of both genders so Queen Serenity changed her into a man, but when he transforms he is a woman so she can fight." Pluto explained.

"Oh I see." said Wendy as she smiled at Uranus.

"She is still your father, but not when he is transformed." Pluto finished.

Uranus walked over to her daughter and stood there, "I am sorry sky dancer." she said.

Wendy ran over to her and gave her a hug,"It's alright papa, I understand, don't worry." she smiled.

Uranus was shocked that she was taking this so well and hugged her daughter back.

"Should we give the famous speech?" Serena laughed.

"Sure, why not?" replied Michelle.
Serena looked at the other scouts and did a weird little pose,"I am the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon! I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and in the name of the moon...

"In the name of Mars!"



" and Mercury!"

"We shall punish you!!" they all finished at the same time.

Uranus cleared her throat, "From the Outer Solar System, with the blessings of Uranus, the Planet of the Winds, I am the scout of the heavens, Sailor Uranus!"

"From the same Outer Solar system, with the blessings of Neptune, the Planet of the Seas, I am Sailor Neptune!" Neptune exclaimed.

Pluto raised her staff,"And with the blessings of Pluto, the Planet of the Underworld of my father Cronos, the almighty god of time and space, I am Sailor Pluto!"

"We are the Scouts of the Outer Solar System!!" they all said at once.


Out in the outer most parts of space:

"My King you sent for me?" asked a guard as he bowed.

A man with long, silver, hair and blue eyes looked up,"Yes, I hear that there is power emmiting from the Crystal Palace of Earth. What do you have to report?"

The guard lowered his head, "Nothing yet sire."

"Go then and find out you insolent fool! This could be what I have been searching so long for!" he yelled getting up from his throne.

"Yes my king." the guard answered as he vanished.


I looked at my daddy who was dressed in black armor.

"Why is daddy and the rest of the men dressed like that?" I asked.

"You all remember the story of the moon princess don't you?" Pluto asked.

We all nodded our heads.

"Well, your daddy was the Earth Prince and the others are his protectors. Just like your mommy and the Scouts."

"Oh I see." I said.

"The men are called the Elements, because they can control their own element." Pluto finished.

Just then the door burst open as Bruno ran in,"My Queen are you ok? I heard shouting and I thought that you were being.....

He drifted off as he looked around the room in a dazed expression.

"My queen?" Bruno asked as Serena powered down.

She motioned for Bruno to sit down as everyone powered down.

"Bruno, what is about to be said does not leave this room, do you understand?" asked Darien.

"Yes my king." he replied.

We all sat and listened as my mother told the whole story to Bruno about the Sailor Scouts."


There was a flash of light in the throne room on the planet Jurai.

"My king I have news to report from Earth!" he said as he bowed.

The king stood up from his throne,"Well?"

"Sailor Scouts sire." said the guard.

"Scouts on Earth? How many?" the King yelled.

A woman came up behind the king, "Don't get too upset Tenchi."

"I know I know, Sasami. Thank you dear." he replied.

(AN: don't ask about the whole Tenchi thing!! Those were the first names that popped into my head!! Gomen! and no I don't own them either!!)

"They are all there except the Sun queen and Sailor Saturn and Queen Beryl." replied the guard.

Tenchi walked the floor for a moment, "That horrible little Sailor Moon twit killed my twin bother Hades." he shouted as he flung a bolt of lightning at a vase splitting it into!

(hades from the 1st story when Beryl was bad)

"Sailor Moon is really the Queen of Earth and she has a newborn son." the guard replied.

The king stopped pacing,"Really, this is interesting!"

"Oh Tenchi not a baby, please!?" cried Sasami.

He looked to his wife,knowing in the back of his mind that she couldn't have children,"I shall wait 10 years and nothing more." he answered.

Sasami nodded her head in agreement because there was nothing that she could do to stop her husband from what he was going to do.

"My king there is more." said the guard as he told them the whole story of the Sailor scouts.

The king and queen listened and then he dismissed the guard.

"Wait a minute, there." said the King.

"Yes sire." the guard said.

"I just wanted to tell you that you have done a good job and I thank you." said the king.

"Thank you sire." said the guard as he vanished.

Sasami turned to her husband, "I like that guard better than the others, don't you agree dear?" she asked.

"Yes dear, Bruno is a very loyal guard." he smiled.


OMG!!! Bruno!!! who would have guessed!?? *i did! i did!* ok well anywayz, hope ya liked it! ^_^

Sailor Moon says: C-YA! (he he!)
