Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Road Kill ❯ My Sunshine ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Road Kill

-You are my sunshine, my only sunshine-

"Hurry up Darien. You do want some ice cream don't you?" Darien quickly put on his shoes and hopped down the stairs. " I'm coming Mom, sheesh!"

His dad looked up. " Well if it isn't the birthday boy himself."

His mom straightened his collar. " Aw mom!"

" Eight year olds shouldn't go around the place looking any kind of way. Now let's go before you have a fit."

-You make me happy, when skies are grey-

She smiled at him. His dad put down the magazine he was reading and walked to the door. Darien and his mom stood still as his dad activated the alarm system. When it was set, they quickly exited outside.

Once in the car, Darien sat back onto the cool leather and waited for the car to start up. The engine roared to life and soon they were moving.

Not too far down the road, Darien saw a lump lying in the streets. As they got closer, it appeared to be a dead puppy. His Mom spoke.

"Dead dog."

His Dad spoke right after saying, " Aww." The parents chuckled, and Darien did not. He looked at it as they passed.

-You'll never know Dear, how much I love you-

*Dear Lord, please look after that puppy's soul and let it be happy. *

Darien sighed and looked down, before looking back outside again. It always made him sad when he saw a dead cat or dog on the road. If it were a raccoon, he'd say "Oh well." If it were a deer he'd say, " I never did like Bambi." But cats and dogs were different. Maybe because they were household pets? He didn't know.

All he did know was that it made him sad to think of how the dog might have died. If it knew how it died? He could imagine it just walking along, and some driver would just hit it and keep going.

Was it in pain, or did it die instantly? Would someone miss it? How would it feel to be a statistic? How would it feel to be road kill?

If Mom and Dad knew I felt like this, they probably would think I'm weird. Even my friends would think I was crazy. I don't even know these animals!

-Please don't take my sunshine away-

All of the sudden he heard a screech, some vague screams, then every thing went white…. or maybe black, he couldn't remember. In his subconscious he snorted at the fated irony, not lost on him.

" So this is what it feels like to be road-kill…"

-You are my sunshine, my only sunshine-

-You make me happy, when skies are grey-

-You'll never know Dear, how much I love you-

-Please, don't take my sunshine away…

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I know it was short, but I wanted it that way. I was thinking about how I felt when I saw a dead dog or cat in the road, and decided to make Darien think it as well. This is my first submitted SM fanfic, so be kind.

Thanks for reading.