Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ sailar mun's day! ❯ Beril is come, Sailar mun! ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fur the last tiem, I dun own sailar muuuun!!!
Queen Beril was plotting to make bad all over da world! “I need to find sailar mun and make give birth to mah baby.” She thought. “and rule the world.”
Suddenly, a yoomer appeared. “Mah lady, I has an idea.” Beril stood up and looked at hur. “Is this true, yoomer #13?”
“Yesh. You can use your mightee cock to make Sailar mun preggers!” Beril smiled wide. “HAPPY DAY! I CAN FINALLY WEAKEN SALIAR MUN FOREVAH!”
Serana was walking doun the streets when she saw Beril in the nood. “SAILAR MUN! I HAVE COME TO RAEP YOO!”
“NO! DAIMON, SAVEEE MEH!” Serana ran hard! But Beril was too fast. “Now, I RAEP!” Beril ripped off Serana's skirt and thong and put her thang in Serana's arsehole.
“NOOOOO!” Serana scremed as she began to lose power. “I'mma keep raeping and raeping and raeping-” Beril was cut off as hur cock exploded in blod.
“ENOUGH, DARK QUEEN!” Meena glared at Beril as she held up the gan. “YOO SHOT OFF MAH DICK? YOU MUST DIE!” Beril lunged at hur, but Meena was too quick like a brick.
Beril scremed as Meena shoved a glue gun up her arsehole and plugged it up. “No more shite from your arse, whore.”
“YOOMER!” Beril scremed. The yoomer was too busy peeing on a doggy. “I'm sowwy, mah queen.” She hung hur head sadly.
Meena shooted the gan and blew up Beril. The yoomer ran away from the shooting and ended up into a Chinese food shop. She became the best dish ever!
Serana was sitting on the grind, sadding her eyes out. “It be ok, Serana. You still have chance!” Meena happied as she huggled hur friend.
“Thank you, Meena. I will always luv u best!” Serana then laughed and walked back home to the moon.
Sailar mun was still safe and so was the world… for nows.