Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon AR ❯ Chapter 3
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Raye had tried not to stare at Rick as she sat in
class but she couldn't hold off the urge and found
herself studying him instead of the blackboard.
He looks like a rebel. There's no doubt in my
mind he's the perfect match for me. Now if he'd only
notice that.
At that moment Rick's pencil slipped out of his
hand, bumped onto the table and landed on the ground
near her desk.
"I'll get it," she said.
"No, don't bother," Rick replied.
They both reached to grab it, but Raye was there first.
Unfortunately for Rick he came down on her head and
she smashed into him as she came back up.
"Ouch!" Rick yelled.
"Fujimori! Detention!" The teacher yelled
without even turning to look.
"Thanks a lot," Rick snapped to Raye.
Jerk. Doesn't even realize what an act of
kindness is. Raye thought to herself.
Despite his weirdness, Mina couldn't avoid
getting into conversations with Mike. She had been
pleased when he sat down next to her since her teacher
had no interest in assigning seats. Occasionally
throughout class, he would rattle off some witty
comment about the teacher, and she would giggle. She
didn't mind the risk of detention she was taking,
because it added color to the school day. Besides with
their teacher, it wasn't really a problem.
"You know the problem with you kids these
days is that you can't keep your mind on anything for
longer than a minute at most," her teacher said.
That's not true Mina thought, before she
noticed Mike's blonde hair out of the corner of her eye.
That's an interesting cut. She thought. He turned
towards her.
"He's got a point there, I can't think of anything
for longer than two minutes max," Mike said.
"Me neither," Mina said willing to agree with
anything Mike said.
"Like take those two for instance," Their
teacher was saying pointing at Mike and Mina still
looking at each other.
"Does anyone think they're actually paying
attention?" The teacher asked.
"No," The class replied.
"It looks like they're more interested in each
other then me doesn't it?" The teacher continued as
Mina and Mike became increasingly more
"Furthermore that's surprising because I didn't
think Mina had a social life," The teacher said. The
class began ooing. Mike began to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Mina snapped.
"It's a good line," Mike said.
"I'm glad you liked it Mike, but you're still not
the man," the teacher said. The class ooed again.
"So you two an item or what?" The teacher
continued. The rest of the class began to giggle.
I'll get him for this, Mina growled.
Meanwhile Serena was sitting half asleep in
math class. The teacher rattled along showing various
equations and diagrams. Serena couldn't make any
sense of it, and her mind drifted.
I wonder when Darien will be back. Why
hasn't he called? He said he'd call every night. Maybe
this friend of his is more than he says. If Darien's
cheating on me I'll kill him and he would do it too the
jerk! When I first met him he was capable of anything.
"Serena!" The teacher barked.
"Wha....?" Serena said in surprise.
"I asked you a question."
"I don't know the answer."
"Hmm..well you'd better because we're going
to have a test tomorrow."
"Test?" Serena screeched.
"Yes you banshee, a test. I suggest you
actually study for this one," The teacher said.
What am I going to do? Serena thought. I
can't just keep failing these things, but I've got other
things on my mind.
Amy and Lita found Serena, Mina, and Raye
all sitting at their table with scowls on their faces.
"Well look at all the happy people," Lita said.
"There is nothing to be happy about," Raye
"Yeah," Serena moaned and rested her chin in
her hands.
"This has not been a good day," Mina said.
"What's everyone so upset about?" Amy asked.
"I messed up again today. I got Rick into
detention inadvertently and now he hates me," Raye
"Hmm...that is a problem isn't it?" Lita asked.
"He probably doesn't hate you Raye, you've
just gotten off on the wrong foot like Lita did," Amy
"Thanks for mentioning that Amy," Lita
"That's nothing compared to what I've got. My
teacher told me I have a math test tomorrow. If I fail
another one my parents will kill me," Serena said.
"Well you have to study for it then," Amy said.
"I don't know how," Serena said.
"I'll teach you," Amy said.
"Would you?" Serena asked.
"As long as you don't try to avoid the work,"
Amy said.
"I promise," Serena said.
"I'll help keep an eye on her. it's not like I have
anything else to do," Mina moaned.
"What's your problem?" Raye asked
"My teacher embarrassed me in front of the
class and Mike laughed at me," Mina said.
"Was it an evil laugh or one that friends share?"
Lita asked.
"I was kind of friendly, but I wished he hadn't
done it," Mina said. "My teacher singled me out and
said I had no social life."
"But you don't have one," Raye said.
"I do to!" Mina shouted. "And you don't have
anything more than I do."
"I've got plenty," Raye said.
"Stop fighting you two. I'm sure the teacher
didn't mean anything by it," Lita said.
"I hope not," Mina said.
My friends have as many problems as I have
right now. Serena thought. What does that mean? I
mean I'm supposed to be the one that's always in
trouble, but now it's them. I mean sure...I'm failing
every class and my boyfriend doesn't call me, so I'm up
to my old tricks, but them?
Later that day in the afternoon, Raye had
nodded off to sleep as she rested at home.
Raye began to dream. She was standing
somewhere. A quick look around showed her it was
outside her house.
"Do you have something to say to me?"
Someone asked. She turned to see Rick standing
"Listen Rick. I'm sorry," Raye said to the
dream version of Rick caught up in the reality of the
"It's too late for that," Rick said.
"What?" Raye asked in surprise.
"You lost your chance," Rick said. His eyes
narrowed and in an instant his clothing changed into an
ancient samurai suit of armor. At his side was a sword
which he quickly drew.
"It's time for battle," He said. "Prepare
I need a weapon or something Raye thought
and in a moment something appeared in her hand. A
"A banana! I can't fight with this!" She
"No! You can't!" Rick said and leaped at her.
She screamed and jumped out of the way as Rick
swung his sword down on the stone ground. She stood
several feet away and prepared herself for his next
I need a better weapon. She thought. The
banana disappeared and was replaced by a wooden
"It's better than nothing," She muttered. Rick
charged at her and leapt into the air swinging down with
the blade. She brought up her wooden sword to block
it and the blow bounced off. Rick stepped back to
plan his next move. Raye held her sword out waiting.
"I'm ready for you," She said. The wooden
sword disintegrated into a pile of dust in front of her.
Her eyes widened in fear as Rick saw his opening and
leapt towards her. She ducked and rolled away. Rick
flew by her and onto the steps behind rolling down
about fifty of them before recovering and standing back
up. Raye stood at the top and looked down at him
confident that she might have slowed him. Her
confidence was short lived as Rick jumped the entire
height of the steps and kicked out connecting with
Raye's chest and knocking the girl backwards. She
stumbled and hit the ground hard. Rick held out his
sword and advanced.
"Hah hah, you wouldn't believe how many
times I've fallen down the stairs," he said. "But now..
it's over for you," he said. Raye struggled to get up, but
fell off balance and tripped hitting the ground again.
She kept trying to stand, only to fall again. She began
to panic.
"No, no it's not over," she said.
"Yes it is," Rick said menacingly. "It's over."
"It's not!" Raye shouted before realizing she
was awake again and Chad, the hired hand, was
looking at her.
"You okay?" Chad asked.
"Uh....yeah..." Raye said so overcome by relief
that she didn't even care that Chad had intruded.
"What are you doing in here."
"I heard you crying out. Thought you might be
in trouble," Chad said.
"Oh...uh..thanks," Raye said. Dreams can be
Serena meanwhile had been trying her best to
get rid of all the thoughts that her own dreams had left
lingering as well as get rid of all her worries about
school and Darien. She was sitting in her favorite
restaurant sipping on a milkshake staring at the empty
booth across from her. With Amy at her computer
class there was no studying to be done until later that
night so she had some time to kill. Lita was immobile
with her leg hurt and Serena didn't even want to bother
Mina and Raye who were obviously in bad moods so
she was alone.
"Hmm...what do we have here?" a voice said.
She turned to see one of the waiters, an incredibly
handsome young guy with jet black hair.
"Can I get you anything else?" the guy asked.
"No..." Serena said. "I'm fine."
"You don't look too good."
"I'm just having some problems that's all."
"Well...sometimes it helps to talk about them.
My names Godfrey, but my friends call me God."
"Your friends call you God?" Serena asked.
"Sure..pretty cool nickname huh? So tell
me..what could make a girl like you so depressed?"
"Well for one thing...I stink at school."
"Maybe you should try showering."
"I didn't mean it that way!" Serena shouted.
"Sorry..just a little joke. Don't do your
homework huh?"
"I blame society."
"Hey..that's not a bad excuse."
"Yeah...I was like you. Never did my
homework, got bad grades, flunked out of school..."
"And you're a waiter..what's the inspiration
"Um....there isn't any I was just trying to relate.
But come on, school never depressed anyone that
much. At least except for that blue haired girl that was
in here once. Had an eighty nine on a paper, boy she
was a wreck."
"Oh....heh..what a nut," Serena said laughing a
bit. Amy got an eighty nine. How embarrassing? She
"But..let me've got guy troubles?"
"How'd you know?"
"I've had the same problem...ahem....I
mean...the other know...not..that way...not
that's a problem if I was..but I'm it's not an
"My boyfriend went away and he hasn't called
me in a two days," Serena said.
"Uh oh..."
"What do you mean? Is that a sign that my
relationship is in trouble?"
"No...I meant uh oh, my boss is looking at me
like he's going to fire me again...I gotta get back to
work, nice talking to you," Godfrey said and got up.
"Yep..he's going places in the world," Serena
Serena walked down the street towards Amy's
computer class. Mina was also going to meet them
there. Serena hoped that her friend was feeling better.
When she arrived she found Mina waiting outside the
door leaning against a lamp post.
"Hey," Mina said without any feeling.
"Hey," Serena said equally without feeling and
stood there.
"Love is so....annoying."
"Yeah...why do we even bother?"
"I don't know."
"Neither do I. I mean I thought I was doing the
right things, but look at what happens. How many
people can say their boyfriend once turned evil and
attacked them, then lost his memory, then got I back
only to not want to see me..and then...when it's all
done. He goes off to see a long lost friend he thought
was dead!" Serena said. "How insane is that?"
"Hmm....somehow, when I hear about how bad
it is for you, I feel better," Mina said.
"You what?" Serena muttered.
"Well it's just that compared to you I realize it's
not so bad. I mean...I may still have a chance with
Mike yet. But even if I did, he's so weird. I'm a
romantic, he's not. Am I that desperate to take any guy
who comes along?"
"I don't know, but I can tell you that for being a
romantic you're awfully annoying!" Serena shouted.
" guess maybe I said things the wrong
way," Mina said with a nervous smile and laugh.
"I've already had a bad conversation with God
today, I don't need anything from you," Serena said.
"Uh huh...maybe this isn't the best of times,"
Mina said. The door opened and Amy walked out.
"Hi guys should we get going?" She asked.
"Uh....we'd better," Mina said.
"Yeah...before Mina says anything else,"
Serena said.
Amy just glanced at her two friends who were
simultaneously glaring at each other and shook her
I like to think I understand my friends, but there
are always times like these....
Minutes later they had arrived at Serena's
"What chapter are you on in your math class?"
Amy asked.
" of the ones in the front I think,"
Serena said.
"You don't know what chapter you're in?"
Mina asked in surprise.
"," Serena said.
"Do you have any idea what you're supposed
to be studying?" Amy asked.
"Umm...that's the problem isn't it?" Serena
"She's hopeless," Mina said.
"No one's hopeless," Amy said.
"Can I have something to eat?" Serena asked.
"There is such a thing as hard cases though,"
Amy muttered.
At a convenience store on a street corner a
block from Serena's house a strange event was
"Whady'a want?" The owner asked standing
behind his counter.
"Um.....a breakfast burrito, a couple packs of
gum, and um...uh...a" the customer
"A what?" The owner asked.
"This," The customer said and pulled out
something from his pockets. It was a small round black
"What's that?" the owner asked.
"Have a closer look," The customer said.
"No...I've fallen for stuff like that before. I am
a convenience store owner you know."
"Ahh...I see.. Well then..." the customer said
and blasted the owner with a beam from his eyes. The
owner fell to the ground drained of energy.
"That was fun," the customer said as he
morphed into his true self a large green skinned lizard
"I wonder what this gum stuff is?" he asked as
he jumped behind the counter.
"If X is two and Y is three then what is X plus
Y?" Amy asked.
"XY?" Serena answered.
"No, that would be X times Y," Amy said.
"Why?" Serena asked.
"No X times Y," Mina said.
"I know that!" Serena yelled.
"Heh heh, sorry," Mina said. You know toying
with Serena's emotions could get to be a very evil habit.
I've got to control myself. Still...I can see why Raye
likes doing it so much.
"Serena think about it. X is equal to two and Y
is equal to three. So if X is added to Y what would the
answer be?" Amy asked slowly.
"X is equal to two. Y is equal to three....."
Serena repeated and began to think.
"She may get it," Mina said.
"I think I've got it. The answers W!" Serena
"W?" The other two asked.
"Sure, take a look at this. X is equal to two. Y
is equal to three. Now look at the letters that make it
up two and three. W is in two and it comes after X and
Y," Serena said.
"Serena...did you're parents ever you
know....drink from a brown bottle before you were
born?" Mina asked. Amy shot her a glance. it's like
having Raye in the room. She thought.
"Sorry, I think I've been around Mike too
long," Mina said.
"Two days is too long?" Serena asked.
"For him it is," Mina said.
"Serena. The answer is five," Amy said.
"Oh..five...two plus three. X plus Y. They
could have just said so," Serena said. The other two
girls just moaned.
"Why don't we do some examples?" Amy said.
"Okay," Serena said and pulled out her pencil.
"Serena. There's no point to that pencil," Mina
"Oh...whoops, guess I chewed on it during
class and well it's blunt now," Serena said.
"I don't even think you'll be able to sharpen
that. We need another one," Amy said. Serena looked
through her drawers, but failed to find one.
"Oh no! I don't have any. I'm doomed!" She
yelled and then grinned slightly. "Guess I can't do any
more work huh?"
"No. I'll just go down to that store a block
over and get you some more," Mina said.
"Gee..thanks're a real friend,"
Serena muttered.
Mina grinned and walked out.
"Come on Serena. You have to want to
succeed or you'll never make it," Amy said.
"Easy for you to say," Serena said. "You're the
best there is Amy. The rest of us are just dumb
compared to you and I'm the stupidest."
"Serena. You're not stupid. Maybe ditzy,
clumsily, and a big eater, but...." Amy trailed off.
"Wonderful pep talk..." Serena muttered.
"I'm not done. Doing well in school takes
work. You don't even try. If you put in just an hour a
night your grades would go up. I don't know how far,
but it would be a start."
"Yeah I bet. This stuff never makes any sense,"
Serena muttered.
"Then you really are hopeless," Amy said.
Serena looked at her friend in surprise. She hadn't
expected Amy to give up.
"What do you mean Amy?" she said.
"I mean I give up. If you're not going to show
any interest in learning, I have better things to do then
babysit you," Amy said stoically.
"You can't mean it," Serena said.
"I do."
Serena looked at her.
"I'm not hopeless," Serena said.
"You are."
"I'm not. I'll prove it!" Serena said and picked
up her math book.
"X equals 10. Y equals 9. Y times X equals
90," Serena said. Amy began to perk up.
"X equals 14. Y equals 7. X divided by Y
equals 2," Serena said.
"X equals 2. Y equals 4. X times Y divided by
X plus Y equals 8," She said rapidly.
"Serena, you're doing it. See?" Amy said.
"I told you," Serena said.
"Try this one," Amy said showing a problem to
X=2 Y=4
Serena looked through it for fifteen seconds
and then proudly announced.
"Forty," she said.
"Amazing. You've got this down for sure,"
Amy said.
"I guess you giving up motivated me," Serena
"I hadn't given up," Amy said.
"You what?"
"I just thought maybe if I made you feel guilty
you'd study, and you did."
"You tricked me!"
"Less talk, more work," Amy said. I just hope
Mina gets back with those pencils soon so we can
finish. She thought.
There's a whole other side to Amy I never
knew about and it scares me. My friends are beginning
to worry me. Serena replied.
"Anyone here?" Mina called. The convenience
store had been strangely deserted. There was no one
behind the counter when she walked in. Considering
the type of store is was and the stereotypical history of
violence expected there she thought there would be
someone standing there.
"This is strange," She said to herself.
"Ahh..a customer," the creature said looking at
the security cameras in the back room of the store. He
assumed the form of the original shop owner and
walked out.
"Hello," he said.
"Uh...hi," Mina said a bit surprised at the man's
"Can I get you something?"
"I'm looking for the pencils."
"Oh...well there right over here," he said
pointing at a rack with several pencils on it. Mina
picked a few up and walked to the counter.
"Let me show you something cool," The owner-
creature said and pulled out the black object. Mina
stared at it.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Take a good look," he said.
Mina looked at the dark object and began to
feel weak. She sensed danger and pulled back just as
she felt her control slipping.
"So you avoided my hypnotic weapon, but you
won't avoid me!" The owner-creature said and jumped
over the counter morphing into his true self at the same
time. Mina let out a small scream.
"I guess it'll have to get you the hard way too,"
The creature hissed. The beams shot from his eyes.
Mina dived to her right, stuck her hands into the floor
and bounced up propelling herself with a flip behind a
shelf. She pulled out her communicator quickly. It
took a second for Amy and Serena to respond.
"What is it Mina?" Amy asked.
"Monster at the convenience store it's.." she
tried to say before she saw the creature shooting it's
beams at her. She leapt up and dodged out of the way.
"You're awfully stubborn for a weak human,"
the creature said.
"I've had enough of this!" Mina yelled and
pulled out her power stick.
"Venus star power!" She yelled and instantly
she felt her transformation occur.
"'s Sailor Venus. That would explain
a lot," The creature yelled shooting another eye beam.
Venus dived out of the way.
"Venus love chain encircle!" She yelled. The
energy weapon flew out from her hands and hit the
creature in the head. it staggered backwards and
paused to catch it's breath.
"Not bad," it said and rapidly flung a nearby
bag of dog food at the heroine. Venus rolled out of the
way and the bag slammed into the wall behind her
causing the kibble to splatter all over the place. Venus
felt a wet drop on her arm and she looked in surprise to
see a brown spot of dog foot sitting there.
"Ugh!" She said.
"Hah!" The creature yelled and leaped at her.
She was caught entirely by surprise and barely
managed to duck out of the way of the fiend's arm.
"Awfully lucky aren't ya?" it asked and grabbed
her flinging her into a shelf causing bags of peanuts to
fall off and landed on top of her followed by a rain of
oats from a couple of broken bags on top.
"Hah.....this is pathetic," the creature said and
moved in for the kill.
Venus let out a shrill cry before the she
crashed backward into a pyramid of canned pork
"'ll never win," he said.
"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" Came a cry from
nearby. A powerful wave of energy hit the creature on
it's left side and plowed it into the counter as a mist fell
over the store. As it cleared the creature was once
again standing, but in the doorway now stood Venus as
well as Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury.
"Three of you, how nice," he said.
"I've heard of convenience store violence, but
this is crazy," Sailor Moon said.
"Ahem..." the other two scouts said.
"I was getting to that," Sailor Moon replied. "I
am Sailor Moon champion of justice. I will right
wrongs and triumph over evil and on behalf of the
moon I will punish you!"
"Do you practice that at home!" The creature
yelled and leapt forward. The scouts scattered. Sailor
Moon and Venus dove to the left. Mercury to the right.
The creature stopped short of his target and whirled to
face the blue haired Mercury.
"Venus Love Chain encircle!" Venus yelled
quickly. Her attack flew at the creature who at the last
moment ducked. The attack flew at Mercury. She
dropped to the ground almost instinctively and the
attack hit a counter covered with pretzels causing the
pieces to be destroyed and to fall over the heroine.
"Heh heh, I've got eyes in the back of my
head," The creature said, and for the first time Venus
realized that two round red dots on the creatures neck
were probably what it meant.
"Dang it! We've got to hit it from the side,"
Venus yelled. Mercury crawled backwards along the
ground hoping to get the opportunity to stand up. The
creature advanced quickly.
"What now?" Sailor Moon asked.
"I've gotta think of something. It can easily
dodge my attack " Venus said. Mercury in her position
couldn't execute her attack without giving the creature
time to strike. Mercury continued to retreat waiting for
the creature to make a move, not noticing the small
black disk lying on the floor a few feet away. The
creature saw it and he pressed his advance.
"This is so much fun..." he said. Mercury
continued to back up.
"I've got it," Venus yelled.
"What!" Sailor Moon said. Venus turned and
whispered something in her friends ear.
"Why not?" Sailor Moon muttered. The two
ran at the creature.
"What are you doing?" The creature asked and
whirled around. The two dived and pushed forward
into it hitting each leg with speed. The creature's knees
buckled and it began to wobble. The two scouts rolled
out of the way as it fell to the ground.
"Got em!" Venus yelled. Mercury screamed.
A hand had reached out from the void disk and
grabbed onto her arm. She pulled hard against it.
"Mercury!" Sailor Moon yelled in fear.
"Try and help her. I'll try and stop this guy!"
Venus yelled again.
Sailor Moon hurried to Mercury and began to
pull on her friend to keep her out of the void.
"Venus love chain encircle!" Venus yelled
again. The attack was aimed right at the creature's
injured arm. It hit and the creature screamed. It fell to
one knee.
He's getting weak. Venus said. The creature
suddenly swung around it's healthy arm. She was
knocked backwards into Sailor Moon and Mercury.
Mercury hit the ground while Sailor Moon stumbled
into a wall and hit. Mercury yelled as the void creature
pulled her closer to it. Venus grabbed onto Mercury
and pulled with what little strength she had left. The
creature advanced on both of them nursing it's arm.
The two were so occupied with Mercury's plight they
didn't see it shoot it's eye beams at them. They both
felt their energy drain away. The void creature took it's
advantage and pulled dragging Mercury and Venus still
clasped onto her into the black hole. The creature
smiled and turned towards the wall Sailor Moon hit.
The heroine's limp form wasn't there.
"Moon Scepter Elimination!" he heard. A
white light surrounded him and he screamed.
"No! Not this way!"
It was over in a few seconds. Sailor Moon searched
for the void her friends had been sucked into. She
heard a scream and the black disk began to evaporate.
"What's happening?" She said fearing she might
never see her companions again. The disk
disappeared, but it's in place all the victims of the
negaverse appeared on the floor. Venus and Mercury
both appeared as well as the store owner and the
customer the negaverse creature had taken over. The
three sailor scouts quickly hurried out before drawing
any attention to themselves.
"That was a tough fight," Serena said.
"Too tough if you ask me," Mina said.
"I'm so tired, Serena, do you mind if I go home
now?" Amy asked.
" too," Mina said yawning.
"You guys better get some sleep. I'll try and
finish my studying," Serena said.
"Are you sure?" Mina asked.
"Sure," Serena said.
The three friends parted and headed their separate
ways. Mina and Amy both got to their houses
relatively quickly, but by the time the two had gone to
bed themselves, Serena was already fast asleep.
Raye had tried not to stare at Rick as she sat in
class but she couldn't hold off the urge and found
herself studying him instead of the blackboard.
He looks like a rebel. There's no doubt in my
mind he's the perfect match for me. Now if he'd only
notice that.
At that moment Rick's pencil slipped out of his
hand, bumped onto the table and landed on the ground
near her desk.
"I'll get it," she said.
"No, don't bother," Rick replied.
They both reached to grab it, but Raye was there first.
Unfortunately for Rick he came down on her head and
she smashed into him as she came back up.
"Ouch!" Rick yelled.
"Fujimori! Detention!" The teacher yelled
without even turning to look.
"Thanks a lot," Rick snapped to Raye.
Jerk. Doesn't even realize what an act of
kindness is. Raye thought to herself.
Despite his weirdness, Mina couldn't avoid
getting into conversations with Mike. She had been
pleased when he sat down next to her since her teacher
had no interest in assigning seats. Occasionally
throughout class, he would rattle off some witty
comment about the teacher, and she would giggle. She
didn't mind the risk of detention she was taking,
because it added color to the school day. Besides with
their teacher, it wasn't really a problem.
"You know the problem with you kids these
days is that you can't keep your mind on anything for
longer than a minute at most," her teacher said.
That's not true Mina thought, before she
noticed Mike's blonde hair out of the corner of her eye.
That's an interesting cut. She thought. He turned
towards her.
"He's got a point there, I can't think of anything
for longer than two minutes max," Mike said.
"Me neither," Mina said willing to agree with
anything Mike said.
"Like take those two for instance," Their
teacher was saying pointing at Mike and Mina still
looking at each other.
"Does anyone think they're actually paying
attention?" The teacher asked.
"No," The class replied.
"It looks like they're more interested in each
other then me doesn't it?" The teacher continued as
Mina and Mike became increasingly more
"Furthermore that's surprising because I didn't
think Mina had a social life," The teacher said. The
class began ooing. Mike began to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Mina snapped.
"It's a good line," Mike said.
"I'm glad you liked it Mike, but you're still not
the man," the teacher said. The class ooed again.
"So you two an item or what?" The teacher
continued. The rest of the class began to giggle.
I'll get him for this, Mina growled.
Meanwhile Serena was sitting half asleep in
math class. The teacher rattled along showing various
equations and diagrams. Serena couldn't make any
sense of it, and her mind drifted.
I wonder when Darien will be back. Why
hasn't he called? He said he'd call every night. Maybe
this friend of his is more than he says. If Darien's
cheating on me I'll kill him and he would do it too the
jerk! When I first met him he was capable of anything.
"Serena!" The teacher barked.
"Wha....?" Serena said in surprise.
"I asked you a question."
"I don't know the answer."
"Hmm..well you'd better because we're going
to have a test tomorrow."
"Test?" Serena screeched.
"Yes you banshee, a test. I suggest you
actually study for this one," The teacher said.
What am I going to do? Serena thought. I
can't just keep failing these things, but I've got other
things on my mind.
Amy and Lita found Serena, Mina, and Raye
all sitting at their table with scowls on their faces.
"Well look at all the happy people," Lita said.
"There is nothing to be happy about," Raye
"Yeah," Serena moaned and rested her chin in
her hands.
"This has not been a good day," Mina said.
"What's everyone so upset about?" Amy asked.
"I messed up again today. I got Rick into
detention inadvertently and now he hates me," Raye
"Hmm...that is a problem isn't it?" Lita asked.
"He probably doesn't hate you Raye, you've
just gotten off on the wrong foot like Lita did," Amy
"Thanks for mentioning that Amy," Lita
"That's nothing compared to what I've got. My
teacher told me I have a math test tomorrow. If I fail
another one my parents will kill me," Serena said.
"Well you have to study for it then," Amy said.
"I don't know how," Serena said.
"I'll teach you," Amy said.
"Would you?" Serena asked.
"As long as you don't try to avoid the work,"
Amy said.
"I promise," Serena said.
"I'll help keep an eye on her. it's not like I have
anything else to do," Mina moaned.
"What's your problem?" Raye asked
"My teacher embarrassed me in front of the
class and Mike laughed at me," Mina said.
"Was it an evil laugh or one that friends share?"
Lita asked.
"I was kind of friendly, but I wished he hadn't
done it," Mina said. "My teacher singled me out and
said I had no social life."
"But you don't have one," Raye said.
"I do to!" Mina shouted. "And you don't have
anything more than I do."
"I've got plenty," Raye said.
"Stop fighting you two. I'm sure the teacher
didn't mean anything by it," Lita said.
"I hope not," Mina said.
My friends have as many problems as I have
right now. Serena thought. What does that mean? I
mean I'm supposed to be the one that's always in
trouble, but now it's them. I mean sure...I'm failing
every class and my boyfriend doesn't call me, so I'm up
to my old tricks, but them?
Later that day in the afternoon, Raye had
nodded off to sleep as she rested at home.
Raye began to dream. She was standing
somewhere. A quick look around showed her it was
outside her house.
"Do you have something to say to me?"
Someone asked. She turned to see Rick standing
"Listen Rick. I'm sorry," Raye said to the
dream version of Rick caught up in the reality of the
"It's too late for that," Rick said.
"What?" Raye asked in surprise.
"You lost your chance," Rick said. His eyes
narrowed and in an instant his clothing changed into an
ancient samurai suit of armor. At his side was a sword
which he quickly drew.
"It's time for battle," He said. "Prepare
I need a weapon or something Raye thought
and in a moment something appeared in her hand. A
"A banana! I can't fight with this!" She
"No! You can't!" Rick said and leaped at her.
She screamed and jumped out of the way as Rick
swung his sword down on the stone ground. She stood
several feet away and prepared herself for his next
I need a better weapon. She thought. The
banana disappeared and was replaced by a wooden
"It's better than nothing," She muttered. Rick
charged at her and leapt into the air swinging down with
the blade. She brought up her wooden sword to block
it and the blow bounced off. Rick stepped back to
plan his next move. Raye held her sword out waiting.
"I'm ready for you," She said. The wooden
sword disintegrated into a pile of dust in front of her.
Her eyes widened in fear as Rick saw his opening and
leapt towards her. She ducked and rolled away. Rick
flew by her and onto the steps behind rolling down
about fifty of them before recovering and standing back
up. Raye stood at the top and looked down at him
confident that she might have slowed him. Her
confidence was short lived as Rick jumped the entire
height of the steps and kicked out connecting with
Raye's chest and knocking the girl backwards. She
stumbled and hit the ground hard. Rick held out his
sword and advanced.
"Hah hah, you wouldn't believe how many
times I've fallen down the stairs," he said. "But now..
it's over for you," he said. Raye struggled to get up, but
fell off balance and tripped hitting the ground again.
She kept trying to stand, only to fall again. She began
to panic.
"No, no it's not over," she said.
"Yes it is," Rick said menacingly. "It's over."
"It's not!" Raye shouted before realizing she
was awake again and Chad, the hired hand, was
looking at her.
"You okay?" Chad asked.
"Uh....yeah..." Raye said so overcome by relief
that she didn't even care that Chad had intruded.
"What are you doing in here."
"I heard you crying out. Thought you might be
in trouble," Chad said.
"Oh...uh..thanks," Raye said. Dreams can be
Serena meanwhile had been trying her best to
get rid of all the thoughts that her own dreams had left
lingering as well as get rid of all her worries about
school and Darien. She was sitting in her favorite
restaurant sipping on a milkshake staring at the empty
booth across from her. With Amy at her computer
class there was no studying to be done until later that
night so she had some time to kill. Lita was immobile
with her leg hurt and Serena didn't even want to bother
Mina and Raye who were obviously in bad moods so
she was alone.
"Hmm...what do we have here?" a voice said.
She turned to see one of the waiters, an incredibly
handsome young guy with jet black hair.
"Can I get you anything else?" the guy asked.
"No..." Serena said. "I'm fine."
"You don't look too good."
"I'm just having some problems that's all."
"Well...sometimes it helps to talk about them.
My names Godfrey, but my friends call me God."
"Your friends call you God?" Serena asked.
"Sure..pretty cool nickname huh? So tell
me..what could make a girl like you so depressed?"
"Well for one thing...I stink at school."
"Maybe you should try showering."
"I didn't mean it that way!" Serena shouted.
"Sorry..just a little joke. Don't do your
homework huh?"
"I blame society."
"Hey..that's not a bad excuse."
"Yeah...I was like you. Never did my
homework, got bad grades, flunked out of school..."
"And you're a waiter..what's the inspiration
"Um....there isn't any I was just trying to relate.
But come on, school never depressed anyone that
much. At least except for that blue haired girl that was
in here once. Had an eighty nine on a paper, boy she
was a wreck."
"Oh....heh..what a nut," Serena said laughing a
bit. Amy got an eighty nine. How embarrassing? She
"But..let me've got guy troubles?"
"How'd you know?"
"I've had the same problem...ahem....I
mean...the other know...not..that way...not
that's a problem if I was..but I'm it's not an
"My boyfriend went away and he hasn't called
me in a two days," Serena said.
"Uh oh..."
"What do you mean? Is that a sign that my
relationship is in trouble?"
"No...I meant uh oh, my boss is looking at me
like he's going to fire me again...I gotta get back to
work, nice talking to you," Godfrey said and got up.
"Yep..he's going places in the world," Serena
Serena walked down the street towards Amy's
computer class. Mina was also going to meet them
there. Serena hoped that her friend was feeling better.
When she arrived she found Mina waiting outside the
door leaning against a lamp post.
"Hey," Mina said without any feeling.
"Hey," Serena said equally without feeling and
stood there.
"Love is so....annoying."
"Yeah...why do we even bother?"
"I don't know."
"Neither do I. I mean I thought I was doing the
right things, but look at what happens. How many
people can say their boyfriend once turned evil and
attacked them, then lost his memory, then got I back
only to not want to see me..and then...when it's all
done. He goes off to see a long lost friend he thought
was dead!" Serena said. "How insane is that?"
"Hmm....somehow, when I hear about how bad
it is for you, I feel better," Mina said.
"You what?" Serena muttered.
"Well it's just that compared to you I realize it's
not so bad. I mean...I may still have a chance with
Mike yet. But even if I did, he's so weird. I'm a
romantic, he's not. Am I that desperate to take any guy
who comes along?"
"I don't know, but I can tell you that for being a
romantic you're awfully annoying!" Serena shouted.
" guess maybe I said things the wrong
way," Mina said with a nervous smile and laugh.
"I've already had a bad conversation with God
today, I don't need anything from you," Serena said.
"Uh huh...maybe this isn't the best of times,"
Mina said. The door opened and Amy walked out.
"Hi guys should we get going?" She asked.
"Uh....we'd better," Mina said.
"Yeah...before Mina says anything else,"
Serena said.
Amy just glanced at her two friends who were
simultaneously glaring at each other and shook her
I like to think I understand my friends, but there
are always times like these....
Minutes later they had arrived at Serena's
"What chapter are you on in your math class?"
Amy asked.
" of the ones in the front I think,"
Serena said.
"You don't know what chapter you're in?"
Mina asked in surprise.
"," Serena said.
"Do you have any idea what you're supposed
to be studying?" Amy asked.
"Umm...that's the problem isn't it?" Serena
"She's hopeless," Mina said.
"No one's hopeless," Amy said.
"Can I have something to eat?" Serena asked.
"There is such a thing as hard cases though,"
Amy muttered.
At a convenience store on a street corner a
block from Serena's house a strange event was
"Whady'a want?" The owner asked standing
behind his counter.
"Um.....a breakfast burrito, a couple packs of
gum, and um...uh...a" the customer
"A what?" The owner asked.
"This," The customer said and pulled out
something from his pockets. It was a small round black
"What's that?" the owner asked.
"Have a closer look," The customer said.
"No...I've fallen for stuff like that before. I am
a convenience store owner you know."
"Ahh...I see.. Well then..." the customer said
and blasted the owner with a beam from his eyes. The
owner fell to the ground drained of energy.
"That was fun," the customer said as he
morphed into his true self a large green skinned lizard
"I wonder what this gum stuff is?" he asked as
he jumped behind the counter.
"If X is two and Y is three then what is X plus
Y?" Amy asked.
"XY?" Serena answered.
"No, that would be X times Y," Amy said.
"Why?" Serena asked.
"No X times Y," Mina said.
"I know that!" Serena yelled.
"Heh heh, sorry," Mina said. You know toying
with Serena's emotions could get to be a very evil habit.
I've got to control myself. Still...I can see why Raye
likes doing it so much.
"Serena think about it. X is equal to two and Y
is equal to three. So if X is added to Y what would the
answer be?" Amy asked slowly.
"X is equal to two. Y is equal to three....."
Serena repeated and began to think.
"She may get it," Mina said.
"I think I've got it. The answers W!" Serena
"W?" The other two asked.
"Sure, take a look at this. X is equal to two. Y
is equal to three. Now look at the letters that make it
up two and three. W is in two and it comes after X and
Y," Serena said.
"Serena...did you're parents ever you
know....drink from a brown bottle before you were
born?" Mina asked. Amy shot her a glance. it's like
having Raye in the room. She thought.
"Sorry, I think I've been around Mike too
long," Mina said.
"Two days is too long?" Serena asked.
"For him it is," Mina said.
"Serena. The answer is five," Amy said.
"Oh..five...two plus three. X plus Y. They
could have just said so," Serena said. The other two
girls just moaned.
"Why don't we do some examples?" Amy said.
"Okay," Serena said and pulled out her pencil.
"Serena. There's no point to that pencil," Mina
"Oh...whoops, guess I chewed on it during
class and well it's blunt now," Serena said.
"I don't even think you'll be able to sharpen
that. We need another one," Amy said. Serena looked
through her drawers, but failed to find one.
"Oh no! I don't have any. I'm doomed!" She
yelled and then grinned slightly. "Guess I can't do any
more work huh?"
"No. I'll just go down to that store a block
over and get you some more," Mina said.
"Gee..thanks're a real friend,"
Serena muttered.
Mina grinned and walked out.
"Come on Serena. You have to want to
succeed or you'll never make it," Amy said.
"Easy for you to say," Serena said. "You're the
best there is Amy. The rest of us are just dumb
compared to you and I'm the stupidest."
"Serena. You're not stupid. Maybe ditzy,
clumsily, and a big eater, but...." Amy trailed off.
"Wonderful pep talk..." Serena muttered.
"I'm not done. Doing well in school takes
work. You don't even try. If you put in just an hour a
night your grades would go up. I don't know how far,
but it would be a start."
"Yeah I bet. This stuff never makes any sense,"
Serena muttered.
"Then you really are hopeless," Amy said.
Serena looked at her friend in surprise. She hadn't
expected Amy to give up.
"What do you mean Amy?" she said.
"I mean I give up. If you're not going to show
any interest in learning, I have better things to do then
babysit you," Amy said stoically.
"You can't mean it," Serena said.
"I do."
Serena looked at her.
"I'm not hopeless," Serena said.
"You are."
"I'm not. I'll prove it!" Serena said and picked
up her math book.
"X equals 10. Y equals 9. Y times X equals
90," Serena said. Amy began to perk up.
"X equals 14. Y equals 7. X divided by Y
equals 2," Serena said.
"X equals 2. Y equals 4. X times Y divided by
X plus Y equals 8," She said rapidly.
"Serena, you're doing it. See?" Amy said.
"I told you," Serena said.
"Try this one," Amy said showing a problem to
X=2 Y=4
Serena looked through it for fifteen seconds
and then proudly announced.
"Forty," she said.
"Amazing. You've got this down for sure,"
Amy said.
"I guess you giving up motivated me," Serena
"I hadn't given up," Amy said.
"You what?"
"I just thought maybe if I made you feel guilty
you'd study, and you did."
"You tricked me!"
"Less talk, more work," Amy said. I just hope
Mina gets back with those pencils soon so we can
finish. She thought.
There's a whole other side to Amy I never
knew about and it scares me. My friends are beginning
to worry me. Serena replied.
"Anyone here?" Mina called. The convenience
store had been strangely deserted. There was no one
behind the counter when she walked in. Considering
the type of store is was and the stereotypical history of
violence expected there she thought there would be
someone standing there.
"This is strange," She said to herself.
"Ahh..a customer," the creature said looking at
the security cameras in the back room of the store. He
assumed the form of the original shop owner and
walked out.
"Hello," he said.
"Uh...hi," Mina said a bit surprised at the man's
"Can I get you something?"
"I'm looking for the pencils."
"Oh...well there right over here," he said
pointing at a rack with several pencils on it. Mina
picked a few up and walked to the counter.
"Let me show you something cool," The owner-
creature said and pulled out the black object. Mina
stared at it.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Take a good look," he said.
Mina looked at the dark object and began to
feel weak. She sensed danger and pulled back just as
she felt her control slipping.
"So you avoided my hypnotic weapon, but you
won't avoid me!" The owner-creature said and jumped
over the counter morphing into his true self at the same
time. Mina let out a small scream.
"I guess it'll have to get you the hard way too,"
The creature hissed. The beams shot from his eyes.
Mina dived to her right, stuck her hands into the floor
and bounced up propelling herself with a flip behind a
shelf. She pulled out her communicator quickly. It
took a second for Amy and Serena to respond.
"What is it Mina?" Amy asked.
"Monster at the convenience store it's.." she
tried to say before she saw the creature shooting it's
beams at her. She leapt up and dodged out of the way.
"You're awfully stubborn for a weak human,"
the creature said.
"I've had enough of this!" Mina yelled and
pulled out her power stick.
"Venus star power!" She yelled and instantly
she felt her transformation occur.
"'s Sailor Venus. That would explain
a lot," The creature yelled shooting another eye beam.
Venus dived out of the way.
"Venus love chain encircle!" She yelled. The
energy weapon flew out from her hands and hit the
creature in the head. it staggered backwards and
paused to catch it's breath.
"Not bad," it said and rapidly flung a nearby
bag of dog food at the heroine. Venus rolled out of the
way and the bag slammed into the wall behind her
causing the kibble to splatter all over the place. Venus
felt a wet drop on her arm and she looked in surprise to
see a brown spot of dog foot sitting there.
"Ugh!" She said.
"Hah!" The creature yelled and leaped at her.
She was caught entirely by surprise and barely
managed to duck out of the way of the fiend's arm.
"Awfully lucky aren't ya?" it asked and grabbed
her flinging her into a shelf causing bags of peanuts to
fall off and landed on top of her followed by a rain of
oats from a couple of broken bags on top.
"Hah.....this is pathetic," the creature said and
moved in for the kill.
Venus let out a shrill cry before the she
crashed backward into a pyramid of canned pork
"'ll never win," he said.
"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" Came a cry from
nearby. A powerful wave of energy hit the creature on
it's left side and plowed it into the counter as a mist fell
over the store. As it cleared the creature was once
again standing, but in the doorway now stood Venus as
well as Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury.
"Three of you, how nice," he said.
"I've heard of convenience store violence, but
this is crazy," Sailor Moon said.
"Ahem..." the other two scouts said.
"I was getting to that," Sailor Moon replied. "I
am Sailor Moon champion of justice. I will right
wrongs and triumph over evil and on behalf of the
moon I will punish you!"
"Do you practice that at home!" The creature
yelled and leapt forward. The scouts scattered. Sailor
Moon and Venus dove to the left. Mercury to the right.
The creature stopped short of his target and whirled to
face the blue haired Mercury.
"Venus Love Chain encircle!" Venus yelled
quickly. Her attack flew at the creature who at the last
moment ducked. The attack flew at Mercury. She
dropped to the ground almost instinctively and the
attack hit a counter covered with pretzels causing the
pieces to be destroyed and to fall over the heroine.
"Heh heh, I've got eyes in the back of my
head," The creature said, and for the first time Venus
realized that two round red dots on the creatures neck
were probably what it meant.
"Dang it! We've got to hit it from the side,"
Venus yelled. Mercury crawled backwards along the
ground hoping to get the opportunity to stand up. The
creature advanced quickly.
"What now?" Sailor Moon asked.
"I've gotta think of something. It can easily
dodge my attack " Venus said. Mercury in her position
couldn't execute her attack without giving the creature
time to strike. Mercury continued to retreat waiting for
the creature to make a move, not noticing the small
black disk lying on the floor a few feet away. The
creature saw it and he pressed his advance.
"This is so much fun..." he said. Mercury
continued to back up.
"I've got it," Venus yelled.
"What!" Sailor Moon said. Venus turned and
whispered something in her friends ear.
"Why not?" Sailor Moon muttered. The two
ran at the creature.
"What are you doing?" The creature asked and
whirled around. The two dived and pushed forward
into it hitting each leg with speed. The creature's knees
buckled and it began to wobble. The two scouts rolled
out of the way as it fell to the ground.
"Got em!" Venus yelled. Mercury screamed.
A hand had reached out from the void disk and
grabbed onto her arm. She pulled hard against it.
"Mercury!" Sailor Moon yelled in fear.
"Try and help her. I'll try and stop this guy!"
Venus yelled again.
Sailor Moon hurried to Mercury and began to
pull on her friend to keep her out of the void.
"Venus love chain encircle!" Venus yelled
again. The attack was aimed right at the creature's
injured arm. It hit and the creature screamed. It fell to
one knee.
He's getting weak. Venus said. The creature
suddenly swung around it's healthy arm. She was
knocked backwards into Sailor Moon and Mercury.
Mercury hit the ground while Sailor Moon stumbled
into a wall and hit. Mercury yelled as the void creature
pulled her closer to it. Venus grabbed onto Mercury
and pulled with what little strength she had left. The
creature advanced on both of them nursing it's arm.
The two were so occupied with Mercury's plight they
didn't see it shoot it's eye beams at them. They both
felt their energy drain away. The void creature took it's
advantage and pulled dragging Mercury and Venus still
clasped onto her into the black hole. The creature
smiled and turned towards the wall Sailor Moon hit.
The heroine's limp form wasn't there.
"Moon Scepter Elimination!" he heard. A
white light surrounded him and he screamed.
"No! Not this way!"
It was over in a few seconds. Sailor Moon searched
for the void her friends had been sucked into. She
heard a scream and the black disk began to evaporate.
"What's happening?" She said fearing she might
never see her companions again. The disk
disappeared, but it's in place all the victims of the
negaverse appeared on the floor. Venus and Mercury
both appeared as well as the store owner and the
customer the negaverse creature had taken over. The
three sailor scouts quickly hurried out before drawing
any attention to themselves.
"That was a tough fight," Serena said.
"Too tough if you ask me," Mina said.
"I'm so tired, Serena, do you mind if I go home
now?" Amy asked.
" too," Mina said yawning.
"You guys better get some sleep. I'll try and
finish my studying," Serena said.
"Are you sure?" Mina asked.
"Sure," Serena said.
The three friends parted and headed their separate
ways. Mina and Amy both got to their houses
relatively quickly, but by the time the two had gone to
bed themselves, Serena was already fast asleep.