Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon AR ❯ Chapter 9

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Another night, another dream. Serena walked
along the stone ground trying to understand where she
was. She looked around and there she saw the Earth
shining in the sun's light. Another look showed her she
was standing in front of the Moon palace. Her home in
the silver millennium. "Well this isn't too bad," she
said to herself and walked along.
Suddenly a figure appeared beside her. She
looked quickly, but it was only Darien dressed in the
armor of a knight.
"Scared?" he asked.
"You startled me," she said.
"Oh...sorry. Say...aren't you afraid of the
guard's catching you?"
"Oh that's right. I'd better go," he said and
hurried of.
"Wait no! Come back..I just meant" she muttered.
"Serena...what is wrong with you?" the familiar
voice of Luna.
"Aw...geez I must be late for school again,"
Serena muttered.
"No I'm down here," Luna said walking beside
"Oh..where have you and Artemis been
"We've been doing important things that
needed attention, but what is with you lately? You
can't have a single dream where anything goes right."
"Well that's how dreams are?"
"Not necessarily."
"I can't believe we're talking about this. We're
in a dream right now."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure. I'm here in the moon
kingdom. I couldn't do that unless it was a dream."
"Maybe, but Serena. Can I ask you one
"Does this seem like it's in a dream?"
A second later Coardite appeared in front of her and
before she could scream he had grasped her neck with
his claw.
" you," he said.
"No!" Serena shouted and suddenly Coardite
was gone and she was in her bed. She looked at the
clock. It said two AM.
"Oh...I can still sleep," She said to herself.
Then there was a large stomping noise.
"What the?" she said and walked over to her
window. Outside in the street she saw a large lizard
destroying buildings.
"Oh no!" she shouted as her house trembled.
Suddenly a rose the size of a bus flew through the air
and hit the lizard knocking it downward and hitting the
ground. Then suddenly she saw Tuxedo Mask
standing there, only he was thirty feet tall.
"Darien! What happened?" She yelled.
"Oh...not much," he said.
"You're here to save the world aren't you?"
"No...not really," he said and pushed over a
building himself.
"What? You're not supposed to that," she said.
"Why should I care?" he said and grabbed
Tokyo Tower pulling it over his head and smashing it
on his knee. The lizard creature had since disappeared.
"Why is he doing this?" she asked.
"it's your fault Meatball Head," Raye said
suddenly standing beside her.
"Yeah, it's not like he's in control of this
dream," Lita said.
"You've got a pretty warped mind Serena,"
Mina said.
"According to all my calculations, you have a
severe cerebral disorder," Amy said.
"Dang it Amy, even in my dreams you're too
smart for me," Serena growled. The massive Tuxedo
Mask continued his rampage. Serena watched in
horror as building after building collapsed.
"What can I do?" she asked.
"Nothing," Came another voice and suddenly a
thirty foot tall Maverick was standing there.
"Come Tuxedo Mask, this is a dumb takeoff on
the Mighty Morphine Powder Rangers and you know
it," the figure said.
"Shut up you! Since when do you have the
right to stand in the same place as me? I'll have you
know I was saving these girl's butts long before you
showed your face."
"I don't show my face, I'm wearing a helmet."
"Hah...that's not the point!"
The two lunged at each other and began to wrestle.
"This is pathetic, even for you," Raye said.
"Oh..shut up Raye!" Serena shouted and
leveled the girl with a punch.
"Wow...that felt good," Serena thought before
noticing that the Tuxedo Mask and Maverick battle had
caused the two to come crashing towards her house.
"Oh no," she said and woke up with a start.
"Geez...can't I get one night's sleep without
something like that?" she asked herself and looked at
the clock.
"Six O' Clock. I can still make it to school on
time," she said and hurriedly got up. "I'm sure not going
to sleep again, but did all that mean anything?"

An hour later she was out in the street and
heading towards school. it was a beautiful sunny day
and she couldn't help, but feel happy. The dreams
passed out of her mind as she took in the sunshine. A
few minutes into her trip she found herself coming onto
Amy and Lita walking towards school.
"So my leg is almost as good as new. I'm
trying to keep my weight off of it, but as you can see
the limp is pretty much gone," Lita said.
"That's great," Amy said.
"Yeah, I'm just glad I can fight again."
"Well I'd be careful, you don't want to reinjure
it," Amy said.
"Hey guys," Serena said hurrying up.
"Serena? What are you doing up this early?"
Amy asked.
"Long story," Serena muttered.
"Well you'll actually make it on time today,
congratulations," Lita said.
"Yeah...well..I could use some of that," Serena
"Why?" her other two friends asked
"Oh..I just had some more bad dreams.
They're always so strange, but these ones seemed to
have some deeper meaning," Serena said.
"You think so?" Amy asked.
"Why don't you tell us what happened," Lita
"All right," Serena said.
When they actually reached school the two had heard
the whole story.
"That is weird," Lita said.
"You really leveled Raye with one punch?"
Amy asked.
"That's not the point," Serena said. "What
about that figure and Tuxedo Mask fighting and Luna
criticizing me and stuff."
"I don't know. You'll just have to see," Amy
"I wish I could give you more info, but I
wouldn't know," Lita said.
"Hmm..well here we are," Serena muttered.
The talk had ruined her happy mood and the lack of a
conclusion didn't help.

"This is getting very annoying. My idiot
subordinates couldn't retrieve water out of a lake! I
need a minion who doesn't act irrationally. Someone or
something..that follows out their orders to the letter no
matter what. Hmm...where could I find one? I've got
it. I'll build it!" Coardite said and began to laugh

Steve was busily looking through one of his
books when he was surprised, and yet not surprised to
see Lita saunter up.
"'s it coming?"
"Fine Lita, fine," Steve said.
"Tough assignment huh?"
"Yes it is."
"I could help you out, I'm sort of a history buff."
"I've noticed," Steve muttered.
"Steve. Why is it that you're so afraid of me?"
Lita asked sitting down. Amy glanced over at the table
from her working area. The strange boy from the
Haruna battle was crouched behind a shelf of books
listening and watching through an opening between a
copy of "Cat Neutering for beginners." and "Mice over
matter: a mousetrap book."
"Lita, I'm not afraid of you," Steve said bluntly.
"Oh..come on...I can tell...what's the deal.
Don't you like me?"
"My encounters with you have been somewhat
troublesome. Ever since the drawing debacle."
"You're a good artist, sorry."
"I appreciate your compliment, but I don't need
a stalker."
"I'm not stalking know
remind me of someone I knew."
"Your old boyfriend?" Steve asked.
This reference shocked Lita.
"What? never was my boyfriend.
His name was game machine Joe."
"Ah...interesting name...Game Machine..must
be German," Steve said.
"No...silly...anyway...he didn't want to talk to
me either..but I persisted and then he talked to me."
"Then what? You killed him right?"
" happened, but listen Steve...I
don't know why you're so unapproachable. I mean
you're a tall handsome guy, I'm a tall pulchritudinous
"Pulchritudinous?" Steve asked.
Pulchritudinous? Amy and the strange one
both thought at the same time.
"Ut means beautiful. I saw it in the dictionary.
Cool word huh?" Lita asked. Steve laughed.
"'s not that I don't like's just I
don't know...I'm just been caught off guard by your
"Oh..I see...but you find me attractive don't
"Well...sort of...but I'm not the sentimental
Sure he is. He saved Sailor Jupiter. I wish I
could say I was her. That would make things easier.
She thought.
"Tell you what Lita. Let's do things this way.
We'll start over. We'll pretend we never met before.
You didn't have a crush on me. I didn't feel worried
about you, and somewhere."
"A date? You mean it!" Lita shouted.
"Shhhh..." the librarian hissed.
"Sorry," Lita said.
"Tonight okay?" Steve asked.
"You got it," Lita said.
"If you don't mind, I've got the perfect place
picked out. I've never gone out before, but I knew if I
did this was the place to go."
"All right."
"Pick you up at Six."
"Six thirty, six sharp is an unlucky number for
"Oh okay. Now..can I get back to my
"Sure...I'll leave you alone until tomorrow
"Okay," Steve said.
I hope I know what I'm doing. Steve thought.
The strange boy was emerging from the books.
"Hey, you know me somewhat well. Do you
think me and Lita could get along?" Steve asked.
"How would I know?"
"Theoretically though? I mean my only
experience with girls close hand has been when I
helped Sailor Jupiter out."
"Just pretend Lita's Sailor Jupiter and you'll feel
more confident," he muttered
"Hey that's not a bad idea," Steve said.
"I hate bologna," Serena said flicking the piece
of meat off her lunch sandwich.
"Sorry Serena," Mina said.
" your phone fixed yet?" Raye asked.

"No it's not. Darien could have tried to call me
and all he would have gotten is a busy signal," Serena
"Don't worry, he really loves you. He won't
leave you," Mina said.
"He'd better not, because if he does I'll kill
him," Serena said.
"Woah, calm down Serena," Raye said.

"So what do you think gentlemen?" Steve
asked as he sat with Rick and Mike after he told them
about his recent romantic actions.
"Am I the man or what?" Steve boasted.
"Hmm...well I'd put you in an above average
category," Rick said. "That is two steps below the
category I'm in."
"What category is that?" Steve asked.
"99 percent stud," Rick said.
"Are you kidding me?" Steve asked.
"No. Don't worry though. Above average is
good. After all, you're still way ahead of Mike," Rick
"Hey!" Mike said and punched Rick in the face.
"Good one," Steve said.
"Uh..yeah," Rick said recovering from the
blow. "Still you have to admit Mike, punching a girl in
the face isn't going to get you a date."
"I can get a date anytime I like," Mike said.
"Your sister doesn't count," Rick replied.
Mike growled.
"Sorry. it's all right Mike. Some people are
just slower than others," Rick said.
"it's not like that. I've been easing into a
relationship. I don't jump into it blindly like you do,"
Mike said.
"Which relationship would this be?" Rick said
"You know very well what I mean," Mike said
referring to his own burgeoning relationship.
"You can't talk the talk if you can't walk the
walk," Steve said.
"Why don't you remind us who you're talking
about," Rick said.
"You know I'm talking about..."

"Mina, you're problem is your just too...I don't
know..." Raye was saying back at the lunch table.
"What Raye? What am I?" Mina replied.
"This could get ugly," Lita muttered to Serena
and Amy. The two nodded.
I'm so glad I got that out of the way. I always
knew he wanted to go out with me. I just had to step
up to the plate. She thought.
"Mina. The fact is that you have not had one
boyfriend in your entire life," Raye was saying.
"I'm taking it slow," Mina said.
"That's what they all say," Raye said.
"I don't see you with a boyfriend," Mina said.
"Don't worry. You will. I've been keeping him
as a surprise," Raye said.
"You actually have a boyfriend Raye. Why
don't you just tell us who he is?" Serena asked.
"I don't want to just yet," Raye lied.
"You know Raye. You've provided just as little
proof of an actual relationship then Mina has," Amy
said. "I think you should lay off."
"Hey! I'll prove it!" Raye said.
"There's nothing like Love to get good friends
to start arguing with each other," Lita muttered.
"Well it doesn't take much to set us off these
days does it?" Mina said.
"Is that a good sign or a bad sign?" Serena
"Ahem..ahem...lets get back to the subject
here," Raye said. "We were talking about.." "I
know what we were talking about. I think we should
stop talking about it so no one gets hurt," Lita said
"Everyone has the right to go at their own pace,
we should respect that," Amy said.
"I'm only trying to keep on of my friends from
missing the boat, that's all. I figured with everyone else
at this table having a boyfriend it was time Mina got one
too," Raye said.
"What do you mean everyone at this table?"
Amy asked.
"Come on, Amy. Do you expect me to believe
that you and Greg aren't more than friends?" Raye said.
"Yes," Amy said. "We're just good friends.
Could we just drop the whole subject" Amy said.
"What else should we talk about then?" Mina
"I don't know. We were on a roll with the
whole love subject," Raye said.

"This is perfect," Coardite hissed as he stood in
front of his creation.
"Well wake up," Coardite said. The creation
snapped to life. it's red eyes flickered on.
"Yes? What is that you ask of me?" it said.
"I have a special mission for you? You have
already been encoded with the data needed for it."
"Yes I see. I have the data downloaded. My
mission objective is clear. Shall I leave at once?"
"No. I still have some tests I want to run.
You're target can wait."
"Of course Lord Coardite."
"I like the sound of that," Coardite said. "Now
come. We have to see if you're ready."
"Yes Lord."
"Soon, we won't have one sailor scout to worry
about anymore."

Mina and Mike had been walking for some
time when they arrived at one of the many city parks.
"So I figure from there we'll be able to put
together the report in no time," Mike said.
"Yeah. Things we'll be easier than I thought,"
Mina said.
"This stuff seemed so hard until you came along."
"Well I'm no scholar, but I guess when I had
someone else's grade on the line as well my own it
triggered some long buried noble instinct in me," Mike
"Yeah. Say. Where are we anyway?"
"Oh..I hope you don't mind. I wanted to show
you something."
"What is it?"
"Come with me," he said and lead her into the
"Aren't you worried about your sister finding
out we were together?" Mina said.
"No. She left on a trip this morning. She won't
be back for three months. I was a sort of a last minute
opportunity that came up for her. it gives me a lot more
freedom," Mike said as he pushed through the
"Where are we going anyway?" Mina said.
"Just a little farther," Mike said.
The two moved through another path of brush and out
into a clearing. Beyond it was a view of the bay and
the setting sun.
"See?" Mike said.
"Wow. it's beautiful," Mina said marveling at
the view.
"I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds as a
project partner, but I thought..." Mike trailed off.
"It's fine," Mina said definitively. And I thought
he wasn't romantic.
"I've come up here for years after I discovered
what a great view I got. For some reason no one else
has seemed to find this place. I mean you can go to
plenty of places to see the sunset, but here I knew I
wouldn't be disturbed. I thought I might as well ask
something else while I'm here."
"What?" Mina asked.
"Well, we've been working together for a
couple of weeks now and I can't help, but think we've
become pretty good friends...I mean it's almost a
formality to say we're..." he paused having trouble
getting the wording out.
"You mean boyfriend-girlfriend?" Mina finished.
"I can't argue with that logic," Mina said.
"Wanna get a burger or something?"
"Not until the sun's gone," Mike said continuing
to stare out across the water.
"Oh..good idea," Mina said and watched too.
Jackpot! She thought.

That night. Steve arrived at Lita's house and he
was greeted by her very bulky father.
" you're Steve," he said.
"Uh..yeah," Steve said intimidated at the man's
"Come on in," he said and lead Steve in. "Lita's
in her room. Let me give you some advice, don't dump
her if you know what's good for you. I can't tell you
how much her last relationship hurt her. I don't mean to
scare you boy, but she can be a bit of a fruitcake."
"Uh..huh..sure," Steve said. The father lead
Steve all the way up to Lita's room and he knocked on
the door.
"Hey, Lita, your boyfriends here!" he said and
pushed open the door. Lita was just in the follow
through to hit the punching bag suspended from her
"Dad!" she yelled. "What did I say about
"What? I knocked," he replied. "Chumly is
here to see you," he said and walked off.
"Oh, hello Steve. My father's a bit of a
fruitcake," Lita said.
Whole lot of fruitcakes in this house. Steve
"I was just getting in a few punches," she
"I always like to knock the bag around a few
times before a date myself," Steve said a bit
"I don't doubt it, why don't you take a shot?"
"All right," Steve said and moved into the room.
He lined up with the bag, drew his fist back and
delivered a punch. The bag swung back hard.
"Wow, that's pretty good," Lita said. "You've
got good form too."
"I practice a lot," Steve replied.
"Shall we go then?"
"Sure," Steve replied and the two headed out.

"I thought for our first date we should go
someplace unique," Steve said when the two had
reached their destination. They had arrived at one of
the parks in the center of the city. it was a restaurant
built into the side of some trees and resting on top of a
couple metal pole supports.
"The tree house," Lita said. "I've never been
here before."
"They say the food's good and the view is
interesting," Steve said.
The two walked up one of the staircases
leading to the restaurant and they walked inside. They
took a table by one of the windows. Window was the
wrong word since there wasn't any glass. The place
was an open air restaurant. Lita looked out. She could
see over the treetops the city from a very interesting
"The idea is to make you feel like a bird sitting
atop a branch," Steve said.
"Really?" Lita asked.
"Sure. At least that should be the idea."
Lita giggled a bit
"Well now that we're finally on a date, let's get
to know each other better," Steve said. "I'll go
first I..." Lita started, but was interrupted by a large
crash. A table on the other side of the restaurant had
been blown apart. The occupants of the restaurant
began scattering.
"What the..?" Steve said before a blast of
energy hit their own table. He fell to the floor. Lita
managed to dodge it. She looked down at him. He
looked unconscious. She searched for the source of
the attack amidst the chaos. Another blast hit and the
wooden restaurant began to catch on fire. impulsively
she grabbed Steve and dragged him towards the stairs.
The rest of the customers and the staff had managed to
escape down the stairs already. They were already
racing away from the forest. She managed to pull
Steve down the stairs as falling embers hit and
surrounded them.
"The whole park could go up!" she yelled to
herself. I've got to get Steve clear. This must be the
negaverse! Using all her strength and the adrenaline
rush she was feeling she pulled Steve onto her back
and began to run. A blast of energy exploded right in
front of her and knocked the two down. She struggled
to get up. A pain shot from her leg wound. Steve
"What the..." he was saying.
"Steve, we've got to get out of here," she said.
The two got to their feet.
" cannot escape!" came a voice behind
them. They turned to see a tall metallic humanoid
standing there.
"It's a robot!" Steve yelled.
"Hah..I'm much more than that puny worthless
trash. I am a cyborg," the humanoid said and blasted
Steve backwards. Lita caught sight of him crashing into
the woods. In front of the backdrop of the burning
restaurant and the trees the cyborg looked even more
"Now that we're alone Sailor Jupiter I can end
this," the cyborg said.
"How did you...?" Lita started to say and
winced from the pain. Never mind how. He knows.
That makes thing easier. She thought and pulled out
her power stick.
"Jupiter Star Power!" she yelled and
transformed into her alter ego. The cyborg took the
seconds she needed for transformation as an advantage
and readied itself. When Lita emerged as Sailor Jupiter
she was hit almost immediately by another attack. She
hit the ground hard.
"Hah. You are beaten." The cyborg said.
Jupiter hit her wrist com.
"This is Jupiter! I'm in big trouble here, hurry!"
Jupiter yelled and tried to get up. She fell to the ground
as her injured leg gave out. The negaborg shot another
blast of energy at her, she rolled away from it and
stood up. She was still weak and had trouble drawing
her energy together.
"Now for a surprise," The cyborg said.
"Negaverse Thunderclap..Crash!" it yelled and
unleashed a black lightning attack. Jupiter screamed as
a replica of her own attack streamed towards her. She
braced herself for the impact. it didn't come. She
found herself a second later on the ground nearby.
Something had pushed her. She looked up. Next to
her stood Maverick.
"Well now. Looks like the negaverse has a new
bag of tricks," he said. "Jupiter, I suggest you show
more creative offense or you could get into trouble," he
The cyborg paused a minute to compute the
introduction of the new opponent into the scenario.
The figure didn't. He jumped forward and punched the
robot in it's head with such force it was knocked
backwards. The figure pulled out his sword quickly
and slashed at the head. The cyborg began to block
the attacks. The two grappled. Maverick swung out
with the sword again. it slashed the cyborg's right eye
socket. it leapt backwards. Maverick aimed his sword
and a beam of light shot from it at the creature head.
The cyborg staggered back. The warrior focused on
the head. He didn't notice the cyborg was bringing it's
arms to bear on him. it fired. Two blasts slammed into
figure. He was blown backwards and into a tree.
Jupiter watched him disappear into the bushy foliage.
"Hah!" the cyborg said.
"Hah yourself. Jupiter Thunderclap Crash!"
Jupiter cried. The green lightning attack flew across the
area and hit the cyborg with it's full force. Part of the
cyborg's metal plating flew off it and into the woods.
"Hah. it's only a scratch!" The cyborg yelled
and charged at her. She stood her ground and as it got
closer she readied herself. The creature tried to punch
her. She rolled under the blow and came around
behind. She pushed her feet out and hit the creature's
right leg. The leg buckled and the creature tripped to
the ground a foot from her. She attempted to stand up,
but the cyborg was fast. it reached out and grabbed
her leg and pulled on it. She tried to kick free in vain.
The creature's arm began to glow.
He's going to blast me, she thought in fear.
"Jupiter thunderclap crash!" She yelled quickly
and sent the blast flying right into the negaborg's chest.
it let go and bounced several feet away before snapping
to a position upright.
I can sense a power within me. Jupiter thought.
Ignoring the pain, she ran forward and leapt into the air
drawing back her right fist as she did so. The creature
wasn't fast enough to avoid her and she swung through
with her fist hitting the creature's head with a massive
uppercut. it flew backward and slammed through a
tree. The large plant crashed to the ground and the
cyborg leapt up from the wreckage and ran towards
her. A blast flew from it's eyes. Jupiter jumped out of
the way and raced towards it still ignoring the pain.
The two converged. Jupiter ducked under it's hands as
it tried to plow into her and did some assaulting of her
own. She pushed into it's chest and pushed it down to
the ground. it's eyes began to glow.
"Uh oh," the heroine said and backed off. The
eye beams shot out and missed her barely. The
creature stood up again.
"You won't get me today!" it yelled and
disappeared in a flash of light. Jupiter took a breath
before letting out a screech of pain and collapsing to the
ground. She heard footsteps and sirens as the fire
department was approaching. She also saw Sailor
Mercury running up. Close behind her was Sailor
"What happened?" Mercury asked.
"I'll explain later. Mercury. Use your ice on the
fire! And Steve and Maverick are somewhere in there,"
Jupiter said.
"Right," Mercury said and ran towards the
"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" She yelled and
froze the flames. The trees were covered with ice and
the disaster was averted.
"I found someone!" Sailor Moon said crouched
over the limp form of Steve. Jupiter hurried over.
Steve stirred... and found himself looking into
Jupiter's eyes.
"Lita.." he said.
"Huh?" the two sailor scouts replied in surprise.
"Who's she?" Jupiter said recovering quickly.
"She was here with me..." Steve said.
"It'll be ok," Jupiter said.
"The fire's been put out," she said.
"Did you see Maverick anywhere?" Jupiter
"No," Mercury said.
"Hmm..he was in the fight. He helped me out
big time."
"I'm sure he'll be fine," Mercury guessed.
"You're hurt Jupiter," Sailor Moon said. "Take
it easy."
"All right," Sailor Jupiter said.
"Where's the fire?" Sailor Mars said running up,
not realizing what that statement really meant.
"You missed it," Jupiter said. "We should go
back and look for that figure."
"There's about twenty fire trucks coming down
the street. I'm sure someone will find him if he's too
hurt to handle himself. We don't want to be discovered
ourselves do we?" Mars said.
"I'm really late aren't I?" Venus said hurrying
"Just a little," Mars said.