Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon As Told By Dr. Suess ❯ The begining ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hi, It's me again. O.k., this poem is kind-of nasty, but, my friend and I were on crack when we were writing this in U.S. History class. We havn't finished it yet, so we are asking everyone who reads this to think up some more line to contribute to this poem. I will acknowlage whoever sends us lines. This poem is a tribute to Dr. Suess. May he rest in peace. Remember when we were all 5 years old and Dr. Suess ruled? O.k., I should shut up now.

Disclaimers: I do not own any aspect of this poem that in any way pertains to Sailor Moon.

"Sailor Moon" As told by Dr. Suess.
Rated:p.g. 13 ( language, sexual situations, veiwers discresion advised.)
By: Lady Saturn and Funny Lady

...on with the poem...


I did not want to be a scout.
All I do is whine and pout.

My wand up high,
my bow too tight,
Why oh why do I have to fight?

These skin tight cloths make it hard to breath,
why cant someone else catch that god damned thief.

With a skirt too high, I look like a slut.
I might just bend over so you'll see my butt!

I get much attention from the guys.
They try to screw me, but I will not lie.
I actually enjoy this attention of mine.

With a zap her and a chant there,
I'll rule the world and make people breath my fart air.

Oh! My hero! Tuxedo Mask!
Turn aroung so I can see your gorgious ass!

Rings on my fingers, bells on my toes,
If you mess with me, I'll konk you in the nose!

Oy! My cat! She nags me day and night!
She is the reason why I'm involved in these fights.

My friend, Haruka, she frenched me twice.
The time I slept with her, oh! It was so nice!

But there is more than one little kitty!
Theres Artimis, Luna P, and fat purple slut kitty!


Well, thats all we have now, but as I said earlier, my friend and I will be excepting contributations to our poem. So, if you have a perfuct line for the poem, send it to Lady Saturn, and she'll put it up and acknowlage whoever sent to her. Thanks in advance! And remember, any contributations, send it only to LADY SATURN! Thanky! ba bye!