Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon: Crystal Chronicles ❯ Within The Stars ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“So, everything is in order I guess doc?” Queen Usagi asked as she stepped from off of the examining table, and straightened out her gown. On Sailor Mercury's behest, the Neo Queen decided to get herself checked out since the attacks of both Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus. The doctor was small and frail-like, but she looked at Usagi with a smile upon her face as she finished writing out the medical report on her desk.
“Of course my empress. You and your unborn child are in perfect condition, and you need not to worry about the blow Sailor Uranus landed to you.” The doctor said as she looked at Usagi who seemed relieved at the comment. She began to gingerly clutch her stomach and she began to close her eyes.
“I promise that when this baby comes, it will not be born into a world where hell reigns. It doesn't deserve to be born that way.” Queen Usagi spoke gently as the doctor looked at her with a solemn smile.
“I sure hope you are right my queen. I sure hope so.” The doctor told Usagi as she placed a hand on the womb of the queen's unborn baby.
That night in the Moon Kingdom, the light radiating on the Moon illuminated that corner of the galaxy and the stars seemed to shine extra brightly. Taking heed of this wonderful spectacle of lights were all four of the esteemed Sailor Senshi. Both Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino, Minako Aino and Makoto Kino were in awe of the lights; it seemed like the galaxy was washing away all fears and reservations that they had of the Chronos Crystal and the impending threat of the Chronus Knights as well. All in their respective kimonos, the four girls were relaxed and were in no rush to go to sleep.
“I wish that this night could just last forever.” Minako said as her eyes grew wide at the star that shined light.
“Yeah, I know what you mean Minako-chan. I wish we could just freeze time and stay here for eternity.” Ami said as she placed a loving hand on her friend's shoulder.
“But come on guys, we can't just stop destiny. We have to fight.” Makoto said as her last two sentences caught the girls' attention.
“You are right Mako-chan. As the Sailor Senshi we have a duty to protect the universe. The Chronus Knights and the Chronos Crystal are just two obstacles standing in our way. We'll take them down.” Rei said candidly as she ended with an encouraging smile to her friends. Hugging together, the four shared each others' warmth and light. But, in came another familiar friend that they all knew too well. Usagi, also in a white kimono and her hair tied up, joined her friends and was added into the hugging.
“I'm afraid you guys.” Usagi said as a single tear began to roll from her right eye. That tear began to grow into a sob and moans from Usagi, her breaking down like this was not something the Senshi was accustomed to.
“Usagi-chan, what's the matter?” Ami said as she cradled her friend's head in her hands. Makoto began to gently stroke her friend's arms while Minako grabbed some tissues to help dry Usagi's tears.
“Well, you see…” Usagi stammered a bit as she dried the tears from her eyelids.
“Spit it out already, Usagi!” Rei yelled out in nervousness and anxiety.
“I'm pregnant again.” Usagi said to the girls who began to squeal and embrace her in happiness. Usagi was overwhelmed by their show of emotion and felt comfort in their warmth and integrity. Fear also melted away from her mind, but something else began to bother her; the execution she had ordered of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.
“But guys, we have to free Uranus and Neptune. I feel bad about sentencing them to death, I'd never do that. If anything we will need them to help in the search of the crystal.” Usagi said to her friends.
“Usagi that is a mighty high risk. If we let them out, they very well may revolt against us.” Mako-chan spoke to her as she put a hand on her ponytail.
“Yeah, they are repeat offenders and attacked you and Endymion-sama tonight. Who knows what they'll do if they don't cooperate with us.” Rei said as she looked toward the window at the stars.
“Trust me guys, they'll be of help. First thing tomorrow, I'll let them out of our custody.” Usagi said as her friends still didn't look too convinced. Nonetheless, they still watched the stars shower their bright light upon the Moon Kingdom, and once again, tensions started to ease up a bit.
Also taking to the stars was none other than the Royal Princess herself, Chibiusa. The littlest of the Moon Kingdom, the young girl was outside in the gardens watching the spectacle unfold. Her two large pink ponytails glistened as did her earrings. Chibiusa was indeed starry-eyed, and she was just mesmerized by what she was watching. Little did she know, Chibiusa was not alone on this starry night as her guardian entered the garden she was in.
“Is there something on your mind, Small Lady?” Sailor Pluto questioned with a smile as she appeared from the gates. In her Sailor outfit, she placed her staff to the side and took a seat next to her dear friend.
“Not really Puu. But mommy said that this threat was crucial.” Chibiusa said as she looked up at Sailor Pluto.
“Don't worry about a thing Small Lady, your mom and the Sailor Senshi will defeat this new evil because we have the power. You'll have it too, remember your training session begins tomorrow.” Sailor Pluto spoke reassuringly as she held on tight to Chibiusa in a hug.
“You're right Puu! We will prevail over them!” Chibiusa with a victory pose as she looked up at a smiling Sailor Pluto.
“Very good. Now come on Small Lady, its way past your bedtime.” Sailor Pluto took Chibiusa's hand into hers and they walked into the palace. In a short time, Sailor Pluto had Chibiusa tucked into bed, and after a light kiss on her forehead, the girl was fast asleep and Sailor Pluto walked out of her room. Coming into the hallway, she was about to pass the bathroom, but stopped at the sight of King Endymion who was wrapped downward in a towel.
“Good evening, Sailor Pluto.” He spoke to her as she began to check him out. His musculature was excellent; he always kept his body in shape. His chiseled abdomen glistened in water from the shower, and his muscles bulged as well. This was an awkward scene but Sailor Pluto just regained herself and spoke.
“Hello King Endymion. I trust you are in good spirits this evening.”
“Yes, as always I am. Is Chibiusa-chan okay?” he asked putting a hand through his wet black hair. It was longer now instead of the haircut he had, and it was stringier as well.
“Yes, she is fine. I just put her to bed so she's out for the night. How is the queen?” Pluto asked with a hint of disdain in her tone.
“She should be up in a few. She was visiting the Sailor Senshi downstairs. Why did you speak like that when the queen was brought up?” King Endymion asked.
“You know good in well why. Things are not the same around here. WE are not the same.” Sailor Pluto said looking at him crossly.
“Pluto, what we had before, it was special.” Endymion said coming closer to her. Sailor Pluto tensed but looked at him with the same glare she gave him previously.
“Sometimes I reminisce. The times when we sparred together, or when we joked around and when we used to make love. Good Kami, that was ages ago. But I cannot shake the feeling off. I have and I always will love you.” Sailor Pluto said as she looked solemnly at the King.
“Look Pluto, I agree. I will always have a place in my heart for you as well, but that is all. I am and always will remain in love with Usagi. She is my everything, and I am sorry if that causes you pain.” Endymion told Sailor Pluto.
“I understand. Bless you King Endymion.” Sailor Pluto told him as he took his leave to he and Queen Usagi's chambers. However, Sailor Pluto still stood in the spot he left her, but she was not alone. The woman herself, Queen Usagi came face to face with her.
“I overheard everything just spoken, Sailor Pluto.” Usagi said to her.
“I had a feeling you did. But, Queen Usagi just as your husband and I said, what happened between us was sometime ago. You know that I will always love and honor him, as I do you my Queen.” Sailor Pluto said with a little smile and bow. Usagi had a feeling that Pluto was serious, and rather than fight with her, she took her up on this and decided to accept her statement.
“Thank you Setsuna-san. Good evening.” Queen Usagi said to her with a bow, as she headed back to her chambers. Usagi saw that her husband was awaiting her as he lay in the bed, naked and covered only in a mix of the light and nighttime darkness from outside. Usagi smiled at the sight of him, and blushed a bit.
“I have been waiting for you.” Endymion said walking toward her.
“And I you. I have some important news to tell you.” Usagi told him as she touched his hard and chiseled chest.
“But first, let me tell you something. Throughout any obstacle or conflict that comes our way, know that I will always love you. Through the darkness, through the trials, through anything, my love will always find you. My love for you is eternal, Usa-ko.” Endymion told her. It almost brought Usagi to tears, but she held her composure. They passionately kissed and their bodies silhouetted in the starlight.
“I love you with all that is within me, Endymion. And because of our love, another child will be born.” Usagi told him bright-eyed.
“Oh, Usa-ko.” King Endymion embraced Usagi and they began to plant kisses all over each other. Gently, he laid her down on the bed, and they started to tenderly make love as the stars and light radiated once more through the Moon Kingdom.
-Xtreme Slayer