Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon H(ope): All's Fair in Love and War ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The door of the Tsukino house opened and shut quickly. Serena walked up the stairs. "Serena! Where have you been Your father was about to go look for you. How was the date with Darien?" Serena almost jumped out of her skin. She spun around to look at the source of the voice. "Mom! I missed you so much! I'm glad your OK. Are you hurt? What did that witch do to you?"
"Serena! What are you talking about? The last we saw you was about an hour ago." Ilene Tsukino wondered, confused from her outburst. 'What's going on?' She gasped, relizing the situation. 'They must not remember anything! They don't know who Zoisite is, or what went on.' She hugged her mother tighter. Mrs. Tsukino gasped as she backed up and looked at her daughter crying. "Serena? Are you ok?" Serena brought up a hand and wiped away a few tears. Her mother's face paled. Serena stopped and looked at her hand. She smiled. "Huh? I don't see anything...hehe..." She tried to hide her engagement ring, blushing. "IS THAT A WEDDING RING?" Ilene Tsukino screamed, losing control of her calm demeanor. "What's going on Meatball Head?" Sammy, Serena's younger brother asked as he walked down the steps and in-between his mother and his sister. Before he knew what hit him, Serena was hugging him too. "HEY! Let go! Help! What's with you? It's like you haven't seen me in weeks." He screeched. Who was this girl and where was his sister? Serena couldn't help but giggle at this. "I missed you too." At this point, Kenji Tsukino entered the room and found himself in Serena's embrace. "Did I hear something about a wedding ring?" Serena let go of her father. Everyone stared at her. Serena's eyes were wider and held a brightness to blind. A smile reached from ear to ear. Stepping back, Serena pulled out her locket. "Hey, Serena, I've been meaning to ask you where you got that..." Her mother motioned to the locket as it opened to reveal the Silver Crystal. She motioned for them to sit down. They followed the motions while staring at her, speechless. 'This was going to be tough. Her family would finally find out who she really was.' A knock at the door startled everyone, except for Serena. "It's open!" she called as right in front of the rest of the family, in walked Darien, Luna and Artimas, and the five Inner Sailor Scouts. Serena was startled to see Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn walk in following. Pluto only nodded slightly, and Serena felt as if she were telling her this was the right thing to do. Relieved, the future Queen waited until everyone had settled, Serena switched to Sailor Moon, and once there, all the scouts returned to human as Serena's family watched in awe. Serena knew what was about to happen, and this was just the beginning. They had other families to talk to tonight.