Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Mystery ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X
Disclaimer: They belong to whoever owns them I don't own them! This applies to all the non-OC characters.
Hotaru felt her head spin as she opened her eyes. She moaned as she tried to sit up. “Ms. Tomoe?” She tried to answer but it came out as a raspy sound. “Don't move Ms. Tomoe.”
She sighed as she stops trying to get up. It hurt, that's all she knew. Her head is foggy, she can't think properly. “Ms. Tomoe, I need you to drink this.” The voice was not familiar, she knew that. She opened her eyes, too bright! She shuts them before squinting at the figure it was a man.
She asks who he is, he looks at her. “I need you to speak English, Ms. Tomoe. Drink this, it's to help your throat.” She feels a cup near her lips; Hotaru pulls herself up to get some leverage. The liquid taste bitter but it sooths her throat, she hadn't noticed it being sore.
Hadn't she been in her palace last? She tried to recall what happened. She couldn't recall, she felt anxiety build in her chest. “Ms. Tomoe?”
“Yes?” She asks in a soft voice. She lies back down, the she notices she's in a hospital, or at least a medical room.
“I'm Dr. Anderson, can you remember what happened?” She shook her head, regretting it as she felt it swirl. She moaned. “Rest Ms. Tomoe, you're in no shape for what I was about to ask you.”
Hotaru greeted the darkness and tranquility as she fell unconscious.
Logan stared at the girl as she rested; he frowned as he speculated what happened to her. It was luck her being found by the manor, but no clue as to her assailant was found. He nearly ran his claws through Pietro as he came. How he had heard it was a mystery but it was obvious the man clearly liked Hotaru.
He had contacted her father and guardians as soon as they had found her. They had been frantic and it was beyond his knowledge in how her father got a flight so soon to the United States. Dr. Tomoe was on his way as he talked to the hospital doctor. Had Hotaru been a mutant or aware of the `specialty' of the students in the manor they would have treated her there.
Hotaru woke up the next morning her head aching slightly but nothing a few pills wouldn't drown. She looked around; she was in a hospital and connected to several machines. She frowned; she didn't like being the patient at hospitals.
Hotaru looked for a clock, unfortunately she didn't see one. She searched for her watch; it was not on her wrist. Sighing, she saw the button to call the nurse. Pressing it, she waited for several minutes. The nurse came in followed by a doctor.
“Hello, Ms. Tomoe. I'm Doctor Roberts, Dr. Anderson will in later today.” Doctor Anderson? Ah yes, the man who was speaking to her earlier. “Can you answer some questions we have for you?” She nodded. “Now what is you remember last?”
Hotaru knew she couldn't very well say she was at Saturn, “I walked down the street to the convenience store.” She said, that was the last thing she did before Pluto called her. Dr. Roberts nodded frowning; he told something to the nurse about possible memory loss or suppression. He wrote it down.
“Now I need you to look in to this light.” She forced herself not to blink as the light went in her eyes. She blinked harshly when it went out of her view. “I can't say I know what happened but you came in a very serious state. Your body was exhausted and we don't know the cause.” He said.
Hotaru frowned, she didn't know either. The doctor asked her a few more questions before she was allowed to go the bathroom. Hotaru sighed, how was she going to explain this to the others? “Hotaru-chan?” She looked up at her name wrinkling her nose. Who called her chan anymore? Her eyes went wide.
“Father!” The white haired man came in he looked tired and disheveled. “How'd you get here? And so fast?” Her father sat on the edge of the bed.
“I took the first flight out and as fast as I could Hotaru.” He hugged her. “Is the reason you can't `remember' anything due to…business?” He asked as he pulled away looking at his only child.
“I can't remember Papa.” a frown setting itself on her face. Her father sighed and ruffled her hair. “Papa, I'm not a little girl.” She said though she missed her father.
“I know that sweetie.” He said smiling, she frowned inwardly as she noted his age. He wasn't young she knew that. She'd been given twice to him as a child and both times he loved her cherishing her. He yawned and took her hand squeezing it as though to reassure to himself that she was alright.
“Want to get some breakfast? I signed your release papers.” She nodded happy to have her Papa with her. The institute! She opened her mouth to speak. “I called the manor they know you're with me. I said I'd drop you by later.” She nodded smiling.
They left enjoying the day, Mr. Tomoe said he had to leave in two days but Hotaru said it was fine as long as she was with him. Hotaru went back to the institute that evening; Dr. Tomoe was went off to his hotel.
As she entered she quickly found herself surrounded by her new friends. Jean looked very concerned. She'd been thinking that maybe the senshi had something to do with the Hotaru's condition. Was she attacked? But she quickly dismissed it as they had not seen the Senshi again and heard about Hotaru's quick recovery.
Rogue and Kitty were pestering Hotaru about what happened. “Come on Hotaru what happened?” Rogue asked. Hotaru sat down in the living room.
“I don't remember.” She stated honestly.
“What? Not a single thing?” Kitty said in disbelief.
She tired to remember. She shook her head, it just seemed like fog, not clear enough to be seen and to thin to grasp. “I can't.” She said miserably.
“Now leave her alone you two, she's had a hard time.” Ororo said as she walked in, noticing how weary Hotaru looked. “It's getting late anyways. Don't any of you have homework?” She asked raising an eyebrow as Rogue and Hotaru's eyes went wide. “I thought so.” She said as they rushed off to find their work, Hotaru had planned on doing it yesterday but unfortunately was out the entire day.
Xavier frowned and concentrated on Hotaru, she didn't read like the others again, Cerebro wasn't helping at either; it just seemed to make him more confused. He tried once more to identify what type of being she was, normal or a mutant. Cerebro again gave her as a mixed signal and an unknown one. He frowned and tried to find the signal in others, it wasn't in others, it seemed to be unique. He took off cerebro and met Logan outside the doors.
“Anything?” Logan asked. Hotaru was mysterious, and she seemed to be getting more intriguing as the days went by.
“Nothing.” He said frowning. “It appears to as nothing I have seen before. She gives off both a mutant and human but something I have never seen. What news do you have about her condition?”
“She's fine, just physically exhausted though the doc wanted he back for physiological tests, it seems she surpassed whatever happened.” Xavier frowned, what had happened to the girl?
Hotaru snuck into the bathroom pulling out her communicator she locked the door. She turned it on and pressed a few buttons. The small screen went on showing the picture of Haruka. “Hotaru! How are you? Are you alright? What happened?” The woman on the other side immediately asked.
“I'm fine Haruka-papa, I can't remember! But I know it's not good. It seems are shield was too late.” Haruka frowned and nodded.
“I'll tell the others. Be careful in case- huh what is… ah!” The screen went to static.
“Haruka-papa? Uranus?” Hotaru called out panicked. “URANUS! HARUKA!” She received no answer.
Hotaru stared at the communicator in her hands. “What...” How could she be summoned to her castle? An attack would seem more logical but her castle?
Pluto's stern voice repeated the instructions. “Return to you castle immediately.” Hotaru was about to try and slightly protest so she could at least tell the institute something when, the communicator went dead. Saturn stared and shook her head.
Hotaru/Saturn looked around she still could be walked on by someone she had to get somewhere more secluded. She went behind a small patch of trees that was near her looking around she pulled out her pen.
“SATURN CRYSTAL POWER MAKE UP!” She felt the surge of power flow through her and after what seemed like minutes Sailor Saturn stood in Hotaru Tomoe's place. Fly or teleport? Were the words going through her mind, Pluto had said immediately... She heard people start walking down the street near her. School had just finished. (Remember Hotaru has 8th free)
She was about to teleport when she heard someone gasp. Students and people were looking over in her direction. Someone had seen her though not transforming.
People stared at the figure on the hill side, an eerie sight. Kitty was among the student crowd and looked in awe at the Sailor Senshi in front of her. Saturn, the reclusive Senshi was rarely seen and photographed, all the outer senshi were, but none more than Saturn and Pluto. Saturn was blocked by some trees as she approached the sun casting a shadow as it was behind her. Her glaive was held in hands she looked at them her eyes not showing anything. To Kitty she looked liked some sort of angel of death with the glaive held up right ready to swing. Then she was gone, the people blinked one minute she was there the next she was gone. Murmurs rushed abound at to what could have had a Senshi in their town.
Scott had been walking with Jean when he had seen the Senshi disappear; he had been fascinated with the Senshi since he heard about them. No one knew what they exactly where but most seemed to just accept them. At first nearly every one was wondering whether or not they had been mutants but it seemed they were not. Even mutants needed oxygen. What was a mystery was the two most secretive Senshi, Pluto and Saturn, no one really knew much about their abilities and that made them even more curious, how much power did they posses?
Jean Gray stared in shock as she saw the Senshi, her mind unconsciously tried to see the other's but it was futile she couldn't even breach the barriers the Senshi had. What she had felt was power, a good does of it, and she bet anything that that wasn't even the surface...
Saturn appeared outside her planet as she gazed at it quickly, her moons and rings all so beautiful and sacred to her. She was tied to it and would exist as Saturn as long as it did. She `glided' to a balcony of her castle surrounding the planet.
As she entered she felt her clothes melt into ribbons of dark violet before reforming into a dress that reached the floor and her insignia on her forehead, Princess Saturn stood and rushed to her main hall where she spotted Princess Pluto. Pluto nodded and started walking Princess Saturn followed down several halls until they were upon a meeting room.
Pluto waited for her to enter first she did and was not surprised when she saw the rest of the Senshi their. Her Queen was standing looking very worried with a small infant in her arms, with the King. Saturn smiled, the new princess had been born about a year ago and it would be quite some time to see her grow. She gave a small bow to the Queen and King and sat down in an open seat.
The rest of the Senshi were looking at her with quick glances but Mars was the only to hold her gaze. “Why was I summoned?”
“I had a vision of you in two scenarios none of them good.” Mars stated.
Saturn frowned, “I see...I had a disturbing dream the other day. They have a high chance of being connected.” Saturn explained her dream, the others were looking nervous; times of peace were yet again coming to an end if the visions and dream were right. Saturn looked calmly at the group around her; she knew that they or someone usually ended up dead when an enemy arrived.
Pluto and Uranus were talking about putting up a shield around the solar system to prevent enemies entering if they hadn't yet. Everyone agreed but that required activation from at least four planets, all of them agreed to help the activation. Then they left in a blink of an eye, Saturn stared around her palace, she had not been there for so long...
She left and started to explore, the design in her very being. She went up several flights of stairs and went down three hallways. Opening the door to a room, she looked around and saw her `old' bedroom. Sighing she went and went to a dresser, inside were many gowns and clothing. Closing it she sat on the four poster bed in the semi-large room. They others had agreed to start the activation in ten minutes, she had a few left. Laying back down she closed her eyes and she could almost hear the court and people in her palace from long ago.
“Is it not marvelous? The duke has agreed to the treaty!” A man talking to another in the courtyard.
“Oh honestly Princess you should watch were you are going, you would want to worry you mother.” A guard telling her to not get lost as a child.
“Ha ha ha! Oh did you see they way he looked at you! You are so lucky!” a servant girl talking to another
`The Queen's visiting tomorrow, did you get my suit?”
“No! That isn't the right color!” Her own voice as she argued over the color of her gown for a ball.
“I demand to see the count! He owes me 50 Ow!” A man talking to a guard and then getting smacked by his friend, he looked slightly drunk.
“What do you mean the crops failed? Do we have enough supplies?”
Saturn sat up and head toward the room were she would set up the shield. Voices of the past all around her.
“I got the job!”
“Will you marry me?”
“These taxes are ridiculous!”
Shaking her head she did her duty and looked at the screen in front of her. After she set up the process, she started going through old files.
Year 1294
Crops have failed in Pan and Atlas. Send aid immediately. It seems that Pandora will fail as well, will need calculations on cost for all three.
The Mimasians demanding greater rights to emigrate to different planets. Review points for counsel tomorrow.
The Princess requests travel to Calypso. Ask their Majesties if the budget can afford it.
Saturn stopped she knew she had to get back to earth soon. Walked out to a main balcony, towards the sun she knew she didn't want to leave so soon. Feeling her clothes form back to her Senshi outfit she looked to the planet. Smiling she headed toward Titan, the moon's atmosphere was shining back to her a red that seemed very wrong. She shivered as she felt a voice in her head, that voice...
What's wrong Senshi? Can't handle me? Oh I will get my revenge just wait for it Princess. Let me refresh your memory with one of my more favorite moment you've had.
Princess Saturn stood in her room looking out of window. She saw many of the moons, Hyperion came into view, and she wondered if she'd go there for vacation again. The moon's climate was always warm and the waters were never frigid. It was one of the best resort locations in the solar system. Saturn was still trying to figure out how they had managed to get the `sun' here when it was so far away.
Saturn was about to go when she heard the frantic scramble of a guard outside her door. It burst open. “TITAN IS UNDER ATTACK!” Saturn froze her eyes going wide. She nodded then stood Sailor Saturn. In a flash she was gone, her people needed her.
Saturn appeared in the capitol of the moon, Crien, she looked around in a state of shock; the metropolis was in ruins. Buildings were now rubble; the streets were littered with debris and bodies. Shaking her head she started looking for the culprit.
She saw movement in the corner of her eyes. She drew out her glaive, she walked toward the source, she nearly threw up. A creature unlike any she had ever seen or heard of was eating out of a body but that wasn't the worst thing, it was the fact of the person still being alive! She saw the person's eyes, they were begging for mercy. “May Charun(God that guides people to a happy after life) guide you.” She said as she swung. The creature screamed as it fell away in two and with a quick twist the man's head came off.
She ran and she tracked down the culprit but after finding worse and worse views she was seeing red. She felt her power surging. The being stood in front of her, it appeared like a very pretty woman, her eyes though were a blood red and she was also floating two feet off the ground, why couldn't she see her features properly? “So you must be the Senshi of this planet. How do you do? I am called Carnicas.” How dare she! Acting like it this was nothing, her people were being slaughtered by those things and she dare act like they were acquaintances!
“How dare you come into my domain and act like that.” Her voice was deathly quiet. “I am Sailor Saturn. Your punishment shall be death.” Carnicas smiled, her actions aggravating her more. She swung the glaive, she evaded easily. That's when every thing became a blur. She saw flashes of battle, the capital was destroyed in an attack by Carnicas. She barely evaded her left arm from being severed. She attacked as best as she could. She needed the others! Where were they? THERE! She had disembowelment her. She looked in denial from her abdomen to her and then let out too much energy. Saturn teleported before she could see the attack.
Saturn stared in shock as the moon was covered in a different color. What... Her people were dead....she knew it. At least 10 million dead.
What's wrong? Not liking the memory? Don't worry I'm only after you. Ssssave your sssself.
Before she could answer anything she was hit with a feeling of being winded and she felt like throwing up, she looked around and found that she was back on earth, it was night fall. She looked at herself, she was normal but she felt so tired. Everything went dark.