Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's Bad Day ❯ Yes Serena, Things Can Get Worse! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**Disclaimer: Well...I don't own Sailor Moon. Duh. I wish I did...but I don't think Naoko Takeuchi is willing to let me have it....I could buy Sailor Moon...but all I've got is a dollar and three pennies....<<sweatdrops>>.....on with the story....sigh....WHICH IS ALL MINE, SO NOBODY STEAL IT!!

Oh and please R& wanna know if it's even worth stealing...hehe....**

Serena's Bad Day

By: Iden's Garden

Chapter 3: Yes Serena, Things Can Get Worse!

"What are you doing in my house??"

*Oh no...oh please no....this can't be happening.....that sounds like Darien....OH NO!!!!!!!* thought Serena. Gulping, she went down another step and tried to get her eyes to adjust to the light.

"Did you hear me meatball brain?" demanded Darien.

*Oh yeah...real smooth move she's gonna it comes....* mused Darien.

Sure enough, Serena was standing there, breathing heavily, hands clenching and unclenching into fists. Only one thought echoed through her mind.

* BRAIN!!!! HE'S DEAD!!!!!*

"YOU'RE DEAD YOU JERK!!" she shrieked.

Jumping down the last two steps, she bounded up to Darien and brought herself to her full height (which wasn't very much, so the top of her head reached his shoulders). Craning her neck, she proceeded to send him death glares, trying to be as intimidating as possible.

Darien stared down at the furious little blonde in front of him. *Hey...little...that gives me an idea!* Half-closing his eyes, he plastered on a bored expression. Which was hard to do, considering how close the girl of his dreams was standing to him.

"You know, you should have stayed on the steps. Then we could've had a real conversation, instead of me having to practically lower my head to the ground...Mini-Meatball Head."

*AND NOW HE'S MOCKING MY HEIGHT!!! I SWEAR!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!* Serena screamed mentally. Letting out an angry shriek, she raised her hands, flattened them on Darien's chest, and pushed with all her might.

There was a momentary pause, and then Darien teetered, and fell backwards. Straight into the mud. With a splat!

"Oh yeah! There ya go! Mess with me will ya?" gloated a very satisfied Serena.

Suddenly the door opened and everyone rushed out of the house. The shrieking had caused them to break out of their romantic mood, and they stood on the porch, looking very amused. Happily, they watched as Serena stood over Darien doing a cute victory dance.

Meanwhile, Darien was extremely embarrassed. He was a complete mess, because the mud was very deep. He was covered in the stuff, and every time he tried to get up, he slipped and fell back down.

*Oh I'll never get a chance with her.....she managed to push me! I'm the stronger*

This caused Serena to start guffawing hysterically. Pretty soon, she was laughing so hard she was bent over, and had tears streaming down her face.

*Oh she finds this funny, does she? Well...we'll just see how much she likes it!*

And with an angry swipe, Darien grabbed Serena by the arm and pulled. There was a gasp, and then another splat. And then Serena started to wail.

"Whaaa!!! He pushed me in the mud!! I'm FILTHY!!! You jerk!! I just washed this last niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" she screamed indignantly.

"Well serves you right. You pushed me in first!"

"Well you insulted me! You're such an idiot!"

"Me? I'M the idiot!? Hello, Ms. Can't Pass a Single Test. I beg to differ about my idiocy. It seems to me as if you have that area completely covered."

"Oh. So now I'm an idiot! least I'm not a cold, self-centred pig like you!"

*Ouch...that one hurt* winced Darien.

"Well, at least I can walk and breathe at the same time!"

" mud Shields!" growled Serena, and with this, she scooped up a large portion of mud, and smeared it all over Darien's face.

There was a roar of approval from the porch when Darien opened his eyes. The contrast of the whites of his eyes against the dark mud was absolutely hilarious. The guys hooted, and the girls cheered.

Serena got up, smugly turned to her audience, and made a deep bow. Then, turning on her heel, she marched back to her own house, went in, and slammed the door, leaving a very dazed Darien sitting in the mud, staring after her.

Then, slowly, he turned to face his roommates, and stared each of them down, until the hooting subsided. The girls stopped their cheering, gulped, and saying quick goodbyes to their new boyfriends dashed off the porch and ran across the street to Serena's house.

*Oh....I'll get her back for this.....I will.......*

*********************************************************** ***********************************

Two Days Later

It was 7:00 a.m. Serena's mother came down the stairs with an expression of utter shock on her face. She went into the kitchen, where Sammy sat eating cereal.

She looked at the clock, blinked, and said,

"Serena's already gone. For school. Amazing! She's early...what's wrong with her?"

Sammy snickered.

"Guess you didn't hear huh? Serena's arch-enemy Darien, *and my best friend...hehe....what a name...Mini-Meatball Head...have to give the guy credit, he does have a way with words...* "moved in two days ago. He and Serena had a fight, which ended up with both of them sitting in mud, and Darien plotting revenge. So now she's scared...and is avoiding Darien by getting up early! HA!! This is so cool!"

Still laughing, Sammy grabbed his backpack, and headed out the door.

"She can't hide from him forever!"

************************************************************** ********************************

*She can't hide from me forever...* he thought.

His plan was all ready and he was eager to begin. Only problem was, there was no golden angel to be found.

*How long does she think she'll manage to avoid me? Her best friends are dating my best friends, and she lives right across the street from me!*

It had been no easy task, preparing his plan. Operation: Seduce.

He wasn't going to embarrass her...well...not much at least. His plan was to get his lovely Meatball Head to fall in love with him. *Cold and self-centred eh? We'll see about that.....*

His plan was perfect! He'd managed to get his roommates to go along with it. They had been reluctant, but Darien had threatened to share some embarrassing (to say the least) information about them with the girls. So, they'd given in. He was ready.

He'd have Serena eating out of the palm of his hand....

*I hope....*

************************************************************** ********************************

Well, that's chapter 3 done. Sorry it took so long people! I was sooo busy this week, because of school. But I might write and post chapter 4 soon...that is...if people review this chapter!! So if you want the next part, please R&R!!!! THNX!!! ^_^