Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Seven Days ❯ Chapter 12 - Didn’t expect this ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Standard disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailor Moon characters of which I am writing about. The story is my original and I write for fun without compensation. All characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi.)
BTW I have no idea how JPY (´) works >_< so just pretend that they're USD ($) if you want (that's how I'm using them.)
Seven Days
Chapter 12
Didn't expect this
Usagi was so tired that she couldn't even roll over to turn her alarm off the next morning. She couldn't believe that it was Monday and she had to go back to school already! Boo... Her body was sore from sleeping awkwardly on Rei's lap on their way home last night and she wanted nothing more than to keep sleeping on her comfy bed. Her body hurt even more from the abuse of the sun shining on her all day yesterday and it wasn't until she finally got in the shower that she noticed just how tan she was.
As lame as it was heading back to school, she was really excited to tell Naru about her weekend. From the party, to the beach and their bonfire last night, it had been freaking awesome. She quickly got dressed for school and started leaving before she would be late; she really didn't want to have to run.
Her parents looked at her strangely before she grabbed a piece of toast from the table and took off. She knew Naru always got to class a little bit early and hoped to get to talk to her before the bell rang. Unfortunately however, when she got to school, Naru hadn't gotten there yet. Bummed out, she waited for her first period class to start alone and bored and regretted getting there early until she saw Ami walk in.
"It's really nice to see you on time, Usagi-chan!" Ami said happily and she nodded. She and Ami never talked outside of lunch hour since she was always late, but she had to admit that she liked being able to chat before class.
They talked about the guys and the beach and reminisced about all the funny things that happened. Like when Rei pushed Chad into the pool and his trunks came off, giving everyone a full view of his bare white ass. Or when Zoi drunkenly danced the Macarena with the hoola girl mannequin standing by the grotto. Yesterday had been so much fun; she'd never thought that she would have such a good time with Mamoru and his friends (Jed, Max and Zoi, that is; Kunzite and Chad were a little more reserved). His friends seemed a little obnoxious at first, but were hands down the most hilarious bunch she'd ever met! There were more than a couple of super funny arguments between some of them that all ended in hijinks but she could tell that despite their constant knit picking at each other, they were incredibly close.
She and Ami were both giggling at the guys' antics when their teacher walked in, disrupting their conversation. Ami turned red in embarrassment as Haruna yelled at them to stop laughing.
"Just because it's a half a day, doesn't mean that you're not supposed to come to school!" Haruna said disgusted, looking at the many empty desks around the room. She gasped in surprise; she had totally forgotten that today was a half-day--which probably explained why Naru hadn't showed up.
Excited to know that school was ending early, she couldn't wait till the end of the period to ask Ami what she wanted to do afterward. So she slyly passed her a note and Ami reluctantly took it, not wanting to get reprimanded again. But when she got it back, Ami depressingly wrote that she had cram school directly after her last class. Disappointed, she wondered what she could do until later on when Rei got out of school and they would either hang out at the temple or arcade.
Luckily, when she had reached into her bag to silence her cell phone, she found ´100 in her pocket; she loved when that happened! So now she had some money to spend and decided on checking to see if Naru was at her mom's shop. When the last class of the day ended, Usagi looked for Makoto and Minako, but couldn't find either of them. She tried calling them, but neither one were picking up their phones, and so she left alone.
She passed by Osaka Jewelry and was disappointed to find that Naru wasn't there either and so she crossed the street and went to the mall instead. She found it refreshingly empty (it was only noon) and she was surprised since she'd never been there so early on a weekday. The smell of delicious food from the restaurants in the food court called to her immediately and she walked straight towards them without stopping. She did however pause in front of a lingerie store to stare at the sexiest bra she had ever seen.
It was an all lace bra, pink with black lace and she knew she had to get it, but didn't go in the shop. She was so hungry and it would be a longer process than she wished to try it and make sure it looked good; she would just come back after she ate--she had skipped out on lunchtime after all.
She really wanted to buy some sexier underwear now that she knew someone was going to start seeing them because she'd be lying to herself if she didn't think that her and Mamoru fool around again; she definitely wanted it to happen! She couldn't deny that the very thought of his hands touching her made her tingle in excitement and was almost always on her mind lately. After the night of the party, every one of their encounters had her wishing that they could be alone just so she could enjoy the feel of his lips on her own lips, her neck, chest...
"Oh sorry," she mumbled as she felt a tapping on her shoulder and moved off to the side. She had been blocking the entrance to a restaurant that she had been reading the menu from outside.
"Odango." As much as she tried, she couldn't stop a smile from spreading across her face as she turned around to face the familiar voice. It was Mamoru and Kunzite and they both looked devilishly handsome standing with their hands in their pockets. She hadn't expected them at all and she was amazed at just how lucky her day was turning out to be.
She's seen Mamoru in business casual, but never in a full suit and the effect she had to admit was quite stunning. A crisp white shirt against his now even tanner skin and his impeccably tailored blazer with matching dark slacks gave him the aura of his importance. He looked rich and was even wearing jewelry, something she'd never seen him in before; a huge diamond incrusted watch gleaming impossibly in the dim lighting around them. To say he looked sharp would be a complete understatement.
Kunzite was not be ignored either, he looked just as regal in a midnight blue, almost black, suit with his hair slicked back. His eyes merrily gleamed as she stared at them a little longer than was polite, but she couldn't help it, they were as gods before her eyes!
"Why aren't you in school?" Mamoru asked, looking at her with a smile that implied she'd done something wrong.
"I was in school. It was a half a day," she explained, swinging her small brown school bag in front of them.
"You're not in your uniform," he drawled like he caught her in another lie.
It was true, she wasn't in her school uniform and probably looked very different considering that aside from this weekend, he's never really seen her without it. She was super glad that she decided to dress extra cute today with a loose blue silk blouse that was off the shoulder with a tight black mini skirt and her strappy sandals. She had done her hair in a French braid and it was styled over her bare shoulder.
"Yeah well, it's the last week of school and I don't have to. What are you two doing at the mall?" she asked curiously.
"We're meeting with some clients," Kunzite replied, looking toward the shop they were in front of. She moved back and bowed her head politely. Clearly they were working so she could just talk to them another time when they weren't busy; besides she didn't want it to get awkward.
"I'll let you to your business then. See you two another time, Mamoru-san, Kunzite-san." Now she had to find another place to eat, but thankfully there were a lot of different restaurants inside the mall.
"You should join us for lunch," Kunzite offered politely, but she declined graciously. She didn't need to interfere in their business deals; how weird would that be? Besides, what in the hell would they talk about anyway? Kunzite had barely said a word to her all of yesterday, the lengthiest sentence he muttered being "It's your turn to serve," when they had played volleyball. So yeah... she would love to avoid the uncouth conversation that was bound to occur.
However when Mamoru insisted, she couldn't really say no to him and so she just walked in as he held the door out for her to enter the restaurant. He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her to the waitress that was to seat them and held out her seat. My, so there was a gentleman in him!
"Chiba-san, Kaku-san. It is a pleasure to see you again!" the young girl in all black gushed as she sat them in a table in the back. "Soan-san will be with you shortly," she said before leaving--without even offering them any menus. Dammit, weren't they going to eat?
She sat in silence as Kunzite and Mamoru both typed furiously on their cell phones, looking ever diligent. She fiddled her thumbs; if she knew that they were going to ignore her than she wouldn't have come! She sighed, hoping to get their attention, but only Kunzite looked up at her and smiled before continuing on with his phone.
Yesterday she hadn't been able to catch Mina alone to ask her about him and all the girls were just dying to interrogate her the next time they saw each other. She had a lot of questions, like how long they knew each other, where had they met, and most importantly: why hadn't she mentioned him before? He must be important enough considering yesterday they both had acted as if they were perfectly in love.
Kunzite was much older than her, probably in his late twenties, but he was still a youthful looking man. He didn't look like an asshole trying to take advantage of a young girl, but one could never be too sure. Yesterday Kunzite had given off a completely different vibe; he'd been stiff and reserved with anyone that wasn't Mina and she wondered if that was just his personality or if he truly just disliked everyone.
"Why wasn't Mina at school today?" she asked him, having a feeling that if anyone knew, it would him.
"She didn't want to get out of bed this morning," he replied, still looking down at what he was doing. Mamoru, although still on his phone, was clearly listening and she could see a smirk crawling on his face from Kunzite's comment. Her jaw dropped; what the hell was Minako doing staying over at his place?!
"So... she's staying with you now?" she asked because she didn't want to make it seem like Mina was carelessly sleeping over at random guy's houses (even though that's what it appeared to be...). She hadn't tried to sound rude, but her tone was obviously sarcastic and Kunzite looked up at her with a grin.
"Actually, yes. She's moving in today," he answered casually. She and Mamoru both looked at him surprised. He couldn't be serious? They couldn't be serious... right?
"Already?" Mamoru wondered awkwardly and she couldn't agree more; it was WAY too soon for that! Kunzite shrugged, clearly not caring about what they thought and continued to play with his phone, now purposely ignoring them both. She gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe that Minako would move in with him!
She knew that Mina had moved out here without her family and that she was living in a foreign city all alone (and that was a very hard thing to do even if she did know the language). But as far as she knew, Minako had just met Kunzite and they couldn't have known each other for more than two weeks since she'd gotten here. She didn't know who he actually was and honestly being Mamoru's friend was huge minus for him. She usually wasn't one to judge others unfairly, but he could be some rich douche who just wanted a hot young girl beside him to show off.
Not only that, but Minako had her Sailor warrior duties to attend to. By living with Kunzite, how was she supposed to sneak away into the night to fight without him noticing? Honestly, was Mina even thinking? She couldn't hide her identity from him especially when they were obviously going to be sleeping in the same bed. She sighed in frustration; she would have to speak to her seriously about this and ask her to reconsider. Right now however, she wanted to interrogate Kunzite more badly than if she was Mina's angry father. She didn't know him and she right now, she really didn't trust him.
However, at the very moment she was about to open her mouth to bombard Kunzite with her million and one questions, their table was served. An entire brigade of waiters brought in dish after dish, despite them not ordering a single thing, but who was she to complain when the yummiest smelling food was being placed before her.
"I hope you all enjoy this meal," a middle aged man (Soan-san, she assumed) in business attire said, approaching their table. "Chiba-san, Kaku-san and your lovely guest. It is an honor to see you again," he said reaching out to shake the men's hands and actually kissed hers. She nodded politely and that was the most that she did for the rest of the meal.
The three men discussed the most boring things that she's ever heard, all of it being about how to represent the business and who should be doing this and how that could be done more effectively and blah blah blah. Honestly, if it hadn't been for the food, she would have gone mad.
It was some of the best food she had in her life and she was glad that she ended up eating most of it herself since Mamoru and Kunzite were too busy talking. It was hard of her to not just stuff it all in her mouth like a wild animal considering she was starving, but she refrained herself and ate slowly, delicately and civilly, just as one would expect from a dainty young lady. After all, she couldn't embarrass herself like that after they had pretty much given her all this free food.
Fortunately as soon as the food was finished, the meeting was as well. The plates were cleared away and they were offered dessert, but Mamoru (that idiot) declined. Soan-san excused himself, inviting them to stop by anytime they wanted. They left without paying since the old man had refused Mamoru's money and with a generosity she didn't know he possessed, Mamoru put an excess of bills on the table for the waiters and they left.
When they got outside the restaurant, Kunzite excused himself politely and even told her that he'd tell Mina to call her later on. She was surprised at his willingness to forget how rude she'd been to him, but was grateful anyway; maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.
She turned to Mamoru. She had actually wanted to talk to him about what had happened at his place yesterday, but his clothes were putting her off. How could she talk to him when he was dressed like he was going to conquer the world? She looked away from him awkwardly when he faced her, wondering if she even had the courage to start a conversation with him after all.
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He had been thinking about Cass all day already and it was actually a really horrible thing considering he had mandatory business meeting that he had to lead until six in the evening. He knew that she was also busy today with her shop and didn't want to call her to bother her with selfish things like when they were going to fuck again. But it was all he couldn't think about.
Yesterday had been really nice for them; they hung out most of the day joking and laughing. The best part had been when they were lounging by the poolside, sharing a fruit platter in between them. He wanted the last piece of fruit, but she was already bringing it to her mouth. When he protested, she kindly offered to feed it to him.
He chewed it hungrily, winking at her when he'd finished and asking if she had another piece to offer. She had just grinned mischievously, before sauntering away from him and into the house. He had followed her lead, inconspicuously of course, and they'd gone back for round two, screwing around again for hours after that, neither one coming back down to hang out with the rest of the group until it was time to leave.
When they rode back home, they continued to flirt the entire ride and even fooled around in the tiny, cramped bathroom since everyone else was too tired to notice and they were too fervent to care. They kissed each other hungrily, neither one of their lips leaving the other's body, not even for a second the entire time. The passion they held for each other was so strong, that although neither one dared to mention it aloud, it was the most obvious thing to the both of them. It also goes without saying that they definitely went home together afterwards.
Although he did not regret yesterday, he partially wished that it hadn't happened at all. Even though she hadn't spent the night, he hadn't been able to get her out of his mind since she'd left his apartment way after midnight, not even after his longer than usual shower that morning. What was wrong with him?! Why couldn't he just think of something else? Anything. Anything else to help take away images of Cass looking at him through her seductive bedroom eyes... WHY had he even agreed to go to the beach in the first place?
It was getting harder to detach himself from something that he'd been tangled with for so long... and he was starting to realize that he didn't want to. There were so many good qualities about Cass that he was always trying to forget about and for good reason too. He knew that neither one of them ever took anything even remotely serious, so what was the point of them taking each other seriously?
He knew that if they kept up what they were doing, they were both going to end up with something more complicated than they both wanted, but he really didn't care about that at the moment. Forgetting about her would just be the easiest solution, but that was the last thing in the ENTIRE WORLD that he wanted to do. Cass was too special to him and he didn't want to let her go.
At least, not yet.
And especially not before they even got to find out what in the world they had gotten themselves into in the first place. Cass would always be someone that he'll care deeply about and it would probably be true that hooking up would probably ruin their friendship in the long run, but he couldn't think about that now. Cass was what he wanted, and right now, that was all that mattered. He would have to deal with whatever came afterward, later.
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Please don't forget to leave a review!
(Standard disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailor Moon characters of which I am writing about. The story is my original and I write for fun without compensation. All characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi.)
BTW I have no idea how JPY (´) works >_< so just pretend that they're USD ($) if you want (that's how I'm using them.)
Seven Days
Chapter 12
Didn't expect this
Usagi was so tired that she couldn't even roll over to turn her alarm off the next morning. She couldn't believe that it was Monday and she had to go back to school already! Boo... Her body was sore from sleeping awkwardly on Rei's lap on their way home last night and she wanted nothing more than to keep sleeping on her comfy bed. Her body hurt even more from the abuse of the sun shining on her all day yesterday and it wasn't until she finally got in the shower that she noticed just how tan she was.
As lame as it was heading back to school, she was really excited to tell Naru about her weekend. From the party, to the beach and their bonfire last night, it had been freaking awesome. She quickly got dressed for school and started leaving before she would be late; she really didn't want to have to run.
Her parents looked at her strangely before she grabbed a piece of toast from the table and took off. She knew Naru always got to class a little bit early and hoped to get to talk to her before the bell rang. Unfortunately however, when she got to school, Naru hadn't gotten there yet. Bummed out, she waited for her first period class to start alone and bored and regretted getting there early until she saw Ami walk in.
"It's really nice to see you on time, Usagi-chan!" Ami said happily and she nodded. She and Ami never talked outside of lunch hour since she was always late, but she had to admit that she liked being able to chat before class.
They talked about the guys and the beach and reminisced about all the funny things that happened. Like when Rei pushed Chad into the pool and his trunks came off, giving everyone a full view of his bare white ass. Or when Zoi drunkenly danced the Macarena with the hoola girl mannequin standing by the grotto. Yesterday had been so much fun; she'd never thought that she would have such a good time with Mamoru and his friends (Jed, Max and Zoi, that is; Kunzite and Chad were a little more reserved). His friends seemed a little obnoxious at first, but were hands down the most hilarious bunch she'd ever met! There were more than a couple of super funny arguments between some of them that all ended in hijinks but she could tell that despite their constant knit picking at each other, they were incredibly close.
She and Ami were both giggling at the guys' antics when their teacher walked in, disrupting their conversation. Ami turned red in embarrassment as Haruna yelled at them to stop laughing.
"Just because it's a half a day, doesn't mean that you're not supposed to come to school!" Haruna said disgusted, looking at the many empty desks around the room. She gasped in surprise; she had totally forgotten that today was a half-day--which probably explained why Naru hadn't showed up.
Excited to know that school was ending early, she couldn't wait till the end of the period to ask Ami what she wanted to do afterward. So she slyly passed her a note and Ami reluctantly took it, not wanting to get reprimanded again. But when she got it back, Ami depressingly wrote that she had cram school directly after her last class. Disappointed, she wondered what she could do until later on when Rei got out of school and they would either hang out at the temple or arcade.
Luckily, when she had reached into her bag to silence her cell phone, she found ´100 in her pocket; she loved when that happened! So now she had some money to spend and decided on checking to see if Naru was at her mom's shop. When the last class of the day ended, Usagi looked for Makoto and Minako, but couldn't find either of them. She tried calling them, but neither one were picking up their phones, and so she left alone.
She passed by Osaka Jewelry and was disappointed to find that Naru wasn't there either and so she crossed the street and went to the mall instead. She found it refreshingly empty (it was only noon) and she was surprised since she'd never been there so early on a weekday. The smell of delicious food from the restaurants in the food court called to her immediately and she walked straight towards them without stopping. She did however pause in front of a lingerie store to stare at the sexiest bra she had ever seen.
It was an all lace bra, pink with black lace and she knew she had to get it, but didn't go in the shop. She was so hungry and it would be a longer process than she wished to try it and make sure it looked good; she would just come back after she ate--she had skipped out on lunchtime after all.
She really wanted to buy some sexier underwear now that she knew someone was going to start seeing them because she'd be lying to herself if she didn't think that her and Mamoru fool around again; she definitely wanted it to happen! She couldn't deny that the very thought of his hands touching her made her tingle in excitement and was almost always on her mind lately. After the night of the party, every one of their encounters had her wishing that they could be alone just so she could enjoy the feel of his lips on her own lips, her neck, chest...
"Oh sorry," she mumbled as she felt a tapping on her shoulder and moved off to the side. She had been blocking the entrance to a restaurant that she had been reading the menu from outside.
"Odango." As much as she tried, she couldn't stop a smile from spreading across her face as she turned around to face the familiar voice. It was Mamoru and Kunzite and they both looked devilishly handsome standing with their hands in their pockets. She hadn't expected them at all and she was amazed at just how lucky her day was turning out to be.
She's seen Mamoru in business casual, but never in a full suit and the effect she had to admit was quite stunning. A crisp white shirt against his now even tanner skin and his impeccably tailored blazer with matching dark slacks gave him the aura of his importance. He looked rich and was even wearing jewelry, something she'd never seen him in before; a huge diamond incrusted watch gleaming impossibly in the dim lighting around them. To say he looked sharp would be a complete understatement.
Kunzite was not be ignored either, he looked just as regal in a midnight blue, almost black, suit with his hair slicked back. His eyes merrily gleamed as she stared at them a little longer than was polite, but she couldn't help it, they were as gods before her eyes!
"Why aren't you in school?" Mamoru asked, looking at her with a smile that implied she'd done something wrong.
"I was in school. It was a half a day," she explained, swinging her small brown school bag in front of them.
"You're not in your uniform," he drawled like he caught her in another lie.
It was true, she wasn't in her school uniform and probably looked very different considering that aside from this weekend, he's never really seen her without it. She was super glad that she decided to dress extra cute today with a loose blue silk blouse that was off the shoulder with a tight black mini skirt and her strappy sandals. She had done her hair in a French braid and it was styled over her bare shoulder.
"Yeah well, it's the last week of school and I don't have to. What are you two doing at the mall?" she asked curiously.
"We're meeting with some clients," Kunzite replied, looking toward the shop they were in front of. She moved back and bowed her head politely. Clearly they were working so she could just talk to them another time when they weren't busy; besides she didn't want it to get awkward.
"I'll let you to your business then. See you two another time, Mamoru-san, Kunzite-san." Now she had to find another place to eat, but thankfully there were a lot of different restaurants inside the mall.
"You should join us for lunch," Kunzite offered politely, but she declined graciously. She didn't need to interfere in their business deals; how weird would that be? Besides, what in the hell would they talk about anyway? Kunzite had barely said a word to her all of yesterday, the lengthiest sentence he muttered being "It's your turn to serve," when they had played volleyball. So yeah... she would love to avoid the uncouth conversation that was bound to occur.
However when Mamoru insisted, she couldn't really say no to him and so she just walked in as he held the door out for her to enter the restaurant. He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her to the waitress that was to seat them and held out her seat. My, so there was a gentleman in him!
"Chiba-san, Kaku-san. It is a pleasure to see you again!" the young girl in all black gushed as she sat them in a table in the back. "Soan-san will be with you shortly," she said before leaving--without even offering them any menus. Dammit, weren't they going to eat?
She sat in silence as Kunzite and Mamoru both typed furiously on their cell phones, looking ever diligent. She fiddled her thumbs; if she knew that they were going to ignore her than she wouldn't have come! She sighed, hoping to get their attention, but only Kunzite looked up at her and smiled before continuing on with his phone.
Yesterday she hadn't been able to catch Mina alone to ask her about him and all the girls were just dying to interrogate her the next time they saw each other. She had a lot of questions, like how long they knew each other, where had they met, and most importantly: why hadn't she mentioned him before? He must be important enough considering yesterday they both had acted as if they were perfectly in love.
Kunzite was much older than her, probably in his late twenties, but he was still a youthful looking man. He didn't look like an asshole trying to take advantage of a young girl, but one could never be too sure. Yesterday Kunzite had given off a completely different vibe; he'd been stiff and reserved with anyone that wasn't Mina and she wondered if that was just his personality or if he truly just disliked everyone.
"Why wasn't Mina at school today?" she asked him, having a feeling that if anyone knew, it would him.
"She didn't want to get out of bed this morning," he replied, still looking down at what he was doing. Mamoru, although still on his phone, was clearly listening and she could see a smirk crawling on his face from Kunzite's comment. Her jaw dropped; what the hell was Minako doing staying over at his place?!
"So... she's staying with you now?" she asked because she didn't want to make it seem like Mina was carelessly sleeping over at random guy's houses (even though that's what it appeared to be...). She hadn't tried to sound rude, but her tone was obviously sarcastic and Kunzite looked up at her with a grin.
"Actually, yes. She's moving in today," he answered casually. She and Mamoru both looked at him surprised. He couldn't be serious? They couldn't be serious... right?
"Already?" Mamoru wondered awkwardly and she couldn't agree more; it was WAY too soon for that! Kunzite shrugged, clearly not caring about what they thought and continued to play with his phone, now purposely ignoring them both. She gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe that Minako would move in with him!
She knew that Mina had moved out here without her family and that she was living in a foreign city all alone (and that was a very hard thing to do even if she did know the language). But as far as she knew, Minako had just met Kunzite and they couldn't have known each other for more than two weeks since she'd gotten here. She didn't know who he actually was and honestly being Mamoru's friend was huge minus for him. She usually wasn't one to judge others unfairly, but he could be some rich douche who just wanted a hot young girl beside him to show off.
Not only that, but Minako had her Sailor warrior duties to attend to. By living with Kunzite, how was she supposed to sneak away into the night to fight without him noticing? Honestly, was Mina even thinking? She couldn't hide her identity from him especially when they were obviously going to be sleeping in the same bed. She sighed in frustration; she would have to speak to her seriously about this and ask her to reconsider. Right now however, she wanted to interrogate Kunzite more badly than if she was Mina's angry father. She didn't know him and she right now, she really didn't trust him.
However, at the very moment she was about to open her mouth to bombard Kunzite with her million and one questions, their table was served. An entire brigade of waiters brought in dish after dish, despite them not ordering a single thing, but who was she to complain when the yummiest smelling food was being placed before her.
"I hope you all enjoy this meal," a middle aged man (Soan-san, she assumed) in business attire said, approaching their table. "Chiba-san, Kaku-san and your lovely guest. It is an honor to see you again," he said reaching out to shake the men's hands and actually kissed hers. She nodded politely and that was the most that she did for the rest of the meal.
The three men discussed the most boring things that she's ever heard, all of it being about how to represent the business and who should be doing this and how that could be done more effectively and blah blah blah. Honestly, if it hadn't been for the food, she would have gone mad.
It was some of the best food she had in her life and she was glad that she ended up eating most of it herself since Mamoru and Kunzite were too busy talking. It was hard of her to not just stuff it all in her mouth like a wild animal considering she was starving, but she refrained herself and ate slowly, delicately and civilly, just as one would expect from a dainty young lady. After all, she couldn't embarrass herself like that after they had pretty much given her all this free food.
Fortunately as soon as the food was finished, the meeting was as well. The plates were cleared away and they were offered dessert, but Mamoru (that idiot) declined. Soan-san excused himself, inviting them to stop by anytime they wanted. They left without paying since the old man had refused Mamoru's money and with a generosity she didn't know he possessed, Mamoru put an excess of bills on the table for the waiters and they left.
When they got outside the restaurant, Kunzite excused himself politely and even told her that he'd tell Mina to call her later on. She was surprised at his willingness to forget how rude she'd been to him, but was grateful anyway; maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.
She turned to Mamoru. She had actually wanted to talk to him about what had happened at his place yesterday, but his clothes were putting her off. How could she talk to him when he was dressed like he was going to conquer the world? She looked away from him awkwardly when he faced her, wondering if she even had the courage to start a conversation with him after all.
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He had been thinking about Cass all day already and it was actually a really horrible thing considering he had mandatory business meeting that he had to lead until six in the evening. He knew that she was also busy today with her shop and didn't want to call her to bother her with selfish things like when they were going to fuck again. But it was all he couldn't think about.
Yesterday had been really nice for them; they hung out most of the day joking and laughing. The best part had been when they were lounging by the poolside, sharing a fruit platter in between them. He wanted the last piece of fruit, but she was already bringing it to her mouth. When he protested, she kindly offered to feed it to him.
He chewed it hungrily, winking at her when he'd finished and asking if she had another piece to offer. She had just grinned mischievously, before sauntering away from him and into the house. He had followed her lead, inconspicuously of course, and they'd gone back for round two, screwing around again for hours after that, neither one coming back down to hang out with the rest of the group until it was time to leave.
When they rode back home, they continued to flirt the entire ride and even fooled around in the tiny, cramped bathroom since everyone else was too tired to notice and they were too fervent to care. They kissed each other hungrily, neither one of their lips leaving the other's body, not even for a second the entire time. The passion they held for each other was so strong, that although neither one dared to mention it aloud, it was the most obvious thing to the both of them. It also goes without saying that they definitely went home together afterwards.
Although he did not regret yesterday, he partially wished that it hadn't happened at all. Even though she hadn't spent the night, he hadn't been able to get her out of his mind since she'd left his apartment way after midnight, not even after his longer than usual shower that morning. What was wrong with him?! Why couldn't he just think of something else? Anything. Anything else to help take away images of Cass looking at him through her seductive bedroom eyes... WHY had he even agreed to go to the beach in the first place?
It was getting harder to detach himself from something that he'd been tangled with for so long... and he was starting to realize that he didn't want to. There were so many good qualities about Cass that he was always trying to forget about and for good reason too. He knew that neither one of them ever took anything even remotely serious, so what was the point of them taking each other seriously?
He knew that if they kept up what they were doing, they were both going to end up with something more complicated than they both wanted, but he really didn't care about that at the moment. Forgetting about her would just be the easiest solution, but that was the last thing in the ENTIRE WORLD that he wanted to do. Cass was too special to him and he didn't want to let her go.
At least, not yet.
And especially not before they even got to find out what in the world they had gotten themselves into in the first place. Cass would always be someone that he'll care deeply about and it would probably be true that hooking up would probably ruin their friendship in the long run, but he couldn't think about that now. Cass was what he wanted, and right now, that was all that mattered. He would have to deal with whatever came afterward, later.
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