Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ ShinoTenshi no Ai (Love of the Angel of Death) ❯ Conversations ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sailor Moon, blah blah blah….

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I only own the following:

Solace/ Prince Solaris/ Neo-Emperor Solaris/ Soldier Sun

Hermes/ Soldier Mercury

Eros/ Soldier Venus

Alantas/ Soldier Earth

Ares/ Soldier Mars

Zeus/ Soldier Jupiter

Kafir/ Soldier Saturn

Hisharo/ Soldier Uranus

Shawn/ Soldier Neptune

Ryoken/ Soldier Pluto

The White Sol Kingdom

Crystal Berlin (or Crystal London, I haven't decided…)

Time is whatever; I haven't seen the series in a long time, so bear with me…

WARNINGS: Some Yaoi and of course Yuri references (Haruka and Michuri). And major Mamoru bashing

GENRE: General/Romance


"It's time…release the spell on one of them…"

"But who? Which one would be ready?"

"Saturn. Send him."

"…you are kidding I hope…"

"No am I not, Serenity. Saturn is the one that must be released."

"But, Solaris…"

"No buts, Itooshi (Beloved), he is our children's most powerful Senshi. The Cryogenic spell must be released on him."

"But what of Pluto? He has been fighting the spell…"

"Release Saturn and reinforce the spell on Pluto. I know you never got along with Him, Itooshi, but it is the only way. Out daughter needs Him. She needs the Shi-no-Tenshi…

"::sighs:: Yes, my Husband, she does need him…and I thought Endymion was a good choice for her…"

"I know, I know…all will be well soon…"


Hidden in the tropical rainforest, behind a large waterfall, was a vast, underground cavern. In that cavern, seemingly carved from the very stone, was a large chamber, which housed 10 towering crystals, each well over 7 feet in height, each a different color and pulsing with hidden Power. Inside the heart each crystal was a Human figure. Out of the 10, 1 was female. The largest of the crystals was probably the most elegant and elaborate of them. It was nearly 8 feet in height and a golden topaz in color. Painted on the floor before it and engraved on the crystal itself, was the symbol of the Sun. Inside the crystal was a Powerful young man, clasping a katana in his hands. He was seemingly frozen in time; this was the Prince and Heir of the White Sol Kingdom. This was Solaris, brother to Princess Serenity of the Moon.

To Solaris's left was a blue crystal with the symbol of Mercury engraved upon the crystal and painted on the floor before it. Inside this crystal, clasping his staff in a battle stance was the Prince of Mercury, Hermes, twin brother to Princess Ami of Mercury, cousin to the Princesses of Neptune, Michiru and Shawn, and the Prince and Princess of Pluto, Ryoken and Sestuna.

To Solaris's right was a crystal nearly identical in color; the only difference was it was a darker orangey-gold. The symbol of Venus was engraved upon the crystal and painted on the floor before it. Inside this crystal, loosely clasping his bow was the Prince of Venus, Eros, twin of Princess Minako of Venus, cousin to Princess Serenity of the Moon and Prince Solaris of the Sun (Related through Solaris's Mother's side).

Beside Hermes was a crystal that was a greenish-blue in color, with the symbol of Earth carved into the crystal and with the Earth emblem painted on the floor in front of it. Inside this crystal was a large male figure, clutching his claymore in his strong hands was the cousin to Prince Endymion of Earth, Alantas, Prince of Earth.

To the side of Eros, encased in a crimson crystal with the emblem of Mars engraved into it and painted before it, was Ares, Prince of Mars, elder brother to Princess Rei of Mars, cousin of Prince Solaris (related through Solaris's father's side). In Ares' hands was his broadsword, held in a battle stance, as though he had been frozen in battle.

Beside Alantas was a green crystal with the symbol of Jupiter engraved upon it and painted on the floor before it. Inside this crystal, still clutching his katana, was the Prince of Jupiter, brother to Princess Makoto of Jupiter, Zeus.

To the other side of Ares was a large purple crystal with reddish undertones. It had the emblem of Saturn engraved on it and painted on the ground before it. Inside this crystal, holding his scimitar in a two-handed grip was the Prince of Saturn, the Elder brother of Princess Hotura of Saturn, Kafir.

To Kafir's opposite side was a bluish-green crystal with the symbol of Neptune carved into it and painted on the floor in front of it. Inside this crystal was the group's only female, the younger sister of Princess Michiru of Neptune and cousin to Prince and Princess of Pluto, Ryoken and Sestuna, and the Prince and Princess of Mercury, Hermes and Ami. She was Shawn. In her seemingly delicate hands she held her trident in a defensive stance.

To Zeus's other side was an orange crystal with the symbol of Uranus carved upon it and painted on the ground before it. With his katana held in his hands, ever ready to continue the battle to protect his Prince, was the brother of Princess Haruka of Uranus, the Prince of Uranus, Hisharo.

Between Hisharo and Shawn was a crystal a dark forest green, nearly black, in color. The emblem of Pluto engraved into it and painted on the floor before it. In this crystal was the cousin of the Prince and Princess of Mercury, Hermes and Ami, and cousin to the Princesses of Neptune, Michiru and Shawn, brother of Princess Sestuna of Pluto, the Prince of Pluto, Ryoken.

The 10 crystals had formed a large circle, each containing a living being, Powerful on their own, but Indestructible as a team. The crystal containing the Prince of Saturn suddenly began to fracture. The hairline fractures ran from the base of the crystal to the top. Then, with a sudden flare of purple Plasma Energy, the crystal exploded outwards, shards flying across the chamber. Kafir stumbled and fell to his knees. The emblem of Saturn upon his brow gleamed and then vanished. Kafir began to fall forward only to vanish in a purplish light…