Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silk, Chocolate, and Lollipops ❯ Chocolate, Silk, and Lollipops ( One-Shot )
The blonde haired goddess sat on her bed, sucking on the strawberry lollipop, reading her book. Frowning, her concentration was broken by the gust of chilly wind from the open window. Sighing, she rose from her bed slowly, not wanting to leave the warmth of her comfortable bed. But, she had to. The window had to be closed and the warmth preserved. Just as she closed the window, the phone rang. Rolling her eyes, she walked over and picked up the phone. As she held the receiver up, she popped the lollipop from her mouth. "Hello?" she asked, licking the remnants of the sweet candy from her lips.
After a silence, there was a strangled voice, "Serena?"
She smiled, flouncing back over to her bed to lie down. Snuggling under the covers, she made sure she was getting warm and comfortable before speaking. "Hi, Darien!"
He groaned. "You just got into bed, didn't you?"
She giggled slightly. "Yeah... So?" she asked, knowing full well that he would surely be tortured.
After another pause, where Serena was sure he was grasping at his self-control, he said, "Okay... Serena, are you eating something?"
She grinned to herself and giggled, and then popped the lollipop from her mouth, making sure he heard it. "Mmmmm..... Why do you ask?" she teased.
Hearing his tortured groan, she decided to take pity on him. "Okay, I'm eating a lollipop."
"L-lollipop," he whispered in a tortured tone. (I seem to like the word "tortured", ne? Hehe)
"Yeah. It's strawberry. Very yummy!"
Groaning, Darien could say nothing else. He had lost all thought. Grinning, Serena shifted positions, and then sat up, taking off the robe that had been covering her silk-clad body. Suddenly, it was getting warm. "Serena..." the man whispered.
"Mhm?" she asked, still sucking on the lollipop as she sunk back down into the warm haven of her covers, the offending robe now on the other side of the room.
"What...did you just do?"
Popping the lollipop out again, she replied, "I took my robe off. Why?" she put just the right tone of innocence into her voice, so that he would think she had no idea what she was doing.
"Er... Okay... Um... Why?" he stuttered.
"Because I was hot," she replied. Swirling the lollipop around in her mouth, she enjoyed the strawberry taste of it.
"Wh-what are you wearing now?"
She grinned, knowing his tactic. He always asked that. But she didn't mind. "Mmmm.... Silk," she whispered, popping the lollipop out of her mouth and then back in.
"S-silk?" he groaned, moaning.
Grinning, Serena continued to torture him. It was fun for her, but not quite as much fun for him... Oh well. The lollipop was good and she wanted to finish it. And if she tortured him along the way... Giggling to herself, she grinned. Oh, who was she kidding? She just wanted to torture him! Sighing, she lay back, sucking on the lollipop, continuing her sweet torture.
The book now lay forgotten on her bed, close to her, but she was so lost in her own little world where nothing mattered but tortuing him that she barely noticed anything else. Licking her lips as she listening to his tortured pleas for her to stop, she wondered if she should, perhaps, take pity on him. Grinning, she decided not to. It was just so fun! Frowning, she noticed that all that was left of her lollipop was the gum. Sighing, she sat up, trying to think of something else to torture him with. "S-Serena?" he asked quietly.
"Mmm?" she asked distractedly, still wondering what she could use now to torture him with.
"Are...are you done with that... delicously...lucky... lollipop?"
She giggled. "Yeah..." At his relieved sigh, she quickly added, "But now I'm getting chocolate!"
"Wh-what?" he asked in a tortured tone.
"Yup!" Rising from her bed, she quickly went downstairs, grabbed some choclate sauce and a plate of deliciously red strawberries and made her way back to her bed.
Dipping the first strawberry into the chocolate, she brought it to her mouth and savored the taste. "Mmm.... Delicious..." she murmured.
"Serena...." he groaned.
She giggled again, continuing to eat the strawberries smothered in chocolate. "These are yummy..." she said.
"With strawberries!" she added.
At his tortured groan, she giggled and ate a couple more. Knowing that he would be tortured all night at this rate, she continued to eat the chocolated-covered strawberries, and once they were done, went for the bag of lollipops. Poor Darien was tortured all night... But, of course, he would get his chance to get her back...someday...
If you liked it, let me know! ^_^ Thanks!