Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Memories (I'll Dream of You): Merry Christmas ❯ Feelin's....^^ ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, the whole group had good tidings. Haruka was ecstatic to see Seiya again as also was the whole inner soldiers. The Three Lights came just in time for dinner to be ready and they were hungry too. Usagi was glad that they finally came. They all sat around the table and started to converse lightly.

"So, how is your planet and princess?" Setsuna asked. Even if she did talk, it was all business and political stuff.

"It's going great. The rebuilding went well and our princess is to be wed next month." Taiki answered.

"Oh, tell her congratulations for us." Ami chimed in, just as sweetly as ever.

"Who is she getting married to?" Rei asked, suddenly interested.

"To the noble prince of Gyousei. It's only 500,000 miles from Kinmokusei…" Seiya said sarcastically.

"What will become of you? Will you still be Princess Kakyuu's Starlights?" Makoto asked.

"Of course. We could never leave our dear princess. We pledged our allegiance to her to stay by her side for the rest of our lives." Yaten said, taking a bite of some chicken.

"Will you guys be staying on Kinmokusei?" Usagi questioned from beside Seiya.

"We're not too sure of that, but we all hope so." He answered with a smile.

"If all doesn't end well, you can just come back to earth and make it your home! We'll gladly welcome you!" Minako yelled from the end of the table. Some of the people wondered if the eggnog had gotten into her hands. She had been so loud during the whole day.

"Eh…we'll look into that…" Taiki stated with fear.

* * * * *

It had been two hours since everyone went to bed and yet, she couldn't find sleep anywhere near. Over far, she could hear Minako graciously snoring away and Setsuna laying there flat on her back as if she was dead. It kind of freaked Usagi out the way she slept. Her hands were crossed over her chest and everything.

She then turned over onto her left side to be facing the wide open door of her bedroom. Eleven girls lay scattered in her tiny room. Her ceiling fan was on high since the temperature was enough to bake a cake. And then there were the three boys laying snug in her brother's room. She wondered if they had found her house comfortable enough. She knew that they had practically spent their whole lives living in a palace. Even the biggest house in Tokyo would probably look like a shack to them.

Usagi had pointed that out to Seiya, but he told her that they would be just fine. They would prefer small things. Life in the palace was full of wandering and getting lost. The Tsukino household was big enough.

Coming to the conclusion that she wasn't going to go to sleep any time soon, Usagi then thought that she could grab a glass of water. Getting up, she stepped between the sleeping forms carefully. Her eyes got adjusted to the dark and she could see little figures of people sprawled on the floor. Finally after making it to the door, she also heard someone else coming. Though, it wasn't from behind her…it was coming from her little brother's room. Usagi stayed in the doorway and waited for the person to come first. When the silhouette came out, it was a tall one. She either thought it was Taiki or Seiya, since Yaten was about her height. He then started to walk down the hallway when there was a loud bump.

"Ah!!! Son of a--!"

Usagi couldn't help but giggle. THAT was Seiya. She tried to contain it so it wouldn't be so loud and he wouldn't hear her. Almost everyone ran into that table in the dark. In order to avoid it, you had to be over a lot and half awake.


Seiya stepped closer to her. The pale moonlight shone a little through the blinds in the hallway. Usagi stopped her giggling and looked up into his eyes. Even in the dark, she could see the shine that was held inside of them. Half of it was from the tears of his bump.

"I thought I heard a bump in the night." she said jokingly. "Are you alright?"

Seiya chuckled and rubbed the leg that he had hit. "I guess I'll live. What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Well, I just needed to go to the bathroom."

Usagi nodded. "I couldn't sleep."

"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you??"

"Nah nah! Don't be silly. I couldn't go to sleep in the first place."

Seiya nodded. He then thought up of an idea. It was probably a cunning idea, because he looked both ways and his voice got softer. He leaned in toward the odango-head and whispered, "Do you want to see what we got for Christmas??"

Something in your eyes, draws me deep inside
You are a mystery

And thoughts of you keep haunting me

She got chills down her spine at his voice. She couldn't understand it. Every time Seiya would do something that could be used in courting, she always got that feeling. Whispering in her ear, touching her hand, playing with her hair. Although, he wasn't meaning to do it in that way, it always felt good and she didn't mind him doing those things to her at all.

"Sure, sounds like fun…" Usagi whispered back.

"Cool, but uh, could you give me a few minutes?" Seiya asked as he cocked his head toward the bathroom door.

She giggled and nodded as he power-walked to the private area. Usagi waited. This would now give her some time to think. God, sometimes she wished that she had stayed the naïve fourteen year-old girl. Her body and mind wouldn't be responding so strongly. But, she knew that she had to grow up some day. And then there was Seiya. He really wasn't making her fickleness any better. Why did he have to be such a big flirt??!!!? And so damn cute??! She cursed the world for making her love-life hell. Then…Mamoru. Why did he do that? Of course, she expected better of her destined lover…yet she also understood. Maybe the change was too big of a change. She knew instinctively that men are idiots! You change one thing and you have to change other things to make them understand. Obviously, she was too stubborn and thought that Mamoru was different. He was like every other regular guy. He most likely watches pornography and fantasizes about her when he sleeps. She was still a virgin, and he had asked her a few times. Though, she didn't believe in premarital sex. Her heart still held the innocence and loving beliefs she developed through her years. And like a gentleman, Mamoru waited. Then she went back to Seiya. He would probably understand. What if they went out? Would things be better?? She knew that he would know what she wanted. He was half a woman…oh no!! That was rude! Usagi sighed. Love sucked!

"Hey Odango…" she heard from beside her.

She looked over to be faced with Seiya. "Yes?"

"Teach me how to pee!" He said as he wiped his wet hands all across her face.

Usagi's eyes opened wide as his wet touch and she started to push him away. "Ew!!! Seiya stop!!"

He laughed and took his hands from her face. He wiped them off on his boxers. "Sorry Odango, I couldn't help it."

"Please tell me that that wasn't really your urine!"

"Don't worry. I'm not that gross when I pee with a penis."

Usagi wiped off the water from her face. "Ah, that's good to know." She then started on her to way to the stairs. "Which form would you prefer to go to the bathroom in?" It came out of nowhere, but Usagi really did want to know.

Seiya didn't leave himself to think and answered plainly, "A woman."

"Why's that?"

"Their public restrooms smell nicer."