Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Angel Spirit of the Song ❯ Tenshi ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The rich and deep sounds of baritone, and the clear and sweet melody of soprano. Music has been around me my entire life. From the weaving of melodious lullaby's from when I was just a child to the extravagant sounds and lyrics of modern day songs. For me music is my own fantasy world where all that I dream can come true. I play many instruments and compose many compositions that explore in my own mind the lust for life that I share with many more music lovers. Whenever I listened to music I felt like I was in another world that the sounds touched a part of me that I myself had never explored. They say that the human only uses ten percent of their brain so what is the other 90 percent for. Is there a key that allows us to use that extra percent or is there some reason why we are not capable of accessing other parts of our own mind. Maybe someone put a barrier some kind of shield to protect us or to stop us from discovering something. I have pondered this many times for I can find no logical explanation but then rarely do I look to science for the answer to things that just do not make sense.

Since I was five years old I have always been able to hear a melody that wrapped around my very essence. I tried to explain to my parents what I was hearing but they told me that I was hearing things. When I persisted with my story they brought me to a hearing specialist and next a psychiatrist then I decided to keep what I heard to myself. Even now that I am 16 I still hear that tune. Whenever something terrible has happened in the world I hear the melody become haunting and woeful. Also when something wonderful happens the sorrow filled song becomes lighter and rests gently against my soul. What I am about to tell you is something that I have never shared with anyone before. This is a story about me Tenshi Uta Seishin, about an adventure that I had which brought me to discover my roots and destiny that has been passed throughout generations of my family and was finally discovered in me, Tenshi.

First I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I am 5'6 and have waist length white blond hair, and dark blue gray eyes. I am 17 years old and attend Green Winds High School in California. My name is very unique for only one other person has ever had it. My great great great grandmother who was Japanese. My name roughly translated means Angel Spirit of the Song. Pretty interesting when you analyze the "song in my head" and my passion for music but anyways when people look at my name and then at me they really don't quite see a connection. I look like an American teen with a natural milky tan. I didn't inherit the dark raven hair or the slanting brown eyes. I guess you could consider me the odditiy of my family. My family starting with my previously mentioned grandmother was the first of her clan to start mating with Americans. Her new family continued the new instated tradition. I am the first to actually acquire the look. My story is very unique and different, it involves magic, different dimensions, and other very odd things that you would only find in fairy tales. This is my story….

If you want me to continue this story please review and sign up for an account at neopets!!! It's a great website and its tons of fun if 50 people sign up I will come out with the next chapter in a few days!! The url is (you must use this link in order for me to know if people signed up!) thank you sooo much!!!!!!!! ^_^