Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ascension Trilogy, Book 3: Ressurrection ❯ Fire From The Sky ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 9: "Fire From The Sky"

By Bill K.

"You're certain she came this way?"

It was unheard of, Michiru Kaioh questioning her Haruka's
instincts. But these were strange and new times and Michiru's faith in
just about everything had been shaken to the core. She still trusted
Haruka with her life, trusted her to always be there when Michiru needed
her. It was just that things were so topsy-turvy that she didn't have
the security to believe unconditionally in anything anymore.

"That's what the wind tells me," Haruka replied. If Haruka took
offense, she didn't show it. Michiru slithered her hand into Haruka's
and was grateful for the squeeze of reply.

"We're headed for the lake in the park," Michiru judged. It was
true. They were headed for the lake in the park, ground zero of the
attack of the Frost Giants. "Do you think it's more trouble?"

"I hope not. I hope we're finally free of it. I'm tired," Haruka
replied. Then she got that cynical little grin that was at once ominous
and so reassuringly Haruka. "It probably is, though."

"There's that sunny outlook again," Michiru said with a twinkle in
her eye. Haruka smiled, but let it pass. The time for banter was
passed. Battle was coming.

The pair turned past a pair of trees that had weathered the ice
and saw her. Standing on the bank, near the collapsed rowboat dock that
had extended into the lake, was a figure. She stared up into the sky,
focused on nothing visible with intense concentration. Haruka and
Michiru glanced at each other with concern, then approached the woman on
the bank.

"What do you see?" Michiru asked.

"Everything and nothing," Sailor Pluto replied, for she was now
and forever Sailor Pluto.

"I didn't think you could get any more cryptic," Haruka snorted.
"Guess I was wrong."

"You deem anything you do not understand as cryptic," Pluto
replied flatly, without malice, as if it were now beneath her. "Yet
understanding only requires the proper key to decipher that which is

"Sorry. I left my keys in my other pants," Haruka said. "How
about you lend me yours?"

Pluto turned to Haruka. The sandy blonde could see her friend
picked up on and appreciated the irony of Haruka's statement, but felt a
response was beneath her as well. Instead, she communicated instantly
what Haruka and Michiru dreaded most. And then she spoke it.

"They are coming," Sailor Pluto said.

"More Frost Giants?" Michiru asked.

"No. The Frost Giants are beaten and in disarray, as are the sons
of Ymir. They shall not return."

"Then who is it?"

Sailor Pluto only turned back to the sky.

"I shall be first to meet them," was her only reply.

"Then we'll be second and third," Haruka told her. She had her
henshin stick in her hand. Michiru quickly followed suit.

"I knew this," Pluto said, allowing herself a small satisfied
smile. Then she turned back to her two old friends and fellow warriors.
"There will soon come a time when we three must part. I will tell you
this: No one has ever been so honored as I have to walk side by side
with each of you. You have blessed me with your strength and your

An ominous chill ran down the backs of the two women as they
looked into Pluto's eyes.

"No one has been as honored as we have to call you friend and
comrade in arms," Michiru replied. Haruka nodded her assent.

Haruka and Michiru transformed with an economy of movement. The
three outer senshi looked to the heavens, awaiting the enemy they sensed
would come.
* * * *
Seiya stared out at the city. It was now nothing more than a
series of similar bumps across the landscape, interrupted like open
sores by broken businesses and felled trees. The people dug through the
rubble quietly or solemnly buried or burned the dead. The shock of
destruction and their brush with death had been replaced by
determination to clear away the destroyed and rebuild anew. Not
everyone shared this idea - - there were still many who wandered about
in a daze, or sat in despair, or stared at the place where Serenity
resided from a discreet distance so as not to incur the wrath of the
police. But more and more were recovering a sense of security in a
sense of purpose.

"It's strange," Seiya mused to herself. She had shed her Sailor
Star Fighter guise, but had reverted to her natural female self rather
than the male form she'd worn before. "So much of it's just like what
happened on Kinmoku. I . . ." Then she sensed a presence. Turning,
she found Serenity standing nearby. "Serenity," she gasped.

"Do I have to go through that with you, too?" Serenity asked,
playfully but with an undertone of hurt. "Can't I be 'Odango'?"

"It's," Seiya flushed, turning away, "disrespectful."

"I don't think so," Serenity smiled timidly, easing up to her.
"It reminds me of our old times together - - of when we were friends."
She smiled sheepishly. "You know, back when you were a guy? I still
don't really get that."

Seiya remained silent, for fear her tongue would betray her.

"Maybe you don't want to remember those times, though," she heard
Serenity say. Turning, she saw the melancholy in the woman's sweet
face. "I know you wanted to be more than friends. It took a while, but
I did figure it out. I'm sorry I love Mamo-chan - - Endymion, but I
just can't help it."

"You don't need to apologize," Seiya whispered. "We love who we
must. My princess has counseled me that I must accept this. I do
accept this."

"But it's hard. I know. Why I remember once when I thought
Mamo-chan was in love with Unazuki. I just wanted to quit living right
then and there. I think I would have accepted it eventually, for his
sake, but I never would have stopped hurting." Serenity lightly
caressed Seiya's cheek. "I wish I could make your pain go away."

"You'd have to strike yourself from my memory to do that," Seiya
said, her hand covering Serenity's. "And I'd only be worse off, because
then I'd have no memory of you at all. I'd still hurt - - I just
wouldn't know why." She took Serenity's hands in hers and pressed them
to her chest. "You are happy with him?" Reluctantly Serenity nodded.
"Then I'm happy. Though I would have given anything to have heard three
particular words from you on that rooftop in the rain so many years ago,
I see it wasn't to be. What allows me to accept this is knowing that
you're happy."

"Seiya, I," Serenity began. Seiya squeezed her hands gently.

"Once more the wisdom of my princess dawns upon me. Late, but it
does dawn. I left with so many questions still between us - - so many
things unspoken. I'm only able to see that now that she's dragged me
back here from my safe cocoon of wounded feelings and forced me to face
you again." She brought Serenity's hands up to her mouth and kissed
them. "I love you, Odango. I always have. I always will." Her
features darkened. "And it's only because I love you so much that I let
you go - - because your happiness is more important than mine."

"This isn't the way I thought this was going to work out,"
Serenity said sadly. "You being sad, I mean."

"Few things do. I've learned that in the years since I was an
arrogant little girl who thought she was so powerful and so righteous."

"Humility's a tough pill to swallow," Serenity smiled wistfully.
"We've both had to learn that over the years. Still, I wish I could
split myself into two so you could have someone to love you back."

"Then you'd have to split yourself into a billion of you so
everyone could have one," Seiya said, "because that's how many love
you." She kissed Serenity's hands again, then released them. "Go to
your love, Odango. Go before he sees us together and assumes we're
cheating on him." Seiya forced a smile onto her face. "If that
happens, he's liable to attack me. Then I'd have to hurt him and you'd
be crushed."

Serenity gave Seiya a cynical smirk. "You're not fooling
anybody." She grasped Seiya's hands. "Find someone else. I don't want
you to be lonely."

Seiya nodded. Serenity turned, head down, and walked away. Seiya
watched her disappear into the headquarters.

"She won't be you," Seiya whispered.
* * * *
Three watched. Three waited. One was slightly more impatient
than the other two.

"I don't suppose you know when this new threat is going to come?"
grumbled Sailor Uranus. "Frankly this standing around makes me itch."

"Patience," Pluto replied.

"Yeah, yeah, patience. How long will that take?" Uranus shot
back. She was only partially joking.

A hand clutched onto the forearm of Sailor Uranus. She glanced
over to Neptune, who possessed the hand, curiously.

"Is it my imagination," Neptune asked, "or is the temporal nexus

"You are not mistaken," Pluto replied calmly.

"Well, Uranus, here comes your action."

The trio watched as the sky seemed to tear apart like a seam
bursting. Uranus and Neptune backed into defensive stances. Pluto
stood her ground placidly, as if she knew what was coming. In Neptune's
judgment she probably did. When the hole in the sky opened enough, fire
shot out of it. This wasn't what Uranus and Neptune expected. Cries of
alarm and panic rose from the people in the park.

"Deep Submerge!" Neptune called out.

Her tidal wave rose up and slammed into the fire, instantly
converting into a gigantic steam cloud. In a moment the area was
blanketed with thick hot steam that immediately began to condense back
into water onto the grass and pavement below.

"It's not putting that fire out!" Uranus judged.

"I was hoping it would at least get whatever that is to back away
- - think twice about coming through!" Neptune told her partner.

The steam cloud dissipated enough to let them see again. They
could see the fire wasn't just random flame, but a living creature made
of fire. A head pulled through the gap in the sky, accompanied by two
arms. It was a massive burning lump with darker patches that resembled
eyes and a mouth. It roared defiantly down at them and the sound shook
what windows had survived the ice or had been recreated by Serenity.

"Your strategy was sound," Pluto commented. "You merely lacked
the power to make it work."

"It's time for answers, Pluto!" snapped Uranus. "What are those

"Can you not deduce it?" Pluto asked. "Do you know nothing of

"Enlighten us," Neptune replied patiently.

"They are the other sworn enemies of the children of Ymir, King of
the Frost Giants, other than humanity. They are the children of Surt,
or Surter, Lord of fire in Nordic myth. They are the Fire Giants."

"Just great," frowned Uranus.

The great fire beast stepped out of the rip in the sky and
extended a limb to the ground. Beneath its fiery foot grass and rice
plants withered and scorched and water turned to steam. Waves of heat
radiated out from the giant, making the already warm July day
uncomfortably hot. The giant gained its balance on two feet and turned
toward the three senshi, mocking them with its triumph.

Uranus scowled.

"World Shaking!" she bellowed and tossed gathered geo-force at the
flaming being. It exploded with the force of an earthquake into the
giant, staggering the great beast back. The concussion nearly snuffed
its fire out altogether. Instantly Neptune joined the fray.

"Deep Submerge!" she called out, inundating the Fire Giant with
another smothering tidal wave of water. With its flame at low ebb, the
giant was easily swept under by the wave. When it dissipated, the giant
was on its back, its fire out. However telltale steam rising from the
body of the great giant warned that it was close to igniting.

It would never get the chance. Leaping in, heedless of any
potential risk, was Sailor Uranus, brandishing the Space Sword. It
mattered not to her that at any second the Fire Giant could ignite and
instantly immolate her. She landed with the grace of a dancer on the
giant's chest and took two steps toward its head before swinging her
sword. The sweep of the sword decapitated the Fire Giant with little
trouble. Panting, Uranus turned and looked back to Neptune.

"We've got to get Usagi," Neptune judged, speaking the thoughts
that were on Uranus's mind. "She's got to close that rift once and for
all before more of those things come through."

"She cannot close it permanently," Pluto told them. "Even our
Queen, for all her great ability, cannot perform that task. And you are
too late, regardless."

Pluto pointed with her staff to the sky. Uranus and Neptune
looked up and saw two more Fire Giants trying to shove their way through
the rift.
* * * *
The four senshi were gathered back in the temporary headquarters.
The efforts of the Civil Defense forces had made it too much of a hassle
to do anything effective. So they waited for Serenity to emerge from
her room to plan strategy. That gave them the chance for some

"You kids ready to go?" Sanjuro asked. The pair looked
immediately to Makoto.

"Isn't Mommy coming with us?" Ichiro asked.

"I've got to stay here for a little while longer," Makoto said,
kneeling down to the level of her children. "I need to make sure your
Aunt Serenity's going to be safe. OK?"

Ichiro nodded, even though it was clear to everyone that it
wasn't. Akiko scowled and cuffed the back of his head with her hand.

"Stop making Mom feel bad!" Akiko growled.

Makoto responded by smacking the top of Akiko's head with her

"I've told you about hitting your brother, haven't I?" Makoto

"Well if he wouldn't be such a sissy!" fussed Akiko.

"I'M NOT A SISSY!" howled Ichiro.

Sanjuro knelt behind the two children and encircled them in his
massive arms, holding the combatants both at bay.

"Your brother's just going to miss his Mom," Sanjuro said with a
soft, soothing voice. He eased his mouth to Akiko's ear. "Just like
you will, right?"

"Yeah," Akiko reluctantly admitted.

"Now, that doesn't make you a sissy, does it?"

Akiko shook her head.

"You know, you don't have to go," Rei told them. "You're not

"Well," Sanjuro began, rising up to full height, "I was wandering
around and I noticed some people beginning to work on their shelters - -
fixing them up, salvaging mementos and furniture, trying to put their
lives back together. And I kind of thought it was about time I started
putting this family's life back together." He smiled to himself. "It's
funny how many reactions you see to what's happened. Some folks haven't
gotten over it yet. Some may never get over it. But there's so many
people out there who are digging in and trying to rebuild what they lost
- - and so many others trying to help other people rebuild, just because
it's the right thing to do."

"Yeah, and they're not even wearing sailor fukus," grinned Makoto.

"And the minute they bend over, somebody else'll pick their
pocket," Minako added, glancing out the window.

"Cynic!" Makoto huffed.

"There's still a lot of pain in this city - - this world,"
Endymion said, rising from the sphinx-like mood he had been in.
"There's still much to be done. But the initial shock is wearing off.
We are emerging from the rubble of our past lives, the children of this
world, and beginning down the path to our future. We have taken the
challenge and passed."

"Good. I wasn't sure there for a while. Maybe that means I can
get started on rebuilding the restaurant," Sanjuro added. "Because good
or bad, people need to eat." He glanced playfully at Makoto. "Besides,
once Makoto gets home and gets started redecorating, it's best to clear
a wide path." Makoto gave him a mock glare while the other three women
giggled in unison and Hayami covered his mouth to conceal his smile.

The sound of emergency vehicles cut through the afternoon air,
bringing everyone to a halt. Now, so soon after the great tragedy, the
sound was greeted with more than the indifference of the past. Now it
brought thoughts of concern to some, worry to others, for it brought the
fears that of what could happen again bubbling to the surface.

"It sounds like there's a lot of them," Makoto commented. Her
eyes instantly sought out her children. When she noticed the tension in
Ichiro's expression, she knelt next to him and put her hand on his
shoulder. "Maybe it's just a fire."

"Maybe my father found another pocket of freedom that needed to be
crushed," groused Rei.

"I hope no one's hurt," Ami sighed with just a little more
consternation than anyone expected. "The medical resources of this city
are stretched beyond capacity now."

"Hey, guys," Minako said, peering out the window. "I see smoke.
It looks like it might be coming from the park." She turned to her
comrades. "You suppose the Secretary General would mind if we have a

Before anyone could answer, Minako noticed Endymion peering in the
direction of the park. He seemed to see what was going on, even though
he was staring at the west wall of the building.

"What is it, Endy?" Minako asked. Ami gave her yet another
disapproving glance for her familiarity.

Suddenly Serenity appeared at the door. She had just returned
from constructing a memorial marker for her friend, Naru, and retired to
the room she and Endymion shared. Everyone had given her a wide berth,
out of respect, but now all eyes turned to her. When Endymion looked at
her, something passed between them.

"Well let us in on it!" Minako protested. "Is something up? Are
we needed again?"

Serenity glided to the door, focused solely on what she and
Endymion saw. Endymion followed, his attire changing as he walked from
the pastel gray tuxedo he'd previously worn to the black armor they were
all more familiar with.

"I'd say that's a big fat yes," scowled Minako. She and the
others rose to follow, their henshin sticks materializing in their

"Mommy?" they heard Ichiro wail. They turned to him and could see
the apprehension in the child's face. It was a knife to their hearts,
Makoto's most of all. She came back and knelt down to the boy.

"I have to go, Ichiro honey," she whispered, caressing the boy's
face with her hand. "I have to go fight the bad guys again." Seeing
the fear in her son's face brought tears to Makoto's eyes. "I'll come
back to you. I promise. You stay here with Daddy. He'll keep you

Pensively the boy nodded. Makoto reluctantly stood up and joined
the others outside.

"Maybe I need to quit doing this," mumbled Makoto as she
transformed to Sailor Jupiter.

"Like we've got a choice," Venus told her. "You've just got too
much responsibility." She grinned playfully. "Tell you what - - if
Ichiro's too much for you, I'll take him off your hands."

"Over my dead body, Blondie," Jupiter scowled back in jest.

Floating while the others had to walk, Serenity easily
outdistanced Endymion and her senshi. She hardly noticed, so intent was
she on what she sensed. Unnoticed, a hand reached out and grasped hers.
Startled, Serenity turned.

"You sensed it as well," Kakyuu stated, a judgment rather than a

"Something's here," Serenity nodded. "Something that means us
harm. Oh Kakyuu, why so soon after what happened before? We've only
just begun to pick up the pieces from last time!"

"Why does the crafty predator lie in wait for two foes to battle,
only to attack the winner at its low ebb?" Kakyuu replied. "They do not
see the grand scope of the universe as we do, Usagi. They see only
victory and death, death and victory." Serenity looked down, stricken.
"What would you do now?"

"Show them the error of their ways," Serenity replied as they flew
forward. "Help them if I can, but stop them from harming others if
nothing else." She looked up to Kakyuu and saw the smile of approval
from her mentor.

"You shall not act alone in this," Kakyuu told her. "If you will
have me, I would act by your side. Perhaps together we may prevent even
more destruction and misery more quickly." Serenity smiled hopefully
and nodded.

Then a jolt passed through Serenity. Kakyuu felt it to a lesser
extent and winced. She recovered enough to steady Serenity so the woman
didn't fall to the ground. Serenity looked up at her as if she'd
witnessed a great tragedy.

"We've got to hurry!" Serenity gasped.

"I know," Kakyuu nodded. Together they sped off.

Knowing her princess as she did, Sailor Star Fighter saw Kakyuu's
sudden change of mood and realized she had sensed something. Though
Kakyuu flew off before Star Fighter could question her, the senshi's
instincts told her where the source of trouble was. Barreling through
the gate and into the park, Star Fighter saw her instincts had been

The heat in the area hit her like the open vent of a blast
furnace. Already vegetation was withering under its influence. Acrid
smoke filled the air, stinging the eyes and making breathing difficult.
A thin plume of smoke rose from beyond a line of trees. Star Fighter
made for the trees, ready to confront anything.

Beyond the trees, several Fire Giants stood on the shore of the
lake. They towered fifty meters into the air, their bodies living
crackling flame. At their feet were the forms of Sailor Uranus and
Sailor Neptune, felled and unconscious or worse. Sailor Pluto withstood
the fiery assault of the giants, her staff generating an area around her
that seemed to remove her from reality into a different plane of

Approaching the lake was a squad of uniformed humans. They were
from the local police and fire, responding to the emergency, ready to do
battle with another invader. Star Fighter admired their courage and
determination, but knew they were hopelessly overmatched.

Hovering to the side were Serenity and Kakyuu, their gowns flowing
in the air, their long hair buffeted by the superheated currents of the
area. Serenity seemed to be talking to the giants. Star Fighter
couldn't hear her, though it was clear the giants did and ignored her.
A fear gripped Star Fighter's heart: if a giant should suddenly turn on
them, they were so close that an attack might be upon them before they
could mount a defense. Her hand went to her belt and produced her

And in the blink of an eye, the giant moved. A huge fireball, big
enough to engulf Serenity and Kakyuu both, exploded from the giant and
sped toward the pair. Star Fighter just had time to scream.

Continued in Chapter 10