Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ the fight, till is won ❯ Fight at the Mall ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dc I don't own Sailormoon Hay all my fans I want to saw that This might be my last chapters because not a lot of people liked this story!

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Ariel ran to stop them, but before he could they started to fight. Leslie was the first to throw the punch. She punched Serena in the stomach. Serena shout out in pain then stood up again. Serena wanted payback so she punched Leslie in stomach too and kicked her knee. Leslie screamed out loud in a lot of pain. When Leslie got up they both wrestled each other. " Stay away from my Ariel you mother Fucken Bitch, I hate you." Screamed Leslie. Serena didn't care she just didn't Want Leslie to think she liked Ariel. " Listen Ass I don't like Ariel so lay off!" Serena said to her in whisper. " Really?" Leslie asked letting go of her. " No!" Serena said no longer in a Whisper. " So you're saying I could Tack Ariel and go." Leslie said. " YES!" Serena shouted. So Leslie left and dragged Ariel along with her.

(At Ariel's house)

" What where you two talking about at the mall?" Asked a real curious Ariel " nothing." Leslie replied. " So why did we have to come here?" Ariel asked. Leslie layed off the subject and brought a different subject to mind. " So what are you doing tomorrow?" Leslie asked in a soft whisper. " I don't know what do you want to do?" Ariel asked. " Lets go see the new Sailormoon movie!" Leslie said happy. " OK" Ariel said.

(At the movies the next day)

" Hi two movie tickets please." Ariel asked the teller at the movie stand. " Sure for what movie?" the teller asked. " The sailormoon one Leslie butted in." When they got the tickets they went to their seats. Serena was also there with five of her friends. Serena and her friends sat near Ariel and Leslie. Leslie and Ariel started talking to her and her friends. " So who are your friends?" Leslie asked as if she and Serena are good friends. " OH, this is Hotaru, Amara, Trista, Michelle, and Lita.(Sorry but those are the scouts I like the most including Serena.) " Hello" Ariel said nicely. " Hay" Amara, said. " So after this you guys want to go shopping?" Leslie asked. " Sure." Michelle, Serena, Trista, Lita, and Hotaru said. " Ahhh… Can I stay at the arcade at the mall?" Ariel asked. " Me two!" Amara said. " OK!" Leslie said. After the movie they girls went to the mall. Before they went to the stores Leslie gave Ariel a quick kiss on the lips and left. This left Ariel blushing. " Hay are we going to go?" Asked an impatient Amara. " Yeah sure lets go." Ariel said still blushing.

(SSSSOOOORRRRYYYY if some people wanted Serena to win, but Ariel wanted Leslie)

(At the arcade)

" SO you want to race?" Asked Amara. "Sure" Ariel said. " So Leslie how long have you and Ariel been dating?" Lita asked. " We aren't dating." Leslie said blushing. " Then what was that kiss for?" Michelle asked. " Well I guess I felt like it." Leslie said blushing really hard.

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So what do you think? Sorry for it's shortness. So what was that kiss really about? And what did Ariel think? And Will Serena and Leslie become best friends? And last but not least Will Ariel start liking Leslie as much as she likes him? to find out please review!!! Thanks