Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Future ❯ The meeting ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon demo I do own Jasmine and Ayame!

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

Look for familiar names in this chapter!

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All the leaders of the races of the universe sat in the council room waiting who called them there.

Setsuna, the time guardian, didn't tell them.

She sat on the top stand along with Michiru, leader of Aqua, Haruka, leader of Windis, Hotaru, leader of Seleaens, Ami, Leader of Mercurians, and a representative for the Amazons.

Basically the entire sliver alliance except Lunarians, Venuis, Earthlings and Martians, the room became quiet as Setsuna stood and went to the podium.

"All rise for the future leader of the neo-sliver alliance, Princess Selenity Usagi Tsukino," she said and sat back down.

Grasp and whispers began.

"It's impossible for her to be alive, she was killed fifty years ago," Tenchi, leader of the Juarian shouted.

"Nothing is impossible," Usagi said stepping to the podium.

"You're alive?" Tenchi asked.

"I'm a senshi, I cannot be destroyed that easily," Usagi said and some people laughed.

"Now to business, I have called you all here to speak about a problem that has occurred after my death. The Lunarians have been enslaved since my death; they work for the races whose leaders have betrayed us. All of you have known this but none have done anything about it. Why?" she asked.

"King Endyimon has the power of the sliver crystal and the golden crystal combined. Not even the powers of every races ever created can go up against those," Vegeta, leader of Sayians said gruffly.

"What King Endyimon has is not the real sliver crystal, it is only a fragment," Usagi said. "The golden crystal was created for him but it isn't nearly as strong as the sliver crystal."

"Where is the rest of the sliver crystal then?" Galadriel, leader of the elves asked.

"It merged with me a few weeks ago," Usagi said and got back dumbfounded faces.

"I'll explain hime," Ami said standing up.

Usagi stepped aside and let Ami take the podium.

A screen came down and Ami pulled out her mini-computer and pointed it at the screen.

"This is the sliver crystal Endyimon has," she said and a picture showed on the screen. "The rest of the crystal is this."

A picture of a multicolored crystal appeared. "It merges with its carrier at the age of 18, which Selenity-hime has turned a few weeks ago. It resides in her and will until she has her own child and he or she turns 18," Ami said.

"Why was the fragment made?" Gimli, leader of the dwarves asked.

"For the child of the holder to train with," Ami said. "Selenity?"

Usagi stood back up and took the podium as Ami sat down.

"I called you all to help me free my race. I know some of you are in trouble with your own planet and race but I promise you once my race is free we will begin to fix it all and hopefully make our universe a peaceful utopia," Usagi said.

"Are you a pacifist?" Vegeta asked.

"Not completely, I believe in peace but I believing in fighting to keep that peace. I won't be like my mother if that's what you're asking King Vegeta. There will be forces made to keep the peace once we have created it," Usagi said.

"So in other words, you want to start over the sliver alliance?" Ookina, leader of the fairies asked.

"Hai," Usagi said and some leaders began to leave. "Only this time I want every race to be apart of it."

"All races?" Galadriel asked.

"Every race from Amazons to Zirconium," Usagi said.

"What about the Earthlings, Venuis and Martians?" Keiko, leader of the Lunarians of the moon asked. "They have been nothing but trouble."

"Not them, their leaders. I plan to get rid of those leaders and we will vote on new ones," Usagi said.

The representative for Amazon stood. "Excuse me, Selenity-hime, but our leader, Makoto, couldn't be here as you see. She has come up with two possible candidates for the leader of Martians and Venuis," she said.

"What is your name?" Usagi asked.

"Kairi," she said shyly.

"Well, what are the names?" Gimli asked.

"Ayame and Jasmine. Ayame for Martian and Jasmine for Venuis," Kairi said.

"Why would she pick them?" Usagi asked.

"She said it's because they are the most loyal to you of those races. They changed from them and became Lunarians after your death and help her on collecting information," Kairi said.

"They are good candidates hime," Setsuna said. "They are loyal and can rule over their races like Minako and Rei should've."

"Endyimon, Minako and Rei, are visiting the new planet Kazetaki soon. We will not try to kill them and please don't send assassins trying to kill them. They will ask them for peace and those they give up their status as leaders of their race. If they say yes, we instate Ayame as the new Martian leader and Jasmine as Venuis. We'll figure something out for Earthlings.

"If they say no, we'll declare war. Now I'm rusting you all on this, only tell the people you trust what has happened at this meeting and please be careful on your ride home," Usagi said and got strange looks. "There's a star shower in sector five."

The council began to dismiss into the castle. They had decided to stay for lunch.

Usagi walked out the room and began towards the kitchen.

"Hello hime," Tenchi greeted.

His two wives, Ayeka and Ryoko were with him along with two other girls and a cabbit.

"Hello Tenchi-sama, Ryoko-san, Ayeka-san," Usagi said while bowing.

"We wanted you to know that we're with you fully," Ayeka said.

"I thought you wanted to talk to her about Kagato rising," the younger one said.

"Sasami," Ayeka said.

"I know about Kagato rising power. Don't worry hopefully this will all be through and we can deal with him soon after," Usagi said.

"We would do it ourselves but my wives are expecting soon," Tenchi said.

Usagi then noticed Ayeka and Ryoko big stomachs. "You have my blessings," Usagi said.

"Thank you hime," Tenchi said and bowed.

He went off to talk to some other leaders.

"He's a good husband," Ryoko said. "Just shy."

"Yes, he still gets nosebleeds when we sleep," Ayeka said.

"So when are you going to marry hime?" Ryoko asked.

"Yes, it is unusual for a Lunarian woman to be past the age of 18 and not have an engagement set up," the woman with pink hair said.

"That's Washu," Ayeka said.

"The greatest genius in the world. I was wondering if you've seen Ami, I want to talk to her," Washu said.

"Right there," Usagi said pointing and Ayeka grasped.

Washu and Ryoko rolled their eyes.

"I'll see you later," Washu said.

"Bye okaasan," Ryoko said.

"Hime," Washu said and walked off to Ami.

"Ladies shouldn't point," Ayeka said.

"Gomen nasai," Usagi said.

"Lighten up Ayeka, look there's Ookina," Ryoko said and pointed. She began naming names and pointing to the person.

"Ryoko stop it! Ohh you demon-woman!" Ayeka shouted.

Ryoko laughed and Ayeka fumed as they continued.

"They do this all the time," Sasami said. "But they have a lot of respect for each other believe it or not."

"It must be hard sharing a husband," Usagi said. "Life is one big problem."

Ryoko and Ayeka stopped their petty arguing and turned to Usagi.

"Life isn't one big problem," Ryoko said.

"Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved," Ayeka said and Ryoko nodded in agreement.

"Take it from us, trying to sit and figure out problems is a waste of time," Ryoko said.

"Excuse me," Usagi said when she felt someone tugging her sleeve.

"Hotaru told me to tell you that my otousan is harassing your boyfriend," a boy around 19 with lavender hair said.

"Who is?" Usagi asked.

"Vegeta-sama," he said. "I'm his son Trunks."

"Goddess Selene, please help me," Usagi said and walked over.

"One more thing, you hurt her and I'll," Vegeta began but sensed Usagi.

"Usagi," Bra said.

"Uncle Vegeta," Usagi said bowing.

"You don't have to bow for him," Bulma said. "You're just boosting his already oversized ego."

Demando took the chance to stand by Usagi's side.

Vegeta walked over and sniffed Usagi then Demando.

"Try something on her and you'll have the entire sayian race after you," Vegeta threatened.

"Uncle!" Usagi said.

Bulma hit him in the back of the head with a frying pan and he fell to the ground.

"Is he going to be alright?" Demando asked.

"He always is," Trunks said.

"That's how my mama got him to admit he loved her," Bra said.

Demando grabbed Usagi's hand and they smiled at each other.

"Selenity," Galadriel said coming from behind.

They both turned around in time to see several princesses pointing and laughing at them.

They let go of each other's hands and Demando walked away.

"Oba Glad," Usagi said bowing.

"These are perilous times Usagi," Galadriel said.

"You've seen something in the mirror," Usagi said.

Galadriel led her away from the crowded.

"I cannot tell you everything I saw but do be careful. I can tell you assassin will try and kill you that are from Earth, Mars and Venuis," Galadriel said.

"Thank you Galadriel-sama," Usagi said and began away.

"I want to tell you," Galadriel said. "Never give up hope and let someone break your spirit."

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I don't own any character in this chapter except Ayame, Jasmine, Ookina, Kairi and Keiko.

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