Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Orb Sega ❯ Dark Awakens ( Chapter 1 )

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It was a bright and lonly night as a women was walking in the cold streets alone. She didn't care where she was going just as long as she could get away from everything. She hated the world and everything in it. Suddenly there was a huge explsion. The girl followed to where the explosion was. When she reached it, her eyes widened. There was a monstor there holding something shinny from the girl on the floor. The monstor turned its head as it looked right at her. The girl froze, she shouldn't be here. The monstor was aiming right towards her, but at the last moment a bright glowed came from her chest. The monstor stopped short. The girl seemed to know what to do as the crystal broke. Another girl came out as she yelled, "Crystal Sheild!" With a barrier came and stood there. The girl smiled as she rasied her hand and yelled out, "Dark Power Make Up!" As soon as she said she was engulfed into darkness. The drak seemed to agree with her as the darkness faded she appeared with a different look. She smiled as she knew in her heart that she was a scout and leader of the others as well. She eyed herself with the monstor, the monstor seemed to be afriad and edge back. Sailor Dark said coldly, "Lets have fun now shall we?" The monstor just keep edging back to what seemed like a portal. Sailor Dark rasied her hand as she yelled, "Dark Fear Illusion!" With that a blast of darkness it hit the monstor end on. The monstor screamed in pain as Sailor Dark smiled coldly. The princess didn't seem happy as Sailor Dark was, she just watched as the monstor disappeared and the lady was back to normal. Sailor Dark left as the princess went with her. The Princess said, "Dark we have to find the others at once, it is urgent that we do." Sailor Dark nodded. The Princess held up her hands as she yelled, "Crystal Gaze!" With that the crystal shined brightly as it showed the face of the next scout. Sailor Dark said, "So, that is the next one huh?" The princess nodded. Suddenly she went back into the crystal she broke out of. Sailor Dark asked,"What is wrong?" The crystal shined as the princess said, "I will be in the crystal until I can get all my powers back. Until then I have to guide you from here. Next stop Tokyo." With that they dissappeared into the darkness.