Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Pain of Losing Artemis ❯ Pain of Losing Artemis ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: The Pain of Losing Artemis Author: Fairy Empress E-mail: Rated: PG Dedicated to the family cat, Boo, who is not with us anymore.
Mina glanced down at the small white body that lay in her arms. She sat on the floor of her bedroom tears running down her face. In her arms was Artemis, the bravest and most noble cat in the world. His white body was limp and his eyes were closed. Mina shook her head as she cleared her head.


"Sailor Venus, look out!" came the shout from Sailor Moon. Venus looked in time to side step the blast from a vicious creature with long fangs and covered in blue fur. She ducked under a tree log and watched the creature go flying over her head. It landed on its' feet and growled as it saw the girl in the yellow and orange Sailor outfit hiding under the log. "Come out!" it growled, as Venus backed up and used her Crescent Beam on the creature. She watched to see the impact on the creature when all of a sudden she saw him discard the beam and send it back her way. She went to move out of the path, her legs refusing to move from the spot, and prepared to take the blast. All of a sudden the body of her protector and guide was thrown in front of her, taking the blast onto himself. Venus screamed. Sailor Moon and the other Scouts finished off the creature as Venus picked up the pale and bleeding body of Artemis. "Oh, Artemis." Venus said, sobbing. "You are alright?" he asked, coughing. She nodded her body moving with the force of her grief. The other scouts surrounded her and not one of them could keep from crying. As the black haired cat, Luna, appeared she glanced at the figure in Mina's arms and was stunned. The body of her argumentative friend was in Mina's arms and slowly dying. Luna rested her paws on Mina's legs and looked into Artemis's eyes. "Artemis, you can't die." She said in her firm commanding voice. "Sorry Luna but it looks like this is one argument that I am going to win." Luna glanced at Mina, who was barely controlling her grief. As Artemis looked from Luna, to the girls and finally to Mina, he smiled. "I have no regrets, I got to protect heroes." With that, Artemis of the Moon, died.

~~End Flashback~~

Mina looked up as her mom came in with the cat casket they were putting him in. The girls had thought it the only right thing to do and had given money to buy it. "Honey, I know it's hard but you are going to have to let him go." "Yes, Mom, I am going to have to let him go." With that Mina put Artemis's body in the casket and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Artemis." She said and closed the lid.

They buried Artemis under the tree in Mina's backyard. The five girls and one black cat stood around the site. On the tree, posted by Mina earlier that day, was a marker. It read:

Here Lies Artemis The noblest soul in the world And the best friend a girl could have