Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Plan ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"The Plan"
by: ~Angel-Girlie~
Part 2 0f 3
Rating: PG - PG-13
Disclaimers: I don't own Sailor Moon. Please don't sue me because
I have no cash. I only have a shiny penny, but IT IS MINE!!!!!!!
AN: Hey Minna! Sorry I kept ya all in suspense waiting for this part,
but I've had writers block. You can all thank Jessica M. Moonflower
who helped me get over it. I'm using one of her ideas in this part.
Thanks go to everyone who e-mailed me, but my E-mail box is still
lonely. Please send me Mail!!!!!! Thanks go to Jessica M. Moonflower(Jess-chan)
for encouraging me! Read her stuff it is awesome!!!!! Anyway on with the show!!!
@---,---'---------@---,---'---------@---,---'---------@---,---' ---------@---,---'---------
ME UP!!!!!" Luna looked at a streak of blonde and blue racing around her as
she says." I tried, but you won't budge, Serena." " Oh nevermind....I'll see ya
later Luna, Bye!" With that said Serena rushes downstairs just as Darien rings
the doorbell. *RING* " Coming! I'll get it, MOM, its just Darien! Bye, see ya later!"
" Wait, Serena, where are you going?" It was to late because Serena was already
rushing Darien to his car. She waves to her Mom as Darien and her drive away.
" Phew that was close!" " What do ya mean, Meatball Head?" " Well, MUFFIN,
I just saved you from my dad's third degree! Didn't you see an upset man behind
my mom?" " Yeah.....well...Thanks. Meatball Head!" The rest of the ride was silent.
O:-)O:-)O:-)O:-)O:-)AT THE CARNEVALO:-)O:-)O:-)O:-)O:-)
"Hey Guys!" Serena waves at her friends from Darien's side. Darien waves at them
also as he puts his other arm around Serena's waist. Serena gasped at this, but
continued on as if it was normal. Their friends looked a little shocked, but continued
on as normal as well." Hey, Serena, Darien! Glad ya made! Let's go inside!" Andrew
was trying to rush them in. Finally he managed to do just that.
Once inside Darien turned to Serena and asked, " So what would you like to do first,
Bunny?" " Oh...I 'd like to ride the carousel first then go to the pie eating contest. So
what do ya say, Muffin" Serena kissed his cheek for affect. Darien blushed as he said,
" Bunny, You don't really want to ride the carousel with me do you? I mean I'm way too
old for that ride and too big. I would look stupid." Serena smiled. " Exactly! Come on,
Muffin!" She then grabed his arm, and draged him to the carousel, " The man running
it gave Darien a weird look, but allowed him to go on it anyway. Darien silently took in
his surroundings and realized he wasn't going to fit on any of the horses. Before he could
protest Serena grabed his arm, and led him two horses side by side. Serena sat on the
smaller one, but Darien still looked stupid on his horse. " HAHAHHAHHAHHAAHH!!!
Look at that guy he is way to big for that horse." " Yeah! What a dork!!!" Darien blushed
a deep red as a group of kids pointed at him, and laughed. " Serena." He whispered
through clinched teeth. " Hush, Darien, and enjoy the ride!" Serena giggled at the hilarious
picture of Darien blushing on a horse way too small for him. ( AN: Just picture it...HAHAHAH
...gomen, Darien.* Angry Darien starts chasing Angel-Girlie* heheh..AAAAAHHHH!!!!) After
the ride was over Serena dragged Darien to the pie eating contest. " Hello fellow pie eaters!
Welcome to this year's pie eating contest. Please if you wish to participate stand up here"
The annoucer pointed to the group of people beside him. Serena ran up there leaving
Darien to stare at the space she just occupied. " Hey, Darien, I see you and Your Bunny
are getting along great! You have some explaining to do!" Darien turned around to stare
innocently at Andrew. " I don't know what you mean by that, Andrew." With that said he ran
up by Serena to avoid Andrew. " Hey, Muffin, I didn't know you like these sort of things."
" I don't normally, but Andrew started asking questions about us, and I didn't want to talk
about it. So here I am." " Okay Contestants, Take your places behind a pie. Place you
hands behind your back, and on the count of three dig in! 1........2.........3!" As soon as
the announcer said three All the contestants started eating their pies. Darien soon stopped
to just stare at Serena who was winning by a long shot. > She looks so cute eating that pie.
> Before he knew what was going on the annoucer annouced the winner to be Serena.
Serena as the winner got a giant pink bunny with a fake pie attached to it stating she was
the winner. After collecting her prize she turned to Darien and asked," Can we go eat lunch
now, I'm starved!" " Serena, You just ate an entire pie!" Serena pouted,and played with his hair.
"Please,Muffin?" > Oh great. Now how can I resist that.