Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of the Stars #1 ❯ Friendly isn't always better.... ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of the Stars #7

A Sailor Moon FanFics it takes place after Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. Writer Sara Byrnes, But all right reserved To Naoko Takeuchi

The Title Appears.

Friendly isn't always better....

The door slowly closes to Sara's house. Melissa Screamed at her. "What are we going to do now, Sara-san?" "HUH!" "SMART PANT!!" Melissa Screams. "MELISSA-CHAN!" "Sara-san, Is better leader then you ever be!" Missy Screamed, at Melissa. "Yea!" "So, stop with the crap!" Roxana Screamed, at Melissa too. "Man, what's with you two?" "It's not my fault..." Melissa Said. "Melissa!" "Sara-san the leader you can't put her down liked that!" Missy Screamed. "Who's said?" Melissa Said. "SAID ME!" Key Screamed. " said so...?" Melissa Said, smiling big. "I'm not SHORT!!!!!!!" Key Screamed. ".........." Sara didn't say a word, only sighed. "Sara-san?" Roxana Said. "You haven't said a word...are you alright?" Missy Asked. "Sis?" Key Said.

She sighed and walked out of the room. "Sis...." Key Said, again. "Now what are we going to do..the leader gone..." Melissa say with the same smile on her face. "MELISSA!" "DROP THE CRAP!" Roxana Screamed. "Something wrong..." Missy Said. "Yea..." Key Said. Sara taken out a locket the King gave her. "...this very importian for the furent...Ms.Sara-san.. take good Care of it...and it also...tells who is the leader of you and your Senshi...You will always be the leader if you have that..." Sara Said, and when up to her room and closed the door.

"But...why am I the leader...?" "am not leader...I can't even protect Serenity...Four Best friends..." She Said, and lays on her bed. Then, she hold the Locket to her body. "Why me?" Sara Said, again. "Meow?" Milo Said, looked up at her from the flood. "GO-AWAY!!" "DAMN-CAT!!!!!" She Screamed. "Meow?" Milo Said, sitting on the flood and just looking up at her. "The cat will not even...hear me out..." "Ohhh..." Sara Said, and closed her eyes. "HEY!" "What are ya, looking down for?" A Voice she knew Said. "huh?" She Said, opened her eyes and sitting up, then she looked over to the window. "Taiki-san?" She Said. "What's up?" He Asked. "What are you doing, here?" "Don't you have conter tonight?" She Asked. "Yes, I do....but..." He Said, looking down at the flood.

"But...what?" Sara Asked. "I want to take you, out on a date, first." He Said, looking back up smiling at her. "Wha?" Sara Said. "Come-on!" "You said you liked me...right?" Taiki Said, smiling at her with `that smile.' "y-yes, but...everyone down-stairs...I can't just go out!" Sara Said. "Why, not?" "All leaders need breaks..." "You know I am the leader of the Lights.." Taiki Said. "But...Seiya said he was..." Sara Said. "Well...that's was a lie!" Taiki Said. "Your face saids difference..." Sara Said. "Come-in!" "Let's go...!" Taiki Said. "But..." Sara Said, Taiki grabbed her hand. he jumped out of window bring Sara with him. She Screamed. "Shh...Sara..." Taiki Said, Taiki putting his hands around her waists.

She turned reddness. He kissed her on her cheek, She turned to him. "Taiki...I..." She Said. "Shh...someone will hear you...shh..." He Said, whispering to her, then he kissed her again. Key looked out the window to see Taiki leaving with Sara. "LOOK!" "ROXANA!!! Melissa!!" "MISSY!!" Key Screamed. "hmmm...what?" Roxana Said, looking out the window. "It's Taiki?" "He taking, Sara...out?" "How, cute!" Missy Said, now looking out the window too. "Who, cares about her!" Melissa Said. "What's your problem?" "Why don't you liked Sara??" Roxana Asked. "Yeah, why don't you like her?" Missy Asked, too. "………." Melissa, didn't answer them. Taiki helped her into the Car. "umm...thank you..." Sara Said.

Taiki jumped into the car, He puts his arm around her. "Your Welcome..." Taiki Said, smiling at her. Slowly puts his mouth on her and then puts both of his arms around her and kissed her deeply. "....Taiki-san..." Sara Said, slowly lays her head on his chest. He keeps one arm around her, then he started to drive away. "Did you see that guys?" Key Said, looked back at the Others. "Oh, Yeah!" Roxana Said. "he...loves her to much..." Missy Said. "To tell you the true...Missy...I liked Seiya-san...alot..." Roxana Said, and smiled, thinking about him. "R-Really?" "heheh...I like...Yaten-san..." Missy Said. "This is...stupid...are we going to do somethin' or what?" Melissa Asked.

"Shut-your mouth Melissa...!" Roxana Screamed. "Yeah...!" "Roxana?" "Of the three brother...those one has the

best hair?" Missy Asked. "Hair....? hmm....don't know...I guess Taiki-san..." Roxana Said. "Really?" "I liked Seiya-san' the best..." Missy Said. "!" "heheh..." Roxana Said. "heheh..." Missy Said. "Man, this is guys just let her leave liked that?" "why?" "Why, is she leader...of us?" "Why is she anything?" Melissa Screamed, Roxana & Missy Hit Melissa. "You, just don't get it...Melissa-chan!" Missy Screamed. "Yeah, she's the sweetest and nicest...person I know...!" Roxana Screamed. "Same here!!" "So....Damnnit! just shut-your mouth now....!!" "Leave if you want see if we care!" Missy Screamed. "………" Melissa didn't say a word after they Said that.

Back with Taiki & Sara. They got to a stop Light and stopped and waited. Taiki looked down at her. "So, what do you want to do?" He Asked. "…..I don't know…" She Said, quietly. He smiled. "Why, are you acting this way?" He Said. "What way?" She Said, looking up at him. "…You know what I am talking about…" He Said, smiling. "…Taiki will your brothers be mad at you just leaving liked that?" Sara Asked. "Don't worry about that…" He Said, Pull her closer. "If you say so…" Sara Said. "How about we go see a movie?" Taiki Asked. "Okay." Sara Said.

At Taiki's House. "AH! I can't believe he is gone!!" Seiya Screamed. "Man!, and we both know where he when!!" Yaten Screamed. "Let's go get him!" Seiya Said. "Yeah!, then beat him in front of Sara!" Yaten Said. They both smiled at each other. They ran to the Car and jumped into it, and started to drive to Sara's House. On Taiki & Sara Date. "What do you want to see Sara-san?" He Asked. "It's doesn't matter…" Sara Said. He Brought Tickets for them. "Okay, ready Sara-san?" He Asked. "Y-yes.." She Said, quietly. They got in the room for the movie and sat down, Taiki put his arm around her right away. "Taiki-san?" She Said, as she looks up at him. He only smiles at her. The lights went down and the Movie Started, Taiki moved closed to her and kissed her.

Seiya & Yaten got to Sara's House, and knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Key Said, answering the door. "Hey, Kid…" Seiya Said. "Hi, Mr. Seiya…" Key Said. "Seiya-san!" Roxana Said, pushing Key out of the way. "umm…Hi Roxana-san…" Seiya Said, he stepped back a little. "Is she your girlfriend… Seiya-san?" Yaten Asked. "SHUT-UP, YATEN!" Seiya Screamed. "YATEN!" Missy Said, pushing Roxana out of the way. "Missy-chan?" Yaten Said, taking a step back too. "Who's who's GirlFriend?" Seiya Said, to Yaten. "Gr…" Yaten Said back to him. "umm….Is Taiki-san here with Sara-san?" Seiya Asked Roxana & Missy.

"Nope, Mr Seiya, Yaten…." Key Said. "What?" Yaten Said. "He not here?" Seiya Said. "Mr.Taiki-san came and take my big Sis out…" Key Said. Seiya & Yaten looked at each other. "Thanks, umm…" Yaten Said, they both Started to back up. "Wait! Where are you going! Seiya-san!" Roxana Screamed. "Yea! Where are you going! Yaten-san!" Missy Screamed. "umm…no where…" Yaten Said, him and Seiya ran to the car, and drove away. "Seiya!" Roxana Screamed. "Yaten!" Missy Screamed. "I think you scary them again…" Melissa Said. Key Laughed. "Melissa will you come with me to the hospital to see how Chibiusa-chan is?" Key Asked. "Sure, it not liked we are doing anything here…" Melissa Said.

"…oh Man what's with those Two?" Seiya Asked Yaten. "I don't know, but they are just liked Fans screaming at you liked you're a god…" Yaten Said. "God?…I liked the Sound of that…" Seiya Smiled. A sweat drop fell on Yaten Head. "You know what I mean…" Yaten Said, looking out the Window. "So, where is are good for nothing brother?" Seiya Asked. "hmm…where would you take a girl on a first date?…" Yaten Said, thinking. Then it hit both of them. "A MOVIE!" They both Screamed. Seiya turned the car around and started for the Movie thevther.

With Taikis-san & Sara-san, Taiki was acting liked he was her boyfriend, even if this was their first date. "Taiki-san, can you please stop that…" She Said, trying to get to close to him. He sighed. "If that what you want.." He Said, letting out of her. "where is he?" A voice said from the back. "hmm…?" Sara looked to see Seiya & Yaten coming there way. `this isn't going to turn out good…' She though. "Taiki-san?" Sara Whispered. "Yea?" He Said. "your brothers are coming this way…" She Whispered again. "What?" He Said, his brothers looked over his way. `crap….' He though. "let's go, Sara-san…" He whispered. "Why?, because your brothers are going to find you here…? She Whispered. He grabbed her hand, but he tripped with her and he fell on his face. He Screamed in pain. Seiya & Yaten ran over to see Taiki on his face. "So, we found you Taiki-san…" Seiya Said, with angey look on his face. "Yea, I hope he didn't do anything bad to you Sara-san…" Yaten Said. "not really…" She Answered. "oh…man…" taiki Said.

Yaten & Seiya tied Taiki up and put him in the back sit. "We're bring you home Sara-san…" Seiya Said. "And We're Sorry that Taiki-san did this to you, we know your trying to think of a plan to saved the other and protected Minako-chan…" Yaten Said. "Y-yes…but it's not going to be easy…" Sara Said, looked down. Seiya and Yaten nodded. "We guess that much…" Seiya Said. "yeah, but don't worry we're on your side even if Uranus didn't want us to be…" Yaten Said. "Thanks, guys…" She Said, she got out of the car. "And Sara-san don't worry you're a great leader for your friend…" Seiya Said, and smiles. "Thanks, and good luck tonight…" She Said. "Thanks…" Yaten Said, and they drove again.

She opened the door to she house to see Roxana & Missy standing there looking angry. "umm…HI guys?…." She Said, thinking about running from them. "Where's Seiya & Yaten?!" They both Screamed. "Umm….they just left…" She Said. They ran out of the house, and run after the car. "they're love sick…" Melissa Said. "Your sai here Melissa-chan?" Sara Said. "Yea, but me and Key-chan are going to the hospital to see how Chibiusa-chan is, if you want to come…" Melissa Said. She nodded. "Yes, I do I'm worried about Small Lady, too…" Sara Said. Key ran in the room. "Okay, Melissa! Let's---Sis!" Key Said, running over to her. "Your Back!! What happened?!" Key Asked. "Yaten & Seiya found him…" Sara Said, smiling. "Oh, I got he is trouble then…" Melissa Said. "They lied him up…" Sara Said. Melissa Laughed. "Man, I would have liked to see that…" Melissa Said, Laughing more.

"It was pretty funny…" Sara Said. "I'm sorry, Sara-san about all those things I said to you…" Melissa Said. "No, you had right to say them…" Sara Said. "Guys!! Are we going to see Chibiusa-chan or not?" Key Said, they both looked down at her. "Sure…" They both Said. With Usagi & Minako. "Chibiusa-chan…" Usagi Said, to her. "I'm alright, now Usagi-san… don't worry…Key-chan taken good care of me…" Chibiusa Said. "Key-chan…" Usagi Said. Minako looked over to Chibiusa & Usagi. `how am I going to protect Usagi & Chibiusa-chan by myself…?' Minako though. `I can't do it by myself…., guys where are you?!, Please come back….Soon…' Minako Though, again. Haruka and the others were outside the door Protecting everyone inside.

Seiya Looked angry at Taiki who was his older brother but didn't act that way at all. "Now, you hear me Taiki-san…" Seiya Said. "how can I not?" Taiki Said, Tied down to the chair. "We are going to Practice for tonight…." Seiya Said. "AND YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Yaten Screamed. "okay, Okay….then let's do this…." Taiki Said. "1…2…3…." Seiya Said. The Music Started, the Music for NARGAREGOSHI HE.. or better known as Search for your Love. "Search for your Love...!" Seiya Said. "Search for your Love....!" Taiki Said. "Search for your Love...!" Yaten Said, then spot light when on them. "Even, if you maybe faraway..." Seiya Said. "I'll always hold you close to my heart..." Taiki Said. "When...I wish on a wandering shooting Star..." Yaten Said.

"Starlight...." All three of them Said. "But...the feel inside...get stronger...every time I see you..." Seiya Said. "Please, let me call you, my sweet-heart..." Taiki Said. "Search for your love...!" All three of them Said again. "The feeling are getting stronger..." Yaten Said. "Search for your love....!" All three of them Said again . "Every time...Everyday I look at you..." Taiki Said. "Please...let me call the word Princess...and hear you answer the call..." "You are the only one I want.....PRINCESS!" All three of them Said. "Answer my call..." Seiya Said. "I hear you...Yes, I do..." Yaten Said. "Please...Wish on that same star...yes, you." Taiki Said. "Search for your Love....!" "Search for your Love....!" "Search for your Love....!" "Search for your Love....!" "Search for your Love....!" All three of them Said. "Please, let me hold your hand...when I am there with you..." "How, Beauty you look in this light..." Seiya Said. "Then, Look into the Shooting Star...flying by..." Yaten & Taiki said.

"Then, feel a kiss in the wind..." "That's flys right, to you..." Seiya Said. "PLease, let me call you, my sweet-heart..." taiki & Yaten Said. "Search for your love..." All three of them Said. "Let me, hug tight..." Taiki Said. "Search for your love..." All three of them Said. "The feel is getting stronger..." Taiki Said. "Search for your love..." All three of them Said. "Then, gave a kiss to me..." "And then I'll gave one to you..." Seiya Said. "Please...let me call the word Princess...and hear you answer the call..." "You are the only one I want.....PRINCESS!" "How much I love you..." "Just you..." All Three of them Said. "Yes you..." Yaten Said. "I love you..." "And Hear you answer the call...that you love me too..." All three of them Said. "Please...let me call the word Princess...and hear you answer

the call..." Seiya Said. "Hear you answer the call...." "Love you..." "" Yaten Said. "I love you...I want you..." Taiki Said. "Please...I love you..." Seiya Said.

"Okay we're done…" Yaten Said, turning off the music. Taiki Sighed. "Tell me something guys, what do you think about Missy & Roxana…?" Taiki Asked. "What?, where is this question coming from?" Seiya Asked. "I just want to know…" Taiki Said. "Well…." Yaten Started to say but stopped. "Well, what?" Taiki Asked. "umm…" Yaten Said, looking at Seiya. "you, see…." Seiya Said looking over to Yaten. "….?" Taiki just gave they odd looks. "well, in a way they scary us, and…." Yaten Said. "And….I think I have feeling for Roxana-san…." Seiya Said, looking at the flood. "I think I have feeling for Missy-chan…." Yaten Said, looking at the flood too. Taiki was in shock. "Are you joking around with me….?" Taiki Asked. "no…" They both Said, not looking up. "You mean, you mean what you just Said?!" Taiki Said. "yes….I mean what I said…." Seiya Said, now looking up. "And I also mean What I said too…" Yaten Said, looking up. They were both a little red. Taiki was in shock.

"Chibiusa-chan!" Key Cried running up to the door. "Key-chan!" Hotaru Said, smiling. "Can I go in and see her?" Key Asked. Michiru nodded. "Go ahead." Michiru Said, her and the others moved out of the way. Key went in the door. "So, how is she?" Sara Asked. "She at 100% now…" Setsuna Said. Melissa Smiled. "Then she all better, will she be helping us, when the enemy attacks…?" Melissa Asked. "Sure, she will.." Haruka Said. They both Nodded. "Chibiusa-chan!" Key Said, running over to her bed. "huh?" Usagi Said, watching Key. `is that girl real Sara-san little sister?' Usagi Though. "Key-chan!" Chibiusa Said, happy to see her. They both Laughed. "Usagi-san, this is Key-chan Sara-san's little Sister…" Chibiusa Said. "Your Sara-san Sister?" Minako Said. "Yep! It's nice to Meet you Ms. Minako-san!" "Usagi-san…or Neo Queen Serenity…" Key Said, smiling.

"How do you know that?" Usagi Asked. "She's from the future liked Sara-san and her friends are Usagi-san…" Chibiusa Said. "The Future…?" Usagi Said, chibichibi watched from behind chibiusa's bed. "chibi…?" She whispered, she though of her mother. She remember the last words she said to her. `please sweet-heart take this pen and go!!, Go, somewhere Safe Go back to Pretty Senshi Sailor Moon and the others!!, You will be safe with them---an-AHHH!!' That when her mother got attacked. "mama…" She whispered, tears started to come out of her eyes, she tried to stop but couldn't stop tearing. She started crying more and more and Key heard it. "What that sound?" Key Said, looking around. "what?" Minako Asked, then Chibiusa heard it. "It sounds liked someone crying…" Chibiusa Said. Key looked behind the bed, to see chibichibi there. "ChibiChibi-chan…?" She whispered, to ChibiChibi. She looked up at her.

"who's back there, Key-chan?" Usagi Asked. "It's ChibiChibi-chan…" She said, looking up at Usagi. "ChibiChibi-chan? How did she get in here?" Usagi Said, she picked up Chibi Chibi. "Why are you crying little one?" Usagi Said, and Chibi Chibi Started crying more. "Ahh!" Minako Said. "Make her stop!!" Chibiusa Screamed. "ChibiChibi-chan!" Key Screamed. ChibiChibi remembered something. `Princess ChibiChibi-chan…! Now it's time to die!' The voice in her head Screamed. "no!" ChibiChibi Cried. "NO!,NO!,NO!" She Cried again. "what?, what's she talking about?!" Minako Asked. "I don't know…" Usagi Said. "why!? Why are you doing this Nabu…" ChibiChibi Cried. "What?" Chibiusa Said. "You know Nabu?!" Key Asked. ChibiChibi only nodded.

Later with Janus, she sat in her chair waiting for Marduk to enter with Jupiter. "Where…is she….She later…" Janus Said, get angry. Janus got up from sitting up and started walking around. "Don't worry Ma'am I know Marduk will be back soon…" Said a voice from behind her. Janus nodded, and looked at her. "I know your right Ishtar…" Janus Said. "But when she gets back your up, Your getting the last Sailor Senshi who Protects Neo Queen Serenity and Lady Serenity…" Janus Said. "You mean, Sailor Venus in other words…?" Ishtar Asked. "Yes, Ishtar…but wait…..---" Janus Said, then the mirror behind her turned on. "Janus-san…" Chos Called her. "Ma'am…!" Janus Said turning to the mirror. "Is Marduk back?" Chos Asked. "n-no, but I know she will be back soon…" Janus Said. "She better and as soon as she is send out Ishtar…" Chos Said, and then disappeared. Then, Marduk walked in. "Guess who's back!" Marduk Said. "You sure take your time…Marduk." Ishtar Said. "Hey, I can't help that…Those Stupid Sailor Senshi tried to stop me…" Marduk Said.

Ishtar Smiled. "You told me they would be no problem at all…" Ishtar Said. "Oh, Shut up Sister!" Marduk Screamed. Marduk sighed then walked up to Janus. "Ma'am I'm back and here's Sailor Jupiter in the jar as you asked." Marduk Said, handing over the jar. Janus nodded, she put her jar with Mercury's and Mars' Jars. "You may go take your break now, Marduk…" Janus said, Marduk nodded and left. "Your up Ishtar…" Janus Said. A girl with Orange hair and blue eyes walked up to Janus. "I The Sailor Soldier who Travered TIME-SPACE to protect the planet Venus, will bring the Sailor Senshi of the planet of Love and Beauty to you…" Ishtar Said, and disappeared. "The Future will be are…" Janus Said, and Laughed.

Then chibichibi stopped crying and hugged key. "…..ugh…" She Said. "oh….ChibiChibi-chan…" Key said, hugging her back. "Do you think she knows something about the new enemy?" Minako Asked. "no, please don't try she's to upset to talk…" Key Said. Usagi watched key, in a way she was just liked chibiusa. Usagi smiled. "Will she be alright, Key-chan?" Chibiusa Asked. "yeah, she be fine…" Key Said, looking up at her. Minako Smiled, A voice called to Minako from somewhere. `Come…' The Voice called. She looked around see who it was. It wasn't Usagi nor Chibiusa nor Key or ChibiChibi. Who was calling her. `who's there?!' She though. `Who's calling me….?' She though again. Then the room disappeared with Usagi and the others. "Usagi-chan?" She Called out. But she didn't answer her. "Chibiusa-chan?" She called, nothing it was to silent for her. `come….Come to your Destiny…it's your future and only Future….' The Voice Said. "Destiny?" Minako Said, looking around. "What is my Destiny?" Minako Asked.

`Your Destiny is to gave up your Star Seed for the Right Queen of the Future…' The Voice Said. "What do you mean by `Right Queen of the Future?'" Minako Said, then someone appered in front of her. "HEY!" Minako Called, the person saw her and ran. "WAIT!" Minako Cried, running after that person. She found herself in some kingdom not the Future, but Some Kingdom from somewhere. Then she heard some voices. A Scream. "Princess ChibiChibi-chan…! Now it's time to die!" Nabu Said, attacking little ChibiChibi. Some power protected, her liked a force field around her. "What?" Nabu Said, stepping back. "You didn't know, she had power liked that did you…Nabu?" A Voice Said, but when Minako turned to see who it was she was back in the room. `what just happened?, what did I just see….?' She though. `Princess….ChibiChibi-chan?, but isn't she Galaxia's Star Seed or Is she Galaxia real daughter?' Minako Though again.

`did something happened to Galaxia is that why she's back here again…?, did the new enemy kidnap Galaxia-san?' Minako Though. `Maybe that's why she was crying….' She though. She saw everyone in the room Laughing. Chibi Chibi wasn't crying anymore. She was cuter happy. `Nabu…?, she tried to attack her….Who is this Nabu anyway?' Minako Though, watching Chibi Chibi. Chibi Chibi jumped up and grabbed onto Minako's legs and it made her fall down. They all Laughed even Minako. Then, Chibi Chibi hugged Minako. `In her way that's how she said Sorry…' Minako though. A Scream came from outside the door. "Oh, No!" Usagi Cried, they all ran outside the door. "everyone!" Minako Cried. "Sis!" Key Cried, running over to her. "ugh.." Sara Said, sitting up. "Hello, I'm Ishtar I will be the one Kidnapping Sailor Venus today…" She Said, smiling. "Wow…She's friendly." Chibiusa Said. "I don't think so…" Seiya Said, ran the guys ran up. "Guys!" Usagi Said. "Fast!" Yaten Screamed.

"Fighter Star Power, Make-up!" Seiya Screamed, He Started to Transform. "Healer Star Power, Make-up!" Yaten Screamed, He Started to Transform. "Maker Star Power, Make-up!" Taiki Screamed, He Started to Transform. "Sailor Star Light…Stage on!!" All three of them Said. "So, you guys are the Star Lights…?" Ishtar Said, smiled. The Three Starlights ran in front of the others. "Transforms we will hold her off…!" Fighter Screamed. "okay…!" Usagi Said. "Come-on, everyone!!" Chibi usa Said. "Me and Melissa will get Minako out of here…" Sara Said. "Okay, let's do it!!" Melissa Screamed. "Moon Eternal, Make up!!" Usagi Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Uranus Crystal Power, Make up!!" Haruka Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Neptune Crystal Power, Make up!!" Michiru Screamed, and Started to Transform.

"Pluto Crystal Power, Make-up!!" Setsuna Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Saturn Crystal Power, Make-up!!" Hotaru Screamed, and Started to Transform. "SARA CRISIS, MAKE-UP!!" Sara Screamed, and Started to Transform. "MELISSA CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE-UP!!!" Melissa Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Key CRISIS, MAKE-UP!!" Key Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Moon Crisis, Make-up!!" Chibi usa Screamed, and Started to Transform. "Star Serious….Laser!!" Fighter Screamed. "Star Gentle Creator!!" Maker Screamed. "Star Sensitive Inferno!!" Healer Screamed. "AHH!" Ishtar Said, just getting out of the way of those attacks. "no-way!" Fighter Said. "You may have attacks…but they aren't very strong one…" Ishtar Said. "try this, HELL SHOWER!" She Screamed, beams on lights came out of the sky hitting the Star Lights.

Sara Grabbed minako's hand. "Come-on, Let's get going!" Sara Said. "I can't just leave everyone…" Minako Said. "You have to Minako-chan…" Melissa Said. "They want you, not them…" Sara Said. She nodded, they started to ran. "Melissa-chan you watch her back!" Sara Said. "Got-it!" Melissa Said. "HEY!" Ishtar Screamed, running after them. "Death Ribbon!" Saturn Said, stopping her. "not Now!" Ishtar Screamed. "Light Beam!" Ishtar Screamed, just missing hitting Saturn in her heart. She Screamed and fell. "Hotaru-chan!" Neptune Screamed. "She stronger…then the other three…" Uranus Said. Ishtar disappeared, and appeared in front of Sara. Sara jumped back a little. "If you hand, over Venus I will not hurt you…" Ishtar. "N-no, never…!" Sara Screamed. Ishtar Shrugged, "If that What you want…" Ishtar Smiled, She hand when in the air.

Sara Closed her eyes. "chibi!" A voice screamed. "What?" Ishtar Said, looking around. Chibi Chibi appeared in front of Sara. "Chibi Chibi-chan!, get out of the way…!" Sara Cried. "n-No…No…No!" She Cried. "Stop, Please!!, Please Stop, this Ishtar-san!!" Chibi Chibi Cried. Ishtar only looked at her. "Princess…" Ishtar whispered, then she grabbed her head. Liked she was fighting her feeling. "ugh…stop…ugh…" Ishtar Said. "….what's happening…?" Minako Asked. "I don't know, Minako-chan…" Sara Said. Melissa whispered to Sara. "now, let's get Minako-chan out of here.." Melissa said. "okay…" Sara said, whispering back. Ishtar then let go of her head, and looked down at chibi chibi. "Sorry, I'm not your friend or anything liked that anymore…Chibi Chibi-chan…" She Said. "No…No…NO!, That's not true…!!" She Cried. Ishtar kicked her out of the way. "don't get in the way again…" Ishtar said, walking away from her. "Chibi Chibi!" Sailor Moon, cried and ran up to her. Sailor Moon picked her up, she started crying. "oh…" Sailor Moon Said, and hugged her.

"…Nabu…Nergal…Marduk….Ishtar…." She whispered. "Mama…" She Whispered. The Star lights slowly got up. "we need to help Sara-san…" healer said, and nodded. "You don't your hurt…" Pluto Said. "We know that…" Fighter Said, holding his Side. "You don't fight the way are you now…" Neptune Said. "you guys stay with Sailor Moon, we will help Sara-san and Minako-chan…" Uranus Said. Sailor Moon nodded and then looked down at Saturn. "Good Luck…" Sailor Moon Said. "hotaru-chan…" "Chibi Chibi-chan…" She whispered looking down at them.

"Stop, you!" Ishtar Said, now standing in front of them again. Melissa Grabbed her rod. "hmm…? You dare to attack me..?" Ishtar Asked. "QUADRUPLE…" She Said, as her rod started to power up. "Stupid….Light beam…!" She Said, hitting her rod from her hand. Melissa Screamed, her hand started to blood. "Melissa-chan!" She Cried. "hmm…!" Ishtar Said, moving up She pointed her Hand at Sara. "no, Sis!" key Cried. `I want more power to protect her….' Key though. `Please gave me more power…Please!' She though again . "Key SPLIT IMAGE!!" Key Screamed, and made three of her. "What?" Ishtar Said, looking over to her. Sara grabbed minako's hand again and started to run. "So, you little girl with to fight me…" Ishtar Said, she didn't answer.

"LOVELY BOMB TORNADO!!" Key Screamed, and hit her three times bombs flying everywhere. Ishtar Screamed. "T-this can't be happening….!!" Ishtar Screamed, then the Outers ran up with Chibi Moon. "Key-chan!" Chibi Moon Cried. "Ahh!" Ishtar Screamed, and fell back on her butt. "H-how? Can a kid be that strong…." Ishtar Said, getting to her feet. Melissa, Sara and Minako ran and hided, when Key and the others started fighting Ishtar. "minako-chan, Transform…you maybe have to defence your self…" Melissa Said. "okay…" Minako Said, getting her pen out. "Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!!" Minako Screamed and Started to Transformed. "World….Shaking!" Uranus Screamed, and attacked with her Planet attack. Ishtar ran from it. "MOMMY!" She Screamed. "Deep Submere!!" Neptune Screamed, and attacked with her Planet Attack. "Dead Scream…" Pluto Screamed, and attacked with her Planet attack.

Ishtar Screamed. "I can't out run three of them….!!" Ishtar Screamed. All three of the Planets Hit her at the same time. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" She Screamed, and when flying from all three of them. "huh." Fighter Said. "What is it, Figher?" Healer Asked. "it's liked the Outers Some how they got more power then guys…" Fighter Said. "If we had more power liked them, we could save are friends…" Maker Said, looking down at his hurt leg. "Star lights…" Sailor Moon whispered. `you wish for more power…?' "What?" Healer Said, looking around for the voice. "Where's that voice coming from?" Maker Asked. `Do you wish to be more Power fall?' The Voice Asked again. "Can you gave us more Power…?" Fighter Asked.

`yes…' Then The Voice disappeared. Venus did her Pose, then got down by Melissa and Sara Again. "okay, now what Sara-san?" Melissa Asked, Then for some reason Sara Locket opened and started to let go some energy. "What?, What Happening?" She Said, Standing up. Ishtar Turned to all the energy coming from her. "What?, What is this power coming from that girl?!" Ishtar Said, The energy started surrounding the Star Lights. Maker Touched the energy surround him. "what power, this energy is…" Maker Said, then the energy cover him up and he Screamed. "Maker!" Fighter Screamed then the energy cover him up too. "Fighter!, Maker!, Hold ON!!" Healer Screamed, then the energy cover him up also. All three of them Screamed. "Star Lights!!" Sailor Moon Cried. "What's happened?, what's the locket doing!?" Sara Cried. Then, the Star lights Pen disappeared. "No!" Fighter Screamed, they turned back to they're normal clothes.

"T-The Pens!!" Healer Screamed, then the Pen appeared again, but they were diffence. "The pens…." Maker Started to say. "They're been up dated…!" Maker Screamed. "What?" Ishtar said, to shocked to move. They grabbed the pen, then Screamed out diffence words. "FIGHTER CRYSTAL POWER…MAKE-UP!" Seiya Screamed, and started to transform diffence. "Seiya-san!" Roxana Said, running up with Missy. "HEALER CRYSTAL POWER….MAKE-UP!!" Yaten Screamed, and Started to transform diffence. "Yaten-san!" Missy Said, and they stood there and watched. "MAKER CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE-UP!!" Taiki Screamed, and Started to transform diffence. "Taiki-san…" She Said, then her locket closed and she fainted. They finished Transforming and in the middle of they're star on they're Sailor Suit for a Crystal, a Gray one on Fighter, Green one on Healer, and A purple one on Maker.

"SAILOR STAR LIGHTS….NEW STAGE ON!!" All three of them Said. Uranus and the others couldn't beileve what just happened. "No-way…" Uranus Said. "What….?" Neptune Said. The Star Lights made a circle and pointed they're hands into the air. "STAR…." Three of them Called out. "SHOWER!!" They Screamed. "What?" Ishtar Said, she tried to block it but couldn't. "how?, how can they be that strong…." Ishtar Cried, and she got hit by the attack. Fighter, Healer and Maker stood there frozen they had no idea what they just did. "What was that Power?" Healer Asked. "Fighter!" Roxana Said, she ran over to him and hugged him. "Roxana-san…" He Whispered. "Healer!" Missy said, she ran over to him and hugged him. "Missy-san…" He whispered. "Sara-san!" Maker Cried, and ran over to her. He picked her up into his arms. Her Locket was glows lightness. "somehow she gaves us some of her power…" Maker Said.

"She doesn't have a lot of energy left…" Maker whispered. "So, sad to Bad!" Ishtar Screamed, getting to her feet. "Liked I really care!!" Ishtar Screamed again. "AHH!" She Screamed, she hands in the air. The Wind started to pick up. Venus watched in safe with Melissa. "Are attack hit her…but she so strong it just hurt her a little…" Healer Said. "I don't understand…." Pluto Said. "How can she be so, Strong…" Sailor Moon whispered. Chibi Chibi watched she wanted to cry but couldn't. "mama…." Chibi Chibi Whispered, she watched her friends get hurt by Ishtar her other friend.

Fighter grabbed onto Roxana and hold her tight. Healer did the same with Missy, and Maker did the same with Sara. Ishtar Laughed, as Light Started to glow in her hands. `This is all happening because of me…' Venus though. `Look at all those that got hurt because of me…' Venus Though again. Dark Clouds started to glow in the sky, because of Ishtar attack. "chibi….stop Ishtar…!!" "Please stop this!!" Chibi Chibi cried, getting out of Sailor moon's Arms. "Chibi Chibi-Chan!!" Sailor Moon Cried. Ishtar looked at her. "I said it before kid…..BACK…………OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!" Ishtar Screamed. "LIGHT……….BEAM SHOWER!!" She screamed firing at chibi chibi. "Chibi Chibi-Chan!!" Sailor Moon Cried. "Silent WALL!!" Saturn Cried, just on her knees.

"Hotaru-chan!!" Chibi Moon cried, kneed by Key. "ugh…" Saturn Said, tried to hold off Ishtar attack. "You can't block my attack, your to weak too!" Ishtar Said, Laughing. "I can't saw this, anymore!!" Venus Said, getting up and running over. "Venus-san!!, NO!" Melissa Cried. "Venus!" Venus Said, as her sign appeared in her hand and turned into hearts. "Love and Beauty Shock!!" Venus Screamed, hitting Ishtar with the attack. It destroy Ishtar attack. She looked over to Venus. "So…your strong with I though…." Ishtar Said, smiling. "I don't care!!, what you though!! I can't let you hurt my friends!!" Venus Screamed. "So?" Ishtar Said, not caring what she was saying. "I am the Sailor Senshi of Love and Beauty….!! I am Sailor Venus, In the name of the planet of Venus!!!" "I'll punished you!!" Venus Said, doing her intro Pose.

Ishtar Laughed. "You mean me planet…." Ishtar Said, Laughing. "Your planet?" Venus Said. "I The Sailor Soldier who Travered TIME-SPACE to protect the planet Venus…Will made sure it's only my planet…" Ishtar Said, taking out a sword and pointing at her. "Venus-san!!" Melissa Cried, running over to her. "QuaDruple……" Melissa Said, starting her attack. Ishtar Sliced her with the sword in her hand. Melissa Screamed and fell to the ground. "Melissa-chan!!" Venus Said. "Venus-san…come with me and I will not hurt the others Sailor Senshi…." Ishtar.

"………….." Venus didn't say a word, but she didn't want anyone to get hurt. Venus nodded. "I'll go with you Ishtar." Venus Said, she didn't look at the others. "Venus-san!!" Uranus Screamed. "You got to be joking!!" Neptune Cried. "I'm not joking…I can't let anyone get hurt anymore…" Venus whispered, but everyone heard her. "no-way she mean it…." Roxana Said. Ishtar Smiled. "That's a good girl, now don't move…." Ishtar Laughed.



Ishtar taking Sailor Venus from us, and venus letting her do it to…..NO!! VENUS YOU Can't just gave up your life and freedom!! After Ishtar takes Venus we go to the future the future Chibiusa and Sara's Friends know….That's why they didn't want to go there it looks….go my god….