Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Moon Legend of Zelda ❯ Good things and Bad ( Chapter 48 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Once Link and team returned to the drill site, they were just in time too. For Yamato had made his decision about what to.
They would do it the General's way, and remote detonate the bomb anyway. At 750 feet in the hole, it was a 49 percent chance the Asteroid would be deflected out of it's trajectory.
“Well what if it doesn't work?” asked the General.
Yamato sighed. “Then all we can do… is hope for a Miracle.” He said… Little did he or any of the others know that a miracle was exactly what they were about to get.
Meanwhile, on the Asteroid…
1 hr(s)… 47 min… 38 sec…
5 hrs… 44 min… 38 sec…
Everyone just stood around, as Speed and Estevan prepared to drop the bomb into the hole. Just had to make a few adjustments first.
“Guess what, guys. It's time to embrace the horror.” said Navi. “Look we got front-row tickets to the end of the Earth.”
Zelda stood by Link, trying to cheer him up. “You did your best, Link.” she said. “At least we know the Earth may be saved after all.”
Link smiled a little, but nobody felt any better. If only they knew that the Earth would be saved for certain. If only they were able to finish the hole… and most importantly…
If only Darien was still with them.
Suddenly… all their radios began screeching, as if some was trying to contact the, over the same frequency… but that wasn't all that was happening.
“Look!” cried Mars.
Everyone looked in shock, and deepest of surprise. The Armadillo was magically reconstructing itself. With a new drill head, new transmission and everything.
Link and the Scouts looked at Zelda, but she wasn't doing it.
“What's going on here?” asked Estevan.
Suddenly, the Six Medallions in Link's rest-stone, and the Scout's chests began glowing with their respective color.
“Master?” cried Mars.
“What's happening?” added Jupiter.
Link didn't know, but as he looked up toward the direction of where Ganon's castle was, everyone looked with him and saw six colored lights, and one bright light drifting slowly towards them.
“What are they?” asked Venus.
As they got closer, the figures began to come into picture, and finally. Link realized who it was. He threw his fist up in the air, “YEAH!!!” and everyone else began cheering.
It was the Six Sages themselves… and the other figure… it was Tuxedo Mask, he was alive! “MASTER.” he called down.
When the others had brought down the barriers, being sages reborn, they gave the sage's spirit's new lives. Now the six sages were back, and as an extra treat, they brought back the Armadillo and Darien.
More cheer, and jumps for joy followed as the Sages, who also had bubble-suits, and Darien neared the drill site.
“Link… Zelda!” cried Saria.
“Hey, Link… What's up, brother!!”
“Requesting clearance to land.” Ruto called in Jupiter's voice.
Speed and Estevan didn't know whither to be shocked or amazed. “Aliens… real-live aliens.” cried Estevan.
“Well I'll be damned.” added Speed.
The both of them came to when they heard Link shout. “Hey… Get that bomb out of there, and let's finish this hole!!”
The Sailor scouts cheered their lungs out, and Renee, on the shuttle, relayed the good news to Houston.
“Houston. You're not going to believe this, but the Armadillo has been repaired, and is fully operational. Drilling is about to recommence.”
She could hear everyone cheering over the radio, and then she went outside to meet their new teammates… the Six sages.
Darien and Sailor Moon collided into each other in a huge embrace, and Sailor Moon was so happy to have him back, she couldn't help but cry.
While the sages all touched down on a small hilltop. “Hello Link.” said Rauru.
“Did you miss us, kid?” Nabooru asked.
Link stood before them all. “Sages. In 10,000 years, I've got just six words to say to you.” and those words were. “Damn glad to see you guys!”
The sages smiled, “Same to you too, dear.” said Impa.
“Zelda, walk them down.” replied Link. “Sailors, prepare to recommence drilling.”
Saria climbed into the Armadillo. She wasn't too small to reach the pedals on the floor and see out the view-port. “Okay… where's this hole you need dug?”
Now they had to work seriously. They only had a little over an hour to finish the hole, drop the bomb, and clear out. This time however, the sages wouldn't be to bring the Armadillo back or anyone else lost.
Not if they wanted to do the next bit of helping.
“Okay… put it down here.” said Nabooru as she helped Mars and Jupiter drill the sockets into place.
“Tractor full.” Venus said.
“Transmission ready.” added Ruto.
Saria started up the systems, and the Armadillo was ready. “Arm coming down.” She called.
Link went around telling everyone to stay focused. “We've got 250 to go. It's our last transmission; last drill head!”
Saria lowered the arm into he hole, and Darunia and Mars helped lift the pipe to extend the reach. “You get those, I'll get these.”
The pipes were hooked up. “Drive it on down, Saria.” called Darien.
While they worked on the hole. Zelda, Impa, and Rauru put the next bit of their plan into action. “All right… let's do this.” said Zelda.
Using their powers, and Mercury, and Renee's deductions. They began taking the Light Shuttle, and the remains of the courage shuttle and combining them both to make a whole new shuttle.
One that would give them all a lift off the Asteroid.
“Impa, the Right engine hub.” Said Mercury. “Watson, let's get those couplings hooked up.”
The shuttle, which they decided to name, Lightage, was already nearing completion. It was simply a matter of working on the insides now, and getting the systems ready.
While Renee went inside to do that, the others went over to help with the hole. “How's it coming?” asked Impa.
“Saria, how deep are we?” Link called.
“We're at 970 feet!” Saria answered.
Just 30 more feet to go, but suddenly.
Just like before, the ground began quaking, a bad wind storm came and blew rocks all over, and fiery-gas was shooting out through the hold again.
A few of the scouts and sages fell very, and Saria was being rocked about in the cockpit. “Methane… shut it down! Back it down!” cried Link, but Saria didn't do it.
“We can't pull back, or the bit will get lodged. We don't have enough time!”
The ground quaking got more violent, and so did the storm and gas. “Whoa, whoa, whoa… it's going to blow!” cried Mars.
Darien looked fiercely at Saria inside. “It's how I got lost the first time!” but still Saria didn't back it down and just kept right on drilling.
“I know that, but we have to keep on trying, it's our only hope!”
Now Link was getting mad. “Saria, this is our last transmission.” he said. “We won't get another chance.”
“FOR GOODNESS SAKES LINK!!” Saria yelled. “I'm not just a sage, I'm your friend, and if there's one thing friends do… IT'S TRUST EACH OTHER!!”
Link didn't know what to do now.
“Master…” Jupiter said angrily. “It's going to blow!!”
“Link, I know we can do this… just trust me!” cried Saria.
“All right, Saria…” Link said. “… Make the call!”
Saria was silent for a moment and then got her act together. “All right hold on… it's pushing through!” she called.
Everyone began pitching in. Grunting and growling to hold the Armadillos steady under the pressuring of the ground and wind storm.
“It's going through!” replied Saria.
“What's your depth!” asked Mercury.
Saria called out her readings as they came to her. “975… 980!”
“Pick it up, baby. Ram it home!” shouted Nabooru.
More grunts and growls followed as everyone went nuts to hold everything together. “Drive it down Saria.” cried Sailor Moon.
985 feet…
“Come on… we're almost there!” cried Zelda.
991 feet…
Saria was really being rocked about now in the cockpit, but keeping her min don her work. “Nine-Ninety-Two!!”
Speed and Estevan couldn't believe it, they were going to make it.
“Nine-Ninety-Seven!! …Ninety-Eight… NINTEY-NI-I-I-INE!!”
Link shot up his head and shouted out loud and clear… “BREAKTHROUGH!!”
Everyone's faces just burst into huge smiles of triumph, as Link threw his fist high into the air. “YEAH!!!”
“YAY… WE DID IT!!” cried Saria.
The Sages and the Sailor Scouts broke into a wild explosion of cheers, joyous cries, and leaps of victory.
“YES… YES… HA, HA!!”
In all the cheering, and Zelda jumping into his arms. Link shot Saria a huge thumb up. “Hey kid… way to go!”
“I knew it! I knew it!”
At Houston…
Everyone was very relieved, and pleased that the hole was finished, but all of them knew this was no time to be cheering.
“It's not over until we get the bomb down that hole.” cried Yamato, and they only had less than forty minutes to go.
Back at the drill site…
38min… 42 sec…
4 hrs… 35 min… 42 sec…
Everyone was working hard, Dismantling the pipes, and clearing up the drill site. Preparing for evacuation.
“Hey, Link… is it ready yet.” asked Speed.
Link looked up from his work. “I'm going to need a couple more minutes.” he said. “There's a bent pipe jammed in the hole, we can't send the bomb down until we cut it out of there.”
Saria, since she was small, and didn't weight as much. She was going to be sent down through the hole to cut the pipe. “I'm all set.” She said. “Lower me down.”
As they all worked… none of them realized that danger was lurking close to them As an evil figure was grunting and groaning as he limped his way towards the drill site.
“Mmm, hmm, mm, mm, ah, ah, ah!!”
Saria was lowered down into the hole by harness ropes. “Make it fast Saria… the clock is ticking.” called Jupiter.
“I'm going as fast as I can.” Saria called up as she began electric-cutting. “There's a lot of gas pressure down here.”
Suddenly… there were huge explosions coming from the far side of the Asteroid, and rocks were flying everywhere. “Hey… does anybody else feel that?” asked Ruto.
Everyone looked around, and saw huge fiery-rocks and boulders were flaying everywhere and crashing near the drill site. “Well this is something new?” said Darien.
“Hey… what's happening up there?” Saria asked.
Everyone watched in horror as a huge rock storm began to come into the picture.
“I don't think this rock likes us.” said Link.
“That's because it knows we're here to kill it.” said Navi.
This went absolutely berserk. As the rocks slammed into the ground causing explosions, and eruptions knocking everyone off their feet, and damaging the equipment.
“Whoa! Ow!”
“Watch out!”
“Oh, boy… they're everywhere!”
This was probably even worse than it was trying to escape from the castle before it exploded.
“Saria! Hurry, get out of there!” Sailor Moon called.
“I'm through…” Saria cried. “I got the pipe, get me out of here. This gas is blowing like crazy!!”
But as they began to pull her up. “Look out… it's a hydrogen pocket!!” cried Mercury. Then Saria's rope snapped, and… POOF!!
She flew right out through the hole like a cannonball. “WHOA… HELP!!”
“SARIA!!” cried Jupiter and she stretched her Vines out. Saria was barley able to grab them before she flew off into space.
“Help! Pull me in! Pull me in!! AAH!!”
Jupiter, Link and Zelda pulled her back in, and she landed with a thud. The rocks kept on going. Slamming against mountain sides creating avalanches, and sending huge chunks down.
“Quick… we've got to secure the bomb.” cried Speed.
Estevan looked up. “Speed! Head's up!” he cried as he ran over to help him, but…
“Estevan… get out of there!” Darunia called…
Estevan looked up just in time to see a rock coming right at him. “Uh-oh!” The rock smashed right into him sending him flying hard backwards and landing on a pile of jagged rocks.
Then it got even worse as another rock slammed into a huge, jagged pillar sending it rolling down the hillside and towards Link and Zelda. “LOOK OUT!!” Link cried.
“JUMP!!” shrieked Zelda.
They evaded the rock, but now it was heading straight for Sailor Moon and Darien. “Hang on, you guys!” cried Darunia.
He rushed over and used his super strength to push the boulder out of the way. “I can't believe that just happened!” cried Darien.
The storm had finally stopped, and the drill site was a mess, but so far no severe damage, at least not to the equipment and the bomb.
“Zelda… are you all right?” Link asked as he helped her up.
“Y-y-yes… I am.”
The sages were okay, the Scouts were okay… Speed was okay too. “You all right Darien?”
“Yeah… I am.” Darien said as he looked over behind him, at Estevan's body that had been speared with jagged rocks, and his suit torn wide open, b his body all cold and bruised. “But we lost Estevan.”
Mercury scanned Estevan's body. “Its true… he's gone.”
Everyone was most unhappy, they had already lost good people, how much more could they take. “I wonder where that rock storm came from.” asked Mars.
Then suddenly… the entire Asteroid was surrounded by a huge fire barrier. “What?! Where did this come from?” asked Speed.
Suddenly, Link and Zelda saw their Triforces glowing, detecting danger, and then, Navi began shuddered in super fear at what she saw... or whom she saw.
“N-n-no… it can't be!”
Everyone turned and saw him. “No!” cried Sailor Moon. “I-I-1t's… GANONDORF!!”
The vile, evil King had survived from the destruction of his castle and now stood before everyone, not needing a bubble-suit, and thirsty for payback.
“You're dead!” he snapped. “And I think I shall start with the little firefly first!”
He raised his hand, and Navi was being lifted high up into the air. “NAVI!!” Link cried. “NO! NOT HER, GANONDORF!!”
Everyone watched in horror as Navi's little body began to swell up like a balloon. “LINK… ZELDA!!!”
KAPOW!! She was gone!
Everyone's faces were twitching with sadness and horror. “He… he killed her!” cried Sailor Moon.
“No, man… not, Navi!” cried Nabooru.
Zelda's eyes blazed with anger and mixed with sadness. “You!! How did you survive the explosion?! ANSWER ME!!”
“Hmm, mm, mm… simple.” said Ganondorf. “Because I still have… this.” he raised his hand to show everyone…
“The Triforce of Power?!” cried Jupiter. “No! It can't be.”
“Yeah… I saw… we pulled that thing right off of him.” added Mars.
Link took out the one he grabbed and realized it was a fake, that just crumpled into dust. “You… you were planning this all along, weren't you.”
“Of course I was.” said Ganondorf. “Did you honestly think I would just lie there on the ground with my precious Triforce exposed for you to take?”
Ganondorf went on saying that he made copies of the Triforce of Power, which he used to deceive his enemies, whole the real Triforce remained inside him all along.
“You… your sick and twisted!” growled Sailor Moon “You Bile Beast!!”
Ganondorf's eyes twitched, and his evil smile widened as he hoped down from the hill. “A beast am I?” he mocked. “Perhaps you like to see how BEAST-LIKE I CAN BE!!”
With those words he leapt up into the air, and burst out into bright lights.
“What's he doing now?” asked Mercury.
“I think… we're about to find out.” added Rauru.
Link: “As much as we seem determined not to lose, it looks as though Ganondorf isn't giving up easy either.”
Serena: “But sometimes it doesn't matter at all who's more determined than who. What matters is, what they're fighting for.”
Amy: “Yes... even in the real world, evil will never triumph over good. Even if it seems the evil has won, there will always be something around that can stop it.”
Rei: “Determination is really a power of faith, and faith can always usually be found in the kind and decent.”
Lita: “So remember, even it looks as though the evil and darkness may win, it will never… EVER… triumph over right.”
Mina: “Have a little faith, keep up the determination, and you just might win to fight another day.”
(Song, performed by Ganondorf and his minions)
Ganondorf: “Once I have all that I need… the Earth will and the Universe will belong to me… and the lasts of all that is good WILL DIE!!”
In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be -
It scared me out of my wits -
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare!!
I was once the most powerful man on Legora.
When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake!
Now I'm back to make all of them pay
Except Link's still alive to this day
Planet Earth, you better beware
Gannon is awake!
In the dark of the night evil will find them
In the dark of the night just before dawn!
Revenge will be sweet
When the spell is complete!
In the dark of the night
They'll be gone!
-I can feel that my power is slowly returning!
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell!
As the pieces fall into place
I'll see the Earthlings crawl into place!
Goodbye to you Planet Earth, farewell!
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell!
As the pieces fall into place
I'll see the Earthlings crawl into place!
Goodbye to you Planet Earth, farewell!
In the dark of the night terror will strike them!
Terror's the least I can do!
In the dark of the night evil will brew!
Soon, they will feel that the nightmare is real
In the dark of the night…
They'll be through!
In the dark of the night evil will find them
(Find them)
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
(Doom them)
My dears, here's a sign -
It's the end of the line!
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
Come my minions,
Rise for your master,
Let your evil shine!
Rise for your master,
Let your evil shine!
In the dark of the night…
In the dark of the night…
Find them now,
Yes, fly ever faster
Yes, fly ever faster
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
(All laugh evilly)