Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Search For Sailor Moon ❯ One Soldiar's Trash....... ( Chapter 12 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not, Will Not, and have not have ownership of Sailor Moon. But if the owners do find it in their hearts to give me the rights I would be much obliged.


"Come on Charl, how was I supposed to know the zipper would break?"

Charl grumbled. "You didn't have to get a Daemon costume surgically removed after being chased through the streets by 6 sailor soldiers and one man in a tuxedo."

"Oh stop complaining."

"Complaining? I'm stating the facts!"

"Actually it was Six Sailor Soldiars, Tuxedo Kamen..thats Tuxedo Mask, and two cats."

Charl groaned, moving his hand down his face. "Alright..lets just...get this over with."

Odessa nodded. "Glad you agree!"

She pulled on her latex gloves with a snap and proceeded to reach elbow deep into the large tin of vile disgusting oders and items, discarded for one reason or another.

Charl sighed watching this. "We've hit an all time low."

"The greatest evidence lies in ones refuse."

"Unbelievable. Odessa we are digging through garbage. Plain disgusting, revolting trash."

"Now Charl, I know your not a true fan of Sailor Moon, but you've only seen the dubbed versions."

Charl groaned. "..Alright..fine, can you at least tell us why we're at the Tomoe Residence?"

"Dimensional rifts. There had been reports of such completly localized within this house."

"So in all logic..shouldn't we be in the house, and not the trash?"

"Can I help you?"

Both Charl and Odessa turned immediatly to the small girl with short black hair and violet eyes. Odessa hid the trash can lid behind her back. "Oh! Hello miss..."

"Tomoe Hotaru."

"Oh yes! Miss Hotaru. Perhaps you could answer a few questions?"


"First of all, there is a well talked about rumor of your home being once the center of a dimenional rift. Any truth that sailor moon had once visited upon this area?"

Charl sighed. "Always the jounalist..."

"Well..." Hotaru smiled. "Actually this isn't my home."

Odessa fell over. "Your Tomoe. Aren't you?"

Hotaru nodded. "But I don't live here."


Charl glanced at Odessa, then turned to Hotaru. "Where do you live?"

"With Haruka Papa, Michiru Mama and Setsuna-sama."

Odessa stood back up. "Oh can we meet them?"

"Haruka papa is suspicious of journalists."

Odessa nodded. "Well....can you tell us anything about Sailor Moon?"

Hotaru shook her head.

"What about Deep Throat?"

"I've got to go home."

"Can we at least take your statement?"

Too late, Hotaru was already out of earshot. Odessa sighed, putting the lid back on the garbage can. "Another dead end."

Charl nodded as he began to to search for a faint ringing. Finally he reached into the garbage tin and pulled out the Sailor Moon cell phone.



Charl blinked and held the phone out to Odessa. "It's for you"

Odessa took the phone, smiling cheerfully. "Konnichi Wa!"


Odessa moved the phone further away from her ear. "Hello Deep Throat!"

"Your both wasting time! Time Warps, Daemon costumes! You shall never succeed in these pointless endeavors."

"Well it's like this We were slightly confused by your instructions."


"Well does Odango Atama mean yellow dumplings, or dumpling head?"

"....baka. Alright..listen..very...closely."

It wasn't too difficult for Charl to hear Deep Throat, the yelling was loud enough to be heard withen at least a 10 foot radius.

Odessa nodded. "uh huh. uh huh, okay! Bye bye."

"So, what did he say?"

"Don't know."


"I think Deep throat was very upset this time."

"You don't say."

"Well he proceeded to give me more clues but he kept forgetting to speak english."

"I thought you could speak Japanese."

"Oh I can! I can speak exactly twenty five words in japanese."

Charl groaned while Odessa pressed a button on her cell phone. "We'll have to ask him in person."

"Odessa. We already tried that."

"House of Love."

"....What?" Charl peered at the screen on the cell phone. "It says Aino."

"yes, of Love. The House of Love."

"Aino..sounds familier...isn't that the girl Minako's name?"

Odessa nodded. "Two people with the same last name, what are the odds?"

"Actualy very good."

"Come Charl! we go to see Deep Throat!"