Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Silver Cosmos Senshi Chronicles ❯ Dragon Revived; Destiny Reveiled ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Princess Katherine sighed, and trudged down the cobble stone road. Dressed in full gown, she looked quite akward walking down and among the peasant streets, and all eyes were on her. She wished, for once, people would just stop staring. To her right three little boys were playing a game of cricket. As she passed them, they stopped, and stared at her with gawking eyes. She moved on, sighing once more. How she managed to get by the palace guard to get her, she did not know. She almost wished she hadn't; and spared herself the embarassing eyes and whispers. She continued her fast pace until she was out of town, into the forest, and stayed there until nightfall. As she sat on a tree root, she pondered aloud to herself.
"Why did I chose today to sneak out?... Because I felt like something special would happen today, and I didn't need to be in the palace when it would happen. But now I look back on today's event's... and all I see is nothing. Absolutely nothing." She sighed for the twenty-seventh time that day. As the full moon rose high in the sky, she felt herself drift slowly into a dreamless sleep. "My life was empty...I have nothing to live for." And she lay asleep by the great oak tree.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sailor Cosmos hated the feeling of time travel; all the whizzing, louad noises, and all the pressure. Her trip seemed to last forever, but it was only a few seconds. She found herself in a dark forest; full of howling wolves and dangerous plants. "What the-" Then she saw her. A young girl ("She can't be older than sixteen", she thought) lay asleep at the foot of an oak tree. Cosmos smiled. This was her. Right now she was nothing; but Cosmos would change that. After all, if she hadn't, there never would have been a Silver Dragon. She cleared her throat, and waved her hand over the sleeping girl's body. The girl arose, and her open her eyes. They were glazed over, and she was in some kind of trance. Cosmos produced a small wand out of her bosom. It was silver; a head on a dragon was on the end, and it had a large red jewel on it's forehead. She dragon had's it mouth open; and seemed to be screaming it's dragon-war cry. She held the stick up to the girl and spoke.
"Is she the one who will carry the Sword?" Nothing happened. Cosmos was just about to speak when the dragon's eyes burst into flames. It elevated itself into the air, and let out a piercing cry. Cosmos covered her ears, and the dragon-stick whirled face-to-face with the girl. A large symbol shown on the girl's forehead; the sign on the dragon. Then the symbol disappered; and the dragin-stick fell lifeless to the ground. Cosmos stood; looking on in amazement. It was over, just as suddenly as it had begun. She picked up the stick, and held it tight. It was still warm. Then the girl began to stir. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and opened them for the first time at Cosmos. Her hand flew to her mouth and she whispered, "By God..." Cosmos held up her hand. She spoke clearly so that she would be understood.
"Do not be afraid, my child, I come for your aid. You are the chosen one, the ultimate warrior, the Silver Dragon". She looked baffled.
"I don't understand. Why-" Cosmos held up her hand again.
"The Dragon has already chosen you. You must chose it." The girl's wide eyes slowly began to shrink. She closed her mouth, and swallowed, before asking. "The Dragon?" Cosmos smiled.
"As I said before, do not be afraid. It is a gift that you have recieved, and you must help to pay it back." The girl nodded slowly.
"What can I do?"
"Come with me." Cosmos held out an open hand. "Help me save my world. And maybe I ca do the same for yours." The girl stared at the outstreched hand, to Cosmos' face, and back to her hand. Then suddenly, she grinned. She reached out and clasped Cosmos' hand tightly. In a burst of light, all her memories and destinies came to her. She had to help Cosmos defeat the Golden Light. She must find her companion's who are lost in time, give them their memories, and they will assist as well. She must then go way into the future where she would build an empire of her own, and on the way find the man of her dreams. All of this came back in seconds, and Deragonu let go of Cosmos' hand. She rubbed her hand, and asked quietly.
"That's my name. My real name. Isn't it?" Cosmos looked at her. "Deragonu. Deragonu Tearusu." Cosmos nodded. Deragonu thought silently. Then she looked at Cosmos. "Do you have my Sword." Cosmos sighed.
"Alas, that was lost in time as well. Another thing we must seek then." She smiled wearily, but Deragonu had more questions.
"What about my Henshin Stick. Was that lost as well? Because without it, I can't even-" Cosmos held out the dragon-stick to Deragonu. Deragonu slowly took it, holding it carefully as thought it was on fire. She rubbed her fingers over the eyes, the jewel, the mouth. Cosmos spoke quietly.
"Do you remember the Henshin Phrase?" Deragonu looked up, then slowly nodded. "Go ahead then."
Deragonu looked at the stick again. She held it up to the sky. Like a dragon against a moon-lit sky, the pen glisten brightly. Deragony took a deep breath, then cried as loud as she could...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With a jolt, Tenaba awoke from a dreamless sleep. He had heard someone, someone far away. He couldn't really tell who or what is was, or what it was saying. He looked at his window. The Amazon River flowed right past his wooden hut, and in the early morning, fish sprang happily into the air. He ran his hand through his dark silky hair ans wiped his face with his sleeve.
"It's gonna be another long day." A voice came from outside.
"Coming!" He jumped out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans. He grabbed a piece of roast on the way out the door. Walking out into the bright sunshine, he squinted at the trees surrounding his village. He spotted his father and jogged over to him. His father stood, looking up into a tree, frowning. As Tenaba reached him, he pointed upwards.
"Well, what do you think? Sturdy enough?" Tenaba glanced up and saw, nestled in the branches of the tree, a tree house-like structure. He shrugged.
"Sure, father, sure. What's it for?"
"Why, birds, son. Birds. What do you think it would be for?" Tenaba shrugged again. His father grinned. "Ah, you're not good. Why don't you go play in the woods or something?"
"Sure, father, sure." Tenaba looked at the Bird-Lookout once more before continuing his walk into the forest of Brazil. He walked for about half an hour; stopping every once in a while to examine a flower or classify a tree. This was his life; there wasn't a plant species in this whole forest he couldn't name. He knew he should be proud of this, but when it was mentioned to him amoung the villagers, he just shrugged.
As he paused to study a rare form of orchid, something caught his eye. About a hundred yards off, something golden was glittering in the bright sunlight. He squinted. but still couldn't see what it was. Against his better judgement, he veered off the path to go find out what the heck that was. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't resist. Like it was calling him... and he couldn't turn it down. He finally reached the clearing where he had seen the sparkling come from. Whatever it was, it had disappeared. He didn't see anyting, the gold light or any strange object. Feeling dissapointed, he turned to leave to clearing to get back to the path. And that's when he saw it. Lying in the wild white rose bushes, a golding glittering something sparkled in the sun. He ran over, and stooped down to pick it up. It was an amulet; made of pure gold, and fully hand carved designs covered it's outside. On the top, there was an image, made of diamonds and aquamarine stones. Tenaba dusted the dirt off with his hand and gasped. It was a pegasi; a beautiful white horse with white feathery wings. It had a golden horn, and it's eyes glittered like stars in the sky. Tenaba stood still. Should he open it?
"It must belong to someone important," he thought. "I should return it to where I found it." But something was calling him. From somewhere deep inside him, something was trying to get out. He knew then. This wasn't coincidence; this was destiny. He flipped his thumb to the latch, and slowly opened the amulet.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A blinding white light filled the whole forest. The villagers covered their eyes in fright. It was soundless; the whole rainforest shrank back in silence. When the light died, the villagers stood in wonder, gazing at the sky. Murmers know filled the space where the silence had been.
"What the hell was that?"
"Oh my God..."
"Are you okay? Where's my husband?"
"It was the rapture, I know it! We're all left behind!"
"Don't be stupid; it was just lightning."
"That bright? And this hot? Are you crazy?"
"Well, what WAS it then?"
"How should I know?"
The murmers continued for hours, and families reassembled to make sure they were all safe. Tenaba's father searched everywhere, but could not find him. Tears streaking down his face, he cried out in agony.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shiraha Tenba stood with his head in his hands. He heard his father's cry. "No, not my real father. Not my real name." He looked at the amulet, now closed. It had brought back his memory of who he really was. Where he was really from.
He sat down on the tree stump and sighed. He know remembered so much. He knew who he really was. Shiraha Tenba, The White Pegasi Knight. He knew his real duty, as the protector of his kingdom in the future. He knew how he would get there; by helping Cosmos and the Silver Cosmos Senshi defeat the Golden Light. And he knew who he must find.
Standing up, he took the amulet in his hand, and stared at it again. It had brought so much confusion and hurt to him. But it was worth it. He held it up in th air, tears running down his face. He knew he would never come back to here again. After a few moments in silence, her choked out these words: