Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth ❯ The Truth ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Yo! Well this one.... I guess it sprung from the tense atmosphere between me and my mother lately. Nothing new. Just a couple of squabbles. Ja! ~Tokyo Rabbit

Disclaimers: Do not own Sailor Moon. Do own story.


The Truth

~ Tokyo Rabbit


Usagi sat on the edge of her boyfriend's bed-- she had told her mother that she would be staying at her friend Ami's house, and felt slightly guilty for lying to her family-- in deep thought. A tall young man wearing only flannel pants for the night walked in and nearly smiled at his girlfriend. She was constantly over at his luxurious apartment, making them decide that she should keep a few personal items over, like pajamas. He loved her silky pink pajamas that she wore-- they just looked so adorable on her.

Mamoru walked over to the right side of the bed and sat next to her, careful to avoid the pools of golden hair that fell to the floor in soft clouds. Knowing what was bothering her, he put a strong, protective arm gently around her waist, letting her know that he was willing to listen.

Her crystal blue gaze didn't move from the patch of soft, gray carpet that seemed to hold her worried and thoughtful stare. Usagi finally sighed a soft, slow sigh and spoke, "I almost died tonight."

She felt her boyfriend cringe and pull her closer to him. "Don't remind me...." He said softly.

That night, a monster had welled up from the ground seeking out innocent souls to steal. It had seemed that he had been sealed near a temple eons ago and the construction on the roads near his resting place had woken him up.

Sensing that something was wrong, Usagi called up her friends for back up. Sailor Moon- Tsukino Usagi, Sailor Mercury- Mizuno Ami, Sailor Venus- Aino Minako, Sailor Mars- Hino Rei, and Sailor Jupiter- Kino Makoto, arrived on the scene to destroy the monster. Surprisingly, the ancient spirit was a difficult adversary and gave them a run for their money.

The monster finally got fed up with the Sailor Senshi and sent a curtail blast at them. Hungry and very agitated, the monstrosity grabbed the nearest living creature, which so happened to be Sailor Moon, and sucked the life out of her, savoring her spirit. Tuxedo Kamen- Chiba Mamoru, had arrived on the scene just in time to witness the love of his life being drained.

The young count sent a horrendously strong blast of his golden energy at the foe, finishing it off, then rushed to his love's side. Frantically he checked for a pulse and found none. The warmth of her body was leaving her quickly.

Tuxedo Kamen called to Sailor Moon, telling her not to give up for he couldn't live without her. The rest of the Senshi watched as the pile of ashes, that were once a soul-eating monster, began to glow. Several transparent, glowing globs of air began to fly from the pile of soot; they were stolen souls, returning to their owners.

The young princess's crystal blue eyes flew open, and a smile spread across her face as she looked up at the young masked man holding her. His eyes were shut tight as he tried to hold tears back, whispering her name, begging her to open her eyes. Their faces being so close together, she had to steal a kiss....

Her friends and lover scolded her for scaring the living day lights out of them.

"I should have been there sooner.... It's my fault...." Mamoru's usually strong voice broke at the fresh memories.

Unfortunately, he had to take an advanced placing test that night for college; he hoped to become a doctor one day. Just after handing the packet to the professor, a sick feeling hit his heart. His Usako was in battle and needed him there....

"No, I could never blame you." Usagi turned to look him in the eyes, "No one ever said being the champion of love and justice would be easy, Mamo-chan."

His great, iron-like chest heaved as he sighed guiltily. He still felt like the scum of the Earth.

"But, this hasn't been the first time I've come close to making that trip down the tunnel for good," she tried to lighten the mood but then hesitated, "But this was the first time where I actually thought about being Sailor Moon."

Her love gave her a questioning look, so she continued, "I mean, one day I could actually die and stay dead--"

"Heaven forbid," Mamoru interrupted hastily.

"--and my family would never know about the life that I really led...." She finished softly.

A few moments of silence passed, but he had to make sure he knew what was going on in that mind of hers, "You're thinking about telling them?"

"Thinking about it...." She answered.

He nodded, causing his handsome ebony hair to fall into his gorgeous blue eyes, "I'll stand by whatever you decide, so will the girls... and I'll go with you."

Usagi's eyes grew moist and sparkled, "Really?"

"I promise," he kissed her on her cute nose affectionately.

He stood and walked to the left side of the bed, then crawled into his bed, along with Usagi. They were shrouded in soft darkness as he reached over to his night stand and turned his reading lamp off.

The scent of fresh roses and lilies seemed to caress their skin as they found a comfortable position for the night: her head and hand on his warm chest, his arms around her protectively, and their legs somewhat in a tangled mess.

"I love you, Usako," Mamoru mummerd as her long, silky hair brushed against his arm.

"I love you, Mamo-chan," she whispered in loving response and snuggled closer.

They had spent many a night like this together, intertwined in each others' embrace, breathing in their unique, soft, lingering scents and uttering sweet confessions of the heart. That was all it was, nothing more, nothing less, and it was complete bliss.

Usagi's last vision of that night was looking out through his porch doors, seeing the brilliant crescent moon, twinkling stars, and city lights....


The two woke with smiles on their faces, having a night of blissful sleep. They always set each other at a complete ease, but Usagi liked to tease Mamoru once in a while just to keep him on his toes. It was the duty of a girlfriend, was it not?

Mamoru pulled her closer to him as she began to get out of bed, "No, stay."

"What?" She looked up at him and smiled, "I have to get ready for school."

"Why don't we..." he paused, pulling the warm covers over her shoulders lovingly, "Stay in today?"

"What?" She asked again, giggling this time.

"I'll call in sick at work today, and you stay in from school."

Usagi laughed, it did sound awfully tempting. She knew that he didn't have any classes that day for it was Thursday, and it was also known that she didn't have a strong enough will to do what was right when it came to school.

"Okay, Mister," she poked his firm stomach, "But that still doesn't get you out of cooking me breakfast."

He chuckled, his chest rumbling against her chin, "Okay, okay."

Then he began to get out of bed, but was pulled back by her this time, "No, just a bit longer."

He appeased both of their needs by staying and cuddling with her for a while longer. For onlookers who only knew the couple by seeing them in public and at dinner parties that Mamoru was always invited to, they seemed very unaffectionate but darling. When they looked at one another and spoke to one another, anyone could tell that they were madly in love and nothing would change that. Not even if the world came crashing down around them. But truthfully, they were very, very affectionate when concealed from the public eye especially. On their constant stream of dates, they would steal a kiss and they never seemed to stop holding hands, even when Mamoru walked Usagi to Juuban High, her school when she actually had time to walk, rather than him driving her there.

"I want us to spend all day together because I was so afraid last night...." Mamoru started.

Usagi only looked at him.

"I was so frightened; I thought that I had really lost you." He shut his eyes tight.

She was deeply touched, knowing that he never expressed much emotion through words, only when he was very, very ardent and strongly felt that it needed to be known to her. To show that she knew what he meant she leaned up and kissed him on the lips softly and whispered, "I know...."

Instead of getting out of bed just that instant for breakfast, they spent most of the day like that, in their sweet embrace. But, eventually Usagi's growling stomach couldn't be ignored any longer so they got dressed and walked into the kitchen.

Usually, when she stayed over they woke up early enough for a good meal and it usually was only Mamoru who cooked, but she felt like helping this time. Her food usually seemed hazardous to eat, but tasted very good in fact.

They laughed as Usagi accidentally got flour all over Mamoru as she made homemade biscuits; he playfully threw a handful at her, causing her to giggle and affectionately scold him. It took longer than expected to finish the vast brunch, but they really didn't mind.

As they ate quietly, their thoughts wondered to what Usagi had said the night before. Was she really going to go through with it and tell her parents everything? About her being Sailor Moon, the Moon Princess, and the future Queen of Earth and that solar system.

Mamoru looked at her and saw that she was thinking about he same exact thing as him, "I'll be with you... all the way."

She smiled at him, thanking him for his comforting support. They both knew that it wasn't going to be easy....


"Um, Mom?" Usagi stepped into the kitchen where Ikuko-- her mother-- was sitting at the dinning room table, reading a book.

Mamoru had dropped her off at her house a couple hours after the time she would have normally gotten out of school.

"Usagi, how was your day?" Her mother smiled kindly.

"Uh, well.... Let's talk about that later."

"All right," she only smiled, naive of her daughter's immense guilt.

"Well, I was wondering if Mamoru could come over for dinner tonight?"

Ikuko smiled brightly, "Of course! He's always welcome over here! I hope he knows that."

"I think he does, it's just Daddy...." The blonde shuffled her feet a little.

"Don't worry I'll take care of your father," her mother winked at her.

"Thanks, Mom."

But for Usagi and Kenji, her father, dinner seemed to come too quickly . Mamoru had shown up on time and was on his best behavior around his love's family... especially her father who was glaring purposefully at him from across the table.

"So, Chiba, what are you doing with your life right now?" Kenji asked, for the fifth time that night.

The young courtier winced at how his future father-in-law (whither he liked it or not) used his name, "I'm currently in college--"

"To become what?" The older man sharply interrogated him while his daughter flushed from embarrassment.

"A doctor, Sir. And I have a well paying job," then respectively added, "Sir."


Usagi interrupted her father, "The truth is that, Daddy, Mama... Shingo... We-- I have something to tell you."

Mamoru put his hand on hers which was resting on her leg, causing her to smile briefly at him. Everything was about to come out into the open-- everything.

That near death experience, for some reason had scared her for an unreasonable amount. She knew that there was some risk in dying when in battle, so she tried to remind her family everyday that she loved them, even though she might have been quarreling with them. The last thing she did as she blazed out the front door or got off the phone with one of her family members, was to tell them that she loved them. Usagi couldn't think of anything worse than leaving and everyone not knowing how much she cared about them.

The color from Kenji's face drained, "Oh no...."

"What?" Shingo was instantly interested in anything that would get Usagi in trouble.

"Well, it's very hard for me to say...." She continued.

"This unacceptable!" Her father stood from the table so abruptly that his chair nearly tipped over, "How could you?!"

"Could I what?!" What was he talking about?

"Dear, sit down!" Ikuko gently scolded her husband and tugged on his arm, "I'm sure that whatever Usagi tells us, will be fine."

He sat down and his wife continued, looking at the young couple, "Whatever you have to tell us, I want you to know that we're very proud of you, and we love you very, very much. We could never be ashamed of you, either of you, and will support you no matter what."

The couple looked at each other in surprise and Mamoru nodded to Usagi, smiling. They now knew, the both of the them, that no matter what that the Tsukino family would accept them, even Mamoru. So, they didn't have to push the burden of their secret lives onto them, not just yet.

"Well, uh...." Usagi was at a loss of words. Now what was she going to tell them? Her father looked ill and needed some sort of comfort.

She gave her boyfriend a fleeting glance that showed her helplessness. So, he coughed politely and his face flushed slightly. This seemed like a `now or never' situation.

"Well... Mr. and Mrs. Tsukino, I was wondering if I would have your permission to marry your daughter."

Kenji nearly had a cow, "WHAT?!"

Ikuko pinched his leg to quiet him down, then used her napkin to dab her eyes, "How wonderful!"

Usagi gave the young man sitting next to her a look of complete shock and surprise and awe and confusion and astonishment and blithe, "W-w-what?"

"I would like to marry your daughter, Mr. Tsukino."

Ikuko jumped in before Kenji could begin to cry or throw a fit, "Yes! Of course! You're a wonderful young man!" She knew that he would eventually agree with her.

So she stood, along with Shingo and her husband, then began to shoo them out of the dining room, letting Mamoru to the honors.

And so he did. He pushed his chair aside as he kneeled before her, taking something out of his pocket. She watched him fumble with the little item and the light caught something glistening on his forehead; he was sweating!

"Well, I hadn't really planned to do this tonight... but I've had this in my pocket for weeks now, just in case, and now seemed like a good time and all and...." He rambled nervously, "And I know I have to complete school and this whole dinner thing was awkward and...."

"Mamo-chan," she whispered, with tears threatening to pour down her face, "Did this situation force this on you?"

His head snapped up and there was a dead serious expression on his face, "No! I want to marry you Usako! I've always felt this way, I think even when I first saw you...."

A smile spread across her lips as he began to ramble again and fumble with what she suspected was a ring for her. She put her hands under his chin to make him look her in the eyes. Tears began to pour down her face, "Yes."

"Yes?" He looked surprised, why?

"Yes! Silly! Why wouldn't I?!" Now the flood gates were opened and she vaulted from her seat into his arms that quickly wrapped around her.

Kenji tried to sneak a peek at what was going on but Ikuko pinched his ear and dragged him up to their room, "Now, now. It's going to be okay. Let them have their privacy."

"But! But!"

"Shingo! You too!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

She thought about how much Usagi had matured over the years and was terribly proud of her. Maybe a part of it was Mamoru's influence? Whatever it might have been, she knew that her daughter would be all right and that her beloved would take good care of her. Ikuko had no worries and very happy for them.

She smiled and thought about the wedding that would take place in the future and their children. Hee! She liked that thought, grandchildren.... Lots of them too....



TR- Oi! Part of this story was inspired by my small little fights with my mom recently, and maybe the new POD song, Youth of the Nation. Don't own POD or any of their songs. I guess I just kinda threw the engagement in there to end it happily, rather than at Ikuko's statement. It was kinda cheesy huh? I dunno, it's up to you. Ja! ~Tokyo Rabbit
