Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Things That Change ❯ Silent Tears ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: You should know this by now.


Time: This story is occurring in the winter of 2041.


Warnings: This is not an AU.  It is a post Galaxia fanfiction about what I now call The One Hundred Year Sleep.  This might very well turn into a series under the name I've used to dub the period of time this, and later stories, occur within.  I'm treating this time of "sleep" to metaphorically describe a time period where the Senshi are trying to get themselves together (in this story, only one person is even close to being labeled as in a sleeping status, maybe).  The reality of it is that Rome was not built within a day (and that was not even close to being labeled as a Utopia).  The period may not even be exactly one hundred years; it too is used as a metaphor for this time period.


Summary: Kumada Akina has just lost her Father, Kumada Yuuichiro, to disease and age.  However, on his death bed he requested to not be buried with his prestigious ancestors but to have his ashes placed at a Tokyo shrine.  From there on out, a trip to Tokyo for the family from Kobe will force Akina to face a few flaws in her character and discover a city of ghosts.  There, through the memory of others, Akina will learn the bonds of friendship and family, one that she had forsaken long ago in her silent anger at a father she loved and hated above all others.


Things That Change

by Blue Jeans

"Just because you don't see

thepain, doesn't mean it isn't there. 

And just because you don't see the hope,

doesn't mean it's missing too."


Chapter 7

Silent Tears


            The sky was very blue the next day.  Even the winter chill stood at bay a bit under the bright sun.  Still, Kumada Akina woke up in a grump.  Akina's morning moodiness settled over her like a storm cloud, exasperated the more by the bright, sunny day and her older sister's cheer.  Kumada Nami could not quite say what set her sister off, but something did between night and early morning.  Akina had always been unpredictable and Nami bore it with a stoicism that had always made her the mediator between the people that Akina insulted when Nami's younger sister was in such a foul mood.

            "What's the matter with her?"  Hiroshi asked when they met up in the lobby after breakfast.  Even though Hiroshi said it with less of the mocking tone than what he usually used with Akina, it still provoked Akina's nasty temper and nastier sense of vengeance.  Then again, this morning, Akina really didn't need much of a provocation to get her going.

            "Hiroshi Chan..." Akina leaned over with a sly look over her face as she sugar coated her words.  When Hiroshi gave her a questioning glance that was missing its usual precaution, Akina struck.  "You're fly's open."  Frozen, Hiroshi went to cover his crotch.  "Just kidding," Akina said at the last minute.  A bit more loudly, she spoke out into the lobby.  "Brother, don't touch yourself in public!"

            "Akina Chan!"  Nami admonished since their mother was sleeping in again, much to their eldest sister's relief.  "What's wrong with you?"  Mother would die of a heart attack if she ever heard about Akina's actions when she's not around, Nami thought to herself.  Hiroshi was not the only one blushing as Nami's own cheeks were flushed, for she also shared Hiroshi's sentiments, but she was far angrier at Akina's loose tongue.

            "PMS?"  Hiroshi suggested without any humor in his voice or expression.  It didn't help much though since his face was still bright red with embarrassment as people in the surrounding area shot him weird looks and began to whisper behind their hands while looking at him.

            Akina huffed as if she was in a worse position than him and crossed her arms.  "I don't know what you're talking about," Akina said, flinging her arms out and stretching, nearly smacking Hiroshi in the face with her actions.  "I'm going shopping.  Tokyo's the worst!"  Ignoring the glares people shot her, she strode passed reception desk and tossed the key at the weary hotel receptionist.  "I'll be back later," Akina said over her shoulder with quite the attitude.

            "I'm really sorry about my younger sister's actions," Nami apologized to the poor man after her sister's departure out the doors.

            "She's not been taking her medicine today," Hiroshi added darkly.  The hotel worker could do nothing but smile forcefully at them and wish them a good journey for the day, wherever it was they were going.

            "Hiroshi Chan!"  Nami admonished as they were leaving the hotel themselves to follow after their wayward sister.  "Don't be so mean.  You are, once again, gaining a bad influence from Akina Chan again.  Speaking wrongly about other people, especially family members, is a sign of bad breeding.  Having one family member who has no account for manners is bad enough, we really don't need two."

            "H-hey!" Hiroshi protested.  "After what she did?"

            "Exactly why you shouldn't let her provoke you," Nami reasoned coolly.

            "If it were you, you wouldn't take it lying down," Hiroshi muttered.

            Nami shot him a look but joined their muttering and impatient sister who actually stood and waited for them next to a taxi.  "Would you two hurry up?"  Akina demanded as she pounded the hood of the car, much to the displeasure of the driver inside.

            "Hey, watch it, kid!  This taxi is used for driving, not an outlet for your bad moods!"  The taxi driver warned Akina.

            "Oh, yeah?  See if I pay you a tip now!"  Akina threatened, her foot in the passenger side already.

            "See if I drive you!" the driver answered by moving the car forward a little with an equal amount of threat, but the action nearly made Akina fall over since she didn't expect anyone to talk back, much less act back.

            "Hey!  That's very dangerous!"  Nami suddenly joined in, admonishing the driver and Akina both.  "We're really sorry for our sister's rude behavior, but there's no need for such acts that may lead to an accident."

            The driver sighed guiltily.  "Keh, I'll drive you as long as the brat over there stays silent."

            "Who are you calling a brat?"  Akina demanded angrily but Hiroshi covered her mouth, effectively muffling her voice.

            "Yes, sir," Hiroshi said, grinning at the driver.  "I know exactly how you feel."  The two men shared a knowing look over Akina's head, much to her annoyance.

            The drive was tense, Akina having scooted over as far as she possibly could to get away from both her brother and the driver.  The two men chattered amiably throughout the ride up front while Nami watched the scenery, occasionally glancing over at her younger sister with a weary eye.  Akina nearly jumped out of the car after they arrived downtown next to a prominent shopping mall.  Without even muttering a "thanks" she was off, leaving Nami to apologize after her and Hiroshi to do the thanking and tipping.  "What a handful," Hiroshi sighed with exasperation as the two siblings walked onto the sidewalk.

            Nami giggled a bit behind her hand.  "You get used to it.  After awhile, you just realize that it's part of Akina Chan's personality.  Even though it's rough and hard to bare, she's always honest with what she feels and her interactions with other people are equally honest.  Sometimes, I really envy her."  Nami sighed, but her smile remained gentle.

            Hiroshi smirked.  "Don't belittle yourself like that, Older Sister," he said, setting a hand on Nami's shoulder and gave her a cheerful grin.  "Older Sister has always watched over us since we've been small, and whatever strength we learned in life, it was with the guiding hand of Older Sister, and Mother and Father.  Akina Chan and I are really lucky to have such an understanding sister who is so patient with both of us."

            A cold wind blew through the city and Nami tugged at her scarf.  "Tokyo sure is beautiful today," Nami commented.

            "Very," Hiroshi agreed as he looked over the old, tall buildings with a sense of awe on his face.

            "Come on, you slow pokes!"  Akina called over her shoulder, her expression brighter as she stuck her head out of the shopping center.  "All that stuff that's just waiting for us to buy it…  Can't you feel it!  Come on, come on!"

            Nami smiled contentedly at her younger sister's antics.  "Can you truly imagine her any other way?" she asked Hiroshi playfully.

            "I guess, in a way," Hiroshi sighed.  "At least she waits for us," he grinned.  "My fast paced living older sister, Akina."

            A dark-haired woman caught a glimpse of them through the crowd, her smile as mysterious as the expression in her dark eyes.


-           -           -           -           -


            "Hey, hey!" a girl leaned over the counter to get the attention of her working friend.  "Did you hear?  That singer from Fire, Mars Reiko San, is apparently making an appearance today at--"

            "Of course I know," her friend answered, looking equally excited.  "My boyfriend can't stop talking about it.  If she wasn't such a great singer and so out of his league, I'd be jealous."  The two laughed.

            "Yeah, wouldn't it be great to be famous?"  The girl sighed dreamily.

            "Rich and famous," her friend added knowingly.  "Then I wouldn't have to keep such a slave-driving job," she complained.  "Oh, a customer!"  Shooing the girl aside, her friend turned to the male patron.  "How's it going?"

            Kumada Hiroshi smiled charmingly, making the girl with the boyfriend blush.  "I was wondering, but did you just say that Mars Reiko San's making an appearance?" he inquired as he set down the items he selected to purchase.

            "Are you a fan?" the sales girl asked as she looked him up and down while not really paying attention to the items she was scanning through.

            "Yes."  Hiroshi grinned as he handed her the cash and she handed back three of Fire's latest CDs in a Christmas gift bag.  "My sister, my girlfriend, and myself," Hiroshi explained with a grin as he pointed to the things he bought.

            "At the rate Fire's going, their latest will be a number one single again!" the girl behind the counter said, smiling happily in reply, "But it's so great to see that they're such a steady source of great music.  Mars Reiko San sure is a great lead singer, and so mysterious too!  I think she surprised a lot of people on how long she stayed as a number one selling artist as well as being so consistent with her music's caliber.  I heard that a lot of people really didn't think she'd make it since she's so young, you know?  And she writes all her music too.  It's truly amazing!"

            "Music major?" he asked the girl behind the counter.  That or the sales girl was a very avid fan.

            She eagerly nodded to the first with a wide grin.  "Have a nice day and enjoy the CDs, Mister!"

            He nodded and gave a little wave as he exited the store.  "Man," Hiroshi thought to himself, "what a coincidence.  I wonder if the others would like to meet Mars Reiko San again.  Maybe Akina Chan would apologize--"

            "Hey!" Akina waved a fist at a passer-by when Hiroshi caught sight of her.  "Who do you think you're looking at, you Hentai?" she demanded.  Akina's hand was on her hip as she stood in a confrontational manner against a poor bystander.

            "Or not," Hiroshi sighed in defeat.

            "Who's that weird girl?" he overheard one passing high-school girl whisper to another.  "She's so strange, calling attention to herself like that."

            "She just probably likes the attention, if you know what I mean," one of the girl's friends replied snidely.

            "Dressed like that, she really thinks people won't look at her?" another added.

            Hiroshi nearly sighed out loud again in embarrassment.  "Tokyo girls sure are cruel," he thought ruefully to himself.  In the crowded arena, he saw a dark-haired girl wearing a red baseball cap approach his sister.  Silver flashed on the girl's hip as she stood next to Akina, red lips moving, but Hiroshi was too far away to make out what she was saying.  "Strange," he raised a brow at the startled expression on Akina's face.  "I wonder who that is..."


-           -           -           -           -


            "It's sad, isn't it?  Being stuck here, not really able to move forward, but unable to go back."  A soft voice reached Akina's ear and she turned abruptly to see the side profile of a girl- no, a young woman by her voice and speech pattern. The stranger's profile was half covered by the red baseball cap on the other's head while the woman leaned casually against the rail that lined the second floor ledge.

            "Who--?"  Akina began.

            "Shh…"  The young woman put a finger to her lips.  "Just listen," the stranger instructed.  "Can you hear her crying?"

            "Crying?"  Akina was about to speak but the young woman silenced her again.  The stranger put a finger to Akina's lips, the woman's body language speaking of a determination that Akina was surprised by.  The noise of the crowd seems to increase suddenly, roaring in Akina's ears.

            "Hey, mommy, can I have--"

            "Yo babe--"

            "--what the?"


            "--Excuse me, please."

            "Yes, I'd like some mochi* with that--"

            "We don't really sell that here--"

            "Try a sample, try a sample--!"

            How am I supposed to hear anyone in this?  Akina thought incredulously.  And then the stranger turned her head and Akina saw the deepest, blackest eyes she'd ever encountered in her life.  And in that blackness swam a purple light, like the velvet purple of the sky when the sun is setting in the evening, or the sad purple of violets in a rain storm.  A silence fell in that space between her, the woman before her, and all the people passing them by, and then a voice came in that silence, a very soft noise vibrating over the heads of and voices of everyone.

            Someone was... crying.

            "Akina Chan, what are you doing?"  The spell was broken.  Akina found the eyes no longer looking at her and the connection ended there.  Angered, she turned to see her smiling but confused brother.

            "What the hell was that?"  Akina demanded angrily.  She put an uncertain hand on her head, not really hearing her brother's heated response.  "That woman..."  She turned her head and found the stranger standing next to her was gone.

            "Who was that you were talking to?"  Hiroshi asked.

            Akina shook her head.  "She asked me if I could hear someone crying."

            "Crying?"  Hiroshi looked around perplexed.

            "I never knew there were such eyes except..."  Akina felt her head again, trying to remember in her foggy brain where she had seen eyes like that before.  Akina was surprised though when she couldn't remember what the woman really looked like or what the other's eyes looked like either; there was just a linger of emotions from the encounter left to be felt as the only evidence.  Akina was not quite sure if she had hallucinated the entire encounter, and shook off the feeling of deja vu.

            "Hm."  Hiroshi looked worriedly down at his older sister.  "Well, you'd be surprised to know that Mars Reiko San's back in town."

            "I will be seeing you in the future."  Mars Reiko's voice echoed in Akina's memories but Akina had a hard time remembering what the striking woman looked like.  It was disturbing, but all Akina could remember was the sense that the woman she met months ago was a very beautiful woman who was hard to forget, and who Akina was finding hard to remember.  Something was wrong, but Akina couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. 

            Akina stepped towards her brother uncertainly.  "Mars Reiko... San?" she asked, her eyes suddenly very subdued, lacking her earlier rage.

            Hiroshi was really worried when he saw the dazed expression on his sister's face, but his eyes caught the sight of something falling out of his sister's pocket.  "Hm?"  He reached down and retrieved the objects.  "Eh?"  He exclaimed, surprised.  "These are VIP tickets to Fire's concert tonight!"  Akina looked equally surprised at the discovery, "I didn't know you got them, Akina Chan!  And there are four of them, perfect for the whole family!"  Akina touched her side pocket.  "Wow, and here I thought you were the most insensitive--"

            "I- I didn't get them."  Akina said softly, but Hiroshi didn't hear.

            "Hey, Nami!"  Hiroshi hailed their eldest sister over as she saw them through the crowd at their appointed meeting place.  "You'll never guess our luck--"

            "I didn't get them," Akina began.  Her hand touched a piece of paper in her pocket.

            "Hm?  Did you say something?"  Hiroshi glanced over his shoulder at her.

            Akina opened the paper timidly and saw graceful writing.  I'll be seeing you tonight at the concert, girl who can hear those silent tears,it read.  There was no signature.  Akina flipped over the sheet and found no other evidence of the stranger who stood next to her.  "Nothing," she answered her brother belatedly.  "I didn't say anything."  She elaborated without glancing at the quizzical looks her siblings shot her.  "It's nothing at all."  She crumbled the note and stuffed it back into her jacket pocket.  Akina closed her eyes again, but this time, there was only the roar of the crowd.

            Those eyes, Akina thought to herself.  They left with her the same impression as those of the ageless eyes of Meiou Setsuna, and the mysterious gaze of Aino Minako.  Who was that woman who stood by her side?  That presence, it seemed strangely familiar.  It was a presence that dominated all others when the woman was present, and lingered long after she was gone.  Akina rubbed her hair into a mess in her utter frustration over the unsolved mystery.  "Arg!" Akina growled.  "Who the hell was that woman?"

            Nami and Hiroshi shared a look, uncertain if their sibling had really lost her mind after all.  "Perhaps, this trip wasn't such a good idea after all," Nami sighed as she looked down at the presents she bought for herself and Kiyoshi, as well as for the rest of her family members for the coming New Years.  "Still, isn't Mars Reiko San the daughter of Hino Rei San?"  Nami thought back to their conversation with Aino Minako and Meiou Setsuna.  "It would be really interesting to meet that woman."  Akina had walked ahead of them by that time and did not hear the end of Nami's latter inquiries.  However, Nami had forgotten her curiosity as the eldest stared after her younger sibling.  Akina was not empty handed as she stormed in front of Hiroshi and Nami both, but Nami had never seen her younger sister carry so little baggage when the other went to a mall, any mall.

            The day just seems to be getting stranger by the hour.


-           -           -           -           -


            The music was pounding, setting the rhythm of everyone's heart to the beating drums and air guitar.  "Wow!"  Hiroshi scouted the place out and looked exceptionally impressed.  The big guard at the door took one look at their tickets and hitched his thumb towards the door behind him.

            "Three doors down," he told them gruffly.

            "We're a bit late," Nami commented as she checked her watch.

            Akina had been unusually silent the rest of their shopping trip.  Distracted, the usually fashion conscious Akina bought three of the most mismatched bathing suits Nami ever saw.  The eldest sighed to herself.  When Akina woke up from her daze, her sister was going to have a heart attack when she saw the clothes she had picked.  Iku had noticed her second daughter's distress as well, but wisely refrained from asking when her other children shook their heads in equal confusion when she gave them a questioning look.  From past experiences, it was best to just let Akina be until she was ready to get out of her funk.

            "Ya ho!"  A cheerful voice rang over to them and all four turned to see Aino Minako dressed in silk and leather, bounding up to them in the strangest and coolest outfit they'd ever seen.  It was a total change from the miko* robes they were so used to seeing her in.  Behind her, Meiou Setsuna followed in a more elegant garb while three other women, each beautiful in their own way, also appeared.  "What a surprise to see you here!"  Minako exclaimed, though the others didn't seem to be surprised at all at their appearance.

            They walked down the hallway, while the blonde introduced each of the women.  "Over there's Kino Makoto," Minako said, pointing to the tall brunette who was walking surprisingly smoothly even with steel crutches attached to each of the woman's arms.  Kino Makoto nodded her head politely at them with an easy smile on her lips.  "And next to her is Mizuno Ami.  She's visiting all the way from Germany!"  A friendly looking woman with deep sea eyes and the quintessential shy airs of a Japanese, smiled kindly at the Kumada family in greeting, though Minako's introduction sounded a bit tense at that moment.  "And over here's Tomoe Hotaru Chan," the blonde gushed as she wrapped her arms around the oldest looking woman who was also one of the shortest people in the group.  "Isn't she the cutest?" Minako demanded as the woman waved at them, not at all minding the blonde that hung off of her.

            Setsuna smiled as Minako continued to cuddle Hotaru.  "I see you guys got VIP tickets," the dark-haired woman smiled.  "You must have met with her then."

            "Hm?" Nami asked surprised.  "Who would have given us these tickets?"

            Setsuna shared a mysterious smile with her companions.  "I guess you'll see when the show begins."

            Akina, who walked ahead of everyone, really didn't catch the last part of Setsuna's mysterious words and instead looked behind her impatiently when she realized everyone had let her go ahead by herself.  "Hey, can you guys hurry up?  We're already late!"

            Laughing, everyone followed behind the grouchy Akina while her family sheepishly apologized for her rude behavior.  But Makoto shook her head and Hotaru interrupted their apologies half-way.  "She's going to be going through a lot more, later tonight," Hotaru replied vaguely, while looking sympathetically after the slouched figure of Kumada Akina's back.  "Let her be a child for a little bit longer.  There will be time for growing up, truly, when all the cards are laid out.  When she hears our song, even her heart will not be able to deny what it feels."

            Looking uncertain to what the dark-haired woman meant, the rest of the Kumada family could only follow these strange women's lead.  Wherever they were led, there would be much to be revealed.

            Outside the crowd was heard cheering as they stepped up to the front seats, right up on the stage in fact, overlooking the entire stage area.  Apparently, the stairs they climbed brought them up to the second level of the man-made theater.  "Oh my!"  Nami blinked.  "Isn't that the legendary Sea and Wind duet pair?"

            "Yeah, Kai Michi and Wynd Haru."  Hiroshi blinked in amazement at their electric piano and violin duet.  "I heard that Wynd San will only play the baby grand for his partner.  This must be a surprise appearance to have them play Fire's only unrecorded song."  Dark eyes widened.  "Isn't that Mars Reiko playing along the piano with him?"

            "Him?"  Hotaru giggled behind her hand.  "Haru Papa would be pleased to hear that."

            "Eh?"  Hiroshi looked surprised at the dark-haired woman standing next to him.

            "I'm Tomoe Hotaru," the older woman introduced herself again.  "I'm the adoptive daughter of Michi Mama and Haru Papa.  Setsuna Mama is also my adoptive mother, though not officially."

            "All three of them?"  Nami asked surprised, looking skeptically at the woman who looked older than her supposedly adoptive parents.

            "Yes, they raised me."  Hotaru put a hand to her chest with a nostalgic but happy expression on her face.  "I'm very lucky to have such wonderful parents."

            "The song's beautiful," Nami whispered in awe as her attention was caught by the silence as the cheers died down.

            "Michi Mama and Haru Papa would be very glad to hear that you like it," Hotaru whispered in the darkness, her eyes glittering from the thousand fires of lit lighters and candles from the audience.  "You'll be able to tell them yourself after the show."

            "T-tell them, myself?"  Nami asked surprised.

            The music flowed over the crowd like wind and water, washing away worries and sadness, washing away tension and pain.  It was a lovely moment as peace came over the entire stadium-like theater.  Yet, underneath the soothing music was a hint of flame and fire, a burning pulse resounding from a single drum.  "Who wrote this music?"  Akina asked softly.

            "Rei Chan collaborated with Haru- um- and Michi-" Minako explained, stumbling over the names a bit, but a dreamy expression came over her face.  "No matter how many times I hear it, it's still like the first time."  The blonde sighed happily.

            When it was over, everyone in the audience felt the lingering affects as well as the longing for the song to continue forever.  "Thank you, Haru San, Michi San," Mars Reiko grinned as she walked up to the front of the stage with the two artists beside her.  They waved and bowed to the thunderous applause from the audience before exiting the stage.  "I want to thank you for coming to see the first show on my promotional tour."  Mars Reiko's eyes flashed like dark crystals beneath the stage light and her hair flew in the gathering breeze that ran over the stage.

            "Mars Reiko-" Iku gasped.  "She looks just like her mother!  They're like twins!"  Iku's children all looked surprised at this as they turned their head back to the women on stage.

            "I wanted to share with you my new single but first, I want to sing you a song I've written that won't be coming out anytime soon... but I hope you'll lend an ear and listen.  I've waited a long time to sing this song, for that special person that I wish with all my heart to hear it.  I hope one day, wherever they are now, they will be able to hear my voice and it will dry the tears they must have been crying for such a long time in the darkness by themselves.  I want them to no longer think that they are alone anymore.  It took a long time for me to reach this point, but with the help of my friends and from all the support you guys, my wonderful fans, have given me, I think I'm finally ready for changes, once again, to enter my life."

            "Can you hear her crying?"

            The music began, but Akina was shocked.  That voice, she knew that voice who asked her such a strange question in the crowded mall.  It was the voice that was filled with calmness, even in the face of Akina's stormy tempers.  Those eyes were the eyes that regarded her, stripping her bare of all her years.  Akina remembered those eyes best, eyes she had not been able to see clearly at the hospital, or in the gathering darkness, through the gray rain that day at her father's funeral.  They were eyes that gave a deep impression but whose powers only left one with the memory of a feeling and not concrete images.  Now she felt the true pull of Mars Reiko's hypnotic gaze and the same pull from that voice that seemed to rise from the deepest recess of the woman's heart.

            "Can you hear her crying?"

            Those were not the words Mars Reiko sung, but the question hung in the air.  And then, Akina heard once more the distant cries of someone else she did not know.  Cries that were filled with sorrow that crashed against the hope in the voice of Mars Reiko's song.  The song with words Akina could not comprehend herself, but the meaning of it was etched into her heart as each note was played out, bringing up with it, painful memories of ignorance and innocence lost.

            And then, around her, the beautiful women she had just met joined in against the crying of a single voice.  And they brought with them the joys and sorrows of their years, emotions Akina could not comprehend nor would have expected from such young and successful females.  For in those voices were the sound of loss and forgiveness, hopes and love, and dreams that ended.  Still, there was the sound of new dreams being born, the sound of hope renewed and friendships that were once lost, found.

            Even without knowing the words, even if each syllable was choked from her constricted throat, Akina opened her lips and so did the people around her and below her - all around her.  The stadium rocked with the sound of a thousand voices singing a melody that was ancient but true, a song that no words could transcend.  And then silence as Mars Reiko's voice pierced the darkness, reaching out, grasping a hand that had stopped reaching for help and a soul that had forgotten hope.  In that moment, Akina felt as if someone had grasped her own soul as well, and the true tears that held only sadness and joy, without the self-indulgence or pettiness that she had allowed herself to linger upon for so long, came unbidden.

            "Can you hear her crying?"

            There was only silence when the song ended.  Stunned, Akina's lips still were opened partially in wonder.  Akina was surprised that she had sung at all, as well as surprised by the emotion that had flowed through her, wetting her cheeks with trails of salty evidence.  The concert began once more with more upbeat songs, but Akina felt as if the first moments were etched into her, burning like embers that were wakened into flames.  And wherever the music pounded, she felt the woman she had suppressed deep inside flinging open her arms to the world to be consumed by the music that was heat and fire, a fire that burned away the masks she wore.  Resentment, hatred, shame, fears, and anger was consumed so easily within her, leaving the rest of her naked and bare.  Yet, the music made the awkwardness of such moments be left forgotten, and clothed her with the memories Akina had always cherished but had forgotten in her lamentations to the self.  The weltering of self-pity subsided now to allow Akina to see clearly once more.

            Akina began to laugh with those around her, shouting with joy, as tears of each emotion ran down her face as they had never done before.  Exposed, Akina felt brand new, and willingly spread her arms over the audience below her and sang, sang with the freedom woken within her and the joy that soon followed in its wake.

            Sang with the beautiful voice of Mars Reiko to guide her through the melody only her heart seemed to know.


To be continued…



* Miko- Priestess

* Mochi - rice cake (so says my very small and very limited Japanese Dictionary -- that's not even really mine)

-Akina woke up on the wrong side of the bed because I realized that it would be weird if she just changed over night.  Anyway, she still has quite a grudge against Hiroshi for the night before, if I remember correctly.

- If Akina had paid attention, she might have noticed that her taxi driver was a gajin - hence the reason why he lacked the polite stoicism in most Japanese.

- Hino Rei, a.k.a. Mars Reiko's song is not wordless. It's just that no one can seem to remember the words when she's (and the rest of her audience) finished singing it.  But everyone understands the emotion she's conveying in her songs on their own level.  In both anime and manga, Hino Rei demonstrated a talent and fondness for music - the piano especially.  I'm playing off of that in this story and adding a bit of magic to it.  As people relate to Haruka's (Wynd Haru) playing to be like the wind and Michiru's (Kai Michi) to be like the ocean, I'm making Rei's songs like fire, the name of the band.  Yeah, yeah, I'm not very original.  I mean, come on!  What did you expect?  I named Makoto's restaurant "Jupiter", didn't I?

- CDs are only sold en masse in Tokyo now.  I don't want to try to figure out new technology right now.  The likelyhood that Hiroshi has a CD player is based on the fact that his father probably has one too, and because Rei does have Tokyo in mind, always, she probably specially instructed that there be CDs released along with everything else.

- Akina did not remember Hino Rei's eyes because, as she said so herself, they're eyes that leave you with the impression of a feeling and not the look itself.  Anyway, think of Rei's eyes like her music, the type that lingers but whose words you can't recall.


Special Thanks To:

My editor, Yumeko San!  She had to wade through my horrible grammar to help me polish this baby to perfection!  Thank you so much Yumeko San!  I would be so lost without you!  [Dabs away tears of gratitude]