Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Trapped ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InvincibleInuYasha: Okey-dokey, sorry it took so long. I rebooted my computer and I forget how to set up the internet connections! But I figured it out, so everything's okay. So, I better get started, because it would be mean if I just stopped writing. Must update!

P.S.- Sorry, I didn't mean to get in to character deaths in this chapter but... hey, things happen. Yes. Somebody dies. Not telling you who thought, whether it's a Sailor Scout, Tux Kamen, Skyler, or even one of the cats. Read and find out for yourself. Mmmkay? Good. I'm sorry if some of you didn't want this character to die, but I was writing and I suddenly came up with the idea and put it in. I also have a really awesome idea. I don't know If I'm putting it in this chapter or the next one. But for the next one to be posted I NEED 2 MORE REVIEWS!Got it? Good.

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi. Not me.


Chapter 6

Skyler just left the room, slamming the door behind him. How that face disgusted him. He had hated Mamoru for sometime now, but the hatred grew even more when he discovered that he was, in fact, Tuxedo Mask. How many times had that masked menace ruined his plots? He couldn't remember. He didn't want to. He'd released many youma, set on attacking the Sailor Senshi, but only when another enemy was around. He didn't want them to discover his secret. But he wasn't a patient man, so he allowed himself to be discovered. He laughed to himself. Now look what he was capable of! He had captured the two beings that interrupted his schemes the most, plus, one of the sidekicks. Ah, life is good when you get what you want.

He walked slowly down the cold, stone corridors. Whether he had a prisoner or not, he liked to come down here often. There was no sunlight, only the blaze of a torch in a bracket, here and there. If there was no prisoner it was silent, and when there was, the screaming seemed to warm his heart. Yes, it would frighten many if he knew this. He had to at least pretend to be a normal civilian, otherwise, his plans would fail. He learned from mistakes. Not his own, however. Queen Beryl never acted as such. He would put up a good guy cover, and when people go missing, he would be the last one they would suspect. The only reason he was found out this one time was because that Sailor Mercury was very intellectual. Skyler had plans to have her captured as well. It would be much easier to get away from those pests, because they could never find him again. A simple changing of names would throw them off course.

But he didn't plan to keep them all. No, only the Moon Princess served him any purpose. He would have his fun with them, and then he'd kill them. So simple. Without their ability to transform, they are nothing but little girls. Once he had finished off Mamoru, they would be hopeless. Ah, so easy. Sklyer smirked at his thoughts, the plans he had for those girls.

He had just reached the door of the Sailor Scouts' chamber when he heard a banging noise from upstairs. He hissed under his breath, "So, the other ones have decided to play." He snapped his fingers and a flicker of black flame was kindled in his hand. With a wave, the flames flared so that they were above his head. He fisted his hand, and the flames vanished, "Looks like the flame's still intact." After his little test, he went to his staircase and climbed up.

He heard the frustrated argument outside, and then a bright yellow light flashed through the door. The door came down with a smack, and two girls clad in sailor uniforms stood in the doorway. The one with the blonde hair shouted, "Fighting to rescue and protect our leader, I am Sailor Venus!" The one with the short bloue hair shouted likewise, "Sparring with evil to defend the Moon Kingdom, I am Sailor Mercury!" Venus shouted at Skyler, "Where are they?" Skyler said, "I believe I don't know whom you are talking about." Mercury retorted, "Usagi-chan contacted us. She is here along with Rei-chan and Mamoru-san." Skyler shrugged, "Oh really? Well, I guess you'll have to find them. You'll have to go through me first."


Usagi looked at Sailor Mercury's communicator watch. She could hear them shouting upstairs, so she knew they were there. But by the sound of it, only Venus and Mercury were there. Usagi decided to call Makoto and tell her to help the others. She pushed the green button on the side of the watch and waited. A moment later, Sailor Jupiter's face appeared, "Usagi-chan! You look horrible!" Usagi smiled weakly, "Sailor Jupiter! Mercury and Venus are here already. Where are you?" Sailor Jupiter answered, "I'm getting closer to the apartment complex and Skyler-san's home. I'll be there in a minute, so don't worry about it." Usagi asked, "W-what about Chibi-Usa?" Sailor Jupiter said, "She was with me when Ami-chan called. So she heard everything and she trasnsformed, so she's with me." Usagi looked close to tears, "Please, keep her safe! The already have me and Mamo-chan, and I just don't want to see Chibi-Usa with us in here." Sailor Jupiter looked sympathetic, "Don't worry Usagi-chan. I'll make sure she's safe." Usagi nodded and let a few tears fall, "Thank you, Jupiter." Sailor Jupiter smiled and said, "Okay, I'm almost there. I'll see you in a minute!" The screen turned back to the digital clock.

Usagi sighed. She didn't want Chibi-Usa to follow them. Her future daughter, her one and only child, has just run into grave danger. Usagi didn't know what Skyler planned to do if he got his hands on Chibi-Usa, but she was sure it wasn't good at all. She was already in trouble, and Skyler had told her that Mamoru would be involved with her punishment as well. She didn't want Chibi-Usa to be around when it happened. She didn't even want to be around herself. Luckily, she'd be able to get out when the Senshi fought Skyler. Then this whole mess would be over.

Rei moaned lightly and muttered softly, "Usagi-chan? Where's Skyler? What happened?" Usagi sniffed and said, "You fell when we were trying to escape. I... I couldn't get us away! Skyler found us and brought us back. And Mamo-chan came too." Rei blinked and tried to keep her eyes open, "Mamoru-san? So, where is he now?" Tears welled up in Usagi's eyes, "I don't know. Skyler had a knife and stabbed Mamo-chan. I don't know what he did with him." Rei struggled to get up, "Usagi-chan, get up. We have to get out of here." Usagi said, "Skyler locked the door. But, Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury are about to fight him, and Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Chibi Moon are on their way. They'll save us."

Sailor Mercury's watch began to beep and glow pink in Usagi's hand. Usagi pressed the pink button on the top of the watch and Luna's head appears, and Artemis was visible behind her. Usagi said, "Luna?" Luna looked extremely distressed as she cried, "Usagi-chan! Are the others there yet!? Are you okay?" Usagi smiled weakly, "Luna. Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury are here now, and the others are on their way. And I'm okay. But Rei-chan is hurt. Skyler... Skyler hurt her." Luna looked upset, "Is she doing okay? Any permenant damage?" Usagi said, "No. Not now. I'm sure she'll be fine with some time off, and maybe some time in the hospital." Luna sighed, "Okay, but what I want right now is for the Senshi to finish that guy off and for you all to come home. I'm sure they're there already, are they?" Usagi nodded, "I just called Jupiter and she's coming with Chibi Moon. Venus and Mercury are fighting, I can hear them." Luna nodded, "Okay Usagi-chan. I'll be on my way as well. Artemis and I will be there before long." Usagi nodded and turned off the watch.


Sailor Venus jumped and extended one leg, keeping her heel pointed towards Skyler, "Sailor V Kick!" Her foot was only a few inches away from Skyler's chest when he grabbed her ankle and swung her around and smashed her head-first into a dish cabinet. Wood cracked and splintered as dishes crashed into the ground. Sailor Venus slid from the cabinet and smacked her head on the black quartz countertop before falling on top of the broken dishes. She moaned in pain, but didn't get up. Sailor Mecury shouted, "I will defeat you! Aqua Spray!" A mist filled into the kitchen, making it difficult to see. Skyler tried to step foward to hit Sailor Mercury, but he couldn't move fast enough. Sailor Mercury dashed at him and extended her hand, balled into a fist. She crashed into his stomach, causing him to curl up and groan. As Sklyer stayed in his bent postion, Sailor Mercury stiffened her arm and used her elbow to collide with the back of his neck. He fell onto the ground and moaned. Sailor Mercury said, "I should kill you right now. I shouldn't have any mercy on you. But I will leave your fate in Sailor Moon's hands." With that, she stomped on his back, making his groan again.

"Mercury!" Sailor Mercury looked into the hallway from which she entered and heard a familiar voice, "Jupiter, you're here!" Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Chibi Moon ran into the kitchen, barely visible over the disappearing mist. Sailor Chibi Moon asked urgently, wih worry in her voice, "Where's Usagi-chan and Mamo-chan?" Mercury said, "They should be downstairs. You can look for them, but be careful. I'm not exactly sure of the build of the dungeons downstairs, and I don't know what's down there. Bring your wand with you." Sailor Chibi Moon nodded and ran down the staircase.

Sailor Jupiter walked over to Sailor Venus, "Venus! Ow, c'mon, we have to get you out of here." Blood was coming out of some smaller gashes all over her back and there were pieces of chipped, black porcelain stuck on her skin. Sailor Mercury picked many of them out of her skin so Sailor Jupiter could pick her up onto her back, "Mercury, will that guy be out for a while?" Sailor Mercury said, "He's in pain, so he won't be up for a few minutes." Sailor Jupiter said, "I'd stay here, but I don't think you'd be able to carry Venus, at least out of the house. I'm going to go somewhere and get her untransformed. I'll bring her to the hospital and I'll meet you back here as soon as I can." Sailor Mercury nodded, "I'll take care of this." Sailor jupiter left the house, going quickly despite the weight she had to carry.


Sailor Chibi Moon held out her wand in front of her and cried, "Mamo-chan! Usagi-chan! Where are you!?" She was afraid of getting lost in these dark chambers. She began running, stopping at every door. Some of them were locked, and she jumped to look into the small eyeholes. After the first five or so doors, she was afraid to look inside. Three of the doors she looked into led into bloodied rooms, or empty rooms with dead, decaying bodies in them. It was horrifying. She didn't know what to expect, but she kept herself on guard. She found a long hallway and began to run down, screaming, "Usagi-chan! Mamo-chan! Answer me!" A muffled voice came from further down the hallway. Sailor Chibi Moon ran faster, "Usagi-chan! Is that you!?" She reached the door and she saw a big blue eye in the little opening in the door. Usagi cried, "Chibi-Moon! Why did you come here!? You could be killed, or worse!" Sailor Chibi Moon didn't answer, but jiggled the lock. When she couldn't unlock it, she stepped back and held out her wand, " Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" The lock clanged a few times before in broke.

Usagi opened the door and ran out, scooping Sailor Chibi Moon into her arms, "Chibi Moon, next time something this dangerous happens, I want you to stay home. Don't you dare try to get involved until you are powerful enough. You still need more training." Sailor Chibi Moon sighed, "Usagi-chan, where's Rei-chan?" Usagi said, "Rei-chan just woke up. But she'll have to wait for Mercury to come down and take care of her. She's coming, right?" Sailor Chibi Moon nodded, "Yeah. She's helping Jupiter to get Venus out because she got hurt. Mercury beat up Skyler, so he won't be up for a while." Usagi said, "Okay, so if Mercury's coming, we should go look for Mamoru." Sailor Chibi Moon nodded, "Yeah, where's Mamo-chan?" Usagi sighed, "I don't know. Let's go look."


Sailor Mercury stepped down the stairs and walked through the corridors. It was deathly silent, and it instilled a fear deep down inside of her. She called, "Usagi-chan? Mamoru-san!?" She began to run as she pulled out her compact computer and pressed a button on her tiara. A light blue screen appeared in front of her face and she typed quickly into her compact super computer. Within minutes, she had pinpointed the locations of the two scouts and Mamoru. She decided to look for Mamoru, since Usagi was already with Sailor Chibi Moon. She made many turns but continued hitting dead ends. This was awkward, however, since her super computer had an exact map in it.

A deep voice behind her said, "You can't beat me." Sailor Mercury whirled around to see Skyler's hand level with her chest. Skyler smirked, "Looks like you'll end up with the same fate as your friends." He grabbed her brooch and ripped it from her uniform. Sailor Mercury cried out as she began to revert to her civilian form, "NO!!!" Skyler laughed and smacked her hard on her face. Ami fell to the ground. Skyler said, "Without your powers, you are nothing but a weak little girl. Your eyes show the exhaustion of working as a full time superhero. I'm sure you wish to end it many times. How about I help you along with that..." Ami's eyes shot open, "No... You wouldn't." Skyler said, "Oh? Really? I don't see why not. Just a quick snap of my fingers and you'd be on fire, and you'd slowly die in the buring heat of my flames." Ami tried not to show the terror she had felt, but it was helpless. This man was going to kill her. Skyler smirked, "Looks like this is the end for Sailor Mercury." He snapped his fingers and a small flicker of flame kindled in his palm. Ami stared at the fire and shouted, "Whether I'm here or not, Sailor Moon will defeat you!" Skyler's smirk was quickly replaced with an annoyed frown, "Shut up and die, bitch." In a swift movement of his arm, the flames were upon Ami. She screamed in pain as the fire enveloped her body and began melting her skin. Skyler cackled and stared at her writhing form. Ami could do nothing but scream and stare at her killer who was laughing at her death.


Mamoru heard something. Voices. Two of them, "Mamo-chan! Mamo-chan!" He quickly tried to get on his feet. He leeaned his back on the wall and used it to support his weight without opening his wound. He called out, "Who's there!? Usako!?" The voices got louder and more excited, "MAMO-CHAN! Mamo-chan, we're coming!" He smiled softly and waited for his princesses to come for him. He heard Sailor Chibi Moon use her attack to open the lock and enter the room, "Mamo-chan! Are you okay? What did he want with you? How'd you get caught? Did he stab you there?" Mamoru smiled, "Sailor Chibi Moon, don't ask too many questions at once. I'm so glad to see the both of you alright. But, what about Skyler?" Sailor Chibi Moon said, "Mercury beat him up." Mamoru smiled, "That's good. Now, let's get out of here. Knowing Mercury, she didn't kill him." Usagi ripped a shred of cloth from her sleeve down her arm and wrapped it over Mamoru's wound. She carefully hugged his, "Mamoru, I was so scared. I thought that you would die." Mamrou lightly squeezed his arms around her before letting go, "Since I'm not dead, I suggest we leave right now."

They came out of the chamber and crept down the dark chambers. After a few minutes, Sailor Chibi Moon said, "There's a light down that way." True enough, there was a small shimmer of light quite a few yards down. They continued walking towards the light, hoping that it was the stairway that would lead them out of this horror. When they were just a few yards away, the light began to flicker, like a flame. The area they were in began to smell like burning meat, Then the flame came closer to them, faster and faster. Mamoru tensed and pushed Sailor Chibi Moon and Usagi behind him, "Skyler! You fucking bastard! Leave us alone!" A light snap was heard and the flames disappeared. Then came a clap, and torches began to light up in their brackets.

Skyler chuckled, "Hehe... Ahh, you all make me laugh." Mamoru narrowed his eyes, "You son of a bitch! We're getting the hell out of here. So get the fuck out of my way." Skyler said, "There's not much you can do to make me. Your injured, your bitch is powerless, and the child is quite the same. I don't think it will be all too easy to get past me." Mamoru rushed foward and shot his fist towards Skyler's face. Skyler simply moved his head as if it were nothing and pulled his switchblade from his pocket. He moved his arm in a swift arc and slashed Mamoru across his chest. Mamoru groaned but the sound quickly turned roar-like as he once again charged at Skyler with his fist. Usagi screamed, "Mamoru! Stop!" Mamoru didn't hear her. He could only hear the voices in his head, telling him to kill the one who had threatened and hurt his loved ones. He lunged fowrd, but Skyler moved away. Mamoru was now bent over next to Skyler and stiffened. Skyler took his chance and slammed the knife into his back.Mamoru staggered a few steps foward and collapsed.

"MAMORU!" Usagi had tears streaming down her eyes as she ran for her Mamoru. Skyler blocked her with his arm and knocked her onto the ground. Sailor Chibi Moon was stunned and simply slid down the wall and held her head between her knees. Skyler stepped fowards, "Oh, Tuxedo Kamen. Haha. It's so easy to kill a human. But don't worry. I'll take good care of your bitch and the kid. I'll-" He stopped and stared into Mamoru's eyes, "Fuck, Why do you have to die right when I'm trying to make a speech. Ah well, you piece of shit." He turned around and faced Usagi, "As for you, bitch, look what I've done. I've killed your lover, and your friend." Usagi blinked through teary eyes and choked, "W-what?" Skyler stepped aside and let Usagi see the black, smouldering lump on the ground. Next to it was Sailor Mercury's light blue compact super computer. Usagi was mortified and screamed as loud as she could. Skyler smirked, "At least those sons of bitches were fighting just for you. You can take comfort in that. But in the end, I am the one who wins. Look, your kid doesn't want to be here either." At the words, 'your kid', Usagi swiveled aound to see not Sailor Chibi Moon, but Chibi Usa. She had stood up and was staring with the most terrified expression at her hands. The moon symbol appeared on her forehead and barely shimmered. Her hands began to materialize before her eyes. Chibi Usa scrunched her eyes shut and opened her mouth wide as if she was trying to scream. but no sound came ou. Usagi got up and ran towards her, "Chibi Usa! CHIBI USA!" She wrapped her arms around the terrified child as tears streamed down both of their faces. Usagi said, "Chibi Usa, don't go! Stay here! Stay with me! I love you!" The body that Usagi held in her hands began to grown thinner and thinner until it was gone. Chibi Usa's head floated in the air and began to slowly materialize. Usagi screamed, "CHIBI USA! NOOO!" In a light yellow shimmer, the pink haired girl was gone.

Usagi fell against the wall and didn't move. Her loved ones, the ones that would become her family and already felt as if they were, were so gruesomely taken from her. Her Mamoru was lying in a puddle of his own blood and her child ceased to exist. Skyler came down beside her and sat behind her, leveling his mouth with her ear and whispered, "You poor thing. But I've told you numerous times not to annoy me, yet you just don't listen. So you should have expected this to happen. Oh! Would you look over there..." Usagi moved her eyes to the spot where Chibi Usa disappeared. To her horror, a little head was floating there.

The head had beautiful, wavy, dark blonde hair that went up to the ears. The eyes were a dark, royal blue that glittered elegantly. The nose was small and the lips were thin. The rest of the body was slowly forming from the neck down. He was wearing a tight black turtleneck sweater that revealed his thinness. He wore perfectly straight black pants and had shiny black shoes on. The boy looked no older than ten, and he was a beautiful child. Skyler smiled at the child. The child gave a small smile in return, "Hello Father. Hello Mother...."

InvincibleInuYasha: OOOH! Wow. I'm surprised at my own work! Well, I'm really sorry I killed all of those people. Well.. no I'm not. I mean, I love Tuxedo Kamen and Chibi Usa and Ami are also some good characters. But... I had to do it. For the sake of good writing. For those of you who still don't understand what's going on in the story, Mamoru died. Therefore, Chibi Usa 'dies' too. Well, it's not like she dies, she just stopped existing. Since Mamoru died, that means that he and Usagi never were able to have their child, Chibi Usa, a.k.a- Small Lady. Sailor Mercury died, just because. She was meddling, so Skyler got pissed off and killed her, getting rid of one more distraction. Yeah, I'm evil, so what? It's a fanfiction, so you have nothing to worry about. Whatever. Well, I'm going to go write the next chapter. Remember, I need at least two reviews before I can post. Either from or, since I just made an account there. So, if I get two reviews in total, I'll post again. Anyway, R&R, and the next chapter will be posted, since I probably already made it