Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Untold Memories ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

::Mamoru's Bedroom::
As Mamoru was freaking about the mess that she made; Usagi had to think of something to tell him in case he went in the bathroom.
`If only I could walk, I would be able to clean up the mess before Mamoru has a chance to see it,' She thought to herself. After thinking for a few minutes, she thought of a way that she can tell him the truth without exposing her secret. Once she was satisfied with her cover story, she started to wonder what was taking Mamoru so long.
“Mamo-chan?” She yelled out the bedroom door. Mamoru didn't answer right away. He was too deep in thought about what he saw, that he didn't hear her at first. When she called a second time, he heard the worry in her voice.
“Coming!” he called back to her. After he cleaned the rest of the bathroom, he walked back into the bedroom to see Usagi's worried face.
“Sorry, I had the water running,” it was all he could think of to say, “How ya feeling?”
“My ankle hurts a little, but it should be fine soon.” She smiled and thought, `but, my cuts are killing me.'
“Are you ready to go into the living room?”
She smiled, “Yep.”
Mamoru lifted Usagi, noticing her flinch, but didn't say anything. He carried her into the living room. Before he sat her down, he pulled off the blanket that Rei had laid on the couch. He threw it into the kitchen, knowing he would have to probably wash that too. He laid Usagi on the couch and propped her leg up, feeling her flinch yet again.
“Need anything?” Mamoru said halfheartedly, worried about Usagi.
“No thanks,” she saw the look on his face, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing,” He faked a smile, “What do you want me to do for you now?”
Usagi thought about it, “Sit down, you've done enough.”
Mamoru sat down on the floor and thought about what had happened during the day, `So much has happened. I've discovered so much about Usa-ko, only to be confused yet again about her. How can I ask her about the cuts? Will she just lie to me like her friend did.' Before he could think anymore about it. Usagi sighed in pain.
“Are you okay?” Mamoru worriedly asked.
“Not really,” Usagi took a deep breath, “Did you go into the bathroom and see the damage?”
“Yes. I cleaned it up,” he had to play dumb about knowing she was severely hurt, “My only thought was how you bleed that bad and you said you twisted you ankle.”
“Well, I didn't just hurt my ankle.”
“Will you tell me what happened or will I get a bullshit story like your friend gave me in the kitchen? You can't lose that much blood from falling down some stairs. What shocks me more is not that you lied to me, but that you lost that much blood and you're not even the least bit pale and weak.”
“I'm sorry. She only lied to you so you wouldn't make me go to the hospital. I wanted to see you.”
“I forgive you for that, but will you tell me exactly what happened and how bad you're hurt.”
Usagi sat up and positioned herself to face Mamoru, “You really want to know what happened? Do you promise that you won't make me go to the hospital?”
“Depends on your injuries.”
“No. You have to promise!”
“I tell you after but, promise.”
“…okay, okay. I promise.”
“Good. I'll show you my injuries, then I'll tell you what happened,” Usagi lifted her shirt to right below her breasts. She unwrapped her abdomen and showed Mamoru her worst cut. It was an inch above her bellybutton, the width of her waist, and about 2 inches in length. Mamoru stared in disbelief at the cut, but he also notice many old scars all over her stomach. As she wrapped it back up, she moaned in pain.
Mamoru took a deep breath and finally spoke, “How the hell have you not passed out from the blood loss?!”
“I am a little tired, but usually I heal pretty fast. Plus, I have way smaller cuts and bruises on my upper legs.”
“Gods! What happened?”
“Well, I went to talk to my other friends. They all decided to go get something to drink, but I wasn't thirsty so I waited for them to go and get something. While I was waiting, when a big monster attacked. It grabbed me, I was so scared. It cut me in the stomach with one of its claw. It hurt so bad, I closed my eyes. I didn't know what else it was going to do to me. When nothing else happened, I opened them and saw Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi running towards the monster, it threw me into a bush. I landed on my ankle and got cuts all over my legs. I could just watch as Sailor Moon struggled and finally defeated the monster. She ran to me and stayed with me and stopped most of the bleeding until my friends came back. They tried to take me to the hospital, but I wouldn't let them. I had plans and I wasn't going to stand you up. So I forced them to bring me back here.”
Mamoru was dumbstruck. If Usagi was telling the truth, how was is that he didn't even know that Sailor Moon was fighting. Then, it hit him, he must have been unconscious during the fight.
“That is the whole story.”
“Fine, but tell me why you won't go to the hospital.”
Usagi didn't speak for a moment, “…I went too much.”
“Are you that accident prone?”
“So what is the problem?”
“Usually I go in by myself or with my friends…”
“The hospital wouldn't stop asking who I got the injuries from. They never asked how. I think they think I am being abused by a guy. I was afraid that they would call my parents, so I stopped going. Then, Ami-chan learned and taught us how to treat any injury, no matter how bad. Does that answer your question?”
“Now that I told you, can we just forget about it? It's not a life or death situation.”
“I understand, but, from now on I'll be the one to change your bandages. I could see how hard it was for you to rewrap it. Deal?”
“What do you want to do now?” Mamoru said as he stood up to stretch his legs.
“Umm…” she thought about it, “what were we going to do if I hadn't gotten injured?”
“I thought we could go to the park and have another picnic. Then maybe go window-shopping.”
“That would have been nice. Sorry for ruining your plans.” Usagi glumly said.
“How about this? When you are all better we'll go ahead with my plans,” he said trying to cheer her up. She smiled, “Okay!”
“Lucky for you I had a backup plan in case it rained today. It involved staying here and watching DVD's and I have some games we can play.”
“Do you have any Anime?”
“I think Unazuki-chan lent me some newer ones. Let me look. Do you need something while I'm up?”
“Some more of those wonderful pain pills.”
~~~~~End of Chapter 7~~~~~