Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Waking Ami ❯ Dark Reunions Turned Light ( Chapter 8 )
Waking Ami
Chapter 8,
Dark Reunions Turned Light
"Help… Someone, please… Help…"
The battered girl lying on the ground in the dirty garbage strewn alley tried to make herself be heard. She struggled to push herself up; just as hard as she struggled to make herself heard over the shouts of the three men kicking the life out of her would be savior. The strange young man, who for reasons unknown risked, no, was giving his life so that she herself would be safe. Ami's mind filled with a confused myriad of thoughts as she attempted stand up, only fall back down. ::Did my staying here make this person die in vain? If I would have run would this young man died happy knowing that he made a difference? Now he will die, and probably me next. They'll probably do horrible things to me first. I wish I could help him. I DO NOT WANT HIM TO DIE IN VAIN!::
Ami's pupils rolled into the back of her head, as she stood up filled with an energy she did not know she possessed. She felt fear as the overwhelming energy rippled throughout her body and began to consume her. The burn started in her belly and spread to her limbs, the majority focusing in her forehead. The pressure built, making her feel like her head would explode, like it was on fire.
"Stop child." A gentle voice reached her ears as a hand was placed upon her wrist. "It is not time yet. Please sleep."
The pain vanished and the energy instantly subsided. Despite the situation Ami felt a sense of comfort as she fell limply into the arms of a curious old man. For the second time today her world turned black.
The bald old man gently set Ami upon the floor as he turned his attention to the three men staring intently at him. He took his time making sure she looked comfortable before giving them his attention.
"The girl you just beat needs medical attention. I would ask that you please leave so I might provide it." The old man took several steps toward the three dumbstruck men, fully expecting them to leave.
The thugs for there part didn't know what to make of the situation. A moment ago they were about to enjoy a timid little mouse that fate had dropped into there lap. Next, some crazy girl up and attacks them, giving them some wounds they would remember for a long time. No problem, she was now on the ground bleeding and mumbling something about "flowers". All of a sudden out of the blue the little mouse starts glowing and her eyes and mouth have smoke and lights spewing from them, not to mention the symbol that was burning underneath the skin of her head. If that wasn't weird enough, here comes this little old man no more than four feet tall dressed in an old pair of tattered pants and a freshly pressed button up dress shirt. He comes in and knocks the glowing girl out, lays her gently on the ground and if it were nothing asks them to leave.
"What the FUCK!!!" The man with the black eye and a few new holes in his smile stepped up to the old man. "I don't know what you did to that glowing bitch there. But you better just turn around and forget you ever saw us." The man did a very good job of looking intimidating, using the gore splashed across his lips to full effect. "If you know what's good for you that is."
"I'm sorry young man, I insist that you take your friends and run off. I really must be getting these girls some help." The old man did not even acknowledge the thug standing in front of him as he sidestepped him and continued toward the battered girl lying at the feet of the other two men. Those two stood there staring dumbly, not sure exactly what to make of this curious little man.
"Look old man…" The thug reached to grab the old mans collar. Before he was even halfway there he found his wrist being snatched and twisted behind his body. A well-placed kick to the back of the knee sent the man to the ground. He struggled for a second trying to stand, but impossibly the older man kept him pinned to the floor.
"I really did not want to do this. My granddaughter said I would have to get rough with you. She said you would try to use a gun on me. I don't have time to deal with you, and I am running out of patience." The two men who just saw their leader manhandled by a little old man marveled at his skilled defense. They started to advance, but stopped dead in their tracks.
"I would run now boys. Before you get hurt." The old man's voice had changed from a gentle murmur to a thunderous roar. Both men turned away and ran as fast as they could screaming for all they were worth. The man on the floor twisted around to face the little old man as he felt the pressure holding him down released.
Long red nails that were dripping with an unknown slime lie instantly at the base of his neck. Slowly swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat the now cowering man hesitantly lifted his gaze to the old mans face. At least what was the old man. Now a devil stared down at him, a devil with mottled red skin and a hideous maniacal smile. A look that was made all the worse by two pulsating sickly yellow eyes which bulged from their sockets as the pupils wondered around aimlessly. A long matted white mane framed the nightmarish visage, broken at the top by two foot long horns that were slick with blood and gore.
The compact, muscular creature moved in closer to the squirming, panicked man, it's massive face resting inches above his. It took a deep breath, breathing in the sent of the man's fear and sighed loudly. The creature opened its mouth and spewed forth a mixture of puss, maggots, and gore. The man screamed wildly, as the macabre mixture burned his skin. The beast pulled back his head then began to lunge forward his powerful teeth bared as if he were going to take a bite from the thug beneath him.
Stopping himself mid bite the ghastly creature motioned for the thug to run. Not hesitating to question his fortune, the large soiled man sprang to his feet and bolted away. The creature stood in place muscles coiled as if it were an extreme battle to keep from chasing the man. In truth he was, it was taking a monumental amount of control to fight his cravings for the flesh of the week human. After all, it had been so long.
With a bellowing roar the muscled creature slumped to the ground, steam and smoke spilled from its body as it melted away. When the smoke cleared the demon was gone. In its place was the curious old man who clutched at his now bare chest gasping for breath. It took a minute for him to compose himself, after which he quickly sprang to the side of the severely battered girl with the long brown hair.
Letting out a worried gasp the old man quickly appraised the girls damaged body. Both of the girl's eyes were swollen shut, and her lips were torn open revealing a near toothless mouth. Her jaw was probably broken, and there was no question that her splattered nose was. Upon checking for breath, he could make out a struggled gasp. It was week, but it was enough to sustain life.
Closing his eyes in concentration for a second the old man extended one of the nails on his left hand by six inches. He used this to carefully cut away the girls shirt to expose any damage there. Bruises marred the pale skin, where the three men's boots had stomped. Closer inspection revealed at least three broken ribs, one, which was pressed against the girl's lung. Moving from her torso the old man quickly inspected her arms and legs, finding both hands swollen and bleeding, and a possible broken right forearm.
Damage assessed, the man positioned himself at the battered girls head and firmly cupped his hands around her ears to hold her head in place. Still kneeling the man bowed down, so that his forehead was touching hers. Taking a deep breath the old man began to whisper incantations. At first quiet and inaudible, they steadily progressed in volume and clarity. As his volume increased two ravens seemingly appeared from nowhere and began to circle around him and the two girls that lay unconscious in the alley.
The spell he was now casting, along with his and Ami's near transformation had released an incredible amount of energy. The energies that were now being masked by the two ravens had already shown like a beacon, drawing the attention of several who were sensitive to such things.
Juni's companion had instantly recognized both energy signatures. The first caused her to worry greatly for her host's girlfriend; the second filled her with a sense of complete dread, a feeling that she had not felt in a VERY long time. The second that energy beacon registered she hastily excused herself from her class and headed straight to her car. Juni had tried to question what was going on, but her companion efficiently shut her up by telling her that Ami's life could be in serious jeopardy.
A pale handsome man paused the incision his scalpel was about to cut in the weeping child beneath him. As the energy patterns registered to him he smiled a wicked, cruel smile. Deciding that he could "visit" his old ally, and investigate the other energy surge later, the man returned his attention back to the squirming child.
"Hush child, the pain will only be momentary." The blade glinted as the man made a quick slash and sucked in an ecstatic breath as the child began to scream. "So beautiful." Cruel blue eyes shown with glee as the handsome man slashed over and over into the small body beneath him.
The screen in front of her flashed red as it picked up two huge energy surges. The first ended almost as it had begun. The second lasted sometime longer, then seemed to lower greatly in intensity. Feline eyes scanned the screen for more information. Deciding that an investigation was warranted, the monitor was abandoned as its owner sprinted from the room.
Fiore paused for a moment while he stacked the crates of empty bottles. The energy surge blinked into his awareness. Just as soon as it appeared it seemed to vanish. It was not often that such energy spikes registered to him, and usually when they did, it was not a good sign. Happy that he was a good distance from the disturbance he continued in his work while thinking of what he would bring home to share with his friend for dinner.
Ayanee gasped and slammed upon the brakes of her ambulance. Her partner Kenjo let out a startled yelp as the ambulance almost slammed into the figures that appeared out of nowhere in front of them. Both paramedics jumped out of their vehicle as soon as it stopped to check on the dazed man standing in front of them.
"Sir are you ok? Oh my god! Kenjo get the stretcher NOW!" The man standing in front of Ayanee stood over six feet tall and had long black hair with dark blood red bangs. He had an impossibly gorgeous face that seemed overly pale and shocked. He was dressed in a white uniform of some sort, that seemed at least two sizes two small for him. At least it was white. In his arms he cradled a woman with long pink hair, who was dressed in a blood covered black uniform, it also seemed to be a few sizes to small and was ripping at all the seams. The blood had soaked her clothing and liberally splashed onto the man holding her.
As her partner returned with the stretcher they hastily loaded the woman onto it and pushed her and the pale man into the back of the ambulance. They were tearing down the road seconds later toward the nearest hospital. Ayanee was bent over the young woman, hastily wrapping the apparent stab wound that pierced through her lower torso. There were several other apparent blade wounds that were not as serious that she would attend to later.
Finishing the womans pre-treatment, Ayanee moved to the tall red head to see if he had any wounds. "Sir what is your name?"
"Kir…" The man shook his head, looking as if he lost his train of thought. "I, I don`t… I don`t know." The man responded despondently.
"By the gods, what did you do to your hand?" Ayanee started to reach out to examine the man's hand. There was a deep slash down the center of it. The wound was bone deep, and was bleeding profusely.
"How did this? Oww, How…" Ayanee stuttered for a moment as a pain racked through her body. She doubled over onto the dazed man who captured her in a strong embrace.
"Ma'am, are you ok?" The man called out to Ayanee as she thrashed violently in his grip. For a brief moment the tall man thought that the woman in his arms was transforming. Her body seemed to get heavier and her hair seemed to change color. Just as quick as the ordeal began it finished.
Ayanee regained her bearings and returned to her assessment of her second patient as if nothing had happened. In truth she was very worried, but now was not the time to deal with that. She had to focus on her job.
Twenty minutes passed from when the old man started his spell. Already there was a remarkable change in the woman lying in front of him. Her ribs were mending her face repaired; even her teeth had reattached themselves. Many other wounds were still present, but in a few more moments those too would be healed.
Ami was still sound asleep lying ten feet from the old man. The spell he had cast upon her would keep her lost in pleasant dreams for another few hours at least. Her dreams were locked upon the woman that seemed to fill all her thoughts both wakeful and not.
Said woman was currently driving madly through the streets. Her companion in firm control was trying to pinpoint the masked energy signatures. "Please, tell me what is going on? You tell me Ami's in danger, but from what?"
Juni's companion tried to ignore her companion, but at sensing the level of fear emanating from her she decided that an explanation might be in order. ::I felt an energy surge from Ami indicating that she might have transformed. After that I felt another spike from one of my "kin".:: SHE paused for a moment debating on how much to tell her host. ::I won't lie to you, he scares me. Many years ago he led a number of my kin in a great war. The ones he led were the strongest of us, and he the strongest of them. To feel his presence now especially so close to our Ami is…::
::Here!!:: SHE slammed on the car's breaks and spun the careening vehicle into a partially hidden alley. They were in a rundown part of town and SHE spared a brief thought as to why Ami was here in the first place. Bringing the silver vehicle to a stop she smoothly exited the vehicle, while trying to get a lock on Ami. Juni kept trying to ask questions and that interfered with the search. She had to put her host to sleep again in order to find their girlfriend. Hopefully she would be safe and unharmed.
At first SHE saw nothing in the empty alley that stretched out in front of her. She thought for a moment that she had followed the wrong path. That was until she noticed the two ravens perched upon the buildings above her. From these creatures she identified the energies required for a masking spell. It has been several hundred years since she herself has used such spells. That being the case it took her a few moments to recall the incantation required to let her see through the illusion. She could have easily dispelled it, but that would cause they energy to surge again, and she wasn't so foolish to think that she was the only one to have felt it.
The words finally in mind, SHE whispered the proper incantation and within seconds she was able to peer through the cloaking magic's. Not ten feet in front of her she saw a small man dressed in a few shreds of clothing kneeling at the head of a partially clothed girl. He seemed to be deep into a spell and had not yet taken notice of her. She let out a gasp as Ami came into view. Quickly sprinting to her she hastily crouched next to her host's girlfriend. She had torn her stockings and scratched her knees pretty bad in her haste, but that was the last thing on her mind.
Juni's companion quickly went through an assessment of the girl lying before her, searching for any life threats. It never occurred to her that she was nearly as panicked, as her host was when she put her to sleep.
SHE froze suddenly as a voice sounded from behind her. "Stand back from that girl." Slowly turning around as she stood up Juni's companion faced the old man who was now glaring at her. Despite his command, she had no intention of leaving Ami's side.
"I won't." Juni's companion paused briefly suddenly afraid that the old man in front of her would strike her dead on the spot. He may look small and fragile, but there was no doubt as to whom this was standing in front of her. Nor was there any doubt of the power this being held. Despite the fear coursing through her, she would stand up to this man to save "her" Ami.
"This girl is very important to us, and I will protect her from any who would harm her." In this cathartic moment, SHE realized without a doubt that Juni wasn't the only one in love with the young girl lying asleep behind them.
The small man walked right up to the unyielding woman before him, and looked up into her eyes. "I know you, second daughter of the house of Pluto. Tell me, what does this child mean to you that you would risk your life for her? That is of course what is at stake. You know who I am, and you know what I can do to you."
Sweat formed upon her brow as Juni's companion tried to stutter through a response. "I love her." Plainly spoken, this would either kill her or save her. SHE stood stark still as the old man studied her. His gaze was piercing and seemed to read her very soul, what little of it was left.
"Very well, see to her wounds while I finish healing her rescuer. If anyone else shows up, deal with them." The old man turned back toward the battered girl across the alley intent on completing his spell.
Juni's companion released the breath she was holding and slumped to her knees. Her heart hammered in her ears as she quickly regained her composure. She knew without a doubt that had the man found any falseness in her statement he would have obliterated her. Truth be told SHE was surprised he didn't kill her anyway. He was not well known for his sentimental side.
Putting those thoughts from her mind, SHE turned her attention to the sleeping girl behind her. Gently cradling the younger woman's head in her lap, Juni's companion began to heal her wounds. She had just started her spell when she felt the presence of another. Not wanting to face the old man's wrath for failing she refocused her energies into reinforcing his cloaking spell. With their energies combined they had become effectively invisible to all scans, magical or otherwise.
Once she felt the new presence leave she returned her power to healing her friend. A swollen eye, and a knot on the side of the head seemed to be the most severe of the girl's injures. In truth they looked a lot worse than they really were. That of course didn't help to ease the worry that the now awake Juni and her companion felt.
When Ami's wounds were completely healed Juni let out a long sigh. The energy her companion had used on the healing and other spells had left them significantly drained. So much so that SHE couldn't counter the sleep spell she knew her Ami was under. Instead she cradled the girl in her lap and gently stroked her hair while whispering soothing words, both to ease the sleeping girl and herself.
As he finished his spell the old man turned a harsh gaze upon Juni. As he saw the way that the woman held the younger girl in her arms he hesitated a moment. He debated for a moment before softening his gaze and approaching the two women. "I need you to take us to my home. We will speak then."
The half nude old man walked over to the taller girl lying prone on the ground. With little sign of effort he lifted her up into a cradling embrace. Glancing back to Ami and Juni the old man motioned for her to follow. "Can you pick her up? I can see that you used much of your energy."
In response Juni wearily lifted her girlfriend, following the curious man to her open car. With a bat of his eye, the old man had opened all of the car doors allowing them to settle their respective charges into their seats. Before entering the car the old man nodded in the direction of the two perched ravens, triggering them to fly off. Once they were out of sight he entered the car and fastened his safety belt.
"Do you know how to get to Hikawa Temple?" The old man asked Juni once he was fully situated in the backseat of her car.
"No, What district is it in?"
"It's in Moto-Azuba of the Minato district. Once you get near, I will direct you."
The ride there was spent in an uncomfortable silence. Juni's companion was very nervous, which in turn made Juni nervous as well. Throughout the ride she would keep checking on Ami, who sat in the passengers seat. SHE was unaware of the old man watching her every move.
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Upon arriving at the shrine the old man directed Juni to a back entrance where they would not be seen. Once they were sure of their privacy the old man led Juni to his living quarters of the temple. There they situated each of the girls in separate rooms where they would rest until the various tranquilizing spells wore off.
As Juni finished making sure Ami looked comfortable, she settled herself at her side to watch over her. The old man had other ideas, and motioned for Juni to follow him.
"Could I interest you in a cup of tea?" The old man, who was now dressed in the traditional garb of a Shinto Priest, offered as he left Juni sitting at a table. "I know we don't require the nourishment, but I have developed a certain fondness of it."
"Yes, thank you."
"When I return young lady, I wish to speak to your "other" half. Although you might wish to pay attention as it will no doubt concern you."
As the old man left to prepare the tea Juni immediately began to assault her companion with questions. "What does he want with Ami? And for that matter us?"
::I honestly do not know.:: Juni's companion answered, frustrated that she wasn't in control of this situation. It has been a long time since she was around anyone whom she felt inferior to. ::He is "different" than I remember him. Honestly I am surprised we are not already dead.::
This answer did very little to ease Juni's growing fear. "Could he really? I know I don't know a lot about the extent of your abilities, but I do know that you are very powerful. We would at least have a fighting chance if it came to that… right?"
Her companion didn't need to answer as Juni could feel HER emotions flowing through her. ::We have NO chance. He is a warrior of the highest caliber, a brilliant strategist, and remarkable leader. I on the other hand, am a vindictive scholar who betrayed her family out of jealousy toward my sister.::
"I am not so brilliant, that I too could not be swayed by Beryl's lies." Juni turned startled at the old mans return, and more so that he heard her companions "mind speak". "And where you betrayed your family, I betrayed a world."
The old man lightly set a simple tea set in the center of the table before taking a seat across from his "guest". They sat in silence for a moment. Juni and her companion, who were too nervous to drink, instead spent the time studying the man as he sipped his tea.
"I'll get right to the point then. What is your connection to Merci?"
"Merci?" Juni questioned. SHE was also a bit taken aback that the old man knew exactly whom it was her girlfriend was reincarnated from. Seeing an annoyed look cross the old man's features her companion hastened to answer. ::"Ami" is our student, and girlfriend.::
"And how serious are you about her?"
"I love her." ::I love her.::
"So you have said." The old man crossed his arms and looked sternly upon the dual being in front of him. "Another war will begin soon. Beryl's General Jadeite has been gathering an army for the last twenty years."
Juni's companion was shocked by this revelation. Juni remained confused, as her companion had never told her about any of this.
"Already he has several agents operating in Japan and Britton to gather enough energy to fuel a full scale attack on the earth." He paused in his story to see if Juni or her companion could see where he was going with this.
"Merci, or Ami if that is her name, is on the verge of waking. The powers and responsibilities of being one of Serenity's Senshi will once again fall upon her shoulders. Which puts the two of you on opposite sides of the upcoming war."
::I no longer owe any allegiance to Jadeite or Beryl; I didn't even know either was still alive. And as you can see, I have bonded myself to this human. I am no longer a pure Yoma. I couldn't join in on this war if I wanted to.::
An eyebrow rose in question as the curious old man studied Juni. "I am surprised by your ignorance of this matter. You used to be well informed of everything." The old man settled himself in a more relaxing position, as he prepared to fill in his "guests" on recent events. "Jadeite has only recently awakened. When Serenity had died, her last act of defiance was to seal the strongest of us in stasis and send us to earth. Here we would be reborn. I do not know if that is what she intended, but here we are."
"As you can see we were not the only ones to be sent here. Your lover and her fellow Senshi have also been reborn, although as of now only two have awakened. Including your Ami, I now know of three others that will soon join them." The old man paused as he pored himself another cup of tea. "I believe your sister is still alive, and has been standing her post all this time as well."
Juni's companion felt a strong sense of relief at this comment, then an even stronger one of guilt and remorse. The old man, who had been carefully studying her was pleased with this reaction to his little test.
"Many of the lesser Yoma have grown tired of waiting in the dark, and they too have bonded with humans in an attempt to join the light. Jadeite has been tracking them down and drafting them into his army."
Pausing to make sure he had his guest full attention the man continued. "When the time comes that he finds you, will your loyalties lye with your old lover or your new?"
::I will stand by Ami's side, regardless of what is to come.:: Juni's companion answered without a seconds thought.
"That being the case, would you agree to a spell that would bind you to that?"
::That is not necessary, but I can see that you will not take no for an answer.::
"True enough." The old man removed a blade from his robes and handed it to a surprised Juni. "Now, cut your hand and repeat your vow. I will use that to bind you to her."
Juni's companion calmed her frightened host as she took control of her body while reaching for the blade. Without batting an eye SHE slashed the dagger across her left palm cutting down to the bone. Blocking out the pain she clenched her hand and repeated her vow. ::I Garoben, second daughter of the house of Pluto do hereby swear my life, loyalty, and love, to Mizuno, Ami. I seal this contract with my own life's blood.::
As Garoben cut her palm, the old man started the incantations for the binding spell. When the last words of her oath left her lips, she felt a brief intense burning above her left breast.
"You are now branded by your oath. To break it now would mean your death."
Garoben nodded, Juni had passed out from the pain of her wound leaving her companion in total control.
"Let me see your hand." Garoben hesitantly stuck out her palm to the old man. Reaching inside his robes, he removed a small stitching kit and started to sew up the large tear. As he finished he whispered a few words and waved his hand over hers. Garoben felt a slight tingle in her palm, which lasted for a few seconds.
"Due to the nature of the spell, I could not heal your wound outright. That spell I just cast will keep it clean and free from infection." Upon completion of the spell, the old priest left the room taking the tea set with him. He returned a few minutes later with some rags and towels to clean the blood that had spilled from Juni's split hand.
::May I ask you a few questions?::
Pausing in his cleaning the old man nodded an affirmative to the woman who sat cradling her throbbing hand.
::You have bonded me to this oath, why? What do you care what happens to the Senshi? Two thousand years ago you led the Shadow Warriors to slay a number of them, including your own granddaughter.:: Garoben swallowed a lump in her throat as she waited for a response. She hoped that she didn't overly offend the powerful creature that stood before her.
"A fair question. Two thousand years ago, I hated the rule of Queen Serenity and the peace that her rule brought. I was a warrior king, to live in peace was a slow death for my people and I. Because of that I was seduced by Beryl's lies and I became so caught up in her spell that I even took the life of my most precious granddaughter." The old priest stopped cleaning and once again claimed his seat by the table. "In the six hundred years since my awakening I have sired only one child, and she too gave birth to only one before she died. It is ironic, that my granddaughter and I would share the same roles in this life as we did in the last."
"That being the case, I have decided to change my role in this play. Last time around Revian died the way a warrior should, in battle. I cannot forgive that the battle was against me." The old man paused in his speech to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Do not get me wrong, I do not welcome another time of peace led by another serenity. Despite that, I refuse to fight against my own blood again. I will protect and guide her, but that will be the extent of my interference."
"I demanded the binding of you and Merci to ensure that you would not betray her. I didn't know of whom the girl was when I saved her today, but I do know that she will be an important influence on my granddaughter's life. That is why I bound you. Merci must live, and she stands a better chance at that with you by her side."
::You mentioned other Senshi have awakened?::
The old man seemed to debate with himself whether or not he should answer this question. After a minutes debating he decided that it couldn't hurt. "The Senshi of the moon, and Radiance of Venus have awakened and are operating here in Japan and in Briton. My granddaughter and your lover will awaken within the next few moons."
"I find it interesting to note that WaterLilly has been born to the former General Nephrite. The two of us have met a few times in the last several hundred years. I believe that he is at least two-hundred years older than me though." He informed me of her birth just as I informed him of my granddaughters. We both demanded the ritual of each other, just as I demanded it of you."
Garoben had many more questions, but the old man stopped her from voicing them. "Ami will awake soon, go to her. You are welcome to stay as long as you need. If you need me for anything I will be tending to the young lady that tried to protect her."
While that the old man started cleaning again. Garoben quickly excused herself from the room and left to find her Ami.
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Authors notes::
::notes thoughts or Garoben's speech::
Well this chapter was just loaded with foreshadowing, revelations, and new players in this little game. Keep in mind, that I plan to keep writing sequels to this story for at least two more years, so I will have a lot to cover. Many characters introduced now might not be used for awhile, or used very little. And as you can see my over all series will encompass many different Anime. A few Manga as well.
I have the rest of Waking Ami planned out. It will be finished in eight more chapters. I have to say I have had a lot of fun writing this so far, and once again I want to thank everyone who has left me a note or a review, I appreciate that very much.
Questions? Comments? You can reach me at
Next chapter 9 Price of Vengeance: Recruited by a Devil!