Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Want ❯ Want ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is told from manga Rei's perspective...
This story is copyright 2001, John F. Martin. However...
The *characters* in this story are not mine. ("Duh!") They are
copyright Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation and Kodansha Publishing.
I wrote this story because I had to. Please don't sue. You wouldn't
get anything anyway.
I want you...
Oh, *Kami-sama*, I want you...
The first time I saw you, so tall and beautiful, I knew you were the
one. The one I had been waiting for since... Since...
(Why can't I remember? Are these feelings mine? Are they from the
past? Do I care?)
I wanted so much to get close to you. To *know* you. To...
Kiss you.
Hold you.
Love you.
I do love you.
Why *her*? Of all people, why her? What secrets do you whisper to
her, when I should be the one to feel your warm breath on my ear, your
hand caressing mine, your lips...
No. That way lies madness.
Let me be mad then. Madness is preferable to the pain I would know to
deny my feelings.
I watch you and her. The little games you play. I watch and am
happy. I see the love you give her and what she returns. I pray
every day for you to have true happiness.
I pray every day for you to have it with me.
Mako-chan? Is that wrong?
This story is copyright 2001, John F. Martin. However...
The *characters* in this story are not mine. ("Duh!") They are
copyright Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation and Kodansha Publishing.
I wrote this story because I had to. Please don't sue. You wouldn't
get anything anyway.
I want you...
Oh, *Kami-sama*, I want you...
The first time I saw you, so tall and beautiful, I knew you were the
one. The one I had been waiting for since... Since...
(Why can't I remember? Are these feelings mine? Are they from the
past? Do I care?)
I wanted so much to get close to you. To *know* you. To...
Kiss you.
Hold you.
Love you.
I do love you.
Why *her*? Of all people, why her? What secrets do you whisper to
her, when I should be the one to feel your warm breath on my ear, your
hand caressing mine, your lips...
No. That way lies madness.
Let me be mad then. Madness is preferable to the pain I would know to
deny my feelings.
I watch you and her. The little games you play. I watch and am
happy. I see the love you give her and what she returns. I pray
every day for you to have true happiness.
I pray every day for you to have it with me.
Mako-chan? Is that wrong?