Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What Do You Remember That I Forgot ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What Do You Remember That I Forgot
I am watching her again. She knows it, I know it and yet we both pretend that neither of us knows anything about it.
It's not like I do it directly, I am too cunning for that. It's more a flicker of the eye in her direction every few minutes.
Once, I never used to watch her. There was no need because we talked face to face and were equals. There was no hiding, no caution but of course, things change. She was wary of me then but now it is as if I have caught some dangerous and highly contagious disease.
Yes, she is wary of me certainly and worst of all, I do not know why.
We barely know each other and yet sometimes, she looks at me like she knew me once, a long time ago and doesn't care to know me again.
It hurts and in those moments I almost feel guilty…almost. After all, I haven't done anything wrong; at least I think I haven't.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat, suddenly aware of the hot, sticky air in the lecture theatre. Our professor has a fag out now. It is lit and puffs of smoke are drifting lazily up the stairs of the theatre to hang around our heads like our own personal clouds. I try not to be bothered by it though I can't help wrinkling my nose slightly at the pungent smell.
He is waving his hands erratically at the moment, causing the smoke to swirl around him in irregular circles. I pay attention as I realise that he is fast approaching the apex of today's speech.
I hold my breath, waiting for it and as it washes over me, I barely stop myself from sighing in relief. He has concluded for the day and that is all that matters.
I rise, appearing calm, cool and collected even though I feel just as hot and bothered as all the rest of the students. They rise like zombies, they're faces slack in the afternoon heat as they yank their sticky shirts away from their backs.
All expect her.
She reveals in the heat and she is not a zombie but I blazing star, full of energy and life. I do not know how she can enjoy it so much when I would rather spend my time outside in the crispy bite of a good winter's snow.
Despite the heat however, I pull myself together and follow her. She moves quickly through the hallways, graceful and nimble. I keep pace though, despite my tall, broad frame. If I do not take this chance to catch her now then it will be another week before I see her again.
Finally, she seems to be slowing down and I suddenly feel nervous that the time is near but I do not let it show.
My nervousness turns to annoyance as she suddenly stops to talk with a tall, sandy haired woman. Distantly, I recognise her as the famous race driver, Tenou Haruka but I am not overly concerned. It appears to be only a brief meeting because both remain standing, choosing not to take a seat on the bench beside them and yet neither of them moves off in another direction.
Discreetly I pretend to be absorbed in a nearby billboard displaying mainly posters and timetables.
After a minute I am proven correct as Tenou makes one last parting shot and then slips back into the crowd.
Seizing my chance I dash forward and call her name. She pretends not to hear the first call of `Minako' or the second but the third she can not ignore because I am calling so loudly that even a deaf person could hear me in the crowded hallway.
I smile knowing that I have won the battle. The war is an entirely different matter.
`Hello Kunzite,' she says. `Hi,' I answer back, a little breathlessly. An awkward silence falls between us. I do not know what to say but she still waits politely as I try to gather my thoughts.
`Listen,' I begin, mentally kicking myself because she already is. `I was wondering if there's something you wanted to tell me. You've been so…cautious around me lately and I'm not sure I understand why.'
Minako blinks, surprised at how forward I'm being I guess. I was never one to be tactful but I am trying to work on it. Then she smiles, a smile touched with a little sadness and it is my turn to be surprised. I have never seen her look sad before. `You always were perceptive. I should have remembered that,' she says.
I laugh slightly. `We haven't known each other that long Minako,' I say. `I wouldn't have expected you to even be able to remember what my eye colour is yet at this stage.'
She blushes and I sigh inwardly as I realise she's still berating herself though I couldn't explain why.
`I should go,' says Minako suddenly. She turns to leave but I catch her hand, almost on reflex. A little surprised at myself, I never the less hold my ground and refuse to let go even when she looks back to stare at me.
`Please Minako,' I beg, which is something I have never done before but I can't seem to help now. `Please tell me what I've done wrong. We haven't known each other that long and I'd really like to be friends.'
Minako looks at me strangely for several minutes before she finally answers.
`I don't need to tell you what you've done wrong Kunzite, you'll figure it out, you always used to. And I don't want to be friends or anything else. Just acquaintances shall do.'
Her hand slips easily out of mine and she is gone, vanishing into the crowd just as Tenou did.
I am sure my face is shocked but I school it back into a calm, indifferent mask again. I have no idea what she is talking about but then again, maybe I do. Maybe I am not drawn to her because of how attractive she is or her personality but because of something else entirely.
Maybe like my neighbour in the college. I do not see him very often but when I do, there is always something there, between us. It never much bothered me but it is very similar to the feeling Minako and I share I realise.
I shake my head slightly because I do not understand. My neighbour has nothing in common with me. He is just a brooding, shy little man with a mop of long copper hair and startling green eyes. For some reason, he always has books when I see him; as if he only ever comes out of his room to take his old books back to the library and get some new ones.
I sigh. I do not know what it is but I will find out. She is right about one thing, I always do find out whatever I am after.
So I shall watch her, it is all I can do and just maybe, I shall learn something of this little mystery.
After all, if she has forgotten that I am perceptive, then maybe she has also forgotten that I am cunning and devious as well when it suits my purpose.
Absently I wonder what my neighbour's name is. We have lived side by side for so long and it is only tonight when I visit him for the first time for `a little chat,' that I shall learn what it is.