Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What happened Pluto? ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Blah Blah Blah!! I don't own Sailor Moon and you don't either, so HA HA HA! (sorry) Enjoy!! ^_^^

"April?" I heard a voice.
"Meatball head wake up!" cried a voice.
I grabbed whatever I was laying on and it grunted. I quickly opened my eyes and realized I laying in Michaels lap!
"Oh my gods! I am so sorry!" I screeched jumping up, but way to quick.
"It's ok April, calm down." said Michael catching me again as I fell.
"Oh aren't they cute?" sighed Amber.
"It's about time they got together." said Angelia.
"Huh?" I asked turning red and sitting up slowly.
"What?" asked Michael.
"Oh stop denying it you two, I know you guys like each other." said Owen.
"I think you two make a cute couple!!" gushed Lis.
They all walked out of the room. I was sitting there thinking.
'Michael doesn't like me like that does he?' ' Wish he did, but he probably thinks of me as a young immature brat that cries a lot.'
While I was thinking I didn't notice that he was playing with my hair! I looked up and over at him. He did something that I would have never guessed in a million years!! He grabbed me in a hug and kissed the living daylights out of me!! I looked up after I finally caught my breath.
"Michael?" I asked, as red as a beet.
He turned red himself. "I knew that you had a crush on me." he said.
I blushed even harder that I felt like I was going to burn up!!
"Um... I guess it was that obvious, huh?" I giggled.
"Yeah a little."
I snuggled up against his side as he put an arm around me.
The group started to come back into the room.
"Guys are you ok it got quiet all of a sudden!?" asked Lis.
They all looked down at us.
"Oh how sweet!" sighed Angelia, kissing Owen.
Shelly and Pat just looked over at each other and smiled.
We broke away from each other quickly.
"How long have you been there?" I asked.
"Long enough, short bus!" laughed Dave.
"Oh my!" I laughed, clearing my throat.
It was silent for a few minutes. The clock chimed.
"Ack!" I screeched.
"Calm down April. It's just the clock." said Michael, grabbing my hand.
My face went red again. It was going to take some time to get used to this!
My mind drifted back to what happened in the Student Center. It was focused on Sammy? 'Oh my gods! What did they do to that poor guy?'
"What did you do to Sammy? Did you...?" I started.
"No! We had him ready to beat the living daylights out of him and then we heard Angelia say you were going to faint." said Tyler.
"We released him and he took off down the hall." Owen said.
"He was just a chicken!" said Pat.
"Anyway, we ran toward you and Michael got there before you hit the floor, and so here we are!" said Dave.
"If you would have hit the floor it would have really hurt!" said Lis.
"Um.... thanks Michael." I smiled, squeezing his hand.
"Hey April? What were you babbling when you came out of the bathroom?" asked Amber.
"I saw a woman in the bathroom mirrors reflection!"
"So?" asked Owen.
"When I turned around she wasn't there!"
"That's not possible!" said Shelly.
"I know what I saw." I snapped.
"Hey Michael, are you sure that she didn't hit the floor?!" laughed Tyler.
"That's not the important part!" I said, glaring at Tyler.
"What else happened?" asked Angelia.
"The crescent moon glowed!" I stammered.
I just sat there trying to let it all sink in. My friends were having a hard time believing me and I didn't blame them! I am having trouble believing myself!
That night at the University on a roof top-
"Oh I am so glad that they found each other!" sighed Neptune to her partner Uranus.
"You know it's all Pluto's doing!" she answered.
"She scared Serenity half to death!" laughed a small figure behind them.
"Oh!" Neptune jumped.
"Saturn you scared me to death girl." said Uranus walking up to her.
"Your still living aren't you?" she asked.
Saturn is known for her attitude and her sarcasm about death, but then again when you are only 10 and you know you have the power to destroy a planet, well, you would be that way too.
"April. Her name is April in this life. She doesn't know she is Serenity yet and it will be that way until the time is right." said a tall figure coming out of the darkness.
"Why does she not know yet Pluto?" asked Neptune.
"It's not time yet." Saturn replied for her.
"What about the evil presence that we are feeling?" asked Uranus.
"I must warn you though, she said pointing her glaive at Pluto, if they do not awaken before the Silence comes, then the earth is doomed!" she laughed disappearing.
"Freaky!" said Uranus.
"She's our daughter." said Neptune.
"Queen Serenity trusted us with her and I think we have done a good job." said Pluto.
A little ball of light landed near them.
"Yes I think you have done a wonderful job my scouts." said the figure in the ball.
The scouts all turned around and fell to one knee.
"My queen?" asked Pluto.
"Please rise, you are my friends and you need not to do this."
They all stood up and then there was a flash of light and there in all her glory was the Moon Queen.
"I want to thank all of you for watching my daughter and her scouts, you know our future depends on her." she smiled.
"We know." said Uranus, squeezing Neptune's hand.
" I have a new mission for you and Neptune." she said.
"My queen?" Neptune asked.
The two scouts stepped forward and listened very carefully.
"I would like the two of you to go to the University and keep an eye on them for me. I am only a spirit and I cannot be there to help them if they need it, but you two can."
"We accept the mission my queen." said Uranus.
There was a flash of light and she became a ball once more.
"Pluto watch over them as you always have." she said floating off.
"Good luck." she whispered as she vanished.
The scouts just stood there thinking about what just happened.
"So I take it the queen has just told you of your new mission?" said Saturn appearing again.
"Yes she has." said Pluto.
"You must act just like normal people and Uranus you will be a boy, but when you transform you will be a girl." said Saturn.
"What!? No way!" Neptune blurted out.
"Oh cool! Look at it this way, Neptune, we can now date without getting stares." Uranus said.
"She is right, it is not public like it is back home, it is very different." said Pluto.
"I am going back to the 30th century to visit Rachel."
"Rachel? Who is Rachel?" asked Pluto.
"It's a name that the Princess Rini uses so she can go to school without being known as the princess. As far as the children are concerned, she is her friend and look alike in case something happens." said Saturn.
"You two will start at the University tomorrow as Alex and Michelle. Be careful, you could be killed!" laughed Saturn vanishing.
"She must get her sense of humor from Pluto." said Uranus looking towards Pluto, but she wasn't there.
"I wonder where she went." asked Neptune.
"Back to her gate I imagine." said Uranus.
"Well let's go home" said Uranus, putting her arm around Neptune.
"Your planet or mine?" asked Neptune.
"Yours. I need to speak with your father King Triton." she answered.
The two figures disappeared in bright ball of light.
"Pluto?" I cried sitting up in my bed.
"It was a dream!? I found out her name, it's Pluto!"
The next morning I groggily reached for the alarm to shut it off. I heard a loud knock coming from my door.
"Coming!" I answered walking to the door almost tripping over my knee length hair.
I opened the door and there stood Michael ready for school!
"Hey!" he said giving me a kiss.
"Uh April? What are you wearing?"
I looked down and to my horror I was wearing nothing but a tee shirt that barely came to my knees!
"Oh my gods!" I squealed running to my bed room.
I quiclky got dressed and put my hair up. I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch beside Michael.
"I know who that woman was that I saw." I said, breaking the silence.
"How do you know." he asked.
"I had this weird dream and she was there with other people and they called her Pluto."
"Hey! Short bus! Are you up yet?!" I heard Dave yell outside.
Michael and I walked out the door and towards the student center.
"Are you ready for the meeting?" asked Tyler.
"Yes I am." I replied with a smile on my face.
"We had better get to the meeting or Miss Joy will have a cow!" laughed Lis.
"Hey guys, I know who that woman was that I saw yesterday." I said.
"Are you still going on about that?" asked Dave.
"You guys know as well as I do that April doesn't lie." said Pat.
"Yes, but it's just not possible!" said Shelly.
"What's her name?" asked Angelia.
"Her name is Pluto." I said.
" You mean like the planet?" asked Pat.
"Hey short bus? How much sleep did you get last night?" laughed Dave.
We walked the rest of the way to the Student Center in silence. We all took our seats and the dean of the University got up to say something.
"I am here to inform you that Miss. Joy has left our University." he started.
Cheers went up from the students.
"However Mr. Kaioh will be teaching in her place from now on." he added presenting him to the students.
The girls in the room just got quiet and sat there staring with hearts in their eyes.
"My name is Alex Kaioh and I will be teaching Accounting from now on." he smiled.
"I would like to present you to my wife, Mrs. Michelle Kaioh."
The girls went slack jawed and some even cried.
"She will be teaching music if anyone is interested." he added.
The boys just sat there and some of them gave out cat calls as she walked up to the podium.
"Thank you dear." she said, ignoring the stares that some boys gave her.
"As you all know my name is Michelle, but I would like if you called me Mrs. Kaioh.
They both sat at the table next to ours. They smiled and looked over at us.
"At this time if I could have the Vice President of P.B.L come up and let us know about this dance thing that you students have going on." said the dean.
I got up and walked to the podium.
"Oh behalf of the students and P.B.L I would like to welcome our new teachers." I said.
That sent the whole student body into an uproar of applause and whistles.
"As our dean said we do have a dance coming up and the student council has decided on a theme for this years dance. It is called Moon Kingdom."
"Huh?!" asked Alex and Michelle as their heads snapped up.
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That's it for the second chapter!! R&R! Please!!
*moonprincess* @----->-----