Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What I Want ❯ What I Want ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Story #21 from Sailor DKC! I'm typing this on the 4th of July 2002 to
show that I have not stopped my joy of writing Sailor Moon stories.
I write in the name of freedom, and I write for everyone who stands
by our home and country, the United States of America. May God Bless
Us and Watch Over Us!

This story is the sequel to "All For What?" featuring the couple Mina
and Malachite. Stay tuned for the conclusion! The picture which
inspired me is by the artist Hikari Miraino. It can be found at
Generals Love. When you see this *, I'll be describing the picture.

NOTE: The new characters in the story are borrowed from the anime,
but I changed their names. Asai, Mina's volleyball friend from
Episode 100 of SMS-third season, will be called James(from Jamie of
the dubbed version) and Yamamoto Saeko, the skiing moon princess from
Episode 38 of the first season, will be called Blizza(from Blizzard
of the dubbed version).

All my other stories are found at GL, A Sailor Moon Romance, Lovers
That Never Were and Lalala Land. Rated R for a heavily romantic sexy
scene towards the end. Entertainment only and have fun reading!
WORD OF ADVICE: Be responsible before you prepare for intimacy!
Naoko Takeuchi owns Sailor Moon, I don't!

Dedicated to Hikari Miraino. Intriguing picture!

Please e-mail me at for comments!


By Sailor DKC

"Presenting Lord Malachite and his wife Lady Mina of Venus!" The
usher announced as the couple stepped forward into the ballroom of
Prince Darien's castle. They make a magnificent-looking couple with
Malachite wearing a royal blue uniform with silver gray lining on the
wrist sleeves and his front lapel and down the sides of his pants and
Mina wearing a red gown reaching to her knees and backless to her
waist. Her front was looped around her neck with a teardrop opening
revealing some decent cleavage.
Amy, Raye and Lita waved to the couple from across the room. "Excuse
me, dear," Mina said to her husband. "I'm going to talk to my
"I'll be waiting at our table," he responded. Pulling her to him, he
whispered in her ear. "You look beautiful."
Mina turned to touch her cheek with his as she stared at him. "Thank
you," she whispered back, then left to meet with her friends.

Malachite watched her go, her lemon blonde hair held up with a red
bow swaying side to side brushing her bare back. Sucking in his
breath, he imagined his fingers caressing that beautiful skin.
'Tonight's the night,' he thought. 'She is going to know I love her.'
Suddenly, he felt a SLAM! on his back, followed by arms encircling
his waist from behind. "What the-?" he started to ask, then the woman
behind him slid around to face him and locked her hands behind his
back. "Hi, good-looking!"
"Blizza!" He placed his hands on her shoulders to steady himself.
"What are you doing?"
Blizza slid her arms from his waist to slid up his chest and locked
her hands around his neck. "Taking you up on your offer to dance..and
more!" She winked provocatively as she dragged him to the dance

"So what's married life like for 2 months?" gushed Lita.
"Have you guys taken the next step yet?" pushed Raye.
"Are you in love yet?" asked Amy.
"Girls! Girls!" Mina said, waving her hands up and down to calm them
down. 1,it's been wonderful. 2, no. And 3, I think I am!"
"Wonderful?" Lita threw her a 'huh?' look. "Two months of marriage
and you two haven't done the deed yet?"
"Well, we've been living as a 'dating' couple."
"A dating couple?" Raye gave a 'what?' expression. "That doesn't
sound like fun for a married couple."
"Oh, but it is! Since this is an arranged marriage, we hardly know
each other. So we decided to take it slow and date like the single
"And it works?" Amy gave a 'hmmm' expression.
"Yes, I know Malachite's likes and dislikes. And he knows mine. In
fact, I think I'm feeling something for him."
Suddenly Amy gasped. "Oh! Then I hope you tell him soon because it
looks like someone's making a play for him." She pointed to the
dance floor. Mina followed her direction and was shocked to see her
reluctant husband with Blizza, who is wearing a slinky tight black
dress with spaghetti straps and reaching mid-thigh and dancing
seductively all over him.
Mina remembered the first time they met her...


She and Malachite were skiing on the bunny hill on the mountains
which were a few miles away from the prince's castle. At the bottom
of the hill near the ski lift platform, they met a ski instructor
named Blizza who had dark blue hair and a killer body. The couple
could tell because of the black skintight bodysuit and the small
white fake-furred jacket which only covered her top. And it didn't
have buttons, but draped open to frame her chest.
Mina looked down at her long red body sweater that reached mid-thigh,
along with her red orange tights. Malachite wore a dark sky blue
sweater with black tights. Feeling awkward compared to Blizza's
outfit, she looked up at her husband's face and noticed his eyes
widened as Blizza approached them.
"Hey there!" the woman greeted, focusing on Malachite. "You two are
that married couple, right? Sailor Venus and Lord Malachite?"
"Um, yes," Malachite stammered, then indicated to Mina. "She is also
Lady Mina of Venus, and I am also General Kunzite of Earth."
"Nice to meet yo-" Mina began, but Blizza cut her off.
"A general, too! Oh, my, amazing! The duty you must do. An arranged
marriage! How hard it is for you! How long has it been? Two months?"
"Why, yes. But it's not hard for us-" Suddenly, Malachite was pulled
by the arm, and the next thing that happened he and Blizza were both
sitting in a ski lift and it started to move.

"Hey!" Mina shouted as she pushed and skied over to the ramp to where
they are. It was too late. The ski lift was up and away, taking her
husband and the ski instructor further out.
"Don't worry, little one!" Blizza yelled over her shoulder. "I'll
keep him company!" She laughed as she waved.
"Of all the nerve!" Mina fumed, angrily as she quickly took the next
ski lift.
"Hold on!" A man's voice said. "I want to get on, too!"
"Hurry up!" Mina yelled as he settled down next to her.
"Hi, I'm James! You don't mind, do you?"
"Whatever!" Mina grunted as the ski lift started to move.
During the ride, she focused on the two people in the ski lift ahead
of them. 'She better not try anything!' she thought, biting her lip.
Then to her shock, Blizza's head leaned over as if resting on her
husband's shoulder!
James, in the meantime, was watching the surrounding view with his
binoculars. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he commented.
"NO, IT'S NOT!" she yelled, her voice echoing as she tried to stand.
The ski lift shook and James grabbed Mina to hold her down. "Hey!
Take it easy! Are you trying to get us killed?"

Mina calmed down a bit, breathing heavily. Then she spoke. "I'm sorry
I reacted that way, but I think that woman is making a move at my
husband." She pointed to the ski lift ahead of them. Using his
binoculars, James observed the two heads, one white haired, the other
dark blued. "She was leaning against him when I tried to stand, but
she's off of him now."
"Ah!" he said, putting down his binoculars. "I know her. Ski Bunny
Blizza. A great ski instructor, but a shameless flirt. She'll hit on
any guy, single or married."
Mina slumped down on her seat. "I guess it was bound to happen.
Malachite is so handsome and exciting. A beautiful girl like Blizza
should be his wife, not a dutiful Sailor Soldier like me. What am I
going to do? I can't lose him. Not when I'm beginning to feel
something for him."

"Malachite? The Lord Malachite? Then you must be..." James gripped
his chair to steady himself as he gazed at her. "Then you're Sailor
Venus! I can't believe it! I'm actually sitting next to you!"
Mina slowly turned to look at him. She admitted to herself that he is
rather handsome with his short dark brown hair and gentle eyes. He
was wearing a tan sweater with dark brown thick tights. "I've admired
you from afar, even before your arranged marriage, and I've always
wanted to meet you."
"Thanks," she said with no emotion as she turned to sadly look back
at the ski lift carrying her husband and that flirting bimbo. James
observed her expression, and his heart went out to her.
"Look," he said. "I don't know whether this marriage is working for
you, but if it isn't, let me know."
"What?" Mina blinked and turned to see a card handed out to her. It
read PROFESSIONAL SOCCER PLAYER, and it contained his name and where
he can be reached. She looked aback at James and shook her head as if
undeciding. "I, I, I-I don't know."
"Just take it." He placed the card in her hand and covered it in his
own. "If you just need to talk, you'll know how reach me."

They were nearing the end of the ride. Malachite and Blizza were
already off, and Blizza was skiing away. Malachite was waiting for
Mina. As the lift stopped, James helped Mina off as her husband
approached them. Preparing to leave, James said in a low voice, "Lady
Venus, if you know what you want, don't hesitate. Go for it. I know I
would if given the chance." Then he skied off, with Mina watching
him go.
"Mina!" Malachite called out to her as he slid up to her. She quickly
pocketed the card out of this sight.
"Is everything all right?"
"Um, yes." They both started to ski away to their cabin.


Mina couldn't believe Blizza was flirting with Malachite again and in
public! And she could tell that her husband was trying to pull her
off of him. 'Well, it's about time that hussy realizes who belongs to
whom,' she thought as she left her friends. Passing a waiter, she
grabbed a glass of crushed ice and marched onto the dance floor.
Arriving at her husband's side, she heard him saying, "Would you
kindly let go of me, please? Blizza!"
"You heard my husband!" Mina exclaimed, forcefully pushing Blizza
away from him. Then she grabbed the front of Blizza's plunging
neckline, pulled it open, and dumped the ice down her chest.
"AAAAHHHH!" Blizza screamed as everyone gasped.
"And keep your mitts off him!" Mina then faced a surprised Malachite,
grabbed his face, and kissed him fully on the mouth.

More gasps came from everyone. Blizza made a huffing "OOH!" and fled
from the room, trying to get the ice out of her dress. The kiss ended
and Malachite and Mina stared at each other. The crowd started
talking amongst themselves about what just happened.
"What, what was that all about?" Malachite gasped, heavily.
"Fighting for what I want," Mina replied, breathing heavily.
"You want..." He trailed off, putting a hand on his chest, indicating
himself. She nodded furiously. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her
to him and whispered, "Let's get out of here."
They left the ballroom.

On the moon, in their bedroom of the Moon Palace, they kissed so
tenderly, standing at the foot of the bed with their shoes off. Then
they slowly drew apart and faced each other a foot away. Reaching
out, Malachite placed his fingers around Mina's neck and undid her
loop to release the top of her dress. He let it slid down to reveal
her breasts which were pale and lovely. Letting the top hand about
her waist, he skimmed over her breasts with the back of his hands.
Mina breathed in deeply and murmured, "Mmmmmmmm," as she felt his
knuckles brush against her nipples and back again. Then, slowly, he
hooked his fingers around the waist of her dress and helped her take
it off. Kneeling before her, he caressed her feet, then slowly up her
calves, then very slowly up her thighs, and stopped his hands at the
base of her lacy underwear.
Gripping her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, Mina gasped as
she felt him butterfly kissing her abdomen as he slowly pulled off
her panties. As they fell in a pool around her feet, she stepped out
of them as he stood back up to face her.

Breathing heavily, Malachite reached up to release the top button of
his uniform. Mina helped him by unbuttoning from the bottom of his
jacket top. As their fingers met in the middle, the jacket opened,
and she helped him remove it, revealing a sky blue sleeveless top.
Dropping his jacket to the floor, Malachite noticed that his wife was
standing closer to him and caressing his muscled arms and shoulders.
Her head was under his chin so he bent to smell her hair which was
sweet and clean. She lifted her head and her mouth connected with
his. They teased each other, lips brushing, not kissing.

Slipping her hands to his waist, Mina gripped the ends of his top and
helped him pull it off. Now bare-chested, Malachite crushed her to
him, feeling her breasts press into him. 'So soft,' he thought as he
caressed her back. Then he gasped when he felt her undoing his pants
and dropping them to the floor. Stepping out of them, he nearly
choked when she smoothed her hands all over the material of his
boxers. Then she slid down to her knees, pulling his boxers down
also. After he stepped out of them, he watched her caress his feet,
then slowly up his calves, then very slowly up his thighs. "Uuuhhh,"
he groaned softly as he felt her baby-kissing his abdomen while he
caressed her hair.

As she finally stood up to face him, Malachite let out a hissing
breath as he felt Mina brush her hand against his length. Grabbing
her hand, he brought it to his lips. "Careful," he whispered, kissing
her tips. "I can't control myself any longer."
"Me neither," she whispered back, eyes closing as he took one finger
in his mouth and suckled erotically. Then he helped her on the bed
until they are kneeling and facing each other. Slowly, their arms
reached out to one another as a breeze from their opened bedroom
window came gushing in.

* In the privacy of their intimacy, Malachite and Mina held each
other closely: her arms around his shoulders, her left hand brushing
against his flowing hair, and his arms around her waist, feeling her
hair caressing his right arm. *

"Mina," Malachite said. "Is this what you want?"
Thinking about the possibility of losing him to a voluptuous woman
like Blizza, Mina snuggled closer to him and peppered kisses under

his chin. "Yes," she whispered, desperately. "It's what I want."
'She's going too fast,' he thought. He was about to ask her what is
wrong when he felt her reach down and touch him again, but now
squeezing more firmly. After that, he lost control by grabbing her
head and looking straight in her eyes and saying, "It's what I want,
too," and hungrily took her mouth.
With groans of pleasure and satisfaction, they fell on the bed.

