Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Been ❯ What might Have been ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
What might have been by Sailor Virgo

Hello everyone, it's me again. This is a songfic done to "what Might Have Been" by Little Texas. I love this song. Just as a warning, this isn't a happy fic. I don't know what possessed me to write it. So far, I am finished with it, but if I get enough responses to it, I might continue it, though I doubt it. Please Read and Review. Also, I'm sorry about how the story looks, but I am on a new computer and I can only save in notepad. :(.

*******} Lyrics
[-] - dreams

Serena sits on her bed, crying softly into her pillow. She is thinking about him again. Her heart ache. She knows that crying is pointless, but she can't help it. She loved him so much and he is gone from her life forever. She knows she has to get over him. She will never love another, as she loved him.

The next morning, Serena is walking in the park. Her shoulders are slumped, even her pigtails are drooping. She looks like death warmed over.

On the other side of the park, there was a pavilion set up. On it was a young man. He was singing so beautifully about finding love. The song penetrated Serena deadened brain. She looked up and gasped. It was him! She just knew it! It had to be.

Serena ran to the stage, a huge, beautiful smile and tears streaming on her face. "Darien? You've come back for me, my love!" When she looked on the man, she saw a look of sorrow on his face and concern, too. Serene just stared, going into shock. She started to convulse on the ground.

The man jumped off the stage and cradled her. "Someone, call the ambulance." To the girl, he said, "Please, my angel, be OK. I've finally found you. I can't loose you... Please..."

Sure I think about you now and then
But it's been a long, long time
I've got a good life now
since I moved on
So when you cross my mind

Serene is crying, She turns her head up for a kiss and his lips are there to meet hers. As the couple turn around, the Priest smiles. "I am pleased to announce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Seiya Kou." There is the sound of applause. Everyone was very happy for the couple. Though, there were five girls who thought that this wasn't right, but smiled for their best friend and shed tears of sorrow. They smile through their tears.

At the reception, Serene slips into the bathroom. Rei notices and follows. As Rei enters the bathroom, she hears soft sobbing. Rei opens the stall and Serene jumps with a start. When she realizes that it's only Rei, she hugs her friend and cries.

"Why? Rei, Why wasn't him? I loved him so much. I shouldn't have done this." Serene sobbed.

"Serene," Rei said, tilting her friends chin up and wiping away the tears."Do you care for Seiya?"

"Yes, but," Serene started to say.

"No buts. If you care for him, make it work. Live now, Serene. For us, please? We love you too. We want you happy. Now smile and Kiss your husband. He is a good man and he loves you with all of his heart."

Serene thinks for a moment and a radiant smile flashes on her face, wiping away all traces of her tears. "Thank you Rei. I know now that I can still be happy, as long as I have someone to love and who loves me, I will always be content." Serene hugs Rei again and rushes out of the bathroom, into the arms of her husband. Amidst the hooting and hollering, Serena kisses Seiya deeply.

Rei stands in the doorway of the bathroom, with a sad smile on her face. "be happy, Serena, you deserve it." She slips back to the other four girls there.

I try not to think about what might have been
cause that was then and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again, there is no use giving in
and there is no way to know what might have been

["I will always love you Serena, Nothing will keep us apart"

"Serena, I have something to tell you. Meet me at the park in a half hour."

"Serena, I have to go back to Japan. I have a finesse there. I am sorry"

The man looks sadly back at the broken girl on the street. He sighs and turns around, walking away, leaving her there, sobbing her pain out. He wished it could be different, but he knew his family's honor must not be tarnished. In doing so, he broke the one he love's heart. When he was far away from the girl, he broke down crying himself.]

Serena wakes with a start. 'Oh, my goodness, not again.' She tries to go back to sleep, but with her large belly, it was hard to get comfortable. Seiya grumbles lightly in his sleep and puts his arms around his wife, kissing her on the nape of her neck.

"Sleep Rena, I love you"

"I love you too, Dearest"

We can sit and talk about this all night long
and wonder why we didn't last
Yes the might have been the greatest days we'll ever know
But we have to leave them in the past

Serena smiles down at the five year old in her arms. "Sweetie, you have to take your nap soon. Come on now, no fussing"

"But Momma, I don't wanna. I'm a big girl. Please don't make me. I wanna stay up and see Daddy. Please?" the child said, her eyes drooping from exhaustion.

Serena smiled at the little girl. "How about if I sing to you? Would you like that, Rini?"

The little pink haired girl nodded.

Serena starts to sing
"You are my Sunshine,
my only sunshine,
you make me happy,
when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear,
how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms,
When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken,
and I hung my head and I cried.

You are me sunshine,
my only sunshine,
you make me happy,
when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear,
how much I love you,
Please don't take my Sunshine away"

After finishing the lull-a-bye, Serena carried the now sleeping child and cradled her, crying softly. She gently carried Her into her room and laid her on the bed. She smiled down on her sleeping child. She walked out of the room and quietly shut the door. When she was in the living room, she heard a phone ring. Thinking who could be calling, she rushes to answer the phone.

"Hello, Kou residence. *pause* Yes, This is Mrs. Kou. *long Pause* OH MY GOD!!!! NOOOOOO!!!" Serena crumpled to the floor, sobbing, the phone laid unnoticed on the floor.
So try not to think about what might have been
cause that was then and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again, there is no use giving in
and there is no way to know what might have been

["Serena, I'll be back before you notice I'm gone, my love. It's only for the weekend. Now, smile for me, my love. I want to remember you just this way. Good-bye, I love you Rena"

"I'm sorry to inform you, Mrs. Kou, but your husband has been in a car crash. The road was icy and he was speeding. He didn't notice the child playing in the street. When he did, he couldn't stop in time, unless he swerved to miss him. He hit a telephone pole head on, going 50 mph. I'm sorry for your lose"

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home? You said he was going to be back tonight."]

Serena woke with a start, crying out. She noticed a warm body in front of her. It was Rini, finally asleep. She hugged her child, crying softly into her hair.

The same old look in your eyes
it's a beautiful night
I'm so tempted to stay
But too much time has gone by
we should just say good-bye
and turn and walk away

Serena was walking down the street, holding onto Rini's hand. The child had grown so solemn this past year. 'Who can blame her' thought Serena. She just smiles her fake smile. She stops at the bus stop, waiting for it to come. When the bus shows up, Serena smiles at Rini, "Now you be a good girl, OK? And Be good for your teachers."

"Yes, Momma. I will" Rini said quietly. They hug and Rini gets on the bus. Serena stares at the bus, missing her daughter terribly, but knows Rini needed to be on her own to heal. She sighs and turns to walk away. Just as she was looking down, something caught her eye. It was a tall, well-dressed man with short black hair. Her heart skips a beat. Then she shakes her head. 'It's not him, he's dead, dammit. If not for Rini, I would be dead too.' She walks at a brisk pace to her work. As she was about to pass the man, he turned around. When Serena saw his face, she fainted.

"Serena? Is that you? Oh, my good.... Hold on Serena, I'll help you."

Serena woke up in a hospital. She looked around, confused. "Where am I? How did I get here? Where is Rini?" She said panicked.

"Rei has her. Your at a hospital. You fainted and I carried you here. Do you remember me, Serena?" Asked the man she almost pasted on the street. She seized up and started to cry. "Darien... What? Where? Oh my God!" She starts to cry.

Darien looked up at the crying woman. "I'm sorry Serena. For everything. Oh, God, I'm soo sorry." Darien turns and walks out of her life again.
So try not to think about what might have been
cause that was then and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again, there is no use giving in
and there is no way to know what might have been

Serena wakes up. 'Oh God, it was only a dream...' She shivers. She never married Seiya, never had a pink-haired little girl, and Darien was still with her. She doesn't know weather to be happy or sad. She hugs the stuffed bunny on her twin bed. The phone rings and she picks it up.

"Serena, I have something to tell you. Meet me at the park in a half hour." Darien said, his voice full of regret.

Serena shakes as she screamed into the phone.

No we'll never know what might have been

I told you that this wasn't a happy fic. I don't know why I wrote this. But I hope you liked it.

Also, If there is a songfic any one wants me to do, please give me suggestions. My email is Give me the song, who wrote it, and what characters you want to see in it. I will mention who gave me the suggestion ^_^. Well, that's it for now. Bye-bye

Sailor Virgo.