Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When you say nothing at all ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"What do you mean `I hate you`? How can you hate us? Without us you would still be a whiny little girl with no friends!" said Rei, using anger to disguise the hurt she felt.
"Usagi? You really don`t mean that do you?" Ami said, on the verge of tears.
"Usa? You couldn`t possibly feel like that…"Minako said, proving that denail wasn`t a river in Egypt.
"You have no IDEA how I feel!! When Trowa left I wanted to die! To curl up under some rock and die!! Fiore was right when he said that it could hurt to be alive! You haven`t let me feel my own emotions, only what you thought I should feel. Oh, and so you know, Minako, I do hate your hair. I hate your personality. I hate the way you act. Rei, get over yourself. NO ONE CARES!!!! Ami, your too shy. GET A LIFE!!! Makoto stop stalking people you don`t know!!! Leave the poor boy alone!!!!" Usagi screamed at them. Because she was so wrapped up in what she was screaming, she never noticed two other people walk up behind them.
"What`s she screaming about?" asked Relena, grabbing on to Hiiro`s arm. Milliardo looked vaguely amused by the scene, and was trying not to laugh at the odango-ed girl. She turned around when she heard Relena`s question. Looking at the new-comers, she noticed Milliardo`s barely suppressed grin.
"What are you, grinning about, long-haired freak?!?!"