Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When you say nothing at all ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Usagi was right, the other girls did join them.seconds before the first act. She and Milliardo were kind enough to save them seats. All the girls wanted to sit next to Quatre, and he ended up surrounded by clingy Relena- like girls. Even Ami had joined in. The other guys and Relena; who was still attached to Hiiro, all took their seats in a much more orderly fashion. Usagi was seated between Relena and her brother, and right now, she was just going to have a little fun..

The first act was okay, but it didn't interest Usagi too much. Then, the performers stepped away, and the announcer yelled, "Next up, we have the lovely Catherine Bloom and her fearless assistant, Nanashi!!"

People who had been to this circus before cheered as if their lives depended on it.