Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sky meets the Ocean ❯ Aqua Response ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Gravity, they say, has the least effect on you when you are in the water, but on the contrary the water itself is another gravity altogether. There's the gravity you feel when your crashing to the ground, there's the gravity between yourself and another being, and then there is the gravity of water that pulls and pushes you from all facets and dimensions. But when you combine all three types of gravity, you are presented with a unique distribution of stress.
Swimming, was something she had done plenty of where the rainwater had collected in basins cut into the mountains, and was always much less of a challenge than riding dragons or practicing swordplay, but either because of the exposed state she wasn't used to sharing with another person, or that other persons adept state of manipulating the media she had only scratched the surface of, she was terribly uneasy. The pool seemed to move in whatever rhythm it felt like as she kicked out in a sloppy attempt to tread water. Beneath her calves and knees she could feel it forming scattered currents, and she tried with great effort to control it and stay afloat, but she remained bobbing up and down like some carcass in the tide. All the while she was watching Michiru glide so effortlessly under the surface, staying down for far longer than she thought was possible for a human, and then coming up relaxed and refreshed like it was no exertion.
But though Haruka was mentally kicking herself for seeming so inadequate, what really put her in an uncomfortable state was the way watching the fluid movements of her companion made her FEEL. She took a few deep breaths and did all she could to shake it off before diving down into the silver lit water in an effort to redeem herself. The shallowest water was about waist high, and it was illuminated white, and as it got deeper it turned into silvery grey, at about neck height it started to shade blue until all the way down at the deepest point there was a murky indigo. In its entirety, the pool was about the size of a standard dragon cave, but Michiru had told her that the caverns were littered with dozens of large pools, some five times the size of this one, and much deeper. There were also many spring rooms and onsens, where subterranean plants grew along the waters edge, and over decorative stones, and she said those were getting so numerous there were nearly three to every inhabitant because they were such a pleasure to design. The grandest of these was sculpted for the priests, and took up a large chamber near the series of shrines. She promised they would go there very soon, and Haruka was beginning to feel that she would much rather take comfort in the shallow spas than attempt to navigate the perilous depths of the natatorium.
Her valiant struggles had led her to the blue zone, and her heart was beating a hundred miles a minute as she floundered to stay afloat. As Michiru emerged from another prolonged warm up dive, she became instantly aware of the fighters situation and slid under the surface quickly toward her. In an instant Haruka felt a steady pair of arms strung around her frantic midsection, and though she let out a breath of relief and clung fast to her rescuer, the contact secretly sent her guts in spin. The water sloshed up against their bare skin, and beneath the surface the slippery catalyst was making every pore of her hindquarters prickle where the smooth forearm was holding beneath and willing her quivering thighs to grasp the nearest support. Support came in the form of Michiru's hips, and she allowed her to hold on for dear life for a fraction of a moment, before using her legs and free arm to maneuver them off to the side. “Haruka, Haruka are you alright? Speak to me, can you breath?” she inquired frantically, scarcely aware of their position and the effect it was having on her friend. “I'm fine, don't worry, I just haven't done this in a long time, and I drifted to where the water was too deep.” Michiru gave her a look of the purest disbelief, as if there was no way in the world she could have just been having an awkward time of it and was somehow perfectly alright, all of her maternal instincts were on fire with distrust and worry, though to Haruka she was showing only half of the anxiety that she felt. “Shh, its fine! I didn't even swallow anything, promise, no worries!” But before she could glare further, a small group of kids came in to use the facility, and she became immediately aware of their appearance. She helped her flustered companion up onto the floor, and in observing her obvious tint she became conscious of the growing warmth in her own cheeks. Though she was unable to pinpoint the source of the occurrence, she took Haruka by the hand and led her to a nearby hot spring where the blush would be less noticeable…
Her reasoning was however flawed, and upon contact with the water it became quite obvious that the mountain girl was not used to such extremity of temperature. She let out the most curious squeal, Michiru thought to herself while seating herself against a carved rock seat. It occurred to her that normal Neptunian squeals were far more, melodic than the one she was observing, and she smiled quite amused with her thoughts. Haruka, on the other hand, was not amused. She did her best to ease into the steaming water and not make a fool of herself, observing Michi's bemused expression, and the smooth green toned rock that lined the comfortably shallow onsen. It adorned the walls, and was carved into statuettes of fishes in some places, and looked even more alight as the water was illuminated with a golden wash. Just as she had calmed herself into one of the carved seats, her eyes fell once again on her beautiful companion, and all the resolve she had piled up crumpled. In the maize light her hair seemed to perk up with a greener tint, sparkling more like seaweed than an oceans surface, and making her entire complexion look even more playful and unpredictable.
Naturally, she lived up to this expectation and began to move toward her with an air of chaotic tendency. In reality, she was merely moving to sit closer and strike up a conversation, but Haruka had no way of knowing what was going on as she found herself lost her now emerald eyes and gold tinged smirk. She could feel her muscles tense up a bit, even in the relaxing heat, it was now acting more like a stimulant. The mystifying effect of the crystals was taking hold as Michiru sat beside her, and appeared in the light to be mischievous despite her innocent intent, yet her eyes too were feeling the hypnosis of the yellow rays. Haruka's short hair was sparkling like pyrite, and her eyes seemed lit from within with molten amber. Though she was blushing furiously the glow of the water was covering it up and smoothing it over like she was proud of whatever rogue thoughts were twinkling behind her pixie-like eyes, and all of the sudden Michiru found herself very much wanting to know all about those thoughts.
Before even time could object, the priestess found herself crawling onto Haruka's lap and slinking her arms slyly around her neck, making her let out another amusing sound before capturing her lips. The cornered lass had no other choice or desire but to clutch the trembling waist, digging her thumb tips lightly in circles and trying to fall in with the frantic rhythm they were trying to assert. She could feel her own chest tighten as Michiru's breasts grated against hers, accompanied by the ever present rustling of water and groans rumbling from deep inside her gut. The hands that had once been grasping her shoulders so tightly were now roaming freely down her back and around to her abdomen, sending bolts of excitement to the groin they were closing in so dangerously near. And all at once, she jerked violently backwards with wide eyes and neck swerving in apologetic disbelief at the bewildered and bothered blonde.
“ sorry, that was so wrong of me, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I never meant to put you in such a position, oh what on Neptune was I doing to you! Please forgive me I had no intention of making you so uncomfortable, you should have told me I was hurting you… The water must have given me a fever spell…” There was nothing she could do or say, so phased by the moment and drowned with the excuses, she didn't get a chance to respond to any of them before the priestess flipping out with apologies on the way back to their rooms. They exchanged lop sided goodnights, and Haruka was alone before she could question. After blinking in the doorway for a solid three minutes, she closed her eyes and a knowing smile crept across her face. No rush, she had half a year to fix those fleeting doubts, and all the inclination in the world to do so.
Sea colored eyes were strained and frustrated with a hot crankiness that began at the very back of the socket and bitched all the way to the front. She hadn't slept well, in fact she had barely slept at all considering the vast amount of time she had spent scolding and chastising herself in the night for what could only have been the devils temptation. The priestess had always been most comfortable when being held responsible, when there was a logical excuse for everything and it was her, because that was something she could always pretend to be able to control next time. But, she feared, that when she was around that lass there was just no controlling her emotions. She had tried meditation, but always came up distracted, tried mantras and excuses but by morning she had decided to write Haruka a note saying that she had religious study to attend to today, and leave some directions for how to spend her time alone. Though, she wasn't quite sure what to have her do, and she was trying her best to create a great deal of distance without coming off as incredibly rude.
So, she tore a sheet of seaweed paper out of a tablet and scribed some raw instructions for how to get to a shallow practice pool, and wrote a brief note about how she should try and get some solid practice time in while she was away, and then they could have a nice dinner together later on. Though, Michiru wasn't sure she would be collected enough to take on another encounter, it would just have to be enough time at the temple to clear her thoughts. Quiet as a swimming fish, she snuck into some loose robes and grabbed a few crystals off of her night tray, and dripped some stray candle wax onto the back of her note to adhere it to Haruka's door. Then she was off into the shadows of the droplet dusted halls, hems dragging tiny sounds against the dampened floor…
Golden eyes bobbed lazily into focus on the ever-burning serpent oil in the hearth, and it took them several moments to register that it wasn't the fire she was used to. After a minute or so, she came to terms with just where she was, and resealed her eyes for a few moments before smiling and rolling out of bed. The familiar smells of canyon sulfur and dragon breath greeted her on her hazel colored tunic, which was just long enough for her not to need pants. She tied it round the waist with some worn cord, which looked decent despite the tremendous usage, and put an amber charm about her neck to be fancy. From the bottom of her chest she fetched her house sandals, which were woven from a durable straw like material, and also had obvious signs of wear, but she looked put together, and trotted confidently out the door with the intent of pouncing on Michiru, but as she closed her own door behind her a piece of greenish parchment fluttered to the ground. Brows knitted as she held it up to read, she found that her companion would not be accompanying her today, and she wouldn't get a chance to patch up yesterdays hoohah until late this evening. What made it even more of a turn off, is she had been advised to “brush up on her swimming techniques” in the kiddie pool, the directions were scrawled out neatly in black ink.
So, having no other alternative at that point, she followed the notes down the corridor a ways, until she came to the shallower practice pool. It was not quite the same size as the one she had gotten lost in yesterday, but there were no children occupying it yet. The water was a nice neutral fleshy tone that shaded into red at the deep end, which was only a little over her head, and so she shrugged and lifted the tunic over her head. Tossing it carelessly into a heap against the eastern wall, along with her belt and sandals, she took a deep breath before diving into the red zone in only her amulet. It was considerably easier for her to manipulate the liquid in this situation, no gorgeous distractions or sprawling areas to get lost in, and she was building a decent pace. Front stroke, backstroke, butterfly stroke, diving, all over the place she found herself swimming with considerable ease, and even when a gaggle of little kids came splashing into the shallow end she was unaffiliated. So much so, the actions became downright boring.
Her pristine concentrations and focus were giving way to thoughts of arrogance, and wishes that Michiru were here to see just how capable she was, and those swiftly deteriorated to thoughts of Michiru. Thoughts of how soft her skin was as she sabotaged her senses yesterday in the onsen, thoughts of just how she would get back at her for that in vivid detail, and while on this chain of images she accidentally inhaled some of the pools contents, and decided to take this somewhere else. The kids were giggling a little, one of them was a little girl with striking green eyes and curled up brown locks, another was a boy with glittering blue and dusty blonde hair a completely different tone than Haru's, and the third was a mysterious little grey eyed lassie with straight long hair somewhere between sienna and sunlight, and the most alluring disposition Haruka had ever observed. She smiled unconsciously while she watched them play and got herself dressed again, heard their melodic laughter that was somehow different than how children sounded back home. They were a lot older while being so much more innocent, without the hardening of the streets or ignorance of abandonment, though there were no elders with them now, it wasn't quite the same roaming as was so common in the mountain empire.
They weren't so extreme to one another, and the commonality of their attitudes was unmistakable, they hadn't seen the cruelties of the rich unto the unfortunate, or the stinginess of those who think every step will be their last and everyone should get the hell out of the way so they can walk however they choose. They hadn't the lines of worry or the scars of grief, not like the street could do to a youth, not like orphanhood could do to someone, did do to Haruka. But she could hardly complain, she did have a big upper hand in her own society, but she could still differentiate between her home kids and these mellow youths. They looked at each other so levelly it was alien; they played in the nude as though their families had nothing to be ashamed of, as if there really was nothing to hide behind their eyes. Save for the grey one, she was hiding something far more than shame or fear, though Ruka couldn't quite see what unknown truth was humming there, she knew that the playing fields were as level as the ocean save for that grey eyed knowledge.
There were always people like that, though children seemed more precious, that had that sparkle of insight behind their smiles and dancing in their auras some shimmering plane that nobody else could see but them. And though Michiru was a hardened priestess, Haruka hadn't been able to see that spark yet, the one that told you she was a holy being beyond what you could grasp, and that inspired her curiosity to fulfill that question right then and there. The question of just what Michiru practiced, just how her being sparkled more magically, and how beautiful it must be for her to be recognized and taken for what she truly is. It is a rare beast that is taken for its true form, and there are many beasts that possess that advanced state of awareness, but it takes an honestly skilled person to appreciate what can be seen of one who really knows what they are. And Haruka is one of those gifted few, who were chosen to protect those with the sacred flame…
Footsteps in the deeper part of the colony told Haruka where an unknowing guide could be found, and after wandering amongst the Neptune populous she chanced upon a robed figure who might take her where curiosity beckoned. Though around her the hustle and bustle was too fascinating, and she found her sensed being assaulted with wild sounds and sights very much like and unlike the ruckus of a bazaar. There were vendors of all sorts of fabulous items, crystals and divinations in all different forms, balls and gemstones with inviting facets, crystal goblets for pegomancy and beautifully crafted reading cards. All the artists were out on display, beyond Haruka's knowledge, it was a Thursday, and each Thursday a grand artisan faire is set up here in the large plaza she had stumbled into at the centermost point in the colony. Stands with draping runners and cloths featured tarot, and runes decorated every surface imaginable, stones and carvings and talismans all embellished to the hilt with precious things, crafting of garments and wares for all sorts of occasions, utensils for prayer and for cooking, mixing and matching the events into so many objects.
Baubles and trinkets were out on indigo dyed mats, shells and dried fish commodities like scales and teeth adorning each merchants spread, she moved along the rows and kept a close eye on her leader she neared the herbs and nonperishables, a wide selection of teas and powders for just about any ailment. Embroidered sachets with sweet smelling grasses and weeds from the seaside, and bottles of precious fluids and oils in a wild frenzy of colors and textures, some drained from fish and some juiced from reeds. Some of the vendors were old fisherman, some were fathers aided by their nearest sons to learn the family trade, and a large band of what would be like gypsies back home was clustered around a set of booths with elaborate ribbons and crystal lighting, laughing and dancing with strange instruments. Peeking over and making sure the priest she was tailing would stay within eyes reach, she sashayed over to the circle of splendid color, and began to examine the amazing instruments. Bells for ankles and wrists and necks, tiny symbols that the lovely green eyed lady running the shift told her were called castanets, sets of hide covered drums and flutes of all shapes an designs.
Before she could try out one of the pipes that caught her interest, a round of great laughter rippled through the crowd of merry men and women, and she couldn't help but smile as they shouted up a cheer and began a loose dance with the castanets, and a steady but varied drum chorus. The well-built lady behind the table smiled wide as well, and when she looked over at Haruka she knew just what to do. “Come on then lass, join us for a spell! You look made for dancing!” And with that the woman took her by the wrist and playfully led her into the circle, demonstrating the basic steps a couple times before cheering and joining in herself. Haruka tried her hardest to catch on to the steps, and a skinny lady with hair tied back that hung down to her waist and a silver circlet about her brow put an arm about her midback and helped her move into the rhythm. They danced side by side like that for a while, Haru studying closely the patterns she was showed, and eventually the lady nodded and smiled in agreement. She had reminded Haruka a lot of the little girl with the misty grey eyes, and as she moved off into the crowd as naturally as she had appeared she was left with an odd feeling of ease and belonging. Dancing on her own was becoming increasingly comfortable, and by the time the song was ending she had tested out some moves of her own and had a fair number of people watching her.
“Say now lady, your not native here are ye?” Asked a grey bearded man with winding tribal tattoo work and a pleasant grin that went all the way up to his temples.
“No kind sir, I've come on a diplomatic mission from Uranus.”
“Well Ill be, a mistress from the sky castles! How exciting it is to have such a new face in our midst! How long will ye be among us?”
“My stay will be for six moon cycles.” Said Haruka matter of factly, but there was a genuine appreciation for the opportunity the time presented among such fascinating people, she was beginning to love the gypsies very much already.
“Hail sweet lassie, that's wondrous news, welcome welcome a hundred times over! My name es Keldon, and this be the Aukwefox troop. That over there is Agraynel, my lady whom you've already danced with, and about me are Cauri, Brennan, Donny, and Kris, to name a few, I'm sure over the course of your extended stay you will get the chance to know us more closely.” The individuals he mentioned all bowed their heads in turn, bells rustling slightly as the troop gathered around Haruka with care. Despite the bright representation of every value on the spectrum, the fabrics seemed to blend harmoniously in a common shade that negated all pastel. They tended to be clad in more mature tones and Haruka noted that it gave them an almost ageless quality when contrasted with one another.
“I would like that very much Keldon, my name is Haruka Tennoh, and I'm awfully sorry but you see, I'm trying to see what Michi has ditched me for the day in favor of, do you happen to know the way to the prayer chambers?”
“Aye, the colony is littered with chambers both public and private, but you must be referring to the great shrines that take up a level all there own for the priests and lady priests. Tis a beautiful thing to see, though it makes me sad that they must restrain themselves so unnaturally to do the work they do. We often send scouts there to snag a holy before they retire, and treat them to a night of festivity to ease their toil, and nobody has objected thus far, seems to be doin some good to those crotchy old shamans! Why last week we caught three of em by surprise, and got them to dance the river dance with us, quite a sight I must tell you.” He said with a jovial glint in his eye. “Right then, yes milady we can take you there no problem at all, but you must promise me something.”
“What's that?”
“That the next chance you get, come visit us in the main encampment to the west of this plaza, see that main tunnel leading out of here to our left? Just follow that down till your ears pop just once, and then look for a large echoing hollow through a small pass in the left wall, and you will be greeted by the jingling of bells and beating of gay drums! Our music never sleeps, and I can assure you it would be very difficult not to find us by following that sound. Is that a deal young miss?” Haruka stretched her neck up to peer over the crowd in the direction he had indicated, and saw the large entryway.
“You bet, Ill see if Michiru will come too and Ill help you dance the priestly stiffness out of her!” She said with an air of newfound confidence, as though that was exactly the action she should take in her quest to coax Michiru out of her over responsibility and oppression of her emotions. A round of cheers went through the crowd of good spirits, and Keldon picked a couple others to go with them to the temples, and they melded into the sea of civilians where each was severed from the gypsy standard and appeared like shadows in the throng…